
While Han Xiao was talking to Fa Lushan, Xing Qiu was leading a team of construction workers to the back mountain of Guili City.

Chapter 683: Research team members meet

Return to the mountain behind the city.

The reason why Hanxiao chose the current area when he chose the site to build the city was not only that the old site of Guiliji was in this area, but the most important thing is that the terrain is really suitable for building a city.

First of all, the city's inner hinterland extends to a smooth road, which is very suitable for planting after the salinization problem is solved.

Secondly, the side of Guili City is close to the sea, which not only reduces the difficulty of defense, but also lays a good foundation for future sea transportation.

Finally, Guili City is backed by a mountain range made of huge rocks, which can be called a natural barrier.

So when Xingqiu took the construction workers to the foot of the mountain range, the leader of the construction team couldn't help but have a look of embarrassment on his face.

Lord Xingqiu, is this our goal this time?

Yes, is there any difficulty?

After comparing the drawings, Xingqiu nodded first, then looked at the leader of the construction team and asked.

It's definitely a bit difficult.

Hearing Xingqiu ask himself, the leader of the construction team quickly pointed to the mountain range composed of hard rocks in front of him:

Lord Xingqiu, the mountains here are all made of this extremely hard rock. It would take too long to dig a large cave here.

Can't we use blasting?

Xingqiu frowned slightly and asked in surprise.

The people of Liyue have been mining for thousands of years, so they naturally have skills in blasting technology. In this case, why do they have to use digging?

Sir Xingqiu, you don't know something. If we could use explosives, we would have wanted to use them!

Faced with Xingqiu's doubts, the leader of the construction team also seemed helpless.

Of course he knew that blasting was much easier than manual excavation, but the key was that this mountain range was entirely made of rock.

Once blasting is used, who knows whether the entire mountain range will collapse.

Therefore, if you want to create a large site in these rocky mountains, you can only rely on manual excavation.

However, the disadvantages of manual excavation are also very obvious, which is that the project time as he mentioned before is too long.

That's it...

After listening to the explanation from the leader of the construction team, Xingqiu nodded thoughtfully, and then handed the drawings provided by Abedo to the place:

Then you and the team members first select the future construction site in the mountains in strict accordance with the standards on the drawings. I will discuss the rest with Han Xiao.



Senior Fa Lushan, shall I take you to the alchemy workshop to meet Albedo next?

On the other side, after watching Fa Lushan solemnly place the handwritten book into the Eye of God space, Han Xiao took advantage of the situation and proposed to go to the alchemy workshop to meet other members of the future research team.

To see the son of chalk?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's invitation, Fa Lushan's eyes suddenly lit up. She was very interested in this super genius who was said by Sumeru scholars to have brought Mondstadt's alchemy field to the level of Sumeru alone.

Senior, I am very interested!


Seeing Fa Lushan's expression of wanting to get to know Abedo, Han Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised.

When Abedo recommended Falushan to himself before, didn't he say that he and Reindot had met each other when they traveled to Xumi?

Why, judging from Fa Lushan's expression, does it seem like the two of them have never met?

This is really a bit surprising.

Senior, let's set off now!

Although it was a bit unexpected, Han Xiao didn't take this matter to heart and directly led Fa Lushan out of Kuixing Tower and walked straight towards the alchemy workshop.

Soon, the two arrived at the location of the alchemy workshop.

Angus, it's a bit radical for you to randomly change the material ratio like this!

I want you to take care of me. Only by doing this can I maximize the effect of the potion!

The efficacy is indeed stronger, but the side effects are also enhanced, right?

It's just a side effect, it won't kill anyone!

This is not a question of death or death, but a question of the alchemist's integrity!

Before entering the workshop, a heated argument reached the ears of Han Xiao and Fa Lushan.

Uh... I made you laugh, senior.

No, I'm more curious about who can argue with Albedo. Could it be another genius?

A genius is indeed a genius, but he has only just learned alchemy and needs to add basic knowledge.

Han Xiao stretched out her hand to push open the door of the workshop while mentally building up Fa Lushan:

In addition, seniors, please be mentally prepared and don't be surprised.

When you say that, I'm even more curious.

As Han Xiaojiang slowly pushed open the door of the alchemy workshop, Fa Lushan couldn't help but cast her gaze inside the workshop.

She wanted to see what Han Xiao wanted her not to be surprised about.

Originally, she didn't think there would be anything that would surprise her.

However, after seeing the situation inside the workshop clearly, Fa Lushan suddenly felt that she had raised the flag a little too early.

What did she see?

She saw two blond boys with identical looks inside the workshop, arguing around an alchemy experimental table. There was a bottle of lavender alchemical potion on the experimental table, and under their feet was a pavement with words written on it. Calculation paper.

Albedo and Angus, who noticed the outsider's arrival, immediately stopped arguing and turned their attention to the door.

Han Xiao, and this should be Miss Fa Lushan!

Abedo first used his eyes to signal Angus to pack the alchemy potion, and then walked to the opposite side of the two people and said hello:

This is the first time we meet, please give me some advice, Miss Fa Lushan.

I am Albedo, and the man next to the experimental table is my brother Angus.

Hello, I'm Fa Lushan, please give me some advice!

After taking a look at Albedo in front of her, and then at Angus who nodded to him in front of the experimental table, Fa Lushan said hello blankly, and couldn't help but feel a wave of panic in her heart.

It turns out that the Sons of Chalk have brothers?

Why have I never heard about this?

Fortunately, after a brief surprise, Fa Lushan regained her senses and skillfully used her knowledge to chat with Albedo and Argus.

Seeing this, Han Xiao nodded slightly, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Currently, except for Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, the remaining members of the research team are all here.

And it looked like the few of them were having quite a pleasant chat.

Seeing this, Han Xiao was just about to get involved when he suddenly noticed that his cell phone, which he had set to silent, began to vibrate.

In order not to disturb the conversation between Fa Lushan and Abedo, Han Xiao quietly took a few steps back and retreated to the door of the alchemy workshop. Then he took out his mobile phone and connected the call.

Hey, Hanxiao!

Xingqiu, why did you call me suddenly?

Chapter 684 Assigning tasks

I have a little problem here.

Returning to the mountain behind the city, watching the members of the construction team starting to calculate the best location on the map, Xingqiu told Han Xiao about the troubles they encountered through the phone microphone.

People from the construction team told me that the entire mountain behind Guili City is composed of rocks. It is quite difficult to dig a cave out of the mountain.

I remember, didn't Keqing build a base station in the back mountain before?

I saw the base station you mentioned, but the base station was built at the foot of the mountain. Keqing built a house specifically with cement.

After hearing Xingqiu's report, Han Xiao subconsciously raised her head and looked in the direction of the mountain behind Guili City.

Is it possible to use gunpowder?

No, the team leader told me that if we use blasting methods, a landslide will easily occur if we don't do it right.

That's it...then you confirm the address first, and I'll take care of the rest.


Although he didn't know what method he planned to use to dig out a suitable cave in the rocky peak in a short time, seeing how confident the other party was, Xingqiu did not continue to ask.

Anyway, the credibility of my little friend is still worthy of trust.

After all, Han Xiao never makes promises easily, but as long as he agrees, it means that he is sure to solve this problem.

On the other side, Han Xiao, who hung up the phone, had thought of a solution.

The answer is yes.

After understanding the difficulties that Xingqiu and the others encountered, Han Xiao immediately knew that there was something that could do this easily.

That was the landscape adjustment device that he and Alice built using the Heart of the Rock God as the core power.

This thing has been tested on the island before, and it can completely achieve the legendary ability to move mountains and fill seas.

It's just a mountain range made of rocks. It's not easy to leave it to the terrain adjustment device.

Hanxiao, who was prepared to wait for Xingqiu to confirm the address before using the landform adjustment device, put away her mobile phone and walked into the alchemy workshop again.

As soon as he walked into the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao saw Abedo and the others sitting on the sofa and starting the academic chat mode.

However, this chat mode currently only seems to be occupied by Albedo and Fa Lushan. The remaining Angus cannot get in the conversation at all because his knowledge reserve is still too small, so he has to be a listener and not forget to absorb. Knowledge.

Hanxiao, you're back!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Han Xiao walking into the workshop. Abedo immediately stopped his academic discussion with Fa Lushan, a rather satisfied look flashed in his eyes.

The other party is not only proficient in mechanism arts and runes as rumored, but also dabbles in alchemy.

It can be said that Fa Lushan is more suitable for the Internet research and development project than he expected.

What were you talking about just now?

Han Xiao walked to the sofa and sat down, asking with a smile on her face.

We talked about some academic aspects of mechanisms and alchemy, and I benefited a lot.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Fa Lushan still had a hint of wonder on her face.

Abedo is worthy of being called a super genius by the Academy of Alchemy. The previous academic discussions really gave her a lot of knowledge.

No, Miss Fa Lushan's research on the field of runes also inspired me deeply.

As the recipient of Fa Lushan's praise, Abedo also responded with a compliment. After speaking, he did not forget to look at Han Xiao and concluded:

With the help of Miss Fa Lushan, our progress in deciphering the Kanria text will be greatly improved.

This is really good news!

Seeing Abedo confirming that Fa Lushan's joining the research team can play a positive role, the smile on Han Xiao's face became more sincere.

Now that everyone is here, let's talk about the next research arrangements?

Don't you need to wait for True Lord Liuyun to come?

Master Liuyun still needs to keep an eye on the alchemy factory in Mingyun Town. I will inform the master after we have discussed the regulations.

fair enough.

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