It can't be that the emperor really likes Bai Mao!

Forget it, I won't joke with you anymore.

After giving Han Xiao a helpless look, Xingqiu got down to business:

Now that you have built the site, how do you plan to solve the problem of the electric tree?

If I remember correctly, it seems that only Xumi has a lightning tree at the moment.

Yes, I have asked others to help me handle this matter.


Xingqiu frowned and looked at his little boy in surprise.

The Lightning Tree is a super-large monster that is no less powerful than the Exploding Fire Tree and the Freezing Tree. Are you sure the person you invited can survive the monster's attack?

Don't worry, I asked my friend to hire a botanical expert to help me cut down a bunch of branches from the electric switch tree. It's absolutely reliable.

Faced with Fa Xiao's doubts, Han Xiao immediately waved her hand to indicate that he didn't need to worry at all.

Who gave you such confidence?

Han Xiao's answer immediately aroused great interest in Xingqiu.

It's Miss Kelai's master who came to Guili City for medical treatment last time, Mr. Tinari, the Xumi Forest Patrol Officer. It's him I entrusted to.

It turns out to be him!

Xingqiu couldn't help but be surprised when he heard that Tinari's name was mentioned in the novel published by his family.

Xumi Daocheng was the ranger of the forest, and he had heard the other party's name mentioned by employees of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce who went to the Xumi branch.

It is indeed as Han Xiao said, he is a botanical expert with rich experience and outstanding ability.



At the same time Han Xiao and Xing Qiu mentioned Tinari.

Near the Wuyu thick forest, two figures were walking along the winding forest path towards the cave where the electric switch tree was located.

Senior Tinari, why did you suddenly call me to the lightning tree?

Looking at the cave entrance leading to the location of the lightning tree, Abatui looked at Tinari beside him in confusion.

I just happened to receive a commission. I'm afraid I can't handle it by myself. After thinking about it, you are the only one who is more suitable to help.

Upon hearing Abatui's inquiry, Tinari did not hide anything and bluntly stated the reason why he called him over.

When he was patrolling the forest before, he received a letter from Liyue.

The signature on the envelope was none other than Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, who cured Kelai and Dina Zedai from the demon scale disease.

The other party asked him in the letter to help him break off a branch from the lightning tree and send it to Liyue.

Of course, the activity of the branches must also be ensured.

Although Tinari knew from some intelligence that Han Xiao seemed to be friends with Romani Solomon, the man who had messed up Xumi, he still chose to accept the other party's commission.

The reason is very simple. His disciple Ke Lai's demon scale disease was cured by Tianshu Xing Hanxiao.

That alone was enough for Tinari to help.

As for Romani Solomon...

never mind!

Thinking of the unhappy expression on Elhaysen's face when he mentioned this name, Tinari guessed that there might be something he didn't understand about the original incident.

However, the issue of power-on trees is relatively troublesome.

He had to suppress the electrifying tree, break off the active branches, and seal them, etc. It was really too much for one person.

Therefore, Tinari asked Abatui, a junior who had been in trouble recently, to help him and help him hide away.

The news of Abatuyi's death was not a secret. Even if this information was later blocked by Azar, many students of the same level had seen the news in the void terminal.

Therefore, Abatui, who has been resurrected from the dead, is currently the focus of many students in the Order.

Chapter 690: The Troubles in the Teaching Council

Oh...thank you for pulling me out this time, Senior Tinari.

Thinking of his 'treatment' in the Order House during this period, Abatui couldn't help but feel a chill, and he couldn't help but thank Tinari for taking him out to hide in peace.

Due to Azar's ouster and his involvement in the plan to save the little Lucky Grass King, Abatui's previous expulsion order has been revoked.

However, the problem arises here.

He was really conspicuous in the Order.

As a 'person' who had long been confirmed to be dead, he now appears alive in the Order House.

One can imagine how much impact this miracle of resurrection had on the students of the Teaching Academy.

During this period, Abatuyi found that wherever he went, he would be stared at, especially by some people whose gazes were extremely intense, as if they wanted to 'dissect' him.

So Abatuyi appears less and less frequently in public.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

The more low-key he is, the more scholars from the Order Academy want to figure out how he came back from the dead.

There is even a rumor circulating in the Ecclesiastical Council, saying that Abatuyi was able to come back from the dead because he participated in the taboo research of the former great sage Azar.

However, since most of the scholars who participated in Hanxiao's experiment belonged to Azar's faction, these people were subsequently dealt with one by one by Elhaysen.

Most of the people with serious problems were demoted to Daochenglin to practice cultivation together with Azar. The remaining small number of people who were let go were also kept secret about Abatui's affairs because of the beatings.

Because the rumors could not be taken seriously by insiders, they gradually disappeared.

However, the scholars of the Ecclesiarchy are still enthusiastic about the secret of resurrection from the dead, which makes Abatui very annoyed.

No... As soon as Tinari came to the door, he agreed without even hearing clearly what the other party asked him to do, just to hide in peace.

It's a small matter, just how do you plan to handle your affairs?

Hearing Abatui's thanks, Tinari waved his hands repeatedly. He originally needed someone to help, but his junior student was in trouble, so it was a smooth move for him to choose to help.

What else can we do? Let's wait until the heat subsides.

Abatuyi shrugged helplessly. Right now, his resurrection from the dead was the hottest topic besides the turmoil in the Order.

He estimated that he would not be able to stop for at least a year and a half.

Fortunately, the recent political turmoil in the Order Council is the biggest topic in Xumi. Many scholars have focused their energy on chasing the few vacant sage positions, and they can still withstand it for the time being.

Sometimes Abatui even ill-intentionally hopes that the political turmoil in the Apostolic Council can last longer, so that others' covetousness for him will be weakened.

Even though there are many people coveting him now!

Then I guess you'll have to wait.

Knowing that Abatui planned to use time to calm down the heat, Tinari couldn't help but shook his head. He was not optimistic about his junior's plan.

Sooner or later, the struggle for the position of the six great sages will end. When everything is settled, the resurrected existence of Abatui will probably officially enter the sight of all scholars.

Resurrection from the dead is not as easy to forget as previous hot topics such as academic fraud and plagiarism.

Anyway, things in Tinari probably won't go as smoothly as my junior expected.

No scholar is willing to give up studying the 'unnatural' miracle of resurrection from the dead.

If it doesn't work out, I'll just run away.

Seeing that Tinari didn't seem to be optimistic about his idea, Abatui didn't care. It wasn't like he had no escape route.

When the time came, the eyes of the people in the Order were still staring at him, so he ran directly to Liyue.

As one of the insiders who really knows the inside story of Xumi's recent turmoil, apart from Elhaysen who may be aware of the truth later, Abatui can be said to be the only one who knows about Romani Solomon and Xiao Jixiangcao Wang Cai was the co-promoter of the whole incident.

So if he really couldn't stay in the Order House any longer, he wouldn't have any psychological burden at all when he went to Liyue to seek refuge with Romani Solomon's friend Han Xiao.

Moreover, Abatui felt that his attainments in mechanism arts were quite good, and he should be recruited if he went to Liyue.

Are you going to Liyue? It's not a bad idea.

Knowing that the escape route Abatui had left for him was to go to Liyue, Tinari felt that this choice was a good one.

Romani Solomon and Han Xiao are two people. Even if they are friends, it will not affect the diplomacy between the two countries.

Besides, Fa Lushan, a senior member of the Zhilun sect, was poached by Tianshu Xing Hanxiao with high salary some time ago.

I heard Sai Nuo say that this incident also caused a lot of turmoil within the Order Council.

After all, the current atmosphere within the Order Academy is not to say turbulent, but it can be regarded as turbulent.

Many scholars who aspire to become sages are trying to find connections and make connections.

For example, Gafoor, a scholar of the Sulon School, comes from the same school as Lisa, a genius witch who is rare to meet in two hundred years in the Order Academy. He is currently trying to invite Lisa, who has already served as Mondstadt's envoy, to come back to preside over the project.

What for?

Don’t you want to use the abilities of your talented junior sister to expand your influence in the Sulon Sect and become a sage of the Sulon Sect?

There are currently not many thoughtful scholars like Gaffor in the Order.

Some scholars who were unwilling to get involved and were willing to concentrate on research were also upset by these people.

So when Fa Lushan was the first to stand up and accept Liyue's invitation to 'leave' from the Imperial Academy, many relatively pure scholars also thought of taking the opportunity to leave.

Fortunately, Elhaysen discovered this sign in time, and immediately stepped forward to appease this group of relatively pure scholars, and at the same time warned those 'clique-like' groups.

It was only because of Fa Lushan's 'running away' that it didn't cause a bigger disturbance.

However, according to Seno, Elhaysen seemed to have a lot of resentment towards Tianshu Xing Hanxiao who was far away in Liyue because of this incident.

Well... Come to think of it.

Fa Lushan's departure almost caused a split in the Order. Even if Elhaysen eliminated the hidden danger in advance, it was strange that he had a good impression of Han Xiao.

But all this has nothing to do with Tinari.

Anyway, he was too lazy to get involved in the turmoil of the teaching court. Wouldn't it be nice to be a forest patrol officer?

Thinking of this, Tinari ended this unpleasant topic and turned to talk about business to Abatuyi:

Abatuyi, after entering the cave later, I will take action to suppress the electric tree. You are responsible for building a reaction device to ensure the life of the branches.

No problem, leave it to me!

Chapter 691: An excessive dose of tranquilizers

Speaking of which, Senior Tinari, is it really okay for you to deal with the lightning tree alone?

Walking in the cave passage leading to the location of the lightning tree, Abatui not only asked about his worries.

Although Tinari has been a ranger for many years and is the owner of the Eye of God, his strength is much stronger than that of a pure scholar.

But the lightning tree is, after all, a giant vine monster that draws high-voltage current from the earth's veins. The deceitful flowers or mushroom beasts in the past are simply not worth mentioning in front of it.

When it comes to killing the lightning tree directly, he believes that he can do it with the force of his senior.

The problem is that the commission proposed by Tianshu Xing Hanxiao is to get a living branch from the electric tree.

This means that Tinari not only cannot kill the lightning tree, but also needs to break off the branches while the opponent is still alive.

One kills, the other suppresses the opponent and takes the branches containing vitality.

The difficulty of the two is completely different.

Don't worry about this. I won't blindly accept the other party's commission if I'm not sure.

Hearing that Abatui was worried about his own safety, Tinari smiled and comforted him, while not forgetting to reach out and pat the herbal satchel on his waist.

And that Tianshu star also sent some very useful props when he sent the letter.

It seems that the senior is very confident in what the other party sent?

Well... I tested it after I got it. It is indeed an amazing invention.

Oh, can you tell me what invention it is?

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