What did they say?

Diluc and the others have lit up eight stone tablets and know the general situation of Shar Fendenir. They are currently heading to the secret room under the statue, and they want us to join them.

Then you go and join them first.

After hearing Albedo's words, Angus directly pulled the plan list from Han Xiao's hand and issued an order to expel the guests without a care in the mouth.

Just leave me a few books on alchemy, and I won't go with you to look for them.

You really don't want to come with us?

I don't want to show up in front of Mondstadt just yet.

Angus did not hesitate to refuse the invitation to go to the secret room together, saying that he would just wait here for their return.

After you have completely resolved the matter, I will go to Liyue with you.

fair enough.

After hearing Angus's plan, Han Xiao thought for a moment and agreed with the other person's idea.

Chapter 666 An unexpected meeting

Since they are both creations of Reindot, it can be said that there is basically no difference in appearance between Angus and Albedo.

Appearing in front of Diluc and Kaia like this would probably require some explanation.

It wasn't that Han Xiao thought it was troublesome to explain, but she was afraid that Diluc and the others would be hindered in their plan to abduct Angus back to Liyue after learning about the situation.

How much can a genius-level alchemist improve the country? I believe that Grandpa Lu and the miner leader who have investigated the rise of Guili City must have very detailed information.

If Abedo hadn't been under the contract, Han Xiao would have guessed that they would have found ways to get Abedo back to Mondstadt.

Now suddenly an Angus appeared, and his alchemy talent was no less than that of his brother Albedo.

If Diluc and Kaia knew about this situation, it would definitely not be a smooth process for Han Xiao to successfully abduct the person to Liyue.

So after learning that Angus did not intend to appear in front of Diluc and the others, Han Xiao was naturally very happy after thinking about it.

After all, this would save him a lot of trouble, as he wouldn't have to argue with Grandpa Lu and the others.

As for Albedo, he probably also knew that if he suggested that the other party settle in Mondstadt, Angus would definitely reject him.

So there was a tacit agreement not to mention this matter.

Moreover, the two of them look so much alike that it is difficult to tell them apart.

But having said that, when he thought that Angus and Abedo's looks were exactly the same, Han Xiao couldn't help but wonder why Reindot made their appearance exactly the same in the first place.

Is it because I am too lazy to change the template, or is the other party just good at it?

Emmm, it's a pity that I can't meet Reindot in person, otherwise it would be very interesting to ask him what he thought at the beginning.

Ahem...let's get back to business.

Since Angus did not intend to act with them, Han Xiao and Abedo did not force each other. After briefly explaining how to meet up after the incident, the two of them walked out of the dark red cave into the wind and snow.


After a period of trekking, Han Xiao and Bai Leduo quickly found the surroundings of the Seven Heavens Statue located near the Snow Burial Capital.

Then, under the leadership of Abedo, the two quickly arrived at the secret room of the old palace.

However, something that surprised Han Xiao and the others was that in addition to Diluc and Kaia who had been waiting here early, two unexpected people, one large and one small, also appeared.

The older one has short golden hair and a white dress, while the younger one is wearing a cloak and floating in the air.

It's Yingmei and Paimon whom I haven't seen for a long time!

Ah...it's Han Xiao and Albedo, long time no see!

Paimeng, who noticed the movement, instantly turned her head to look at the source of the sound. When she saw that the people coming were Han Xiao and Abedo, two acquaintances, she couldn't help but wave her little hands, and her words were full of surprise.

You've finally arrived!

Long time no see, Ying and Paimon.

Seeing everyone's eyes following Paimon's voice and looking at the two of them, Han Xiao asked with a slight surprise on her face:

How come you are here with Diluc and the others?

It's a coincidence that we bumped into each other in the snowy mountains.

After hearing Han Xiao ask why they appeared in the secret room at the same time as Diluc and Kaia, Ying told the story of how they met very simply.

As mentioned before, due to the recent surge in monsters in the Snowy Mountains, the Adventurers Association suddenly has a lot more tasks related to the Snowy Mountains.

Ying and Paimon, who had just participated in the Lantern Festival, also learned about this situation from Catherine, so they took over the task.

Then things became very simple. Diluc and Kaia, who were looking for the stone tablet according to the map, met Ying and Paimon on the road who were watering the crimson chalcedony on the revived ancient tree.

Seeing the ancient tree's recovery becoming more and more obvious under the water of crimson chalcedony, Kaiya quickly stood up and stopped the two of them.

After later learning the reason why Yingmei did this, he and Diluc informed each other about the snow mountain after discussion, and took them to the secret room together.

How do you know that watering ancient trees with crimson chalcedony can speed up their recovery?

After listening to Ying's explanation, Han Xiao immediately frowned and asked.

At the same time, he immediately understood why Huikaia and Diluc brought the two sisters to the secret room, and was even told the secrets of the snow-capped mountains.

They co-authored it because they actually had a way to speed up the recovery of ancient trees.

This is not a secret that can be easily obtained.

When Han Xiao asked, Diluc and others also turned their attention to Ying, with curious expressions in their eyes.

Ying is a person from another world. How did he know that watering with crimson chalcedony can speed up the recovery of ancient trees? This is information that even the locals of Mondstadt know very little about.

After we received the mission, we met Wendy who was drinking in Guili City. He told us the technique of watering the ancient trees with crimson chalcedony.

Seeing that everyone seemed to be curious about this matter, Ying did not hide it and directly told the truth.

It turned out that after receiving the task of cleaning up the monsters in the snowy mountains, she and Paimon were preparing to set off for the snowy mountains, but before they left the city, they met Wendy, who was holding a wine bottle with slightly red cheeks.

And when Wendy learned that Ying and Paimon were going to the snowy mountains, he told them about a magical ancient tree in the snowy mountains, and also told them how to revive the ancient tree.

Good guy, the source of the emotional tricks turned out to be Barbatos, the god of wind who does nothing all day long!

As soon as Ying finished speaking, whether it was Han Xiao or Diluc, several people had similar thoughts in their minds.

But soon they all had the same question.

Judging from Wendy's knowledge of how to resurrect ancient trees, the other party obviously has a deep understanding of things on the snowy mountains.

So the problem arises.

Why did Wendy suddenly appear in front of Yingmei and Paimon and informed them of this technique.

To say that he met by chance, few people present would not believe it.

By the way, due to his own intelligence, Kaiya actually had a rough guess about Wendy's identity, but he never showed it.


Han Xiao, who couldn't figure out why Wendy did this, couldn't help but ask her question to Ying:

Besides telling you about the method of reviving ancient trees, has Wendy mentioned anything else?

other things?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's questioning, Ying immediately recalled the conversation between herself and Wendy.

After a while, she seemed to think of something, and quickly made a fist with her right hand and hit her left heart hard:

I think about it, he really said something very weird!

Chapter 667: The Riddle of Wendy the Riddler

“What did the drunkard poet say?”

After hearing that Wendy had left other words besides asking her to come to the snow-capped mountains to water the ancient trees with crimson chalcedony, Diluc immediately folded his arms in front of his chest and asked with a kitten face. road.

He wanted to know what the god of wind who was not doing business planned to do!

Wendy said that fruitless expeditions will eventually get answers, and those who send down just retribution will do justice with the bitter consequences of no one's fault.

Ying did not keep the others waiting, and quickly said the words he recalled word for word.

But these rather strange words made Han Xiao and others frown.

A fruitless expedition?

Whoever delivers just recompense still suffers from the consequences of no one’s fault?

What is this?

Ying, are you sure that's what Wendy said?

Han Xiao, who hadn't figured out the meaning for a long time, immediately asked Ying.

I am sure.

Ying nodded firmly. Paimon on the side saw a few people frowning and didn't seem to believe it. She immediately puffed up her face and echoed angrily:

I can also prove that that's what the singer said at the time!

Paimon, Hanxiao and the others are not suspecting us of telling lies.

Seeing that Paimon was a little angry, Ying quickly explained something to Han Xiao and the others.

She knew very well that the reason why Han Xiao and the others frowned was not because they suspected that they were telling lies, but because they were wondering about the Riddler's overly strong words left by Wendy.

Indeed, the main reason is that this passage is really difficult to understand.

Upon seeing this, Abedo was the first to speak and confirmed Ying's speculation.

They were indeed a little confused by Wendy's cloudy words.

Anyway, that bard must know some secrets of the snowy mountains, right?

Although he didn't know what this sentence meant as a whole, Kaia's face showed the usual cynical smile.

As someone who secretly used intelligence to deduce Wendy's true identity, he believed that Fengshen must have a reason for suddenly asking Ying to do this.

It's just that their current information is insufficient, so they don't understand the meaning of that person's words.

Hmph...an alcoholic poet who doesn't do anything serious can only say some pretentious words. Next time, let Charles take the bill and settle the bill with him.

Hearing Kaia's words, Diluc on the side couldn't help but snorted, very dissatisfied with Wendy's Riddler-like speech.

Judging from the situation, it was obvious that the drunkard Fengshen knew about the problem on the snow mountain from beginning to end, but he never mentioned it to anyone and did not deal with it himself.

It wasn't until they came to the snowy mountains and prepared to reveal the long-lasting secret that the other party suddenly found Ying and revealed some strange maxims.

It's hard to describe such a god in Mondstadt.

Fruitless...Crimson Chalcedony...Honeysuckle Tree...

Unlike others, Han Xiao, who had experience in gaming in his previous life, vaguely felt that he seemed to understand the hidden meaning of Wendy's words.

The fruitless expedition probably refers to Camria's search for clues to the destruction of Shar Fendenir in the snowy mountains.

Those who send down justice will bring down the bitter fruit of no one's fault. This is probably an allusion to the fruit that Ying got after watering the honeysuckle tree with crimson chalcedony, which is the honeysuckle fruit in the game.

Speaking of the honeysuckle fruit, Han Xiao was also a little curious.

Generally speaking, the siltation of ley lines in the toilet will give birth to ley line flowers, but the honeysuckle fruit is actually a fruit actively created after the ley lines absorb crimson chalcedony.

This was a completely unimaginable result, but he still couldn't figure out the reason.

Bang bang——

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to be still thinking, and the atmosphere among the other people was a bit dull, Kaiya suddenly clapped his hands to break the silence around him.

Well...since we can't understand the meaning of the words for the time being, let's open the secret room first.

That's right. Maybe there are some clues in the secret room that can provide us with the truth.

Hearing Kaiya's suggestion, Abedu also nodded slightly.

Rather than meditating here on the riddles that Wendy asked for, it would be more practical to open the secret room and see if the people from the ancient country had left any other clues.

Han Xiao, who was temporarily unable to connect the fragments in her heart, had no choice but to put her thoughts aside and turned to smell Diluc.

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