Now there are four researchers including him in the Alchemy Workshop, and each of them is a big money burner.

Guilicheng's blindly increasing funds is not the answer. It is better to rely on the workshop to make profits.

Okay, then I'll redesign the drawings later.

Seeing that Hanxiao decided to start with desktop computers, Abedo had no objection.

It's just a matter of modifying the drawings, which is not difficult for him at all.

Before that, let's make a few more pairs of glasses.


With the general direction in mind, Han Xiao and the others quickly produced a few more pairs of glasses terminals.

Although this thing is a bit too advanced for release, it is just right for use inside the workshop.

Anyone selected at random by several people in the workshop is the top group in each industry, and the glasses terminal has a very good assisting effect on them.

Especially Angus, who has a relatively weak foundation. With the help of the database that comes with the glasses terminal, his learning progress can be said to be rapid.

This is not to say that the glasses terminal has any function of instilling knowledge. The main reason is that for people with extraordinary talents like Angus, saving the time of looking for books is enough to speed up their development.

I have to say, this glasses terminal is really easy to use.

In the alchemy workshop, after reading another book on alchemy, Angus on the sofa couldn't help but sigh.

Then he looked at Fa Lushan, who was also wearing glasses and standing on the experimental table polishing machine parts, and couldn't help but curiously asked:

Fa Lushan, was Xumi's void terminal more powerful than our glasses terminal?

You asked me about the Void Terminal?

After hearing Angus's inquiry, Falushan, who was polishing machine parts, put down the tools in her hand, thought about it carefully and gave what she thought was a fair evaluation:

Today, the function of the glasses terminal is not as good as that of the void terminal, but once it is connected to the Internet, it will be hard to say.

Oh, can you elaborate on the differences?

Fa Lushan's comments immediately aroused a lot of interest in Angus. He had always heard about how powerful Xumi's Void Terminal was, but after all, he had never seen the real thing.

In his opinion, the function of the glasses terminal is already very good, but whether it is Han Xiao, Abedo or Fa Lushan, they all seem to evaluate the function of the glasses terminal as not being as good as the void terminal for the time being.

So Angus is very curious about how powerful Void Terminal is that makes their evaluation so high.

To talk about the difference, in fact, even after connecting to the Internet, there is still a gap between it and the void system.

Han Xiao, who was reading a book on the sofa at the other end, heard the conversation between Angus and Fa Lushan and closed the book in her hand. She spoke without hesitation about the difference between the Internet and the Void System.

Our real thing hasn't come out yet, why are you so unsure?

Seeing Han Xiao, the inventor, commenting like this, Angus looked surprised.

There's nothing I can do about it. The actual gap is there. I can't argue with it!

Han Xiao shrugged. The Void System's 'information database' was connected to the World Tree that recorded all information on the Teyvat continent.

In this aspect alone, the Internet is far behind others in terms of foundation.

Unless they can also connect the Internet to Yggdrasil, this gap will always remain.

That's not to say, the advantages of the Internet are still quite big.

Seeing Han Xiao directly mentioning the current gap between the Internet and the Void System, Fa Lushan chose to side with the Internet.

At least the Internet is much better than the void system in terms of security, isn't it?

Compared to a void system that takes up the computing power of human brains, I still prefer the Internet built using technology.

Chapter 697: Exchange of Mondstadt Books

As someone who has used both the void terminal and the glasses terminal, Fa Lushan feels that she is still qualified to evaluate both.

The void terminal relying on the void system is indeed slightly better than the glasses terminal in terms of convenience of wearing and function.

After all, the glasses terminal created by Han Xiao and Abedo is indeed not as convenient to wear as the void terminal in terms of size.

And even if it is connected to the Internet in the future, its functionality in terms of information may be slightly inferior to that of the void terminal.

But the Internet also has its own advantages compared to the void system.

The first of these is security.

In order to stop the use of the void system, Little Lucky Grass King revealed the truth that the void system would occupy part of the human brain in front of the Sumeru people.

This caused many Sumeru people to have a great sense of distrust in the Void System that they originally relied on. The Little Lucky Grass King also successfully achieved his goal of shutting down the system.

Looking back at the Internet, its security is much higher than that of the Void System.

After all, the entire Internet is based on electromagnetism, mechanics, alchemy, runes and other disciplines, and will not cause harm to the human brain at all.

Although it may be a little inferior to the Void System in terms of functionality, Fa Lushan feels that if she had to choose, she would choose the Internet instead of the Void System.

In addition, in addition to security, the scalability of the Internet is also a major advantage.

As long as network channels are laid, the Internet will be able to spread to every corner of the entire Teyvat continent sooner or later, which the void system cannot do.

Who makes the void system occupy part of the space of the human brain.

The gods of the various countries in Teyvat Continent will not allow such things that may cause harm to the people of their countries to enter their countries.

Well, that's true.

Hearing that Fa Lushan was very optimistic about the future of the Internet, the smile on Han Xiao's face couldn't help but deepen a little.

Although he always said modestly that the Internet was not as good as the Void System, he never thought that the Internet was really that bad.

Perhaps at the information level, it is indeed inferior to the void system that links the World Tree, but in terms of diversity, thinking about the various software and hardware in computers in previous lives, Han Xiao is not empty at all.

Speaking of which, why does Abedo stay in the warehouse and not come out?

Looking up at the interior of the workshop, he found that Albedo had gone into the warehouse and had not come out for a long time. Angus couldn't help but curiously interrupted the conversation between Han Xiao and Fa Lushan.

What is he doing in there?

Albedo, you should be contacting Mondstadt to discuss the book exchange.

After thinking about Abedo who just walked into the warehouse with his mobile phone, Han Xiao gave his own speculation.


In fact, Han Xiao's guess was correct. Abedo was leaning against the wall in the warehouse, holding a mobile phone in one hand and talking to Lisa.

We need the collection of Mondstadt Library, Albedo, are you kidding me?

Do you think I'm the joking kind of person, Lisa?


In the Mondstadt Library, Lisa was sitting in front of her desk with her upper body lying on the table. She was holding her mobile phone in one hand and placing her other hand flat on the table. She was holding a round slime on her forearm with a smile on her face. Unspeakable surprise.

I originally thought that today would be another fishing day, but I never expected that Abedo, who was far away in Liyue, would suddenly call me.

She even asked for something as big as Mondstadt Library's collection, which surprised her.

Albedo, I'm afraid this can't be done.

After a moment of silence, Lisa immediately refused:

There are quite a lot of secrets kept inside the Mondstadt Library. These things are the heritage of a country and cannot be leaked.

Listen to me first and then make a decision.

Albedo, who had long expected Lisa to refuse, calmly explained:

I know that there is a restricted book section in the library. Han Xiao and I did not intend to trade those banned books. We only planned to trade those books that can be publicly read.

Having said this, Abedo did not forget to put forward the conditions he and Han Xiao had discussed:

As long as you are willing to trade, Han Xiao and I, in addition to providing the ancient books on Liyue that can be disclosed, are also willing to disclose part of the academic materials we have studied to the Mondstadt Library for collection.

What do you think?

Albedo, are you serious about this?

After hearing the conditions given by Abe, Lisa, who was originally too lazy to lie on the table, straightened up instantly, and the expression on her face also showed a somewhat serious look.

So you are willing?

Yes, if your promise is true, why wouldn't I want to!

Faced with Abedo's rhetorical question, Lisa nodded without hesitation.

Although the number of books collected in the Mondstadt Library is large, it is not particularly important to exclude books outside the restricted area.

When she learned that Han Xiao would exchange ancient books handed down from Liyue, she was already a little excited.

And I was even more satisfied when I heard that Abedo and Han Xiao were even willing to disclose some of their previous research materials to the library for collection.

That is Han Xiao and Abedo’s research data!

You must know that with the gradual development of Guili City, the reputation of the two of them in Mondstadt and Liyue is improving day by day.

The broken snow in Qunyu Pavilion and the drawings of Guili Workshop.

In the eyes of Liyue people, these two things are treasures that can really make a fortune.

Now Han Xiao is willing to exchange part of his and Albedo's research materials for the collection of the Mondstadt Library, even if these materials are unimportant materials that can be disclosed in the eyes of the two of them, Lisa is still extremely surprised.

Since you agree, then we've settled on it!

After receiving Lisa's affirmative reply, the corners of Abedo's mouth raised slightly.

With the addition of the Mondstadt Library's collection, their Internet information database can also add some background.

How long will it take for you to prepare the books for trading?

You don't have to worry about this. Except for the books in the restricted area, all the other books are backed up. It only takes me a week to prepare the collection for trading.

Lisa first answered Abedo's question, then changed the subject, and her tone became a little more tentative:

Albedo, why did you and Han Xiao suddenly think of exchanging books with me?

Could it be that you have some new invention?

It can only be said that it is still under design for the time being, and there will still be a certain amount of time before it is released.

Upon hearing Lisa's inquiry, Abedo did not fool the other party, but simply said that they were currently developing a project, and these books were also needed for this project.

But there is one thing I can inform you in advance, Lisa.

What's up?

What Han Xiao and I developed this time is no less than a void system.

Chapter 698: Xumi with backward communication

No less than the invention of the void system?

After hanging up the call with Abedo, Lisa sat at her desk for a long time without regaining consciousness.

Although she only studied in Xumi for two years, she successfully graduated from the academy and returned to Mondstadt as a librarian.

But during those two years in the Order Academy, she was no stranger to the void system.

In Lisa's eyes, the void system is indeed the legacy left by the former Great Merciful Tree King, and its functionality and convenience belong to Laman's existence.

Even for a time, except for Kanreia five hundred years ago, the void system may have been the highest masterpiece on the Teyvat continent.

But what did she hear now?

Now that Little Lucky Grass King has announced the closure of the use of the Void System, Han Xiao and Abedo are actually developing an invention that the other party calls no less than the Void System.

Can they really do it?

At the desk, Lisa couldn't help mumbling to herself.

If she had been studying abroad in Xumi, she probably wouldn't have thought so.

Just thinking about Mondstadt's nearly omnipotent witch Alice, and the two talented geniuses Albedo and Han Xiao.

Even Lisa herself, who was called a genius rarely seen in two hundred years by the Order Council, was a little unsure.

After all, in the past two years or so, the countless inventions born in Guili City have proved how talented Han Xiao and Abedo are.

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