At the same time, the letter written by Farushan to Alhaysen also arrived in Xumi City with the traveling merchant caravan and was delivered to the other party.

It's unbelievable!

When Elhaysen received the letter from Fa Lushan, he was discussing with Seno whether to re-enact the academic bill.

When he casually opened the envelope and glanced at the contents on the letter paper, Elhaysen's mouth corners instantly pulled down, and a hint of speechlessness flashed in his eyes.

What's wrong? Could it be that Fa Lushan encountered some difficulties?

It's not difficult at's just that I was surprised that my position changed so quickly.

Chapter 700 The conversation between Elhaysen and Seno

What do you mean?

Seno looked at the expressionless Elhaysen with confusion, as if he didn't understand what the other party said about Fa Lushan's stance.

The other party can only go to Liyue in a few months, right? should first read what she said in this letter.

Elheisen chuckled, and then handed the letter in his hand to Seno.

Although he didn't quite understand the meaning of Elhaysen's words, Seno still reached out to take the letter from the other party and read it carefully.

After reading the content recorded in the letter, he shook his head helplessly at the companion in front of him who had experienced saving the little Lucky Grass King with him:

What did I think? It turned out that I was just exchanging public knowledge with Liyue, and it was not confidential or forbidden knowledge. Your accusation against Fa Lushan was a bit too serious.

Compared with this, I'm more curious about why Liyue suddenly started collecting this knowledge.

Who knows, maybe Liyue has developed something similar to the void system.

Liyue has developed an invention similar to the void?

Hearing Elhaysen's speculation, Seno was shocked and asked in disbelief:

Are you sure you're not joking?

I won't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

Hearing Seno's doubts, Elhaysen clicked his tongue, and couldn't help but think of his previous guesses.

There is a high probability that Romani Solomon, who caused the quarrel in Xumi, and Little Lucky Grass King are allies on the same front.

Whether it was the former great sage Azar or he and Seno, they were completely deceived from the beginning to the end by those two people.

Elhaysen even guessed that Romani Solomon might have been sent by Liyue's new Tianshu star to make a deal with Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

After all, during the Xumi Incident, the former great sage Azar was overthrown by him and Seno and others, and the little Lucky Grass King who was imprisoned in Jingshan Palace was rescued.

King Daci Shu also took this opportunity to return to the world.

After a 'farce', everyone benefited, and only the former great sage Azar suffered a loss.

As for the benefits that Romani Solomon received...

I'm afraid that the other party has taken away the core component of the void system, which is the God's Heart of the Grass God.

So after seeing the content requirements in Fa Lushan's letter, Elhaysen couldn't help but immediately doubt whether Liyue had invented something similar to the void system.

Liyue's technology develops so fast?

Although I don't know the reason why Elhaysen thinks so, the expression on the other person's face doesn't seem like he's talking nonsense.

This can't help but make Sano very surprised by Liyue's recent development.

As far as I know, Liyue's development in the past two years is really not slow.

Faced with the surprise of the Gale Disciplinary Officer, Elhaysen took out a piece of information from his God's Eye space and handed it to him. At the same time, he did not forget to explain:

The newly appointed Tianshu Xing is not only very courageous in political affairs, but he also seems to be an incredible alchemist.

It does look a bit impressive.

After reading the information delivered by Elhaysen, Seno had to admit that what the other party said was indeed true.

According to intelligence records, Liyue also encountered considerable turmoil in the past two years. However, with the mediation of Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, the crisis was safely overcome and a new city was even built in Guiliyuan.

At the same time, the other party also used his own talent to invite the son of Baichao, who the Order Academy attached great importance to, to Liyue to study together.

At present, Liyue has produced many inventions that are beneficial to the development of the country.


Thinking of this, Seno couldn't help but joked to Elhaysen:

The recent situation in Xumi is so complicated, do you still have the energy to collect intelligence from other countries?

I don't have that spare time. This is information collected while Azar was still in power.

Facing Seno's ridicule to him, Elhaysen folded his hands on his chest and explained the source of this information expressionlessly.

And if you look at the final approval document of the intelligence, the intelligence personnel clearly suggested that Xumi should trade with Liyue to obtain inventions that are beneficial to the development of the country.

In the end, Azar arrogantly refused.!

After listening to Elhaysen's story, Seno immediately frowned.

Elhaysen, I know that Azar made an unforgivable mistake, but the other party is not an incapable person.

It's impossible for him not to see the benefits of inventions such as cement and electric lights mentioned in the intelligence.


As soon as Seno finished speaking, Elhaysen frowned just like him.

The former Great Sage Azar did make a lot of mistakes when he imprisoned the Little Lucky Grass King with the intention of creating a god, but the other party also climbed to the position of Great Sage by relying on his own abilities.

It would be too derogatory for such a person to say that he cannot see the impact of inventions such as cement and electric light on a country.

Seeing Elhaysen react, Seno reached out and flicked the document filled with information:

It seems there is something wrong with the source of this information.

You mean to say that someone deliberately put this information in the pile of documents so that I could accidentally see it?

It's very possible.

Seeing that Seno agreed with his conjecture, Elhaysen's face darkened, and his words became a little more solemn:

Seno, help me find out who submitted this information.

Using this method, has the competitive atmosphere in the Order Academy reached this level now!

Do you suspect that someone is using Hazard, who has lost power, to gain more credit for himself?

Elhaysen shook his head and said slowly:

I'm not sure, so I need you to help me get to the bottom of it.

Let's see if it's Azar's own arrogance or someone playing tricks inside.

No problem, leave it to me!

Hearing Elhaysen's request, Seno nodded very solemnly, and then put the document into his God's Eye space.

After doing all this, he remembered that Fa Lushan's matter had not yet been answered, and he quickly asked:

By the way, how do you plan to handle Fa Lushan's request?

It's just a document that can be disclosed to the public. Just promise her.

Elhaysen gave his answer without hesitation, and at the same time he did not forget to add:

We can also take this opportunity to seek cooperation with Liyue. Inventions such as cement and electric lights that are beneficial to national construction are also needed.

I understand. Who do you plan to send to Liyue to discuss cooperation?

You can ask Tinali if he is willing to make this trip.


Just when Elhaysen and Sano were discussing sending someone to Liyue to discuss cooperation, Han Xiao and the others' research had reached the moment of final acceptance.

Chapter 701 Blue... blue screen?

Liyue Alchemy Workshop.

A space has been cleared in the center of the living room and carpeted. The four Han Xiaos and Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who flew all the way from Mingyun Town, are all sitting around the carpet.

Placed among them were a large number of metal molds of various shapes and alchemy components engraved with dense runes.

Everything is here, let's start assembling it!

I designed the monitor, and I will assemble it.

Leave the power to me.

As Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun directly took over the job of assembling the monitor, the other people followed closely and chose one item to start assembling.

Fortunately, several people in the workshop have basically mastered the knowledge required to make a desktop computer during this time. Although it was a bit slow at first, they soon became proficient.

The alchemy motherboard, which is engraved with runes and has many components welded on, is fixed in the mold, and then it is completely sealed.

Power supply, graphics card, monitor, etc...

One after another, artifacts that Han Xiao was very familiar with were born in this small workshop.

After all the accessories were assembled, Han Xiao installed them one by one into the mold of the chassis under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Then connect the power supply, and then connect the keyboard and mouse with Teyvat text printed on them.

A desktop computer with a very alchemical style is presented to everyone.

Is this what the desktop computer looks like? It's almost the same as what's recorded in the book!

Looking at the newly born desktop computer in front of her, Fa Lushan was the first to sigh.

Han Xiao, Abedo and Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun took most of the credit for transforming the props from another world into Teyvat in such a short period of time.

After all, before she and Angus arrived, they had already mastered the knowledge of production principles.

Hanxiao, let me see if the desktop computer can run normally!

I understand, Master Liuyun!

Hearing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's urging, Han Xiao did not hesitate and reached out to press the power start button on the chassis.


With the sizzling sound of electric current, the fan installed inside started running instantly.

Immediately afterwards, characters composed of zeros and ones flashed across the display.

After waiting for about two minutes, the characters on the display disappeared and were replaced by a clean background desktop.

Huh...fortunately nothing went wrong!

The moment he saw the system running successfully, Abedo couldn't help but let out a breath, and finally felt relieved.


However, the next second, the entire screen instantly turned into a dazzling blue, with garbled symbols popping up all the time.

Ah this...

The sudden change of the desktop made everyone present stunned, and everyone was thinking about which link caused the problem.

It should still be a system writing problem.

Looking at a series of garbled codes flashing on the screen, Han Xiao rubbed her chin while giving her own judgment.

The underlying architecture of the operating system is very complex. Their development time is short and the manpower is not very sufficient. It is normal for bugs to appear.

It seems that our next task is to improve the system's loopholes.

Hearing Han Xiao's judgment, Abedo immediately understood that they would probably spend some time on the desktop computer.


at dusk.

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