This kind of instrument that almost exerts divine power was actually created by me when I was young and the legendary adventurer Ms. Alice!

In a daze, Xingqiu saw a chess piece with an earthy yellow light inlaid in the middle of the steel building. He just woke up and pointed at the chess piece and asked in a stuttering tone:

Han Xiao...could that chess piece be the divine object that Lord Yan once gave you?

You guessed it right, that's exactly what it is!

That would make sense if that's the case.

After receiving Han Xiao's affirmative reply, Xingqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it turned out that it was an instrument built with the help of Lord Yan.

It seems that my little friend has not gone so far as to be inhuman.

But having said that, even with the help of the emperor's power, it is a bit remarkable that Han Xiao and Ms. Alice can make such an instrument that directly modifies the landform.


Since you said that the landform adjustment instrument can adjust the landform, why didn't you use it to build the Guiliyuan coastal dam instead of using manpower?

Thinking of the recent shortage of manpower in various industries in Guilicheng, Xingqiu looked at Han Xiao standing next to him with doubts in his eyes.

Obviously you only need to use instruments and you can save a lot of human resources.

You can't say that, Xingqiu.

Hearing Xingqiu's doubts, Han Xiao shrugged.

He had never thought about using landform adjustment to build coastal dams before, which would also save a lot of manpower.

But after some careful consideration, he gave up this option.

Chapter 688: Useful Landform Adjustment Instrument

give up?

Xingqiu was quite puzzled when he learned that Han Xiao had not thought of using the landform adjustment device to speed up the construction of coastal dams, but had voluntarily given up on this option.

It was obviously a method that could liberate most of Guilicheng's human resources, so why was Han Xiao unwilling to adopt it even though he thought of it?

Can you tell me why you don't use it?

After thinking for a long time, he decided to ask his family why he made such a choice.

After all, this kind of method that can save a lot of things is not used by Han Xiao. There must be a reason for not using it.

Actually, the reason why I chose to give up using it is not very complicated.

Seeing that Xingqiu didn't seem to understand what he was doing, Han Xiao took a breath and expressed his thoughts.

The reason why he didn't use the terrain adjuster in the first place was super simple.

That is, at the time when people were sent to build coastal dams, the landform adjustment device had not yet been manufactured!

Even in order to prepare for the winter, the power of the Rock God's Heart is rarely used during the cold night.

It was not until later that all the fools were expelled, Guili City was on the right track, and Alice arrived, that he and the witch teamed up to create a landscape adjustment device.

At that time, more than half of the coastal dam project had been completed, and most of the workers who built the dam were formerly miners in the rocky abyss, and they had no other means of making a living except for their own strength.

If Han Xiao had used the landform adjustment device at that time, he could indeed build a city along the coast with dams within a period of time, but when he returned to the city, he would have received a large number of unemployed workers with little means of livelihood.

Although various emerging industries were born in Guili City at that time, but let these workers who only work hard to work in other industries?'s impossible to think about it.

Is that why?

Knowing that Han Xiao did not use the landform adjustment device to build coastal dams was the reason that made people laugh or cry. For a while, Xingqiu didn't know how to evaluate it.

At that time, the miners finally got out of unemployment and found a new job. What would happen to these unskilled miners if I ruined this job?

Seeing Xingqiu's somewhat disinterested look, Han Xiao rolled her eyes at him and then gave her own explanation.

That's true.

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Xingqiu thought for a moment that Guili City, which was in its infancy at that time, could not accommodate a large number of unemployed people at once, and he agreed with the other party's choice.

Immediately, Xingqiu turned his attention to the huge machine and changed the topic from this aspect:

So you said that the digging of the cave was left to you, and you relied on this landform adjustment device?

Does this thing really work?

Don't worry, Ms. Alice and I have used this instrument before, and it will definitely work!

With that said, Han Xiao walked up to the landform adjustment instrument, intending to use it herself to gain some insights.

Seeing that Han Xiao was planning to give him a practical demonstration, Xingqiu stopped speaking, but quietly watched the other person's movements.


As Han Xiao operated the terrain adjustment device, the huge underground space suddenly shook, and then all the machines understood through the 'black cable' started running at the same time.

At the same time, a huge light curtain also appeared in front of Han Xiao and Xingqiu.

The scene reflected behind the light curtain is the mountain range behind Guili City.

Let me see the exact location...

Taking out the densely marked map from Yu Perry, Han Xiao accurately and quickly found the location pre-selected by the construction team. Then he controlled the landform adjustment device and began to modify the landform according to his own ideas.

After a while, a huge cavity appeared in the belly of the rocky mountain.

Looking at the rocky mountain with a hole dug out on the screen like plasticine, Xingqiu swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

The rocky mountain was obviously so solid, but in the hands of Han Xiao, the terrain adjuster, it was like dough that could be kneaded.

At this time, Fa Xiao, who controlled the landform adjuster, was like the King of Rocks in the play, shaping the earth's environment at will.

As expected of Han Xiao's secret weapon, this thing looks a bit scary.


Since the electric tree is a monster that does not require photosynthesis to survive like ordinary plants, it only needs earth veins to absorb nutrients.

So Hanxiao simply imitated the growth environment of Xumi's lightning tree and created a similar environment.

Is this the end?

After hearing Han Xiao's words that the matter was over, it took Xingqiu a long time to come back to his senses and look at the landscape adjustment device with burning eyes.

In less than a few minutes, a cave that required a large number of workers to manually drill for a year or two to complete appeared perfectly in front of him.

No one else has this efficiency.

It can be said that at this moment, Xingqiu has already begun to figure out how to use this landform adjustment instrument for infrastructure construction.

After all, it would be a shame to have such a useful machine in front of you and not use it.

However, as if aware of Xingqiu's thoughts, Han Xiao immediately dismissed the other party's plan:

This time I am just bringing you to see the trump cards I have set up for Guili City. The terrain adjustment device cannot be used indiscriminately.

Why, didn't you and Ms. Alice go to the island to modify the terrain with a terrain adjustment device?

Xingqiu was a little confused when he heard Han Xiao's words.

The terrain adjustment device was so easy to use that I even discovered it and took it to the sea to play with Alice to transform the island's terrain.

Why do I have so many worries when using it in Liyue?

Because there is another function on the landscape adjuster that you have used before, so it is better to use it less to avoid running into problems.

Features I've used?

Not only was Xingqiu not relieved by Han Xiao's explanation, but he was even more confused.

This is obviously the first time he has seen a landform adjustment instrument. Why has he used a certain function of this instrument before...


Just as he was about to retort, Xingqiu, his younger brother, suddenly thought of something, and he swallowed back the question that was already on his lips.

Isn't that the button you gave me during the Immortal Ceremony?

Hey, you guessed it?

Han Xiao looked at Xingqiu with a little surprise, as if he was surprised when he became so smart as a child.

A vague hint can lead to the truth of the matter.


Hearing this, Xingqiu couldn't help but laugh, then pointed at the landform adjustment instrument and said:

You said that I had used a certain function on it. In my memory, the only thing I used in Guili City was the button you gave me that can raise an energy shield.

Chapter 689 Han Xiao asks for help

That's exactly what it is.

Since Xingqiu had already guessed what kind of function he was talking about, Han Xiao didn't hide it and readily admitted that the other party's guess was correct.

Precisely because the landform adjustment instrument is equipped with technology that can provide an energy shield for Guili City, I don't want to use it too much or on a large scale.

After all, some things are just used as trump cards, right?

This is a good thing to say.

After hearing Han Xiao's speech, Xingqiu nodded silently.

Sometimes, rather than using certain technologies blatantly on the table, it is better to hide them and use them as trump cards.

It's like an energy shield function.

If Han Xiao hadn't been hiding it all the time, the fools would have responded to the energy shield when they asked Xian Dianyi to attract the remaining power of the whirlpool to attack Guili City.

Once the energy shield is destroyed, Guili City is likely to suffer a devastating disaster and will not be damaged at all like in reality.

The same goes for the landscape adjuster.

Han Xiao's small-scale, low-frequency use not only lets other countries know that Liyue has a technology that can hollow out rocky mountains in an instant, but also keeps the other country confused about the specific principles of this technology. .

At this time, even if someone wants to return to Licheng, they must consider whether they can withstand the blow of this unknown technology.


Looking at the huge metal creation in front of him, Xingqiu looked at Han Xiao with some reluctance:

Can't we really separate these two technologies? Although what you said makes sense, I still feel that hiding the terrain adjustment device is a disadvantage.

After seeing his own Faxiao manipulating the landform adjustment device to easily dig out a large cavity inside the rocky mountain range, he couldn't help but act.

This thing is a complete infrastructure artifact!

If it can be used, many infrastructure projects in Guilicheng this year can be completed in a short time.

If it could be split, I would have split it long ago. Why can't I wait until you raise this opinion with me?

Hearing Xingqiu's thoughts, Han Xiao curled her lips and looked helpless.

He had actually considered the method the other party thought of a long time ago. Unfortunately, this was just a thought and could not be done in reality.

Is it because the core of these two technologies is the reason why we have this thing in front of us?


Tsk...Heart of the Rock God.

Staring at the chess piece embedded in the center of the machine, which exuded an earthy yellow light, Xingqiu subconsciously licked his lips, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Whether it is landform modification or energy shield, these are all made with the heart of God as the core and using machinery to transform its internal power.

In other words, if it weren't for the favor of Lord Yan, Han Xiao would still have a long way to go to realize these two technologies on his own.

Why do you think the emperor is so kind to you, just because you built the brand new Guili City on the site of the old capital in Liyue?

Maybe it's because I have white hair?

Hearing Xingqiu's slightly envious inquiry, Han Xiao casually said an answer that made the other party dumbfounded.

What was the reason why Prince Yan and his father were related to Baimao when he was a child?

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