If Han Xiao and Abedo hadn't mastered the 'black technology' of alchemy, the existing industrial system of Teyvat Continent would not have been able to create this thing.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of Fa Lushan and Angus, Han Xiao and Abedo got the first part they needed.

Chapter 693 Central Processing Unit

so small!

Looking at the first part produced under the joint operation of Han Xiao and Abedo, the first reaction in Fa Lushan's mind was that this thing was too small.

Obviously when they selected the material, they chose a metal ingot that was the size of the palm of their hand. As a result, the finished product was only slightly larger than the nail of the thumb.

The contrast is a little big!

What surprised Fa Lushan even more was that the front of this square part, which was not much bigger than a fingernail, was covered with strange patterns, while the back revealed dense yellow stitches.

The workmanship is extremely precise.

And Fa Lushan also roughly recognized what the thing Han Xiao and the two made was.

If she admitted it correctly, this should be the 'chip' she had read about in books during this period.

It's just that it's not clear what role this chip can play.

Hanxiao, Abedo, what is the use of this chip you made?

While Fa Lushan was still wondering what the purpose of this thing was, Angus on the side didn't care so much and directly asked the doubts that he and Fa Lushan had.

He also recognized that the thing made by Han Xiao and Abedo was the chip recorded in the book.

It's a central processing unit that Abedo and I designed.

After carefully placing the chip into a small storage box specially prepared on the experimental table, Han Xiao just answered.

You should have seen the introduction in the book. This thing is the computing and control core of the entire system. It is the final execution unit for information processing and program execution.

I remember it was called CPU.

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Angus pondered for a moment and found the identity of the chip from his memory.

Yes, it is the cornerstone of our Internet system!

Before Han Xiao could speak, Albedo couldn't help but sigh.

Although this thing is small in size, its technical content is really quite high.

Although the chip itself adopts the von Neumann architecture from another world, it only borrows the architecture from this mature system. The internal parts were redesigned bit by bit by him and Han Xiao.

This small chip contains a series of Teyvat's unique technologies such as runes, alchemy, and elemental circuits.

For example, the mechanical signal channels are replaced by etched elemental circuits, and the controllers, arithmetic units and other units inside the chip also adopt a design that combines mechanics and runes, etc.

To put it simply, although this chip is roughly the same in structure and function as the chip in another world, the materials and operating logic used inside are completely different, which is more in line with the characteristics of the Teyvat continent.

After briefly answering Angus's question, Abedo and Han Xiao stopped talking and accelerated the movements of their hands.

Soon, a series of weird parts were born in their hands one by one.

Immediately after, Albedo pulled over the movable alchemy table in the laboratory, and following a dazzling operation, an ear-hung spectacle frame with thick temples appeared in front of several people.

Taking the glasses handed over by Abedo, Han Xiao first pried open the thick temples to reveal the complex internal structure, then used tweezers to carefully pick up the chip and put it in little by little.


Since the drawings had been designed before the experiment, the chip made a soft click when it was placed into the inner space of the temple leg.

Han Xiao was installing parts into the mold, and Albedo on the side was not idle either. He directly took out two pieces of crystal raw material that had been prepared long ago, and polished them into two transparent lenses using mechanical grinding wheels and alchemy.

The two people's operations were extremely smooth. You can imagine how many simulations they had done in private for today.

Finally, under the joint gaze of Fa Lushan and Angus, a pair of black-framed glasses that looked slightly bulky appeared in front of them.

It's finally done!

The moment he saw the physical object taking shape, Han Xiao put down the precision tools he was using for micro-manipulation. At the same time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and looked at the finished product on the experimental table with a face full of joy.

It went better than we expected.

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Abedo's usually expressionless face showed a slight smile.

For the birth of this little thing, he and Han Xiao used all their abilities.

This pair of glasses combines the structure of the other world, alchemy, runes, elemental circuits, and some of Canria's technologies that do not involve earth veins and abyss.

To put it bluntly, this is the highest technical work they can currently display.

Which one of you will give it a try?

Seeing Fa Lushan and Angus who were very interested, Han Xiao pointed to the glasses on the experimental table and asked them with a smile:

I dare not say that this thing is unique to the Teyvat continent, but at least it is the kind that no one has seen in the past five hundred years.

I have experience in using the void system, so let me try it.

After glancing at Angus, and with the other's consent, Fa Lushan picked up the glasses on the experimental table and slowly placed them on her ears.

What to do next?

There is a button for charging crystals on the temples. Press it.

After hearing Albedo's instructions, Falushan stretched out her index finger and moved it back and forth on the temples. She soon touched a small bump, and then pressed it slightly with her finger.


Accompanied by a sound similar to that of pressing down the blue axis of a mechanical keyboard, a translucent void interface that was very imaginative of a void terminal appeared in front of Fa Lushan's eyes.

At the same time, her head began to shake, and it seemed that everything in the laboratory was sprouting flowers.

Seeing the other party's strange behavior, Angus couldn't help but ask:

Fa Lushan, what are you looking at?

I was looking at the bends and wear of the experimental bench. After putting on my glasses, specific introductions appeared on these objects.

While answering Angus, Fa Lushan squatted down and stretched out her hand to fumble back and forth on the experimental table.

It reminded me that there is a slight crack on the experimental table. I was looking for...oh, I found it. There is really a tiny crack!

After confirming that the information provided by the glasses was correct, Fa Lushan stood up and looked at Albedo and Han Xiao. As a result, no information was provided on the translucent interface.

Speaking of which, why don't you have any relevant tips for watching people?

Because Abedo and I did not add the function of scanning the human body. After all, this involves personal privacy and is particularly unfriendly to women.

Hearing Fa Lushan's question, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and bluntly stated that they had not added this function at all.

After all, if this function is added, it will be beaten.

Especially for a certain Fire A in the Rebirth Hall, if the opponent knew that he was not able to protect all his enemies, he would chase him with a goma and chop him down.

Chapter 694: Carry the library with you

This is a good tool!

After wearing her glasses and scanning the entire workshop several times, Fa Lushan took off her glasses and handed them to Angus, who had been waiting for a long time.

After the other party started to experience wearing the glasses, she told Han Xiao and Abedo her evaluation of the glasses.

This pair of glasses is very practical for making machine parts.

As expected of Senior Fa Lushan, he said the key point in one sentence.

After hearing Fa Lushan's comments on the glasses he and Abedo made, Han Xiao couldn't help but give them a thumbs up.

The main reason why he and Abedo chose to make this pair of glasses was to make it more convenient for their four research and development teams to do research.

Is it specially made for our future research and development?

Knowing that Han Xiao and Abedo made these glasses for their four-person research and development team, Fa Lushan couldn't help but lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then raised her head and asked:

The function of scanning object data is indeed very practical, but this function alone does not seem to be of much help, right?

You took it off too quickly, Fa Lushan.

At this moment, Angus took off his glasses and took over the topic:

I found that in addition to the function of scanning data, these glasses also have a large amount of academic information built into them, and they are all clearly organized according to categories. They also have a search function, which is very convenient to search.

It actually has such a function?

Hearing this, Fa Lushan quickly reached out to take the glasses from Angus and put them on again. Then she followed the other person's instructions, then took off the glasses and exclaimed:

“This function of searching literature materials at any time is more useful than scanning data!”

Angus is talking about the other two functions of glasses, search engine and database.

Seeing that both Fa Lushan and Angus were amazed by the new functions of their glasses, Albedo calmly named the two functions.

Currently, these two features are not fully functional because the data is built-in.


In an instant, Fa Lushan understood the meaning of Abedo's words. Her beautiful eyes shone with unprecedented luster, and even her tone of voice couldn't help but become excited:

According to the definition of the Internet, Jie Shi's glasses can query all information on the Internet through the Internet like a void terminal!

Tsk tsk... In other words, as long as the Internet is successfully built, wearing these glasses will be equivalent to carrying a library with you?

As soon as Fa Lushan finished speaking, Angus couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and there was a sense of excitement in his words.

Thinking about it, among the people present, he was not intimidated by anyone in terms of talent, but in terms of basic skills, he was indeed the weakest.

It would be a great help to Angus if he had a 'library' that he could carry with him.

It is indeed possible to carry the library with you when connected to the Internet, but it is still difficult to achieve.

Seeing that both Fa Lushan and Angus were excited about this function of glasses, Han Xiao poured cold water on them both.

Yeah...the basic network library is not that easy to build.

Albedo on the side also sighed.

Currently, the glasses are filled with documents about mechanism and alchemy uploaded by him and Han Xiao, but they have not stored most of the secret and taboo information in them.

The remaining part are some Liyue ancient books provided by Ningguang. They are of great cultural and historical value, but they do not play much role in research.

So overall, the information in glasses is not rich, and it is difficult to call it a portable library at present.

Then have you thought of any other solutions?

Knowing that the amount of literature stored in the glasses database was not very rich, Angus quickly asked Han Xiao and Abedo if they had any good solutions.

After all, this thing is the most helpful to him at first glance, and he also hopes that this function can be improved the most.

Hearing Angus' questioning, Han Xiao and Abedo looked at each other.

They really thought about how to solve this problem.

After receiving Han Xiao's signal through his eyes, Abedo revealed their previous plan:

Han Xiao and I are going to contact Mond and Xumi to see if we can discuss a deal.

Mondstadt and Sumeru?

As soon as these words came out, Fa Lushan and Angus immediately understood what Han Xiao and Abedo were thinking.

The Knights of Mondzewind have the largest known library in the Teyvat continent, with a comprehensive collection of books.

Although the Xumi Order has been using the void system before, it also maintains a large number of paper archives.

If the literature and materials of these two countries can be moved into the glasses' database, it can be said to be a library that can be carried with you.

This is a bit difficult!

After understanding Han Xiao and Abedo's thoughts, Fa Lushan frowned immediately.

Mondstadt's great library houses a large number of banned books, all of which cannot be disseminated publicly.

The same is true for Xumi. A large part of the literature is academic research materials, which are also of the type that cannot be transmitted externally.

So to be honest, she was not very optimistic about Han Xiao and Abedo's ideas.

Mond and Xumi will most likely reject their proposal.

“Currently, we plan to focus on the part of the transaction documents that can be made public, and we will not consider the others for the time being.”

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