The top of the mountain has been covered in dust for hundreds of years. I'm going to look for any remaining monsters.

Then I'll go see if there are any leftover mechanisms.



Accompanied by the wolf's roar that cut through the air, a huge ice and snow hill king wailed and fell in front of Diluc, turning into light spots flying in the sky and disappearing.

“What a surprise!”

Obviously the road to the top of the mountain has been sealed for hundreds of years, but I didn't expect that there are still monsters living here.

Seeing the King of Ice and Snow Hills being defeated, Kaia who was on the side just walked up to Diluc who was sheathing his sword, his face full of surprise.

You must know that even monsters like the Qiuqiu people still need to eat. Logically speaking, there is not enough food for these monsters to survive on the top of the mountain that has been blocked for hundreds of years.

However, what they didn't expect was that in addition to the ancient machine creations on the top of the mountain, there were also many monsters.

This is really counterintuitive.

It should be caused by the unique environment of the snow-capped mountains.

After hearing Kaia's sigh, Diluc pondered slightly and then gave his guess.

Ordinary monsters do need food supply, but the environment in the snow-capped mountains is different. The land here contains Dulin's extremely strong vitality.

Under the influence of this strong vitality, the monsters in the snow-capped mountains obviously got rid of the problem of survival due to lack of food.

To put it more simply, the monsters in the snowy mountains have evolved from eating food to directly absorbing life force to survive.

Isn't it too rich in vitality? No wonder Dulin's problem was taken so seriously by the bard.

Diluc's explanation made Kaia nodded in agreement, and it also made him understand why Wendy was so concerned about Dulin's problem.

Think about it, if you continue to let Dulin's extremely strong vitality be ignored, sooner or later more monsters will emerge on the snow-capped mountains that do not need to eat and can only survive by absorbing the vitality of the air and land of the snow-capped mountains.

At that time, monsters that are not limited by food resources will react in large numbers, and the snowy mountains will completely become monster lairs.

This is not good news for Mondstadt and Liyue around the snowy mountains.

Let's go, Ying seems to have done it!

Ignoring his adoptive brother's sigh, Diluc looked up at his sister who was using the wings of wind to shuttle back and forth in the air, then left a word and walked towards the top of the mountain.


After climbing up the steep mountain road for a while, Diluc and Kaia came to a platform.

Han Xiao and Abedo were standing in front of a wind element stone pillar that had been lit.

Hanxiao, Abedo!

Seeing the two of them, Kaiya took the lead and said hello to attract their attention:

We have cleaned up all the monsters along the way!

Thank you for your hard work.

After hearing Kaiya's report, Han Xiao nodded slightly, then pointed at Yingmei who was controlling the wings of wind to fly towards the highest stone and said:

After Ying broke the ice, he discovered several mechanisms with glowing spots. According to Albedo and I's speculation, these may be the mechanisms left behind by Shar Fendenir when he tried to repair the Cold Sky Nail.

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Albedo on the side also added:

In addition, we discovered a secret place in the depression on the top of the mountain, and there was also a stone tablet that had been lit long ago.

The stone tablet that has been lit for a long time?

Yes, it's the kind of stone tablet we needed to light when we opened the secret room.

Abedo nodded and directly explained the purpose of the stone tablet.

In other words, before we opened the secret room, someone had already completed the most difficult step for us?

After hearing Abedo's words, Kaia and Diluc looked at each other and seemed to understand the meaning of each other's words.

The stone monument, which was lit in advance, blocked the road to the top of the mountain with solid ice.

It seems that the secret room under the Seven Heavens Statue is probably the last secret place opened in the snow mountain, but they have reversed the order.

But because a certain bard who had never shown up but showed his presence everywhere took this into consideration, they were able to open the secret room without following the order.

Chapter 675 Du Lin was suppressed

Jingle Bell--

While Han Xiao and the others were talking, the cell phone's ringtone suddenly rang.

Han Xiao, who felt the phone vibrating in her arms, immediately took out her phone and connected the call.

Hanxiao, all the ice has melted!

Hearing Ying's voice from the microphone, Han Xiao subconsciously raised her head and looked at the Hantian Nail fragments floating in the air.

Because the height was too high, he could barely see two white shadows, one large and one small.

Ying, try to press the mechanisms on the fragments!



Then I'll try.

After receiving Han Xiao's instructions, Ying immediately hung up the call, and then put the phone back into Brother Cheng's pot. After doing all this, she spread her wings of wind and jumped down from the highest point, flying towards the fragments of the mechanism. .

Soon, Ying followed the top-down route and activated the mechanisms on the fragments.


When the last mechanism was activated, a burst of blue light waves suddenly erupted from all the mechanisms.


The next moment, the entire mountaintop began to tremble.

Seeing this, Ying directly controlled the wings of wind to fly far away to find a safe place to land.

Everyone, please be safe, the Cold Sky Nails on the ground are floating in the air!

Han Xiao, who had long been mentally prepared, loudly reminded Diluc and others as the ground shook, and then retreated towards the rear.

Seeing Han Xiao's actions, Diluc and others reacted quickly and quickly followed him back.

Just as they were avoiding the central area of ​​the mountain top, a large hand that had been invisible seemed to appear above the stone pillar that was originally embedded in the surface of the mountain top and pulled it out.

The ice that was originally like petals exploded instantly, and flew around along with the soil brought out from the ground by the stone pillars.

And in the sky above the mountain top, the fragments of Hantian Nails that were floating everywhere before seemed to be attracted by some force, and they gathered towards the central area.


As the collision of stones sounded one after another, the originally fragmented stones gradually pieced together a complete shape in the air.

Even surrounded by blue light, the cracks between the stones were strangely erased, as if they had never appeared.

The process of piecing together the stones is very short, only about a minute or so.

As the smoke and roar dissipated, a Hantian Nail with blue light all over its body appeared completely in front of Han Xiao and Diluc.


Before a few people could speak, a roar came from their ears, and the roar was full of unwillingness and anger.

Hearing the roar in their ears, Han Xiao and Abedo glanced at each other subconsciously, and at the same time noticed the understanding in each other's eyes.

The angry neigh just now was probably caused by Du Lin.

It seems that the effect of Hantian Nail is very strong. It can be put to work as soon as it is put together.

Have you noticed that the atmosphere of the snow-capped mountains seems to be changing?

After reacting, Kaia raised his left hand. As the owner of the Eye of God, he keenly felt that the activity of elements in the air of the snow-capped mountains seemed to have instantly decreased a lot.

It should be the Nail of Hantian that has the effect.

After hearing Kaia's discovery, Diluc Miaoguang looked at the huge 'nail' in front of him and said thoughtfully.

Although Du Lin's huge vitality that envelopes the entire snow mountain seems to be extremely strong and difficult to deal with in most people's eyes, it is a pity that even the power of the demon dragon will be suppressed when facing the power from Sky Island.


At the same time, return to the city.

When the Cold Sky Nails reunited, Zhongli and Wendy raised their heads and looked in the direction of Longji Snow Mountain.

Oh, Han Xiao and Ying are very fast!

Seeing Barbatos who suddenly came to the door and asked him to drink, he looked at the snow-capped mountains with a smile on his face, and forgot to pour himself a drink. Zhongli, who was forced to entertain the guests, sighed helplessly.

Although the power of the Cold Sky Nail can suppress Du Lin, what are you going to do next?

What to do, old man, I don't understand what you are saying!

Hearing Zhongli's 'reminder' to herself, Wendy turned around with a 'pure and kind' look on her face. seems you have your own plans.

Seeing Barbatos's pretending to be innocent, Zhongli couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and immediately understood that the other party had probably been prepared to deal with it, and in this case he didn't bother to mention it again.

Anyway, just as the person on the island in the sky is currently sleeping, Barbatos is not out of control yet.

But when that person wakes up, Mondstadt will be in the opponent's sight.

no way...

As if she saw the unfinished meaning in Zhongli's words, Wendy shrugged rather bachelorly:

Dulin's vitality mixed with toxins is really too tricky. I don't think even the old man can find a better solution than using the Cold Sky Nail, right?

That's true.

After hearing Wendy's explanation, Zhongli nodded slightly, indicating that he recognized the other party's statement.

If it is ordinary vitality, no matter how huge it is, as the demon god who controls the authority of the rock, he can completely divide it by adjusting the earth veins.

It's a pity that Reindot deliberately mixed the toxins from the abyss when making Dulin's body.

This kind of poison can make Wendy helpless, and Zhongli will naturally be no exception.

After all, their power is essentially at the same level.

Speaking of which, old man...

Without further discussion on this topic, Wendy quickly changed the subject, with the usual cynical smile on her face:

Although the Nail of Cold Sky suppressed Dulin's power, Mond should have been in the sky's sight after that.

In addition, that boy Han Xiao also kidnapped a super talent from our Mondstadt. After all, I have suffered a huge loss!

Ha... stop coming!

Seeing that Wen Wen was deliberately pretending to be 'poor', Zhongli immediately sneered. As someone who fully understood Han Xiao's plan, he certainly knew how important Young Master Abe was to Liyue, so he retorted unceremoniously:

That person is not from Mondstadt, but from Kanria. From now on, he should be from Liyue. No matter what, he has nothing to do with you!

Tsk, tsk, tsk... The world has really changed. Even the old man, you are starting to steal talents!

Han Xiao has a saying that I think is right. What is most important in this era is naturally talent.

Facing the ridicule from his old friend, Zhongli seemed quite calm.

It's rare to encounter a talented person with full potential and no affiliation, even if it is me, I will invite you.

Oh...what a loss!

Seeing Zhongli's unmoved expression, Wendy immediately started to lament: beating her chest and beating her feet:

Why do you think Abedo's elbows are turned outwards?

Chapter 676 Everyone’s arrangements afterwards

Snow Mountain Albedo's alchemy laboratory.

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