Hearing Han Xiao's plan, Abedo nodded in agreement.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng is better at 'chatting'. If the other party were here, he might blow up the scene.

Han Xiao, you are the initiator of the Internet project. It is up to you to assign the research that needs to be completed to everyone.

It's fine on my end.

Fa Lushan looked at Han Xiao with interest. She had finally seen Albedo's genius.

So what kind of style Han Xiao has, who is considered comparable to Abedo in Liyue, maybe she can get a glimpse of it in the following conversation.

I agree.

Angus, who had maintained a learning attitude while Albedo and Fa Lushan were talking, also nodded.

There is no problem in Hanxiao’s arrangement, as long as it’s not Albedo.

Okay, then let me make some simple arrangements.

Seeing that everyone agreed that he would be responsible for allocating tasks for the Internet project, Han Xiao didn't show any pretense and immediately said:

First of all, Angus, your goal is to complete and master the basics of alchemy as soon as possible. If you were an ordinary person, I wouldn't be so anxious, but I believe you can do it, right?

Isn't it the basics of alchemy? I've learned more than half of it now. Give me a few more days and I'll master it completely.

Hearing that Han Xiao asked him to master the basics of alchemy in a short period of time, Angus confidently patted his chest and gave his assurance.

After learning the basics of alchemy, you need to learn about Internet projects.

no problem!

Angus still agreed very happily, so happily that Fa Lushan couldn't help but cast her eyes on him.

From the previous academic discussion with Abedo, we learned that Angus was in a similar situation to her before. He was trapped somewhere, so his knowledge was not very solid.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao actually thought that the other party could master the basic knowledge of alchemy and master it in a short period of time.

To put this on other people is simply to embarrass people.

On the other hand, Angus didn't feel that Han Xiao's request was difficult at all, and he acted quite confident.

In addition, neither Abedo nor Han Xiao refuted.

It seems that this guy's talent is a bit scary. He deserves to be Albedo's brother!

Senior Fa Lushan.

Han Xiao, who didn't know what Fa Lushan was thinking at this time, changed the topic to her after explaining Angus's mission:

Abedo and I now have a lot of cipher texts from the Kanria period. I wonder if you, senior, are sure you can decipher them?

I can try the secret text from the Kanria period!

Hearing Han Xiao turn the topic to herself, Fa Lushan took back her thoughts and thought about it seriously, but then did not give an accurate answer.

Although she was confident in her ability in the field of writing, very few documents have survived from the Kanrea period.

So Fa Lushan didn't say anything to death, she just said she would give it a try first.

Chapter 685: Choosing a Hole Digging Site

Also, I hope seniors can teach us about runes. Is that possible?

Seeing that Fa Lushan agreed to try to decipher the Kanria cipher text, Han Xiao also proposed the idea of ​​learning rune knowledge.

Is what you said true?

Han Xiao is right, we really want to know about writing.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Albedo on the side answered Fa Lushan's doubts for him.

Although innovations have been made in both mechanical arts and alchemy in the modern field, countless ancient civilizations of different time periods once existed on the continent of Teyvat.

These ancient countries have their own understanding of alchemy and mechanism, and their texts are also different.

Just like Canria's alchemy and mechanism creations, there was a unique text encryption method at the time.

Therefore, if you want to better understand the technologies left behind by these ancient civilizations, knowledge in the field of writing is essential.

This is also the reason why Albedo’s first choice team member is Fa Lushan. After all, among many scholars, she is the only one who has made great achievements in the field of writing.

Then I also want to learn about runes!

Seeing that both Abedo and Han Xiao were interested in learning the rune knowledge that Fa Lushan had mastered, Angus was unwilling to be outdone and said that he also wanted to learn.

Although he still needs to learn the basic knowledge of alchemy, since both Han Xiao and Abedo plan to learn the knowledge of runes, he is not willing to fall behind.

Are you sure you want to learn rune knowledge from me?

Yes, Senior Fa Lushan.

Han Xiao, Albedo and Angus nodded in unison.

Learning the knowledge of runes can help them better decipher the remaining documents of the major ancient countries in the Teyvat continent.

Maybe there is some extremely secret knowledge in these documents. If they don't master the knowledge of runes, they will miss it if they don't keep it all.

This is really great!

Seeing Abe and others nodding, Fa Lushan was overjoyed.

After working in the Teaching Academy for so long, she has been able to recruit students who are willing to learn runes. Her school was even considered too unpopular and funding was not approved.

He never expected that after arriving in Liyue, three people would be willing to learn rune knowledge from him.

Although Angus may have wanted to learn runes because of Han Xiao and Abedo, the other two took the initiative to learn runes.

Moreover, these three ‘students’ are all extremely talented.

This made Fa Lushan, who had been unable to find satisfactory students in Xumi, feel that coming to Liyue was simply the most correct choice she had made.

I will sort out the materials for learning rune knowledge after I get back!

Then I'll trouble Senior Fa Lushan.

After simply thanking Fa Lushan, Han Xiao continued:

In addition to deciphering the Kanria cipher text, seniors, please also master the knowledge required to build the Internet as soon as possible during this time.

Are these the books you gave me before?

That's right.

I see.

Fa Lushan nodded.

Both Han Xiao and Abedo are willing to learn rune knowledge from her in order to build the Internet, so she will understand the knowledge provided by the other party as soon as possible.

After explaining the next tasks for Angus and Fa Lushan, Han Xiao turned her attention to Albedo.

Albedo, while Seniors Angus and Fa Lushan are mastering the knowledge, we can try to create simpler front-end products first.

Pre-production product?

Abedo suddenly became interested.

What is the front-end product and what does it do?

Remember the principle of the number pusher introduced in the academic column of the Steam Bird Newspaper?

of course I remember!

When Han Xiao mentioned the counting machine, Abedo nodded without hesitation.

Liuyun Jifengzhenjun used the counting machine principle mentioned in the Steam Bird News and combined it with the signal receiver designed by Abedo to create the core mechanism of the base station that is used to handle multi-person signal reception, discrimination and forwarding. .

From that time on, he found the issue of the Steam Bird Newspaper that published the principle of the numbering machine, and carefully read the principle of the numbering machine from beginning to end.

The counting machine is a tool that helps people calculate values. We can try to improve this thing first.

Seeing that Abedo had not forgotten the counting machine and even mastered its principles, Han Xiao directly stated his plan.

In Han Xiao's opinion, the number push machine can be regarded as the prototype of the Teyvat version of the computer.

So before building the Internet, they can practice with the machine called push counting machine.


After Han Xiao assigned the preliminary tasks before building the Internet, Abedo and others devoted themselves to their own studies.

Angus is still learning the basics of alchemy, but in addition to this, he also has an introduction to runes.

Fa Lushan locked herself in her room and studied hard all day long with the books Han Xiao gave her, hoping to master and comprehend them as soon as possible.

As for Albedo, he was pretty much the same as usual, still staying in the alchemy workshop while waiting for the materials to build a counting machine, while studying the runic knowledge provided by Fa Lushan.

Finally, there is our protagonist Han Xiao. After receiving the knowledge of runes, he did not immediately devote himself to studying. Instead, he went straight to the mountains behind Guili City and found Xingqiu who was leading the survey.

Return to Licheng·Houshan Mountains.

Xingqiu, how are you?

Have you found a location that meets your requirements?

The first time he saw Xingqiu, Han Xiao felt like the other person had asked him what he wanted to know most.


Hearing Fa Xiao's inquiry, Xingqiu nodded slightly, and then took out a map full of marks from the Eye of God space.

After the construction team's search, they have found three locations that meet the requirements. Which one should we choose?

I actually found three places, let me take a look!

After learning that the construction team had successfully found three locations that met the requirements, Han Xiao suddenly became interested, took the map from Xingqiu's hand, and began to look at it carefully.

Although the various marks on the map made the whole map look quite messy, he quickly saw the three most altered locations.

Are these three places?

Looking at the dense markings next to the three locations, after some serious thinking, Han Xiao pointed out her finger to one of the locations:

Just choose this place!

Seeing that Han Xiao had made a choice so quickly, Xingqiu also quickly came to the map to see which place he had chosen.

Hey... this seems to be the farthest place from Guili City. Why did you choose this place?

Of course it's because it's the safest place to choose!

Upon hearing Xingqiu's question, Han Xiao answered matter-of-factly.

Chapter 686: Han Xiao’s backup plan in Guili City


Hearing the reason given by Han Xiao, Xingqiu couldn't help but frown. He found that his childhood seemed to have made some big news.

Didn't you say that Houshan was built to build a new power supply system for Guili City? How does it have anything to do with safety?

Since the birth of electricity, Liyue has become a large consumer of electricity.

As the demand for electricity gradually increased, Kuixing Tower and the General Affairs Department successively issued commissions to the Adventurers Association to capture Ray Slime and purchase electrical crystals.

Because Liyue's electricity consumption has begun to be in short supply.

Therefore, when Han Xiao proposed that he and Abedo had developed a new power supply system and needed to open up an area in the back mountain of Guili City, Xingqiu hurriedly brought the construction team to the back mountain.

However, now he learned from his own mouth that the new power supply system was actually quite dangerous.

I’ve never heard of this before!

Hey, I haven't explained it to you before?

Seeing Xingqiu looking at him with a pair of dead eyes, Han Xiao patted his forehead in embarrassment:

Look at my brain, I've actually forgotten this!

Then he told Xingqiu the principles of the new generation power supply system that he and Abedo were going to build.

You should know about the slime power supply system that Abedo and I designed before.

Well...I have read the summary report you asked Xu Wan to write.

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