Why does it seem like nothing is happening on the ice now?

It seems that there is some strange force in the glacier that offsets my power.

Unlike Kaia's shock, as the person involved, Diluc decisively put the wolf's end behind him after seeing that his attack had no effect at all.

At the same time, he also gave his own feelings.

After cutting off the fiery elemental explosion, he was keenly aware of a strange power emerging from the people inside the iceberg.

Then this power was like a black hole, swallowing up the power of the flames that he had erupted.

That means it can't be opened with brute force.

After hearing the thoughts of Diluc, the person involved, Abedo quickly came to a conclusion.

These glaciers are most likely mixed with the power of the Cold Sky Nail. It is precisely because the level of this power from the sky is too high that Diluc's attack has no effect at all.

But speaking of higher levels of power...

Thinking of this, Abedo couldn't help but turn his head and look at Han Xiao:

Hanxiao, are you sure you can break this iceberg?

The problem should be that there is no...

Hearing Abedo ask for his opinion, Han Xiao thought for a moment and gave his answer.

If the glacier contains the power from Sky Island, then he is still very sure to break the iceberg.

After all, his level of power can be said to be extremely high.

But then Han Xiao’s conversation suddenly changed:

But if I take action, it will probably cause a large avalanche.


Hearing what Han Xiao said, Abedo immediately understood why the other party had not chosen to take action before.

The power contained in the glacier most likely came from the sky, and Han Xiao also gained power after becoming a demon god.

The collision of two high-level forces may cause a very big disturbance.

They are currently in a snow-capped mountain. Once a violent vibration occurs on the snow-capped mountain, a large-scale avalanche will be the inevitable result.

This time the Knights did not send anyone to completely seal the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, so there might be adventurers somewhere in the snow mountain.

The small-scale avalanche caused by Diluc's attack was easy to control, but it would not be good if a large-scale avalanche caused innocent passers-by to be involved.

In Abedo's eyes, Han Xiao can actually handle the power from the sky?

After hearing the conversation between Abedo and Han Xiao, Diluc and Kaia couldn't help but look at each other.

Chapter 673 The entrance appears

Regarding Han Xiao's intelligence, neither Diluc nor Kaia had ever given up on collecting information, so they thought they knew this new generation of Liyue Seven Stars.

Born into a noble family, he became self-reliant at a young age. Later, he became famous during the Strata Rock Abyss incident and became one of the seven stars, Tianshu Star.

At the same time, Han Xiao's Eye of God was also obtained during the establishment of Guili City. Before that, the opponent was indeed an ordinary person without Eye of God.

Moreover, according to the intelligence collected by Diluc and Kaia, Han Xiao had basically never made any move. The other party showed more outstanding alchemy talents and government affairs abilities.

Although there is information that Han Xiao once defeated the young master Dadalia who was the last executive officer of the Fools, but since there is no accurate process, it can only be heard as a rumor.

However, according to Diluc and Kaia's judgment, Han Xiao had only obtained the Eye of God for less than three years. Even if the opponent was talented in martial arts, it would not be too outrageous.

But what did they hear now?

Diluc held the end of the wolf and used all his strength to break the glacier that even the elemental burst could not break. Albedo actually thought that Han Xiao was capable of solving it.

Even Han Xiao himself thinks so.

This was a bit beyond their expectations.

Is there really someone with such incredible talent in the world?

Emmm, the judgments of Diluc and Kaia are basically the same as those of any other Teyvat people.

After all, it is indeed impossible to create a master in less than three years.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility that there will be geniuses whose talents can reach the top level among mainland Eye of God owners in one or two years, but the probability of this is really small.

It's a pity that although Han Xiao is not a genius, he is a hanging on the wall who is even more unreasonable than a genius!

Is it difficult to become the top level within Eye of God in three years?

Haha...this is so simple for wall hanging.

Relying on the unreasonable plug-in, Han Xiao has already jumped from ordinary people to the level of demon gods within three years, becoming one of the few truly top people in the Teyvat continent.

However, because Han Xiao had too few opportunities to take action, and because he was in a high position, some secret matters were left to the puppet clone.

Therefore, not only was there a flaw in the intelligence of Diluc and Kaia, it can be said that in the entire Teyvat continent, except for the Winter Kingdom, only the gods in the other countries knew Han Xiao's true strength.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Another person also noticed that Han Xiao's force value was not low.

It was Yingmei who had gone with Han Xiao to solve the sealing mission of Ruotuo Dragon King.

If it will cause an avalanche, Han Xiao, you'd better not take action.

When Abedo asked Han Xiao if he could take action to deal with the glacier, and the other person's answer was that it would cause a large avalanche in the snow-capped mountains, Ying quickly stopped him.

She didn't want to face a huge avalanche scene because of Han Xiao.

Therefore, after speaking to stop Han Xiao, Ying immediately stood up and decided to take over the task:

Bingglai better let me give it a try.

Ying...are you sure?

Seeing that Yingmei was planning to test the beauty of the glacier, Han Xiao couldn't help but look back at her.

You haven't returned to your prime yet.

What I am sure of is not my own strength.

After hearing Han Xiao's question in front of several people, Yingmei simply raised the honeysuckle fruit in her hand that glowed red.

Although she could crush the glacier in front of her with one sword in her heyday, her strength has not yet fully recovered.

If you want to rely on your own strength to break the glacier and find the way to the top of the mountain, you won't say it out loud if you are not sure.

What gave her the confidence to solve the problem was naturally the fruit in her hand that grew from the honeysuckle tree.


Seeing Ying holding up the honeysuckle fruit in her hand, Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows and became very interested.

Does this fruit still have some strange powers?

I think so.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Yingmei nodded and walked to the glacier with the honeysuckle fruit in front of everyone.

After looking up and down at the glacier in front of her, she directly placed the honeysuckle fruit on the cold and hard ice.


The next moment, something unexpected happened.

The moment it came into contact with the honeysuckle fruit, the ice surface that had been unscathed by Diluc's ferocious elemental explosion seemed to have encountered something irresistible, and completely melted like butter when it was heated.

It can be said that soon, the originally indestructible glacier was 'corroded' by the honeysuckle fruit and a small hole was formed, and this small hole was still expanding at an extremely fast speed.

Tsk tsk tsk...this fruit actually has this function?

It's completely unexpected!

Kaiya couldn't help but be amazed when she saw that the glacier, which her sworn brother was holding the wolf powder and using all his strength to use the elemental burst, had no effect, but a big hole was melted by the strange fruit in Ying's hand.

Ha...what a great plan.

Hearing Kaia's sigh, Diluc snorted subconsciously.

He could finally see that everything happening now was probably part of the calculations of some alcoholic poet from beginning to end.

After all, whether it was the prophecy left by the princess from the ancient Snow Mountain Country or the fact that only Ying could purify Dulin's poisonous blood, these proved that she had been the chosen one.

Even if Han Xiao and Abedo hadn't come to solve Du Lin's problem, I'm afraid the other party would have asked Ying to come to the snow mountain and come into contact with its secrets, thereby solving Du Lin's problem.

This is a good thing, it saves me a lot of effort.

Diluc's cold snort and Hanxiao naturally heard it, but he was quite satisfied with Wendy's prepared back-up arrangements.

The more calculations the other party makes, this proves that it has been paying attention to the snow-capped mountains from a long time ago.

At the same time, Wendy continued to provide them with help, which further proved that the plan proposed by him and Albedo to repair the Cold Sky Nail was correct.

Everyone, that's it!

While several people were talking, Ying suddenly made a sound and attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, the originally indestructible glacier had completely disappeared under the influence of the honeysuckle fruit. What appeared in front of Han Xiao and the others was a seven-meter-high, bottomless hole.

Abedo quickly walked to the entrance of the cave and squatted down. He then touched the ground with his hands and felt the ground. After confirming that the cave passage extended upward, he nodded to everyone:

Our judgment was correct. Going up from here should be the road to the top of the mountain.

Without further ado, let's set off!

After receiving Albedo's confirmation, Han Xiao left a few words and walked into the dark cave first.

Chapter 674 The Nail of Cold Sky

With Han Xiao taking the lead, Diluc and others also followed into the dark cave.

And with the help of the honeysuckle fruit in Ying's hand, they 'melted' several glaciers blocking the road.

After climbing up a certain distance along the collapsed ice prism pillar, Han Xiao and his party finally reached their destination.

The top of Longji Snow Mountain has not been visited by anyone for hundreds of years.

However, as soon as they stepped onto the ground on the top of the mountain, everyone was shocked by the sight that appeared in front of them.

So right in front of them, a broken stone pillar was standing on the ground. Where the stone pillar connected with the ground, there were ice flowers blooming out that were several people tall.

This is... Hantian Nail!

Looking at the stone pillar in front of him, which was still seven or eight meters high even if it broke, Kaiya couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Although he knew about the existence of the Cold Sky Nail from the clues he found a long time ago, he was still shocked when he saw the real thing with his own eyes.

Because the scale of this so-called ‘Hantian Nail’ is quite large, it cannot be described as a nail at all, it is completely a jade pillar holding the sky!

Sure enough... the information recorded in the box is correct. The Nail of Hantian did break into several parts.

Unlike Kaia who sighed at the scale of the Cold Sky Nail, Albedo raised his head and carefully scanned the environment on the top of the mountain, and soon discovered the rest of the broken parts of the Cold Sky Nail.

Those broken stones did not fall to the ground like the stone pillars inserted into the earth, but were affected by some strange power and floated in the air from beginning to end.


At this moment, sharp-eyed Paimon suddenly stretched out his little hand and pointed directly at a broken part of the Cold Sky Nail:

There's ice there too!

Everyone followed the sound in the direction Paimon pointed, and sure enough, floating on a slightly larger piece of gravel was a piece of ice that was exactly the same as the glacier they encountered before.

Then they found the same ice on two other pieces of gravel.

Ying, I'll leave it to you to melt the ice cubes!

Now that he had arrived at the top of the mountain and saw the Nail of Hantian, Han Xiao did not continue to pretend that he knew nothing and made his request directly to Ying.

Leave it to me!

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Ying nodded without saying a word, and then led Paimon towards the top of the mountain. She needed to find the highest point and use the Wings of Wind to fly up the gravel.

While Yingmei was heading towards the highest point, Han Xiao did not forget to give instructions to Diluc and others:

Let's also look for any clues left in the ancient country.

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