Han Xiao shrugged, how could he and Abedo not know about what Fa Lushan was worried about.

Therefore, they do not plan to ask the two countries for that part of the confidential information, but to exchange those that can be made public.

The difficulty should be reduced a lot if only the information that can be disclosed is traded.

In this case, I can write to Elhaysen, who is now the acting great sage of the Order Academy, but you may also have to offer some exchangeable knowledge.

Knowing that Han Xiao and Abedo did not intend to ask for confidential document knowledge, Fa Lushan volunteered to take over the task of contacting Xumi.

Although Xumi is a country of scholars, some ancient books and some publicly available technical documents in Liyue are also beneficial to Xumi.

It's a good deal for both parties to exchange.

Then Xumi will ask Senior Fa Lushan to negotiate with you!

Seeing that Fa Lushan wanted to take over the task of trading with Xumi, Han Xiao happily agreed to the other party's request, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

When he controlled the void system in Sumeru, he 'recorded' a lot of secret knowledge in front of the Little Lucky Grass King.

It's just that although this knowledge is a 'welfare' given by the other party by default, Han Xiao is not embarrassed to show it openly.

With Fa Lushan's help, he was finally able to come up with some of it.

Chapter 695 Fa Lushan faces the temptation of funds

I will discuss with Lisa on Mondstadt. Except for the restricted book area, the remaining books should be exchanged.

When Han Xiaojian handed over the task of contacting Xumi to Fa Lushan, Abedo also took the opportunity to reveal his plan.

He plans to explain this matter to Lisa, the current chief scribe of the Mondstadt Library. If it does not involve the knowledge of the restricted book area, I believe the other party will agree.

After all, Liyue will also send some of his and Han Xiao's research materials on alchemy and machinery.

Of course, what they send out is also the part that can be made public.

Then I'll be waiting for your good news!

Hearing that Fa Lushan and Abedo had taken the initiative to add a database to glasses, Han Xiao immediately spoke words of encouragement to them.

Now that you have made plans for this matter, let's get back to the topic now!

On the other side, Angus, who had been playing with the glasses for a long time, put the glasses back on the experimental table. At the same time, he folded his arms and looked at the people:

I have a doubt right now. I wonder if you two can explain it to me?

What do you want to ask?

Seeing his brother speak, Abedo turned to look at him.

The functions of these glasses are indeed very powerful, but they look expensive.

Angus raised his fingers and tapped the metal temples of his glasses, and said pointedly:

The material you used to make the chips before was an extremely rare alchemical metal, and the lenses were also made from a combination of white crystal and other alchemical materials.

The cost of the pair of glasses we have in front of us can probably buy a very large villa in Guili City!

The cost of glasses is indeed not low, but why do you ask?

Abedo nodded. Both he and Han Xiao knew the cost of the glasses very well. It was an astronomical figure that ordinary people could not even imagine.

How many pairs of glasses do you have to sell at such an expensive price to make back the money?

I always feel like you misunderstood something.

Hearing Angus's thoughts, Albedo looked at his so-called brother with a strange expression on his face.

Han Xiao and I never said we would sell glasses as merchandise, right?


Hearing this, Angus was stunned.

If Han Xiao and Abedo don't plan to sell glasses to recoup their funds, then why are they making glasses?

It seems that you have indeed misunderstood. These glasses are really not for sale.

Seeing that Angus and Fa Lushan were staring at her as soon as she spoke her words, Han Xiao seemed to have stepped on something, and she repeatedly stated the true purpose of their creation of glasses:

We will only make five pairs of these glasses. They are considered as welfare equipment for our R\u0026D team.

It's actually for us?

Fa Lushan and Angus were overjoyed when they heard Han Xiao's thoughts.

Even though they have pointed out some shortcomings of the glasses before, their functionality and practicality are unparalleled and they are absolutely powerful.

What made them even more unexpected was that Han Xiao and Abedo did not intend to circulate these glasses to the outside world, but only planned to circulate them internally.

Han Xiao is right.

After hearing Han Xiao's arrangements for the glasses, Albedo also responded:

This kind of portable glasses is not only expensive to make, but also has too good performance. It is not suitable for product launch.

It was Xumi's sudden use of an overly advanced void terminal that caused problems throughout the Order Academy.

With the lessons learned before him, he and Han Xiao would naturally not make the same mistakes again.

“So what are you planning to launch?”

Isn't it a personal multi-purpose computer?

Well, it is indeed that kind of computer device.

Thinking of the records about computer equipment she had seen in the information given by Han Xiao, Fa Lushan couldn't help but frowned, raised her finger and pointed at the glasses on the experimental table and asked:

No...I said you can make this kind of device that is similar to a void terminal. Why do you still want to make a personal computer that looks quite bulky?

You haven't reacted yet, Fa Lushan.

Fa Lushan did not understand the hidden meaning of Abedo's previous words, but Angus on the side had already understood what Han Xiao and the others were doing.

They are just worried that if computers are made too convenient and powerful, the trouble caused by the Void System may happen again in Liyue.

Angus is right, that's what Abedo and I planned.

Hearing Angus's words, Han Xiao nodded quite simply and admitted the other party's guess.

At first, the Void System was too convenient and powerful, causing the Sumeru people to suddenly regard it as a dependency. As a result, the academic field of the Academy was basically stagnant for five hundred years.

Facing the scene that Xumi had appeared before, Han Xiao and Abedo didn't want this scene to happen again to Mond and Liyue.

Therefore, their idea is very simple, that is, to gradually open up the capabilities of computers and the Internet.

Could it be that you plan to gradually promote the popularization of computers according to the historical development in the book?

After receiving an affirmative answer, Fa Lushan thought of the development history of computers recorded in the book Han Xiao gave her, and quickly guessed what the two were planning.

Are they planning to have the Teyvat continent repeat the process of computer development in another world?

Absolutely correct, but we will shorten the time limit slightly.

Han Xiao nodded, this was what he and Abedo had planned.

After all, only in this way can people become subconsciously familiar with computers as a product, and make most people realize that computers are just a tool, not a dependency.

Although they don't know whether this can completely eliminate Sumeru's dependence on the void system, it can at least extend this period of time significantly.

Should I say that you are thoughtful or shrewd businessmen?

Facing the two people who had already made up their minds, Fa Lushan couldn't help but cover her forehead with her hands, her face full of helplessness.

She finally understood that they did this to cut off people's dependence on computers, but they definitely had no intention of giving up making money.

After all, isn’t it obvious which one is more profitable, equipment that is ready in one step or equipment that needs to be upgraded step by step?

We also need funds to do research.

Regarding Fa Lushan's complaints, Han Xiao seemed very calm, and at the same time asked the other party a question:

If it were you, which one do you think you would choose?

Of course it's the same as you!

Fa Lushan gave her answer without thinking.

Nonsense, what researchers like them lack most is funding. Now it can reduce people's dependence on terminals and obtain funding openly. Of course she will choose this.

That's okay. Abedo and I have already designed the drawings of the first laptop. We will prepare the prototype later.

If you want a laptop, just start with a desktop!

Knowing that Han Xiao and Abedo planned to skip the previous steps and start directly with a laptop, Fa Lushan immediately said that this would be a big loss and that it would be most cost-effective to start with a desktop computer!

Chapter 696: The Void System and the Internet

It must be said that Fa Lushan blurted out the sentence desktop, which made the three people present immediately look at her with admiration.

There's no need to start with a desktop computer...

Abedo was a little surprised and glanced at Fa Lushan, who seemed to have turned on a strange switch, and there was a little more hesitation in his tone.

He and Han Xiao could even make microchips. It would be very cost-effective to scale them up and make them into notebooks.

The desktop computer is too bulky and feels less convenient than a laptop.

“I think it’s better to start with a desktop computer!”

Unfortunately, facing Fa Lushan, whose funding switch has been turned on, she still thinks that it is better to start with a desktop computer than a laptop.

When members of the R\u0026D team disagreed, the decision-making power fell on Han Xiao.

Looking at the eyes of the two people on her, Han Xiao couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Both laptops and desktops have their own benefits.

The notebook mold is simple to make and can be made in one piece, which is relatively time-saving and labor-saving.

Although the accessories of desktop computers are a bit fragmented, from the perspective of earning money, they make more money than laptops.

Angus, what do you think?

Han Xiao, who couldn't make up his mind, couldn't help but cast his eyes on Angus who was standing aside.


Seeing Han Xiao bring the topic to him, Angus thought for a long time before slowly giving his thoughts:

I think it depends on whether our funds are sufficient.

Funding issues...

As soon as Angus said this, Han Xiao and the three of them fell into silence.

To say whether the research funds allocated by Guilicheng to the alchemy workshop are large, it is naturally a lot.

After all, Hanxiao and Abedo's various research results in the past two years have greatly promoted the rapid development of Guili City and driven huge economic benefits.

With the money, Guili City, or Han Xiao, added a lot of funds to the alchemy workshop, allowing the alchemy workshop to continuously research more projects that can produce benefits.

Generally speaking, a virtuous cycle has been formed between Guilicheng and the workshop.

But the problem also arises here. Han Xiao is not only a researcher, but also the person in charge of Guili City.

Education, military, public facilities and welfare, etc., these are all projects that require large sums of money.

He couldn't blindly increase the proportion of the workshop's funds.

So now the funding limit of the Alchemy Workshop has actually reached a saturation point.

Although Han Xiao and Abedo are the kind of people who are not short of money because they hold dividends from many inventions, they can't use their own money to do research.

Han Xiao didn't care. After all, he was the person in charge of Guili City and he didn't have much desire for money.

But Abedo's problem is different.

Even though Han Xiao knew that Abedo had no interest in money, after all, he was the one who invited Liyue to do research, so he couldn't let him pay for the work.

It would be a bit unreasonable to really do this.

Make a desktop!

After thinking for a long time, Han Xiao finally decided to follow Fa Lushan's suggestion and start with a desktop computer.

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