This is really not a good story!

After Han Xiao finished speaking, Kaiya couldn't help but let out a burst of emotion from the bottom of his heart, and a haze that was not easily noticed flashed through his eyes.

Except for the different attitudes towards the gods between the two countries at the beginning, the rest of Shar Fendenir's experience was too similar to that of Camria.

It is all due to some reasons that caused the hostility of heaven, and then brought terrible disasters. The people tried to save their motherland but in the end they were in vain.

It can be said that after fully deducing what happened to Shar Fendenir in the ancient snow-capped mountain country, Kaia's aura became unstable at a certain moment even though the city was very deep.

However, he soon realized that his mentality was somewhat unbalanced and quickly adjusted it.

However, Diluc, who knew Kaia's life experience, immediately saw his adoptive brother's somewhat rude behavior.

In order to prevent the other party from being unable to control his emotions in the next topic, he quickly changed the topic to Hantian Nail.

Although the final ending of the ancient country was not very happy, at least it allowed us to find clues to the Nail of Cold Sky.


Hearing Diluc's words, Albedo couldn't help but nodded:

The Nail of Cold Weather cracked shortly after it fell from the sky, exacerbating the climate change in Shar Fendenir.

At the same time, the road to the top of the mountain seems to be blocked by some kind of ice containing strange energy.

Then things are clear now!

Han Xiao raised her right hand and pointed upward under the gaze of everyone:

Our next task is to find the ice blocking the road and break them, and then go to the top of the mountain to reunite the Cold Sky Nails.

When the power of the Cold Sky Nail is restored, we can use its power to completely nail Du Lin to the snow mountain.

Do we really want to repair the Cold Sky Nails?

Regarding Han Xiao's solution to Dulin's problem, Diluc couldn't help but voice his worries.

At the beginning, he was not very optimistic about the method Han Xiao and Abedo came up with.

But after finding out what happened in the ancient Snow Mountain Country, Diluc no longer had any doubts about whether the Cold Sky Nail could suppress Du Lin.

After all, this is a power from the sky that can destroy a country and permanently change the regional environment and climate. It should be more than enough to deal with a demon dragon Dulin.

He is now more worried that once the repair of the Cold Sky Nail is completed, Dulin's problem will be solved. However, what if this power spreads to Mondstadt?

Dulin's vitality has been mixed with the veins of Longji Snow Mountain. If Dulin's problem is not solved, sooner or later the problem of Snow Mountain will spread to the entire Mondstadt.

Hearing Diluc's concerns, Abedo did not choose to deny it directly, but elaborated on the impact that not solving the Dulin problem would have on Mondstadt.

I don't think there's anything to worry about.

Kaiya, who had calmed down a bit, also followed Albedo's words and dragged a certain drunkard in:

The poet doesn't seem to be worried about the problem of the Cold Sky Nail, right? This proves that the Cold Sky Nail will most likely not have an impact on Mondstadt.

That's true.

After listening to Kaia's explanation, Diluc also felt that his worries were indeed a bit unnecessary.

Even as the God of Wind, Wendy has no objections to the repair of Cold Sky Nail. Obviously, the other party has made it clear that he is confident.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask:

Then when do we set off?

Let's wait until they can completely revive the ancient tree.

Seeing that Diluc was ready to leave, Han Xiao also gave his own thoughts.

The restoration of the Cold Sky Nail will definitely have a great impact on the earth's veins. Your Excellency Wendy seems to attach great importance to the recovery of ancient trees, so it is better to ensure the ancient trees first before considering repairing the Cold Sky Nail.


At this moment, the ground of the entire snow mountain suddenly shook, and then everyone noticed a strange energy sweeping across the entire snow mountain like ripples.

This is?

The ground shook as quickly as it came. None of the people in the laboratory paid attention to this trivial matter. Everyone's eyes looked down the mountain in unison.


Abedo just opened his mouth, but before he could finish his words, Han Xiao raised his hand and interrupted:

It seems that Ying and Paimon moved very quickly. The ancient tree has completely revived just now.

So the next step is for us to meet up with Ying and the others, and then find the way to the top of the mountain?

Yes, it is like that!

Chapter 670 The Chosen Ying

Albedo's Snowy Mountain Laboratory.

Ying, who had just returned to the laboratory after using the ground anchor points to run around the snow-capped mountains to collect crimson chalcedony and completely resuscitate the honeysuckle tree, soon learned of Han Xiao's plan.

So now we're going to find a way to the top of the mountain?


No...have you never been to the top of a snow mountain before?

Hearing Han Xiao's clear answer, Ying's face showed a strange look.

The Dragon's Back Snow Mountain has been standing in Mondstadt for a thousand or two thousand years. Is it possible that no one has been to the top of the mountain in such a long time?

This really doesn't exist.

Seeing Ying's surprised look, Albedo thought it was normal.

There are many monsters on the snow-capped mountains. There are many monsters on the snow-capped mountains, and the internal roads are also complicated. Ordinary adventurers are not capable of adventuring in the snow-capped mountains.

As for those capable adventurers or owners of the Eye of God, they can survive in such a harsh environment as the snowy mountains.

However, the top of the snow mountain is shrouded in terrible ice and snow storms all year round, and the road leading to the top of the mountain is tightly blocked by the ancient country's decryption agencies and the ice that is difficult to penetrate with sharp weapons.

Therefore, after so many years, he has never heard of anyone finding a path to the top of the snow mountain.

Wow... Is it really okay for us to be involved in such an important thing?

After hearing Albedo's explanation, Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, couldn't help but show a slightly worried look.

The secrets buried in the wind and snow of the ancient snow mountain country are certainly curious, but she and Ying are considered outsiders. How many of the Abedos are really so confident in letting them participate?

You don't have to worry about that.

Diluc, who was arranging mountaineering tools at the side, suddenly raised his head and looked at Ying and Paimon.

Generally speaking, this matter must be kept secret, but ever since you were tricked by that drunken poet into watering the ancient tree, you have been involved in this matter.


Regarding Diluc's explanation, Ying and Paimon had nothing to say for a while, because they found that the other party was right.

When they learned from Wendy how to completely revive the honeysuckle tree, they were already involved.

In fact, I hope the snow mountain issue can be kept secret!

Kaiya, who was standing in the other corner of the laboratory, first glanced at Han Xiao who was standing at the door of the laboratory, and then turned his gaze back to Ying and Diluc who were having a conversation, and couldn't help but have a faint thought in his heart.

After the ancient Snow Mountain Kingdom fell, Kanriya also sent people to investigate the situation in the Snow Mountain.

This can be seen from the relics and heavy machines that appear everywhere in the snow-capped mountains.

As a descendant of Kanria, he knew that when it came to the country that was destroyed five hundred years ago, things would be serious.

Not to mention that the ancient Snow Mountain Country itself has something to do with the sky.

If possible, Kaiya wouldn't want Liyue's Hanxiao to be involved.

Unfortunately, it was Fang Fang and Albedo who first discovered the snow mountain problem, and it was they who proposed the solution to Du Lin's increasing activity.

You actually said something wrong, Diluc.

At this moment, Han Xiao, who was walking back from the laboratory door, suddenly spoke, directly overturning the other party's opinion.

Your Excellency Wendy is not involved, maybe we are.

You're not kidding?

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Diluc immediately frowned and looked at the other person in surprise, as if he didn't understand why he said that.

Not only Diluc, but also Albedo, Ying and even Kaia in the corner were all attracted by Han Xiao's statement.

I wouldn't joke about something so important.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him, Han Xiao showed a mysterious smile on his face:

Don't you think it's strange why, for so many years, Your Excellency Wendy has only told you how to revive the ancient trees?

Besides, there must be a prophecy in the information we received. This is clearly written in the prophecy.


When Han Xiao explained this, the eyes of Diluc and the others suddenly froze.

Among the records they had pieced together using bits and pieces of clues, there was a prophecy that seemed to describe the scene at this time in detail.

[As someone watered it with crimson essence, the white tree that should have died long ago recalled the past, gathered all its strength, and bore fruit. ]

The two paragraphs before and after the prophecy not only describe the scene of the magic dragon Dulin fighting on the snowy mountains, but also describe the princess of the ancient country and others.

At first they did not notice the strangeness of the prophecy.

Now that Han Xiao mentioned it like this, it took Diluc and the others to realize that the [someone] in this prophecy was referring to Ying, right?

It can't be... such a coincidence, right?

Seeing Diluc and the others looking at him, the corners of Ying's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

When she returned to the laboratory, she naturally read through all the clues that Diluc and the others had sorted out.

It's just that at that time, Ying's attention was focused on searching for clues to the Cold Sky Nail, so he didn't pay too much attention to the content of the prophecy.

Thinking about it now, her behavior seems to be exactly as predicted.


Thinking of this, Ying took out a strange-shaped fruit from his Chengge pot.

Could this be the fruit mentioned in the prophecy?

That tree actually bears fruit?

When he saw the strange black and red fruit that Ying took out, Kaiya, who came over at some point, couldn't help but ask.


Upon hearing Kaia's inquiry, Ying and Paimon looked at each other, and then told them exactly what happened at that time.

After receiving Han Xiao's mission to continue watering the ancient trees with crimson chalcedony, Ying and Paimon used the leyline anchor points to shuttle back and forth in the snowy mountains, and soon collected enough crimson chalcedony.

Then they poured all the crimson chalcedony into the ancient tree.

After all this was done, the ancient tree fully recovered as expected, and then produced this strange fruit on the top of the branch.

Originally, Ying and Paimon had no intention of picking this fruit from the tree, but for some unknown reason, it fell directly in front of them.

That's why Ying picked up the fruit and put it into his brother Cheng pot.

It seems that you are indeed the person in the prophecy.

Feeling the special energy emanating from the inside of such a strange fruit, a look of surprise flashed across Han Xiao's eyes.

If in the game Ying was chosen to solve the mystery of the snowy mountain because of the protagonist, then he now knows why Wendy still chose him in reality.

Hanxiao, did you discover something?

Hearing Han Xiao's sudden sigh, Paimon couldn't help his curiosity and quickly asked him what he had discovered.

Chapter 671 The function of honeysuckle fruit

When Paimon shouted, several other people in the laboratory also turned their attention to Han Xiao.

They were also curious about why the other party was so sure that he was the person chosen by the prophecy?

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