A super tranquilizer that is extremely powerful and has only a period of deprivation as a side effect.

Seeing his junior's curiosity, Tinari didn't hide anything and directly told the props that Han Xiao had sent along with the letter.

Is it possible to use tranquilizers to deal with the lightning tree?

Abatuyi frowned immediately after getting the answer.

Many scholars have conducted research on tranquilizers, and many products with different efficacy have also been developed.

The Imperial Academy has never thought of using tranquilizers to deal with super-large monsters like the lightning tree, but the effect was not ideal.

The bodies of super-large monsters are too large. To calm these manic monsters, a very large dose of sedatives is needed.

The herbal medicine bag Tinari was carrying couldn't hold much at all.

Would this amount of tranquilizer really have any effect on the electrifying tree?

Don't underestimate the tranquilizer invented by Tianshu Star. The effect is definitely beyond your expectation.

Seeing that Abatui was somewhat doubtful about the effectiveness of the tranquilizer, Tinari showed quite confidence.

His previous statement that he had experimented with the tranquilizer was not a lie, he had really experimented.

Not to mention the crown-of-thorns crocodile, even a large adult beast of burden can be brought down with just a drop of tranquilizer.

The effect of this medicine is simply terrifying.

And how much did Han Xiao send him?

There were twelve test tubes filled with sedatives, each containing about a hundred milliliters of medicine.

One thousand two hundred milliliters!

The other party sent him 1,200 milliliters of a tranquilizer that could prevent a beast of burden from tipping over with just one drop. Tinari wondered if the other party was overestimating the electric switch tree.

If all these doses of tranquilizers were used, the lightning tree might not be able to wither in place.


Tinari was getting branches of the lightning tree for Han Xiao, and Han Xiao also started sending people to rest and return to the latest cave that appeared in the mountains behind the city.

To be honest, when the construction team sent for surveying and mapping before Xingqiu discovered that there was a silent cave in the back mountain rock, these people were a little confused.

Because they found that the cave appeared exactly above a certain location they had circled.

Faced with something so outrageous, they naturally wouldn't believe it was a coincidence.

If Prince Yan was still alive, the members of these construction teams would 100% think that this was done by the emperor.

But now...

Carrying out such a huge project has not attracted anyone's attention at all. Currently, the only person in Guili City who can do this seems to be Lord Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, a disciple of the Immortal Family.

emmm, how should I say it?

Perhaps it was because Han Xiao and Abedo had jointly developed a series of epoch-making inventions before, and because Prince Yan had given him divine objects and this generation of Tianshu Stars.

Now, whenever something appears in Liyue that is beyond people's imagination, it probably has something to do with Lord Hanxiao.

The members of the construction team who came to the conclusion instantly became excited.

Although they don't know what this cave is used for, if this is really the place Lord Tianshu Xing needs.

Maybe soon they will be able to see new inventions born in Guili City.

The members of the construction team felt proud when they thought of this, and they worked hard to lay a series of instruments and cables inside the cave according to the drawings.


Interesting, really interesting!

I didn't expect these people to guess that you made this cave so quickly!

When he accidentally learned about the private discussion among the members of the construction team, Xingqiu said it was interesting, and his eyes when he looked at Han Xiao were full of narrow-mindedness.

Although the process speculated by the members of the construction team is somewhat outrageous, the evidence chain is incomplete, and there is even an element of intuition involved.

But they were able to deduce the correct answer based on these fragmentary clues.

Xingqiu thinks this is really interesting!

It should be said that he was born on his own. In just two years, he has left an impression on the people of Liyue of his strong creative ability.

So much so that when they encounter any situation they cannot understand, they have to lean on him.

I think this is normal.

Hearing Xingqiu's teasing, Han Xiao just raised her eyebrows and didn't take it to heart at all.

He never did anything secretly in Guili City. Once something happened in the city, the people of Liyue would turn their suspicious eyes on him and there was nothing wrong with him at all.

Sometimes even Han Xiao himself feels that when there are some changes in Guili City, it is normal for him to be the first to turn his attention.

After all, Han Xiao is indeed behind many of the inventions and events that have changed Liyue's current situation in Guili City.

You really have a full understanding of yourself!

Xingqiu curled his lips, not intending to delve deeper into this matter, but turned to other serious matters:

Hanxiao, how long does it take to transport the branches of the lightning tree to Liyue?

How long will it take for the construction team to finish laying the facilities inside the cave?

Judging from the current speed, it will not take more than two months at most.

If it's two months, there's no need to worry.

Knowing that it would take the construction team about two months to lay the instruments and cables inside the back mountain cave, Han Xiao said there was nothing to worry about during the trip to autumn.

Two months is enough time for Xumi to send the branches of the lightning tree to Liyue.

Chapter 692 Pre-project parts manufacturing

Time flies by like a white horse, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

After the Hai Lantern Festival, Liyue also returned to its usual pace of life.

Guili City also became lively again.

One day, Han Xiao set out from home to work in Kuixing Building as usual. After briefly handling some government affairs, he closed the door of the office and walked along the street to the alchemy workshop.

Go inside the workshop.

The first thing Han Xiao saw was Fa Lushan sitting on the edge of the sofa and coffee table. At this time, she was holding a mobile phone in her left hand and a pen in her right hand, writing and drawing continuously, and she was still repeating Some terms used in mechanics.

Seeing Han Xiao walking in, Fa Lushan nodded to the other party and then continued to sink into the conversation with Zhenjun Liu Yun Jiefeng on the other side of the phone.

Yes, during this month, Fa Lushan won the favor of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng with her profound and solid skills in mechanism arts.

However, since Lord Liuyun Jiefeng currently has to supervise the work of the alchemy factory and shipyard in Mingyun Town, he can only choose to use his mobile phone to communicate with Fa Lushan.

Well...it's not actually right to talk about communication.

The main thing is that Fa Lushan is learning from Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

Although her machine skills already belong to the small group of people at the forefront of the Teyvat continent, they are still slightly inferior to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

After all, Zhenjun, who is good at chatting, has a very high talent in machine arts, and he has been diligently studying the path of machine arts for thousands of years.

Moreover, since taking Han Xiao as his disciple, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun has gained a lot of mechanical knowledge from another world from him.

As far as the current Teyvat continent is concerned, excluding some unknown hidden masters, her machine skills are definitely among the best in the entire continent.

It can only be said that Fa Lushan still suffered the disadvantage of her age. Compared with Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, her life span of only one hundred years was a bit short.

But Fa Lushan herself didn't mind this.

It's not like she has never been a student before. Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is very knowledgeable and old, so she is very willing to be his student.

The only pity is that I am from Xumi, and there is no guarantee that I will stay in Liyue in the future. This means that although the other party appreciates his talent, he usually only talks to help him solve his doubts, and does not teach him as much as Han Xiao did.

Angus, how's the progress lately?

After greeting Fa Lushan, Han Xiao walked to Angus who was busy in front of the experimental table.

You're here!

Hearing Han Xiao's voice, Angus, who was immersed in medicines and instruments, replied without raising his head:

I have completely mastered the basics of alchemy. According to Fa Lushan's evaluation, runes are considered an introduction.

After speaking, Angus stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at Han Xiao:

When can I get involved in your and Abedo's project?


Hearing Angus' question, Han Xiao didn't fool him, and directly pointed at Abedo who was squatting next to a pile of parts in the open space on the other side:

Abedo and I are completing a preliminary experiment. If successful, we can officially start project development.

Hanxiao, what kind of preliminary experiments have you and Abedo been tinkering with this month?

While Angus was talking to Han Xiao, Fa Lushan also ended her call with Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun and walked over to the two of them.

While she set her sights on Albedo, who was playing with various metal parts, she did not forget to ask Han Xiao questions.

The exchange of organ skills with Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun reminded Fa Lushan of the days when she studied at the Jiaoling Academy.

But even though she lived such a fulfilling life, she never forgot that she came to Liyue to work for the Internet project proposed by Han Xiao.

That is the research project that Fa Lushan is most concerned about right now. If she misses it, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

You'll find out later.

Upon hearing Fa Lushan's inquiry, Han Xiao pretended to be mysterious and smiled, indicating that the two of them would wait a moment to find out what he and Abedo were doing this month.

Han Xiao, since you're here, come and help!

Before Angus and Fa Lushan spoke, Albedo, who was squatting in front of a pile of parts on the other side, raised his head and glared at Han Xiao with dissatisfaction.


Facing Albedo's greeting, Han Xiao smiled and responded, then came to Albedo to help him move a pile of metal parts of different shapes to the experimental table.

Upon seeing this, Fa Lushan and Angus looked at each other and immediately walked to the two corners of the experimental table to observe Han Xiao and Albedo's experiments up close.

On an experimental table, Albedo and Han Xiao stood opposite each other, while Fa Lushan and Angus stood on the other two sides.

The four people surrounded the experimental table in front of them from all directions.

Angus, Fa Lushan, Han Xiao and I will start welding and assembling next. You guys should observe first and remember to see if there are any mistakes.


After hearing Albedo's instructions, Farushan and Angus nodded in unison, and then gathered their energy and prepared to 'pick'.

Seeing the two people nodding, Abedo turned his attention to Han Xiao:

Shall we start now?


Han Xiao hummed slightly, then took out four pairs of head-mounted welding protective glasses from his jade pendant and handed them to several people in turn.

After everyone put on their anti-glare glasses, he nodded to Albedo and then picked up the welding gun placed on the experimental table.


The next moment, the welding gun nozzle spit out a beam of high-temperature flame.

On the other side, Abedo skillfully manipulated the cutting wheel on the experimental table and began to cut the metal parts according to the dimensions calculated on the drawing.

The two of them divided the work and carried out cutting and welding in a tacit understanding, and Fa Lushan and Angus were dazzled by the smooth and smooth process.

It has to be said that in order to complete the research on the Internet project, Han Xiao and Abedona spent a lot of thought.

For example, they have deeply modified the experimental bench in front of them.

In addition to the standard experimental tools of Teyvat Alchemy, it is also equipped with many machine tools used to make precision parts.

These are all drawn and designed by Han Xiao and Abedo themselves according to the principles, and then handmade.

It can be said that this experimental bench can not only be used for alchemical experiments, but can also be used as a high-precision machine tool.

Even in the society of Han Xiao's previous life, it was quite an explosive product.

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