It seems that the situation has begun to improve. It is estimated that the environment in the snow-capped mountains will return to normal levels in less than a month.

After operating a bunch of strange instruments, Abedo turned around and looked at Han Xiao and the others standing behind him.

Huh... As long as it works!

Ying couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when Abedo confirmed that the Cold Sky Nail was indeed effective.

This time she was tricked into the snow mountain incident by Wendy, and she also played an important role in it.

It would be a bit regretful if the Cold Sky Nail was ineffective in suppressing Du Lin in the end.

It really helped me a lot this time, Ying.

Seeing a relaxed look on Jian Ying's face, Han Xiao on the side also smiled and praised.


Kaiya nodded in agreement with Han Xiao's praise of Ying for being a big help.

Without a physique that could purify Dulin's poisonous blood, they would not be able to fully revive the Honeysuckle Tree, and at the same time they would not be able to get the fruit that could melt the strange ice.

They may have to find another way to reach the top of the mountain in the meantime, and the Cold Sky Nail cannot be repaired so quickly.

It can be said that in this snow mountain trip, although Ying joined halfway, his role was the most important.

You really over-praise me. In fact, the main credit should be given to Wendy.

Facing the praises from everyone, Ying felt a little embarrassed and put all the credit for Snow Mountain on Wendy, who had been showing up from beginning to end.

After all, if the other party hadn't come forward to tell her how to revive the honeysuckle tree, the snow mountain problem wouldn't have been solved so smoothly.

Heh... that alcoholic poet, he has done something serious.

When he heard the mention of Wendy, Diluc snorted with pride on his face.

Dulin's problem has been roughly solved. How do you plan to deal with the snow mountain problem next?

Seeing that the topic was diverted to Wendy, Han Xiao immediately stood up and turned the topic to the follow-up treatment of Xueshan.

Now there are no obstacles on the road leading to the top of the snow mountain. The nail of cold weather on the top of the mountain now stands there. There will be many adventurers who will find it in the future, right?

Don't worry, I will be stationed here temporarily.

When Han Xiao asked Mondstadt about the follow-up treatment of the snow-capped mountains, Diluc immediately said that he would stay on the snow-capped mountains and give up the adventurers to go to the top of the mountain until the knights discussed how to deal with it as before.

I will rush back to Mondstadt and report the information on the snowy mountains to Captain Qin.

After Diluc finished speaking, Kaia also said his next action.

I believe that Captain Qin will be able to properly handle the follow-up issues after understanding the situation in the snowy mountains. However, according to my estimation, Captain Qin will send soldiers to guard the passage to the top of the mountain.

Perhaps the West Wind Church will also intervene.

After hearing Kaiya's judgment, Abedo remembered something and quickly added.

And when he said this, Kaiya also reacted.

You mean Rosalia and the others will also act together?'s really possible.

The Knights and the West Wind Church are working together to deal with the follow-up issues in the Snow Mountain. I feel relieved about that.

After learning about Mondstadt's arrangement, Han Xiao nodded slightly, and then turned his gaze to Ying and Paimon:

Albedo and I should be back to Licheng soon. Ying, where are you and Paimon?

I still have some other tasks that I picked up from the Adventurers Association. After completing the tasks, I should return to the city to rest for a few days, and then we will probably set off for Xumi.

Seeing Han Xiao ask about her and Paimon's next plans, Ying didn't hide anything and directly expressed her thoughts.


Hearing that Ying already had the intention to go to Xumi, Diluc frowned and said meaningfully:

If you are going to Xumi next, you need to be careful, Ying.

The current environment in Xumi is very unstable.

Ah, I know!

Before Ying could speak, Paimon on the side seemed to have thought of something and quickly asked:

Is it because of the moon incident in Xumi some time ago?

Although that incident is quite concerning, I think that's not what Mr. Diluc is talking about, right?

Kaia opened her mouth to accept Paimon's words, and at the same time, she did not forget to look at Diluc with a smiling expression.

Our Master Diluc has information that ordinary people cannot get. There are very few things on the continent of Teyvat that can be hidden from him!

Wow, Diluc, you are so powerful!

As soon as Kaia's words came out, Paimon stared at Diluc with bright eyes, and his words were full of sighs.

I just have some friendship with a certain intelligence organization. I don't know everything as well as Kaiya said.

Diluc first glared at his foster brother angrily, and then patiently explained to Paimon that he was not as powerful as Kaia said.

In other words, Diluc, you do know something about Xumi's current situation?

Although Diluc claimed that he did not know all the information Kaia said, he did not deny that he knew some recent developments about Sumeru.

This made Ying immediately interested. After all, her next destination was Xumi.

Now that she can know some of the situation in Sumeru from Diluc in advance, she will be better prepared to deal with the problems she will encounter in Sumeru.

I do know a little bit.

Now that Yingdu has asked himself questions, Diluc will naturally give face to the honorary knight who has helped Mond a lot.

After he sorted out the information about Xumi in his mind, he slowly found out what he knew about Xumi's current situation.

At the same time as the Moon Incident, Xumi's management system underwent political changes. The original leader of Xumi, the Great Sage Azar, seemed to have been ousted due to certain issues, and even implicated several people. Sage.

So the atmosphere in Sumeru is a bit turbulent now. Many people are secretly fighting for the position of the six great sages of Sumeru.

In addition, the Sumeru region is divided into two parts: desert and rainforest. There have been constant conflicts between the two sides. Recently, the friction has gradually escalated due to the turmoil in the management of the Order.

Is Xumi's situation so bad?

After listening to Diluc's introduction to Xumi's current situation, Ying couldn't help but frown her delicate eyebrows.

This was much more serious than what she heard about Sumeru's current situation from Yae Shenzi!

Xumi is indeed not very stable at the moment.

Diluc nodded first, but soon the conversation changed:

Fortunately, I heard that the little Lucky Grass King who has never shown up in five hundred years has recently taken over the teaching house. Maybe things will get better in the near future.

Chapter 677 Angus’ first alchemy

Through Diluc's information, Ying also learned a lot of recent information about Sumeru, which also made her next trip to Sumeru a little easier.

emmm, you read that right, it is indeed a trip.

Ever since she learned that Kong was a prince in the Abyss Cult and was planning a big life every day, although Ying felt speechless, her anxious heart was at least relieved.

After all, her brother is currently more lively and moisturized than her, so what else does she have to worry about.

Furthermore, after meeting Sora last time, the other party said that she would know the truth of everything after traveling through the seven countries of the Teyvat continent.

Since this is the case, I think I should listen to my brother for once. Anyway, now that I have Kong’s whereabouts, I can just treat the next few countries as a trip.

In the next two days, Diluc and Kaia took the lead in saying goodbye, and they walked down the snow-capped mountains to the camp together.

Diluc purchased a large amount of supplies at the camp, and then walked alone along the snow-capped mountains to the passage leading to the top of the mountain and stationed himself there. Before the knights arrived, he had to guard this place to prevent other adventurers from entering by mistake.

Kaia, after a short rest in the camp for half a day, drove Diluc's electric car towards Mondstadt. He needed to report what happened on the snowy mountain to Captain Qin for a decision.

As for the other side, Ying and Paimon also left the snow mountain and returned to Guili City after completing the commission they received from the Adventurers Association.

With the Sumeru information provided by Diluc, she needed to prepare some responses in advance to avoid being in a hurry.

After everyone left and Han Xiao and Abedo confirmed for the last time that the snow mountain environment had indeed returned to normal, they headed towards the place they agreed with Angus (Master Abedo).


You are here.

In a cave with a bonfire burning, Angus closed the alchemy basic notes in his hand as he watched Han Xiao and Albedo walking into the cave despite the wind and snow.

Have you solved Du Lin's problem?

Well, the environmental anomaly in the snow-capped mountains has been resolved. Dulin has been directly suppressed, so he can't make too many waves for the time being.

That's it...

Angus sighed softly when he heard Abedo say that they had completely suppressed Dulin.

In terms of status, Dulin, he and Albedo can all be called 'brothers'.

Moreover, he was able to escape from the seal smoothly thanks to the help of the other party.

Now he was watching with cold eyes as his 'brother' was sealed.

Even though Angus knew that letting Du Lin out was not a good thing, he still felt a little guilty in his heart.

lets change a topic!

Seeing that the atmosphere in the cave was a bit solemn, Han Xiao quickly stood up and relaxed the atmosphere:

Angus, how are you doing with your alchemy studies? Is there anything you don't understand?

Haha...are you looking down on me?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Angus immediately rolled his eyes at the other person and choked back angrily.

It's hard to get him even with just basic knowledge of alchemy.

Immediately, Angus raised his hand and pointed to the sweet flower growing in the corner of the cave, and proudly introduced Han Xiao and Abedo:

In the past few days while you have been away, I have completed my first alchemical creation.

Cheat for flowers?

Looking at the extremely unexpected sweet flower in the corner of the cave, Albedo reached out and rubbed his chin. He was a little curious about what kind of alchemy experiment Angus had done with the cheat flower.

This is no ordinary scammer!

Upon hearing Albedo's inquiry, Angus took out a bottle of potion from his arms, walked to the 'Sweet Flower', opened the cork, and then poured the potion into the stamens.


As the potion came into contact with the sweet flower, a white smoke rose up, and then the monster cheated the flower and jumped up from the ground.

It's pretty normal up to this point, no different from the cheating and cheating in the past.

However, the next development of things was somewhat beyond Han Xiao and Abedo's expectations.

The cheating flower that burst out of the ground and jumped into the air was suddenly enveloped in a large amount of white smoke, and then a black figure rushed out of the smoke and landed firmly on the ground.

It was only then that Han Xiao and Abedo saw that what appeared in front of them was not the flower-deceiving monster they imagined, but a 'person' exactly like Abedo and Angus.

Good guy, you're trying to trick people into deceiving people!

Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows when she saw the deceitful flower turning into Albedo.

It was originally thought that the conflict between Angus and Abedo had been resolved, and that Abedo who appeared in the game would not be born again.

Unexpectedly, things would come full circle and come back to where they started.

Angus's first alchemical creation turned out to be the Beidoo in the game.

How dedicated he is to Abedo!


Just as Han Xiao was sighing, 'Hua Beido', who found himself surrounded by a crowd of people, roared and rushed towards the entrance of the cave in an attempt to escape.


Just hearing a muffled sound, Hua Beiduo's body suddenly came to a standstill, and a sword blade flashing with cold light passed through the chest from the back.

It turned out that Angus did not know when he appeared behind Hua Beiduo, and the hilt of the long sword that had pierced Hua Beiduo was held tightly in his hand.

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