
Before Han Xiao could speak, Zhongli's next words took a 180-degree turn.

One thing she still didn't predict is that there are actually two 'strangers' above the snow, right?

And even without Ying's help, I think you should be able to get through to the top of the snow mountain, right?

So be it.

Han Xiao nodded.

Without Ying's help, he is indeed capable of finding the road to the snow-capped mountains, and can also break through the ice blocking the road.

So it seems that he has just appeared outside the princess's prophecy?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but continue to ask Zhongli:

Mr. Zhongli, so I am the change in the prophecy?

Yes, you are the only variable in the prophecy.

Zhongli did not choose to be the Riddler this time, but admitted Han Xiao's speculation that he was the variable in the prophecy.

Because in the prophecy, there was no screen preview of Han Xiao's appearance.

I didn't expect that...the variable turned out to be myself?

After learning that she was one of the main reasons for the flaw in the prophecy of the last princess of the Snow Mountain Kingdom, even Han Xiao didn't know what kind of expression she should use to face it.

I have lived for more than 6,000 years, and the princess of the Snow Mountain is considered to be among the top five people with prophecy ability among the people I have known for more than 6,000 years.

Seeing Han Xiao fall into silence, Zhongli became interested in this topic:

It's been almost twenty years since you came to Liyue. You didn't have the power you have now. Logically speaking, your identity as a descendant should have been assimilated by the Teyvat continent. But as a result, you still retain it. The identity of the descendant.”

However, the problem also arises here. The princess has obviously predicted the arrival from a foreign land. Why didn't you foresee it at all?

Uh... I'm not sure about that either.

Seeing Zhong Li looking at her with great interest, Han Xiao reluctantly pulled the corner of her mouth and showed an awkward smile, with a vague intention to get through.

But he actually already had a rough guess in his mind.

That is, his identity as an Adventer and his identity as an Adventer are completely different.

To put it simply, Han Xiao and Ying are both visitors from another world in the Teyvat continent. The only difference is that Ying should be a person from another world in the universe of the Sea of ​​Trees system.

But Han Xiao is different. He is most likely a true descendant from a high-level world, a soul that transcends the tree-sea system.

Moreover, this plug-in that appeared very late in the chat group may have appeared in Teyvat with Hanxiao's soul as early as when he traveled through time.

Ha...Isn't it clear?

Seeing the quick flash of light in Han Xiao's eyes, Zhongli couldn't help but laugh, without exposing the other party's lies.

He is not someone who likes to ask questions. Han Xiao not only does no harm to Liyue, but actually tries his best to help Liyue develop.

Since he doesn't want to say it, then he won't say it.

Anyway, it's not a big deal for an unlucky child to have his own secrets. Everyone has one or two little secrets that they don't want to tell outsiders, right?

So Zhongli simply stopped the topic:

Okay, do you have any other questions you want to ask me now?

Not yet...

Han Xiao shook her head, then stood up and cupped her hands towards Zhongli:

Then I'll take my leave first, Mr. Zhongli.

Walk slowly without seeing you off.


At the same time, a guest from a foreign land was welcomed at the gate of Guili City.

Chapter 680 Meeting with Fa Lushan

Is this Guili City, which Liyue has become a new city?

Outside the tall city gate, Fa Lushan, who followed the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce convoy to Liyue, looked at the busy scene in front of her, with indescribable amazement in her eyes.

I heard that this place was established just over two years ago, but I didn’t expect that this city would become so prosperous in such a short period of time.

Especially those vehicles called electric vehicles by Liyue people were an eye-opener for Fa Lushan.

It should be said that Liyue is indeed a big commercial country. Its prosperity is indeed much greater than that of Xumi.

Miss Fa Lushan, the formalities have been completed, shall we enter the city?

Just when Fa Lushan sighed at Guili City, the person in charge of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce fleet came back with the newly completed procedures for entering the city, and said while handing the formal documents in his hand to the other party.

Thank you.

Hearing the words of the team leader, Fa Lushan reached out and took the formalities documents without forgetting to nod her thanks.

How should I contact Mr. Han Xiao after entering the city?

Don't worry about this. Master Xingqiu has arranged everything. Just come with me.

Then I'll trouble you.

Soon, under the leadership of the person in charge of the motorcade, Fa Lushan slowly followed the motorcade into the new city that stood on the ruins of the ancient capital.


Hello, Miss Fa Lushan, I am Xingqiu, the secretary-general of Guilicheng.

Not long after Fa Lushan entered the city, Xing Qiu, who received the news, asked the person in charge of the motorcade to take her directly to Kuixing Tower, where he personally took charge of the reception.

Nice to meet you!

Fa Lushan, a scholar of the Sumeru Zhilu sect, please give me some advice!

Looking at the gentle blue-haired boy who appeared in front of him, Fa Lushan, a scholar, suddenly brightened up.

It's amazing, this kid is so bookish, and he feels like he's even better than that kid from Kelai. I wonder if he can be kidnapped and become a student?

Uh...Miss Falushan?

Facing Fa Lushan, who was staring at him without saying a word, Xing Qiu suddenly felt a chill running down his back, and quickly called out to her again.

Ahem, sorry!

When Xingqiu shouted, Fa Lushan realized that this was not Xumi and Xingqiu was not a student of the college. She coughed twice and then said with a smile:

Secretary-General Xingqiu, there is no need to address me so politely. I am dozens of years older than you, so just call me senior.


Why are there still people rushing to be called senior?

A trace of astonishment flashed through Xingqiu's eyes, but he nodded with a gentle smile on his face:

Of course it's no problem, Senior Fa Lushan.

But behind the smile, Xingqiu had a strange image in his heart of the Xumi scholar in front of him who was obviously very good-looking, but who gave people a strange feeling.

Well, it’s not a bad image.

Perhaps this is how Sumeru scholars seem to care about their age?

Although Xingqiu's image of Xumi scholars may have been slightly distorted because of Fa Lushan, he did not say much on this topic, but directly got down to business:

Fa Lushan...Senior, we have arranged your accommodation for you. Hanxiao will come to interview you in person tomorrow. What do you think?

Okay, then I'll trouble you, young man Xingqiu!


After sending Fa Lushan away, Xingqiu decisively took out his cell phone and dialed Han Xiao's number, and truthfully reported the situation of the other party's arrival in Guili City.

Oh? Fa Lushan has already returned from the city!

Han Xiao, who had just returned home from school, heard Xingqiu's report, and her eyes flashed with joy.

This is really good news. He and the last member of Albedo's research team are about to be in place.

I have arranged for her to live in the area where foreign guests are entertained. Don't forget to have a shoulder-to-shoulder meeting with her tomorrow.

Xingqiu first told Han Xiao not to forget to meet Fa Lushan tomorrow. Then he remembered that his family had often dealt with scholars since he was a child, and he immediately asked the question he had been holding back for a long time:

Hanxiao, I have a question for you?

What are you asking?

Do you academic scholars always have some weird quirks?


On the other end of the phone call, Han Xiao was surprised when she heard Xingqiu's question, as if she didn't understand why the other party would ask such a question.

Why do you suddenly ask such a question?

Well... the main reason is that this scholar lady from Xumi asked me to call her senior when she first came up, so I wonder if you all who are doing research take your qualifications very seriously.

It shouldn't be the case. Maybe this is just Miss Fa Lushan's personal habit. You don't need to worry about this little problem.

After listening to Xingqiu's description of Fa Lushan, Han Xiao calmly comforted her with a few words.

Don't you just like to hear people younger than you call yourself senior? It's a big deal.

As long as the person's ability is good, calling him senior won't cost him two pieces of meat.


The next day.

Han Xiao got up from bed early, and after freshening up, she went to Kuixing Tower to wait for Fa Lushan to come to her door.

And before the other party came to visit, he didn't forget to check the draft of the development plan for Guili City this year that was handed in by the people below.

Time passed quietly, and soon the agreed time period came.

While Han Xiao was dealing with government affairs, there was a sudden knock on the door of the office.

Please come in.

Hearing Han Xiao's voice, the door was slowly pushed open. Secretary Xu Wan stood at the door and said softly:

Master Hanxiao, Miss Falushan is here!

Are you coming?

Han Xiao put down the pen in her hand and directly ordered Xu Wan:

Invite people to my office.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

After receiving the order, Xu Wan turned around and left, and soon brought Fa Lushan to the office.

Welcome, Senior Fa Lushan!

Seeing Fa Lushan walk into the office, Han Xiao immediately stood up and walked quickly to the other party, extending her right hand while keeping a bright smile on her face.

I don't know if you slept comfortably last night. If you need anything, please let us know and we will do our best to make arrangements for you.

Mr. Han Xiao is too polite.

Faced with Han Xiao calling her senior as soon as he came up, Fa Lushan's beautiful face forced herself to be calm, but the slightly upturned corners of her eyes betrayed her good mood.

Stretching out her right hand and shaking Han Xiao's hand, Fa Lushan immediately expressed that Liyue's arrangements were very thoughtful and she was very satisfied.

Seeing that the other party was really in a good mood because of the word senior, Han Xiao felt a little reassured.

Senior, please sit down.


After Fa Lushan sat down, Han Xiao sat down and opened the drawer, took out a printed document and handed it to her.

Senior Fa Lushan, please take a look at this first.

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