Xingqiu stretched out his hand and scratched his hair, organized his words before speaking slowly:

Although I don't understand the detailed principles, I can still understand the general idea.

You are keeping thunder slimes in captivity, and collecting the thunder elements emitted from their bodies into the air at any time through some kind of device and converting them into electrical energy. I shouldn't be wrong in saying that.

Okay, Xingqiu, I can't tell you have some talent!

Stop it!

Hearing Han Xiao's teasing tone, Xingqiu rolled his eyes at him in anger.

He still knows how much he weighs.

Although the principle of power generation seems very simple, it is even simple enough that even an individual can understand it.

But the difficulty with the power supply system developed by Han Xiao and Abedo has never been whether the principle is good or not!

The real difficulty is the machine they built that can collect the energy of thunder elements in the air and convert it smoothly into electrical energy.

This is the most difficult point in the entire power supply system.

You'd better quickly tell me the dangers of the new power supply system you and Abedo are researching!

Since you already understand the principle of power generation, you don't want to think about it carefully?


Hearing what Han Xiao said, Xingqiu immediately fell into thinking.

Thunder slimes, thunder elements floating in the air, creatures that master the thunder element.

In an instant, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Hanxiao...are you and Abedo trying to get rid of the electric tree?

Congratulations on getting the answer right!

I'm going!

Knowing that his guess was correct, Xingqiu suddenly felt his scalp numb.

Good guy!

You must know that super-large monsters such as the freezing tree, the explosive tree, and the lightning tree have always been a headache for various countries in Teyvat.

Every year, countless adventurers die due to straying into the territory of these monsters.

Han Xiao and Abedo actually came up with their own ideas.

Thinking of this, Xingqiu couldn't help but look at Han Xiao:

Tell me, what are your plans? These super large monsters are much more dangerous than slimes!

That's why I said you should choose a safe place when choosing a location.

And you don't deny that lightning trees produce more thunder elements than slimes.

When questioned about her own hair, Han Xiao calmly spread her hands and gave her own explanation.

The lightning tree is indeed a very large monster, and it is definitely dangerous.

But compared to a little bit of danger, transplanting a switch tree to Liyue has more benefits.

After all, in terms of the thunder element energy contained in itself, the Lightning Tree is far ahead of the Thunder Slime.

Nowadays, the electricity demand in Liyue is gradually increasing, although it can still meet the electricity consumption of Liyue people for the time being.

However, as more and more alchemy products that use electricity become available, and even in the future, the Internet will become a major power hog, the demand for electricity will increase by leaps and bounds.

At that time, the current power supply system of Ray Slime alone was completely unable to meet the electricity demand at that time.

Therefore, Liyue's first choice was to use a new power supply system with a stronger discharge, such as a power switch tree.

The rest is just a matter of hazard protection.

Okay, you're right.

Han Xiao's explanation was reasonable, and Liyue's current electricity consumption was indeed rising. Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Xingqiu admitted that he was right in publishing the novel.

Perhaps a super-large monster like the Lightning Tree might have been a bit more dangerous to maintain than the Rei Slime in the past, but the power supply has also increased.

But in this case, we have to carve out a large space in the mountains.

After agreeing with Han Xiao's idea, Xingqiu couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at the mountain range composed of rocks in front of him, and a tangled look flashed across his face.

The mountains behind Guili City are all made of rocks. It is not easy to carve out a cave, let alone carve out a space that is large enough to accommodate the survival of the electric tree and the installation of a machine that converts electrical energy.

This workload is not small, and it is not easy.

Han Xiao said he was here to solve the cave problem, could he really do it?

Don't worry, it's time to take you to see our secret weapon in Guili City.

Sensing his worries, Han Xiao immediately reached out and patted the other party on the shoulder, planning to disclose some of his secrets to him.

After all, after nearly two years of work experience, Xingqiu has proven that he is capable of managing all matters in Guili City.

Secret weapon?

Suddenly hearing the secrets related to Guili City from Han Xiao's mouth, Xingqiu was stunned at first, and then he thought of the button that the other party gave him when he asked for the Immortal Ceremony to increase the defense capability of Guili City.

Before Han Xiao handed that thing over to him, he didn't even know that Guili City had such a defensive measure that could resist the attack level of the Demon God's Familiar.

As for now...

When I was young, I had to take myself to see the secret weapon of Guili City.

For a moment, Xingqiu didn't know what words to use to describe her current mood.

Han many trump cards have you prepared for Guili City?

Well, if you want me to say it all at once, I really can't explain it.

Facing Xingqiu's questioning, Han Xiao really didn't know how to answer.

Because if you really think about it, the backup options he left for Guili City were too many.

For example, the energy shield defense system used before Xingqiu was used to prevent the remaining power of the whirlpool from attacking Guili City.

Another example is a retired old man who has been staying at school, etc.

Chapter 687 Secret Weapon

In order to ensure the safety of Guili City, Han Xiao did not leave too many backup options.

In addition to what was said before, he also specially created many powerful and destructive weapons.

For example, the magically modified version of the final machine, the super-large-yield shells that Ocello automatically retracted and sealed after two bombs were exploded, etc.

And now Han Xiao is planning to take Xingqiu to see one of the many secret weapons.

Hanxiao, where are you taking me?

After following his family back to Guili City, Xingqiu couldn't help but asked out of curiosity as he looked at the increasingly familiar environment around him:

Why do I feel like you are taking me back to your home?

Just go back to my house.

Hey...the secret weapon you mentioned is kept at your home?

You'll know when we get there!

Han Xiao did not tell the answer directly, but smiled mysteriously at Xingqiu, then returned to her home in a familiar way, opened the door and walked in.

I don't know what secret weapon made Rang Zhijiafa Xiao choose to hide it in his own home.

Looking at the house where he often visited, Xingqiu sighed, then stepped over the threshold and walked into the house.

However, when he saw Han Xiao push open the hidden entrance to the secret room in the room and then open the secret passage downwards inside the secret room, he was still a little shocked.

After all, he had been to the other party's house countless times. He really didn't expect that Han Xiao's house not only had a secret room, but there was even a secret passage underneath the secret room.

It’s literally one set after another!

When I was growing up, I guess I used to dig tunnels and play at home, right?

follow me!

After opening the secret passage, Han Xiao waved to Xing Qiu, who was obviously dazed, and then disappeared into the secret passage.

Seeing this, Xingqiu could only choose to follow.

Not long after entering the secret passage, he discovered that the secret passage was quite open, with bright electric lights hanging on both sides of the walls, and even neatly laid tracks above the ground.

His friend, Xiao Hanxiao, was sitting on a small car on the track and waving to him:

Come and take a seat, we're going!


After checking the well-equipped secret passages around him, Xingqiu quickly boarded the car and sat opposite Han Xiao. Then he saw his little boy reaching out and pressing a button similar to a start on the car.


The sound of the mechanism suddenly sounded in the secret passage, and the car that was originally stationary was quickly driven by the mechanism and moved along the track toward the depths of the underground.

Han Xiao, when did you dig out this secret passage?

The length of the underground secret passage is somewhat beyond Xingqiu's imagination.

Obviously the speed of the car was not slow, but after sitting for more than ten minutes, he still could not see the end point.

This really makes Xingqiu feel a little incomprehensible.

It stands to reason that there is such a large secret space under Guili City, and the amount of the work should be very huge. Even if it is a secret room built by Han Xiao when Guili City was first built, there should be some rumors among the public.

But he didn't hear a single rumor about this in Guili City.

You ask about this secret passage... it was probably dug more than half a year ago.

After hearing Xingqiu's inquiry, Han Xiao made a mental estimate and then gave a rough time period.

Are you sure you're not joking?

Why did I lie to you?


It was okay not to listen to the answer, but Xingqiu was even more confused when he heard it.

He had been the Secretary-General of Guili City for a period of time more than half a year ago. It can be said that he has handled all the affairs of the entire city.

How come there is no trace of such a huge project like the secret tunnel? This is contrary to common sense!

Moreover, every transfer of the construction team to Kuixing Tower was recorded, but he had never found a construction team taking over such a job.

Xingqiu, who couldn't think of an answer, fell silent.

He really didn't understand how Han Xiao built such a huge project in front of so many people in Guili City.

Could it be that magic was used?

Just as Xingqiu was thinking hard, the speed of the car gradually slowed down, and his field of vision suddenly broadened.

What caught his eyes was a huge open space, which was less than half the size of Guili City in terms of area.

What made Xingqiu even more concerned was that in the center of the empty field stood a large steel machine several people tall.

Next to this large machine, there are countless small machines connected by black cables with forearms.

Didn't you ask me how I dug out this secret space half a year ago? Now the answer is right in front of you.

Seeing the surprised expression on his little boy's face, Han Xiao pointed to the huge machine in the center of the clearing with a smile on his face, and his words were a bit more proud:

This is the secret weapon I want to show you, the terrain adjustment device!

It allows you to mobilize rock elements within the range to adjust the landscape. The space you are standing under is adjusted by it in a short period of time.

...You made this too?

Yes, this is a masterpiece created by Ms. Alice and I!

Looking at the machine in front of him with functions beyond his imagination, and hearing Han Xiao's affirmative reply in his ears, Xingqiu was shocked to the point of losing his mind.

Is the world crazy or am I crazy?

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