Diluc, did you and Kaia light up all the stone monuments?


Seeing that everyone wanted to see the inside of the secret room, Diluc nodded and walked to the mechanism in front of the secret room and stretched out his hand to push the mechanism.


Accompanied by the harsh and harsh sound of the machine running, the door of the secret room slowly lowered, revealing the dark interior of the room.

Along with the projection of firelight from outside, a silver-blue light seemed to glow in the dark interior of the chamber.

Come on, let's see what's inside the secret room.

Han Xiao, who noticed the silver-blue light, immediately made a guess in her heart. It should be the luster reflected by the star silver buried in the snow in the game.

I don’t know if the scene inside the secret room is the same as in the previous game.

With a little curiosity, he left a word and walked straight into the dark secret room.

Upon seeing this, everyone quickly followed Han Xiao's footsteps into the secret room.


Han Xiao was not idle when he entered the secret room. He followed the instructions in his memory and walked to the corner. He reached out and touched the torch holder. As expected, he touched the torch holder.


As sparks flashed across, a dim firelight lit up in a corner of the secret room.

By the dim light, Diluc, Kaia and Abedo each came to the corner, found the remaining three torch holders and lit them.

As the firelights lit up from the four corners, the entire secret room finally appeared in front of everyone.

The interior of the secret room is very empty, and there are basically no relics related to the ancient snow-capped mountain country Shar Fendenir.

There is only a round platform in the center of the secret room, and a large sword with silver-blue luster is inserted diagonally on the round platform.

This sword...could it be the star silver that was destined to cut through the wind and snow recorded in the records?

Seeing the blue and black sword in front of him exuding light spots like stardust, Kaia held his chin with one hand and said thoughtfully:

So, the princess and the priest did not wait until the foreign warrior who was cursed by the recorder actually came back?

It looks like it should be.

Abedo approached the round platform, carefully looked up and down the sword, and then nodded slowly:

The casting level of this sword is quite high, and there seems to be some shadow of alchemy mixed in it. It should be the sword made of star silver by the princess of the ancient country.

So the original warriors in a foreign land were not the cowardly deserters that the record officials described.

Ying, who had been told about the deeds of the ancient Snow Mountain Country by Kaia and Diluc, couldn't help but sigh:

He just... came back a little late.

Chapter 668: The Sky Nail in the Snow Mountain

Are you back a little late?

Hearing Ying's sigh, Diluc and the others present couldn't help but feel sad.

If the warrior from a foreign land could return to the snowy mountains earlier, maybe the ancient country would still have hope of survival?

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Seeing a look of regret on several people's faces, Han Xiao came to a completely opposite answer in her heart.

Due to the evidence from his previous game experience, he knew more about the snowy mountains than Abedo and the others.

In Han Xiao's view, Shar Fendenir's destruction was doomed, and even if the foreign warrior returned to the snowy mountains in time, it would be of no avail.

[I heard that someone is building a godless kingdom somewhere, so maybe they also have the power to fight against the world. ]

This is a message written in the reporter's box.

If there were no grammatical errors in the message in the box, then Han Xiao felt that this might be an important reason why Sky Island did not send revelations to Shar Fendinir.

Because the word ‘also’ in the message is really too eye-catching.

Is this a hint that Shar Fendenir, like Camrea, has some kind of power against the world?

And the recorder of Shar Fendenir believes that if you want to establish a godless kingdom on the continent of Teyvat, you must have the power to fight against the world.

Han Xiao felt that if his speculation was true, then the destruction of Shar Fendenir by the Nail of Hantian was completely consistent with the logic of Sky Island.

After all, another country with the power to fight the world, Kanreia, was also destroyed by the Vindicator and the Seven Gods not long after the Snow Mountain Ancient Country.

The story on the mural is similar to the clues we found.

Just as Han Xiao's mind was busy with thoughts, Diluc had already walked to a mural in the secret room holding a lit torch.

Hearing Diluc's voice, everyone turned their attention to the mural.

Because no one has visited the ancient secret room all year round, the murals on the walls are still vivid.

Occupying the left side of the mural is an extremely tall figure with a golden halo around his head and several wings carved on his back.

On the right side of the mural, there are two little figures raising their arms in salute, one of whom is wearing a crown.

Obviously, this mural is about the scene when Shar Fendenir was first protected by the angel from heaven.

As for the remaining two murals, they respectively describe the scene when the people of Fendenir can no longer hear the revelation from heaven and the final scene when the country is destroyed by the Nail of Cold Sky.

What is described on the mural is pretty much what we had previously speculated.

After browsing several murals, Kaia was the first to speak to break the silence in the secret room.

That nail falling from the sky was the main reason for the destruction of the ancient snow-capped mountain country Shar Fendenir.

Sorry, because of me and Paimon, that ancient tree may have completely come to life.

After hearing Kaiya's judgment, Yingmei couldn't help but show a slightly apologetic look on her face.

At first, the Snow Mountain Ancient Country tried its best to revive the silver-white ancient tree, but in the end, he stupidly took the crimson chalcedony and watered it, and the tree showed signs of rebirth.

If the snow mountain is attacked again because of her, then it's really a good intention but a bad thing!

Ying, there is no need to blame yourself, this is none of your business.

Seeing Ying apologize to them, Abedo immediately shook his head, indicating that it was not the other party's problem.

Albedo is right. You don't need to blame yourself. A certain drunkard is the real person behind the scenes.

Diluc on the side folded his arms and snorted coldly, his words directed at the absent Fengshen.

After all, the reason why Ying and Paimon watered the crimson chalcedony on the ancient tree was obviously because they were deceived by Wendy.

Actually, I don't think we need to think too much about it.

Sensing that the atmosphere in the secret room was a bit strange, Han Xiao stood up and said a fair word for Wendy:

Since Your Excellency Wendy chose to let Ying come to promote the rebirth of the ancient tree, perhaps this is what the other party expected.

As soon as these words came out, several people in the secret room couldn't help but be shocked.

Yes, although Barbatos' image of not doing anything serious in the past is very impressive, he actually did a lot of things.

Such as blowing away the snow and ice in Mondstadt, overthrowing the dark rule of the old nobles, and defeating the raging dragon Dulin, etc.

This shows that Fengshen has never slacked off on big things.

Now that Wendy has appeared and guided Ying to the snowy mountains to revive the ancient trees, does it mean that the other party has his own plans?

I just said that the singers won't trick us!

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Paimeng quickly reached out and patted his chest with his little hand, and said happily.

Just now she almost thought that she and Ying had been tricked by each other.

In other words, everything we did was actually expected by Lady Wendy?

Abedo pondered slightly, and then gave his hypothesis:

Then do you think that person also agrees with us using the power of the Sky Nail to suppress Du Lin?


After hearing Abedo's hypothesis, several people present couldn't help but look at each other.

The possibility seems great!

As Barbatos, the wind god of Mondstadt, Wendy is also the second oldest demon god among the seven gods. It can be basically judged that he knows the causes and consequences of the ancient Snow Mountain Kingdom from its birth to its destruction.

So why did the other party not take any action before, but waited until Yingmei and them came to the snow mountain before deliberately revealing this information.

To say that there was nothing strange in it, neither Han Xiao nor Kaiya believed it.

Maybe what they're doing now is exactly what Wendy wanted.


After coming to this conclusion, Diluc suddenly clicked his tongue in displeasure.

It should be said that he is the unpredictable wind god. This Riddler's style really makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

I think Abedo was right.

Han Xiao looked at Ying and Paimon and slowly explained to several people:

The Snow Mountain is still the territory of the Kingdom of Wind. If something really happened, I think that Your Excellency might have come forward to stop you and me, instead of letting Ying and the others water the ancient trees, right?

Regarding Han Xiao's judgment, although the others did not speak, they acquiesced in the other party's speculation.

So Kaiya quickly changed the topic to the Cold Sky Nail:

Then our next task is to find the Sky Nail?

If you are looking for Sky Nail, I will also come to help!

Seeing that Kaiya and the others were planning to find the original sky nail, Yingye quickly expressed that she would also help.

Ying, there is another task that needs you to do right now.

Hearing Ying's words, Han Xiao did not refuse directly, but told the other party about the situation of the honeysuckle tree:

You should continue to collect the crimson chalcedony first and let the ancient tree come back to life.

As for the Sky Nail, judging from the information we have received so far, it is broken into three pieces, so we still need to find them.

Chapter 669 The whereabouts of the Cold Sky Nail

In the end, Ying followed Han Xiao's suggestion and took Paimon to search for the remaining crimson chalcedony in the hope of completely reviving the ancient tree as soon as possible.

The few remaining people on the other side were not idle either, planning to search for the whereabouts of the Cold Sky Nail in the snowy mountains.

Albedo's Snowy Mountain Laboratory.

It was still snowing outside, but it was extremely warm inside the laboratory.

Hanxiao and Diluc were sitting in front of the fire. Everyone was surrounded by books and papers full of writing.

The book records the content about the snow-capped mountains that Albedo copied from the Mondstadt Library over the years. As for the paper, they excerpted the important parts from the book.

Then they pieced together the clues they got, and basically everyone understood the process behind the falling of the Cold Sky Nail.

It seems that everyone has figured it out. How about I start first?

Kaia, who roughly understood the truth, saw that everyone else had a look of understanding, and he immediately began to talk about his speculation:

Shar Fendenir was once a country protected by heaven, but for some reason, the ancient country suddenly no longer received revelation from heaven.

When Kaia spoke like this, others also expressed their desires and were aroused. Diluc quickly picked up the topic:

Suddenly one day, a sky nail that could freeze the world fell from the sky, and the green paradise instantly turned into a snow-capped mountain covered with wind and snow.

Shortly thereafter, this pillar, known as the 'Nail of Cold Sky' by the ancient Snow Mountain people, also cracked. These changes exacerbated the decline of the Snow City.

As soon as Diluc finished speaking, Albedo on the side continued the last story of the ancient country in his words:

The last king of the ancient country, Faruhi, climbed to the altar on the highest peak in order to pray for revelation from the sky, but this time he never heard the voice from the sky again, and he was unable to step off the altar after all.

After the three of them finished talking about what happened to Shar Fendenir in the ancient snow mountain country, Han Xiao opened his mouth to give his final summary.

After the king and princess passed away, the remaining people eventually turned into monsters on the snowy mountains, and the road leading to the altar on the top of the mountain was blocked by ice that cannot be destroyed even by sharp weapons.

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