Is it just because the crimson chalcedony was infused into the ancient tree that it completely revived?

You don't think that someone else can completely revive the ancient tree by infusing it with crimson chalcedony, do you?

Isn't it?

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Kaiya held his chin with his hand and said thoughtfully:

If the ancient tree wants to be completely revived, someone needs to infuse it with crimson chalcedony. This is in line with the needs of living things. Is there anything else that can't be said about it?

Although Diluc didn't speak, there was a look of approval on his face, and even Ying felt that Kaia's words were right.

Only Abedo quickly understood the meaning of Han Xiao’s words:!

What's wrong, Abedo?

Seeing that Albedo seemed to understand Han Xiao's thoughts, Paimeng quickly asked.

...I ask you, in the past five hundred years, except for Yingying, do you think there is no chance that so many adventurers will bring the crimson chalcedony to the ancient tree?

As soon as these words came out, Kaiya and the others discovered the details that they had overlooked before.


Five hundred years ago, the demon dragon Dulin fell in the Longji Snow Mountain, and then crimson chalcedony appeared in the snow mountain.

Over the past five hundred years, countless people have been curious about this sudden appearance, and many have done research on it.

However, long-term research on crimson chalcedony seems to be harmful to the human body, so most people have given up on exploring crimson chalcedony.

But five hundred years is not a short time, and the location of the ancient tree is near the entrance of the snow-capped mountains. The probability of an adventurer passing by the ancient tree carrying crimson chalcedony is not low.

Why didn't they discover the connection between the two?

Yes, why is this?

After Albedo finished explaining, Paimon couldn't help but reach out and scratch his head, his face full of confusion.

The reason is simple, because Ying has an ability that other adventurers don't have.

Seeing that everyone had reacted, Han Xiao stopped talking and told the answer directly.


Upon being reminded by Han Xiao, Ying and Diluc, who had experienced the Wind Demon Dragon incident, flashed a light in their eyes, and then spoke of this ability in unison.

They finally figured out what Han Xiao wanted to say.

Ying has an ability that other adventurers don't have, that is, she can purify Du Lin's poisonous blood.

Coincidentally, the crimson chalcedony itself is the crystallization produced by the combination of the strange energy of the snow-capped mountains and Dulin's rich vitality, which naturally contains the toxins in Dulin's body.

Although the revived honeysuckle tree has a certain resistance to this toxin, it needs a large amount of crimson chalcedony if it wants to completely come back to life.

Even the honeysuckle tree with a certain degree of resistance cannot withstand such intense toxins.

This is why those adventurers did not discover the relationship between the crimson chalcedony and the ancient tree.

It is precisely because Ying has the ability to purify Dulin's poisonous blood that the crimson chalcedony that passes through her hands is 'sifted' and turned into pure life force crystals.

It seems that this is the reason why Wendy told me about the scarlet chalcedony.

After thinking about this, Yingya couldn't help but sigh.

Until then, she also understood why she met Wendy after receiving the snow mountain mission, and she had been waiting for her to come to her door.

It should be said that he is worthy of being a Demon God who has lived from the Demon God War period to now. He has already planned everything in secret.

I still don't quite understand why the bard did this?

Seeing that everyone had a tacit understanding not to reveal Wendy's identity, Kaiya naturally had no intention of revealing it. He was now even more curious about the reason why the other party did this.

Is his purpose just to let Ying get this strange fruit?


Hearing Kaiya's doubts, Han Xiao carefully looked at the honeysuckle fruit in Ying's hand, and then asked:

What did you find after you got this fruit?

No, is there something strange about this fruit?

Ying shook her head. She didn't feel there was anything special about this fruit at the time, so she threw it directly into the Chensong Pot.

If Han Xiao and the others hadn't mentioned the prophecy, she would have forgotten about this fruit.

There are a lot of strange things.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Albedo explained to Ying the special features of this weird-shaped fruit.

Not to mention that the appearance of this fruit is so special, the birth of this fruit is really contrary to common sense.

There are many places where ley lines accumulate throughout the Teyvat continent, and they will eventually form our common ley line flowers.

The ground veins in the snow-capped mountains have been silted up for many years, and the ancient tree is also located on a node where the ground veins are silted up, but it just happened to bear a fruit.

I see!

After listening to Albedo's explanation, Ying realized that the fruit in his hand was not only a matter of weird appearance, but even the way it was born challenged the common sense of the Teyvat continent.

Then what is the use of this fruit?

Looking at the honeysuckle fruit in her hand, Ying was troubled. She now didn't understand why Wendy let her get this fruit.

Ying, what that alcoholic poet values ​​​​should be your ability.

Diluc, who had been thinking next to him, suddenly said a reminder:

So you might as well try using your power to purify the fruit.

That makes sense!

Ying's eyes suddenly lit up, Diluc could be said to have awakened the dreamer with one word, maybe this was Wendy's plan.

Thinking of this, she poured her power into the honeysuckle fruit in front of everyone.


Just as Ying's power flowed into the honeysuckle fruit, this strange-shaped fruit suddenly bloomed with a faint red light.

Immediately afterwards, everyone discovered that these red lights slowly gathered and formed an outward flowing light band in the air, floating towards the outside of the laboratory.

Seeing this, Han Xiao and others quickly walked around Ying to the door of the laboratory.

Then they saw the red light strip heading towards the top of the snow-capped mountains against the wind and snow as if attracted by something.

It seems that this is the reason why Lady Wendy let Ying get the fruit!

Han Xiao first signaled Ying to cut off the energy output. After the red light band dissipated, he sighed.


Hearing this, Abedo couldn't help but nodded.

I didn't expect that this fruit would be the pointer that can guide us to find the way to the top of the mountain.

That idle drunkard always does things so mysteriously.

Hearing the sighs of Albedo and Han Xiao, Diluc crossed his arms and snorted in displeasure. helps a lot, doesn't it.

Kaiya spread her hands quite happily and laughed:

At least we know how to get to the top of the mountain.

Chapter 672: Finding the way up the mountain

With the honeysuckle fruit guiding them, Han Xiao and the others didn't waste any time. They directly packed up the props they needed and left the laboratory.

Soon, they followed the red light emitted by the honeysuckle fruit and found a piece of ice that was as tall as a dozen people.

It is said to be an ice cube, but it is actually more appropriate to describe it as an iceberg.

It seems like this is the road to the top of the mountain.

Standing in front of the huge iceberg, Kaia reached out and rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully:

No wonder no one has found the way to the top of the mountain in five hundred years. It turns out it was hidden by such a huge thing!

How are we going to cross such a big iceberg?

Looking around at the giant glaciers that had merged with the rocks, Paimon couldn't help but look troubled.


At this moment, a sound of gold and iron sounded in several people's ears.

Everyone looked around and saw that Diluc had taken out a dark red broken blade and held it in his hands.

This weapon...the end of the wolf?

Seeing the very familiar weapon in Diluc's hand, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

He remembered that Grandpa Lu seemed to be holding the West Wind Great Sword in the game plot, right?

Unexpectedly, the opponent actually had such a legendary weapon in his hand.

This is not something Han Xiao is making a fuss about. You must know that in the real Teyvat continent, five-star weapons are legendary weapons. Each weapon has its own unique power and is extremely expensive.

The most important thing is that sometimes these legendary weapons cannot be purchased with Mora.

Even some famous nobles may not be able to own one.

Not to mention, for example, Han Xiao's own Han clan, even the forging clan that has been inherited for thousands of years, does not have a five-star weapon that can be called a legend.

The same goes for Keqing's family. Her weapon is only a Dragon's Roar in a Box.

Of course, four-star weapons are actually considered extremely rare weapons in the Teyvat continent, but they are naturally slightly inferior to five-star weapons.

Han Xiao currently knows that there are only a few people with five-star weapons in their hands.

In Hu Tao's hand is the spear guarding the Mo that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Gosheng Hall, in the hands of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is He Puyuan, in Shen He's hand is Calamity, Gan Yu's Amos and in the hands of Commander Qin is the Wind Eagle Sword.

Now there is another wolf in the hands of Diluc.

However, considering that the other party came from the Legenfend family, one of the three noble families in Mondstadt, it does not seem surprising that the wolf will meet its end.


Diluc didn't know that Han Xiao had thought so much in one moment. After hearing the other party say the name of the weapon in his hand, he nodded and then explained:

This weapon was found by the Legenfund family a long time ago and has been collected to this day. Because it is too sharp, I rarely use this weapon as my main battle weapon.

Because the weapons are too sharp and are not conducive to the growth of one's own martial arts?

After hearing Diluc's explanation, Ying, who was also an outstanding martial artist, understood why the other party had left this legendary weapon unused.


Diluc nodded, and then slowly raised the wolf's end, focusing his eyes on the glacier:

Considering that this trip to the snow-capped mountains might be dangerous, I specially brought it with me when I traveled. It can come in handy now.

You guys get out of the way first, and I'll try to see if I can split this iceberg!

Seeing this, Han Xiao and the others immediately stepped back a few meters, leaving Diluc standing alone in front of the iceberg.


Just as Han Xiao and the others retreated, a blazing flame instantly ignited on the dark red blade of the wolf in Diluc's hand.

Fire - burn out!!!

The next moment, with a loud shout from the opponent, and as the sword was swung, the firebird composed of flames crashed straight into the huge glacier with an all-burning momentum.

Unfortunately, when the Firebird hit the ice, the roar that everyone expected did not sound.

On the contrary, the Firebird seemed to have encountered some strange situation and disappeared in front of the glacier so suddenly without leaving any trace on the ice.

How is this going?

Looking at the glacier in front of him that had not changed at all, Kaia was in a daze.

As Diluc's adopted brother, he is still very aware of his adopted brother's abilities. No matter how strong the glaciers on the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain are, logically speaking, they cannot ignore the opponent's elemental explosion.

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