Chapter 681: Fa Lushan: Aren’t you afraid of making the same mistakes again?

Seeing the document handed over by Han Xiao, Fa Lushan did not hesitate, directly reached out to take the document and started reading it.

The content on the file is divided into two parts.

Part of it was about the series of benefits Liyue offered her when she was invited to participate in research, such as an independent laboratory and sufficient funding.

If it were normal, Fa Lushan, who has been in urgent need of research funds, would be overjoyed to see these conditions.

But after seeing another part of the record in the document, she quickly left behind these treatment conditions that she was very concerned about before.

The reason is simple, because the document records some plans of Han Xiao and Abedo to develop the Internet.

Fa Lushan felt extremely excited when she saw this idea, which was similar in function to the void system, but had completely different core operation methods.

After she met Little Lucky Grass King, she went to beg to see him again in private.

During that meeting, Fa Lushan was once curious about why Little Lucky Grass King chose to directly stop the void system that Xumi had been using for 500 years.

It was only then that she learned that the so-called void system actually operates with the help of part of the brains of all Sumeru people.

The Sumeru people were unable to dream because of the void system.

In order to prevent the void system from being used by bad people, and also because Xumi scholars have lost a lot of creativity due to the extensive use of the void system.

After comprehensive consideration, Little Lucky Grass King finally chose to close the void system.

However, what Fa Lushan never expected was that the reason Han Xiao and Abedo wrote to recruit them from Xumi to Liyue was to study a creature with similar functions to the void system.

Even judging from some of the contents recorded in the documents, this kind of creation does not occupy people's brains like the void system, but is realized using pure alchemy and mechanical means.

This really shocked Fa Lushan and aroused her interest in research.

Although the Little Lucky Grass King said that the drawbacks of the void system were not small, so he chose to ban it, the other party has never denied the power of the void system.

Now there is an opportunity to develop a creation that is comparable to the void system and will not endanger human life.

You said how could Fa Lushan not be interested.

I didn't expect that Liyue's alchemy and mechanism skills have developed to this extent!

Looking at the creation named 'Internet' recorded in the document, even if it was just a rough explanation, Fa Lushan couldn't help but exclaim, and at the same time she felt helpless for Xumi.

In the hundred years since she was trapped in the ruins of the Red King, except for one or two less countries in Teyvat, the development of the other countries was somewhat unexpected.

For example, Fontaine has vigorously developed mechanical art, and even developed airships that fly in the sky and submarines that swim on the bottom of the sea. There are countless other mechanical creations with different functions.

It's even worse in Liyue. All kinds of alchemical and mechanical creations such as electric lights and electric cars have also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, pushing Liyue's rapid development step by step.

Even the Winter Kingdom, which Fa Lushan doesn't like very much, has made great achievements in heavy industry and weapons industry.

Only Xumi is clearly known as a country of scholars, and there are actually many talented people in the six major colleges. Logically speaking, it should be the fastest growing among the seven countries.

However, the fact is just the opposite. Not only has Xumi not made any progress in the past hundred years, but also because of the constant quarrels among scholars, the teaching academy has become a private mess.

In addition to human beings' own reasons, perhaps the existence of the void system has also restricted the thinking of some scholars.


Thinking that due to the existence of the void system, the thinking of scholars in the past five hundred years has been invisibly limited, Fa Lushan put down the document in her hand and said with a tangled face:

As Sumeru people, the Internet system designed by you and Abedo is very similar to the void system in terms of functionality.

I don't deny that.

Hearing Fa Lushan talk about the similarities between the Void System and the Internet, Han Xiao admitted this very calmly.

In previous games, the void system was designed to imitate the functions of the Internet.

But now in the continent of Teyvat, things are reversed, and the Internet has become the one imitating.

I have to say that the inverted relationship between the two made him find it very interesting.

It's just that you, Senior Fa Lushan, should be very aware of the shortcomings of the void system, right? this the Seven Stars of Liyue? It's really an incredible intelligence capability!

The fact that the void system will occupy the computing power of the Xumi people's brains has been a secret for five hundred years. It was not until recently that the former great sage Azar was overthrown did the Xumi people know that their brains were occupied.

This incident even caused quite a stir. In the end, the Little Lucky Grass King, who appeared for the first time in five hundred years, publicly announced the closure of the void system to suppress the storm.

Although Fa Lushan knew that the information about the void system being closed would gradually be known to the other six countries as time went by.

But now the other party knew about it not long after the incident.

This all shows that the intelligence network in Han Xiao's hands not only obtains information extremely accurately, but also delivers information faster than expected.

Sumiru is a country of scholars, so it's not an exaggeration to think that it will be focused on, right?

Seeing Fa Lushan looking at her in surprise, Han Xiao followed the other person's guess and gave a reasonable explanation, but she was snickering in her heart.

What a joke, he still needs information about the void system?

Do you know that he is the real mastermind behind the resignation of the former great sage Azar?

Moreover, his puppet-incarnated trumpet Romani Solomon is still on Sumeru’s wanted list.

Since you know the problems of the void system, aren't you afraid that the Internet will make the same mistakes again?

It is common for countries to spy on each other's intelligence, so Fa Lushan did not pay attention to this, but directly asked her doubts.

She was now curious about what Han Xiao was thinking.

Even from the general introduction of the document, it seems that the Internet will not adopt the old method of the void system, but will find a new way and decide to use alchemy and mechanism to create a large-scale data that integrates a series of functions such as data storage, transmission and calculation, etc. center.

But how can Han Xiao solve the problem that the Void System has invisibly imprisoned part of Xumi Scholar's thinking?

This is not a problem that can be avoided by changing the approach.

Would we repeat the same mistakes? This involves Abedo and I's plans for the future of the Internet.

That means we can't reveal it?

That's not true.

Seeing that Fa Lushan was a little disappointed, Han Xiao shook her head repeatedly, and then took out a contract and placed it in front of her as if by magic.

Chapter 682 Han Xiao: UI design of the void system

Co-author, you are waiting for me, senior, here!

When she saw Han Xiao taking out the contract document that she had prepared long ago, Fa Lushan couldn't help but fold her arms, her face speechless.

Senior Fa Lushan, what you are asking already involves Abedo and I's core plans for the Internet. These must be kept confidential.

Of course...if seniors sign a cooperation contract, then we will be our own.

You're really cautious.

After muttering something under her breath, Fa Lushan reached out and took the contract document from Han Xiao's hand and read it carefully.

The content written in the contract document is very simple. She needs to work for Liyue for at least three years to enjoy the treatment conditions proposed by Han Xiao.

As for the others, they are all supplementary regulations, which can be said to be a quite conscientious contract.

Emmm, the treatment is similar to Abedo when he was first invited to Liyue, very generous.

However, due to the increasing involvement of interests, Abedo's current contract term is slightly longer.

After finding that there was no problem, Fa Lushan happily spread the contract documents on the desk beside her, then took out a pen from the Eye of God space and signed her name with a few strokes.

Okay, now it's time to tell senior about me!

After signing her name, she took back the writing pen and looked up at Han Xiao:

How exactly do you and Abedo plan to plan the Internet to avoid the problems I mentioned.

After picking up the contract document on the table and checking it carefully and confirming that it was effective, Han Xiao felt relieved. Then Han Xiao smiled and told Fa Lushan about his and Abedo's plan:

Actually, what Abedo and I want to do is very simple. We don't plan to promote the Internet on a large scale at the beginning. At the same time, we will also charge for the props that connect to the Internet, and we will not distribute them for free like Xumi.

Initially, we did not plan to promote it on a large scale, but only to use it on a small scale first. Also, do we need to pay for items that connect to the Internet?

Hearing Han Xiao's answer, Fa Lushan nodded thoughtfully.

This is indeed a good idea.

Trial on a small scale first can save a lot of trouble, for example, the ‘data center’ will receive a lot of spam messages.

Secondly, Han Xiao and Abedo can also make timely technical adjustments based on feedback from trial users, which can save them a lot of trouble.

After all, the stall is too big, and if there are some problems, repairs will be difficult.

Then what's next, you can't always keep the Internet in a small area, otherwise it will be a waste of resources!

In the future, we will gradually open up the openings for small-scale use to see the effect. As for the restricted thinking you mentioned, senior, I actually think it will not happen for the time being.

You don't believe that the Internet will bring about the imprisonment of thinking?

Fa Lushan raised her eyebrows. The other party didn't believe her guess. should I put this?

Han Xiao scratched her head, not knowing how to answer Fa Lushan's question.

Regarding the fact that the Internet can imprison part of the thinking, neither he nor Abedo paid too much attention to this.

The reason why Sumeru became like this was mainly because the void system was a bit ahead of the Teyvat continent.

Coupled with the excessive publicity of the Xumi Sages, the Xumi people relied too much on this system, which in turn led to little development in their own academics.

There was even a trend of thought in the later period that said, Void doesn't think I need to know.

But Han Xiao and Abedo both feel that this will not happen with the Internet, because they position the Internet as an auxiliary tool.

They will not promote it as a miraculous thing like the sages of Sumeru.

It can be regarded as a fundamental difference from the void system.

And neither Han Xiao nor Albedo believed that the so-called void system was the work with the highest technological content.

It really depends on the technological content, haha...

In Han Xiao's view, Abedo's hand first drew the shape on the canvas, and then used alchemy to create the real object, which was almost like printing matter out of the void.

Isn’t this physical level better than the Bluetooth+ai+ network of the Void System?

In the final analysis, the UI interface design is not as strong as the Void system.

The canvas and brushes look relatively primitive. If you change to a virtual interface, it will definitely be cyberpunk.

So this is how you understand the void system.

When Han Xiao slowly finished explaining her views, Fa Lushan couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. She finally understood what he and Albedo were thinking.

In the eyes of these two people, the void system's confinement of thinking was entirely the work of the Sumeru people themselves.

Just because the Void System comes from the Grass God, the Great Kind Tree King, everyone in Sumeru has transferred part of their worship of the Great Kind Tree King to the Void System.

Especially after the death of the Great Mercy Tree King, the Void System became people's sustenance for the Great Mercy Tree King, which further intensified this view.

As a result, after five hundred years, these people finally formed the view that emptiness is the truth after constant self-PUA.

Han the Void System really nothing in the eyes of you and Abedo?

Well...actually the void system isn't that bad!

Hearing Fa Lushan's inquiry, Han Xiao did not deny the advancement of the void system. After all, this thing was indeed an epoch-making product for the Teyvat continent five hundred years ago, and it is still very capable even now.

But for Han Xiao, who had received education in his previous life, and Abedo, who had learned a lot of physics knowledge from Han Xiao, the void system was completely within the understandable range.

On the contrary, there are too many physical levels and black technologies in traditional alchemy and magic (magic).

There's something special about your thinking!

Fa Lushan was interested in Han Xiao and Abedo's understanding of the void system. They had obviously developed a cognitive method that was different from Xumi's.

As for this, Senior Fa Lushan can take a look at this.

Seeing that Fa Lushan was very interested in her and Albedo's way of thinking, Han Xiao immediately took out several handwritten books on basic physics knowledge from Yu Perry and handed them to her.

Perhaps after reading this, senior, you will understand why Abedo and I don't attach great importance to the void system.

I'll study it carefully.

Reaching out to take the handwritten book handed over by Han Xiao, Fa Lushan nodded solemnly. She also wanted to see what kind of philosophy made both the other party and Albedo not particularly care about the void system.

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