Adding the two together, how could Angus not feel excited.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask Xiang Hanxiao:

Are you really willing to teach me?

why not.

Seeing that Angus had already made a move, Han Xiao immediately decided to strike while the iron was hot:

Albedo once personally admitted that your alchemy talent is no less than his. As long as you go through systematic study, your alchemy skills will be greatly improved. This is much better than learning by yourself, isn't it?

And Reindot is famous in Teyvat for her alchemy. You want to prove the fallacy of her ideas to her. Isn't it very fulfilling to learn alchemy and catch up in the other party's most proud field?

...You have a point.

It has to be said that Han Xiao's words directly hit Angus' heart.

Yes, Reindot is most proud of his attainments in the field of alchemy. If he can catch up with his alchemy attainments, he will have a lot of confidence when he refutes the opponent, right?


Angus turned his attention to Albedo who was silent and said:

Albedo, my brother...

After learning that my target is Reindot, are you still willing to provide me with your alchemical knowledge?

Why don't you want to?

To Angus's expectation, Abedo agreed without any hesitation, which made him couldn't help but wonder if the other party didn't hear clearly.

Albedo, are you sure you are right?

I studied alchemy knowledge in order to surpass your master Reindot.

I heard it clearly, and my answer won't change. It's totally fine.

Abedo repeated what he had just said without changing his expression. Perhaps sensing Angus's doubts, he took advantage of the situation and expressed his thoughts.

Master Reindot's alchemy attainments are extremely profound, but surpassing the teacher in the field of alchemy is not just your expectation, it is also the goal I pursue.

And I believe the teachers will also be proud of our idea.

Ha... You are the only one who can make her proud, but don't count me in.

After hearing Albedo's explanation, Angus curled his lips, turned his head and replied impatiently.

Mr. Angus!

After seeing that the atmosphere between Abedo and Angus, although still a bit stiff, was much better than the tense atmosphere before, Han Xiao immediately stood up and formally invited the other party:

On behalf of Guili City, I formally invite you to settle in. I wonder if you are willing.

As he spoke, he extended his right hand to the other party.

If your knowledge of alchemy satisfies me, then there's nothing wrong with me working for you!

Looking at Han Xiao's extended right hand, Angus was silent for a moment, then slowly stretched out his right hand to hold the other person's palm, and agreed to the other person's invitation.

Welcome to join us, Mr. Angus, I believe you will not regret your choice this time.

Looking at the face that was almost the same as Albedo's, Han Xiao's face showed a smile from the bottom of her heart. to put it.

He is really happy.

Abedo's alchemy skills are indeed very powerful, but the opponent's foundation is in Mondstadt after all, not in Liyue.

Even though Abedo will work in Liyue for a long time due to the contract, the contract will eventually expire.

Maybe it's a little early to say this now, but if the other party really wanted to get up and return to Mondstadt at that time, Han Xiao wouldn't be able to stop him.

So Angus emerged as a perfect solution.

In terms of talent, Angus can raise his alchemy to a very high level in the game just by using Albedo's notebook, and his talent is absolutely the same.

In terms of identity, Angus is not as tied to Mondstadt as Albedo is.

Han Xiao believes that after a period of time, he can completely transform the other person into a real Liyue person.

Even though Abedo left Liyue because his contract expired, the alchemy banner of Guili City was still carried by top alchemists.

Seeing that Han Xiao successfully lured Angus to Liyue, Albedo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

After all, Angus has always been his brother in terms of relationship. If the other person can integrate into Liyue's environment, even if the relationship between this brother and the teacher is a bit stiff, he will still be quite happy in his heart.

Then Angus, do you want to join us first?

After successfully abducting someone, Han Xiao's purpose of coming to the snow mountain was more than half completed, and the only remaining problem was Du Lin's.

No need, that kid Du Lin is kind to me. Maybe you want to seal it out of necessity, but I won't get involved.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Angus rejected the other party's proposal without thinking.

As he said himself, Han Xiao and Abedo's purpose in coming to Snow Mountain this time was to solve the problems caused by Du Lin.

Perhaps due to Reindot's transformation, Dulin became a creature that would cause harm when it appeared in Teyvat, but the other party was kind to him after all.

So Angus didn't want to 'repay favor with enmity' in dealing with Dulin.

And I don't want to show up in front of those two Mondlanders for the time being.

Are you talking about Kaia and Diluc?

Seeing Angus mention the two of them going out to search for the secrets of the snow-capped mountains, Han Xiao's thoughts suddenly shifted to this aspect.

Speaking of which, they have been out for a while. I wonder if they can successfully find clues.

Don't worry about this. Diluc and Kaia carry maps with them. There are also some suspicious places on the map that I found based on the information. There should be no problem.


On the other side, just when Hanxiao and the others mentioned Dilukeya, the two of them had already braved the wind and snow and appeared in front of a broken stone monument.

Chapter 665: Shar Fendenir of the Ancient Snow Mountain Country

Is this the clue that Albedo found on the snowy mountain?

In the wind and snow, Kaiya looked at the stone tablet with half of his body buried in the snow in front of him, and he was speechless.

Abedo's time in the snow-capped mountains was obviously not short. He originally thought that the other party had some explosive clues, but what appeared in front of him was a broken stone monument?

What a clue!

It's indeed a clue!

Listening to Kaia's voice, which was amplified by the strong wind and snow, Diluc responded loudly.

Then he squatted down and reached out his hand without scruple to wipe the snowflakes and soil off the stone tablet with his cuffs.


The next moment, something surprising happened to both of them.

The originally broken stone tablet suddenly emitted a golden light, and the originally dim ancient characters appeared clearly in front of them.

The words on the stone tablet actually lit up!

Seeing the golden-yellow ancient characters on the stone tablet, Kaia instantly forgot that she was complaining just now, squatted directly next to Diluc, took out the photo camera and took a picture of the words.

Kaia, this should be Kanryawen, right?

Upon hearing Diluc's inquiry, Kaia first made sure that he had not leaked the content on the stone tablet, and then carefully identified the words on the stone tablet. Then he nodded directly:

...Wind and snow filled the sky. The pillar from heaven broke into three...

Although it is a sentence without beginning or end, it is indeed Kanriya.

As he spoke, Kaia did not forget to point to the independently glowing icon on the bottom area of ​​the stele:

Look here, is this icon one of the icons we just saw on the stone wall in front of the secret room mechanism under the Seven Heavens Statue!

Give me the photo you sent with the photo machine.

Being reminded by Kaia, Diluc also instantly remembered the scene they had seen in the secret room under the Seven Heavens Statue before, and immediately reached out to his sworn brother to ask for the evidence that the other party had taken with the camera.


Seeing Diluc asking for a photo, Kaiya didn't write any ink on it, so he directly pulled out the photo he had just taken in the secret room from his God's Eye space and handed it to him.

You are right, it is exactly the same as an icon in the secret room.

Diluc took the photo and carefully distinguished the patterns on the photo, and then compared it with the icon on the stone tablet to confirm Kaia's judgment.

In that case, the remaining circled places on the map shouldn't be all stone monuments, right?

There are still seven stone tablets, let's speed up.


After confirming that the stone tablets were related to the mechanism inside the secret room, Diluc and Kaia quickly followed the map to find the remaining stone tablets in the snowy mountains.

[...Dead. There is no need for a secretary anymore. The biggest regret is not being able to see her complete the mural in the main hall! ]

[...I dreamed of a dark dragon that blocked out the sun. This is a bad omen. Same month, foreigners...]

[...This was an attempt to heal the ley lines, but the tree died. After the princess was buried...]

Looking at the translated words on the stone tablet and the messages burned into the three exquisite boxes they found along the way, Diluc and Kaia were silent for a moment.

Although these clues were relatively scattered, they still roughly figured out the story of what happened in the ancient Snow Mountain Country.

The story also begins when the Mondstadt region was still in the midst of the Demon War. At that time, some people chose to leave to find a new home, and finally came to settle in the snow-capped mountains that were still a green paradise, and established a village called Shar Fen. The ancient country of Denir.

At first, the ancient country was favored by heaven and lived in peace.

Until one day, for unknown reasons, the sky stopped blessing the ancient country, and the spike that froze the world suddenly fell, causing the ancient country to be covered in ice and snow.

At the same time, the princess and the people of the ancient country tried their best to save the ancient country, but in the end they did not wait for the return of the warrior.

The spike that freezes the world...could this be what Han Xiao and Abedo are looking for?

After a long time, Kaia finally broke the silence between the two with a harsh tone.

Nine times out of ten, it's this force.

Upon hearing the question that opened his eyes, Diluc nodded solemnly.

The demon dragon Dulin was indeed very strong, so strong that even the God of Wind and his followers could not completely kill him even if they attacked together.

But the power Han Xiao and the others were looking for might actually be able to suppress Du Lin.

After all, this general power changed the Longji Snow Mountain from grassland to the windy and snowy sky it has today.

Actually, there's another thing that worries me a lot.

Realizing that Diluc did not seem to object to Han Xiao and Abedo using this power to suppress Dulin, Kaiya did not say much on this matter. Instead, he pointed to a piece of text that had just been translated and said:

The black dragon that blocks out the sun paints the hateful earth with red poison. What this princess dreamed about was obviously the magic dragon Dulin!

That is to say, a long time ago, the princess of the ancient country predicted the emergence of Dulin and the resurrection of the ancient tree.

Contact Han Xiao and the others and tell them to meet us in the secret room under the statue.

Diluc, who lowered his head in thought for a moment, quickly raised his head and gave Kaiya instructions.

The prophecy of the princess, the ancient kingdom and the nail in the sky that freezes the world.

They still have too few clues.

Perhaps Han Xiao and Abedo have more information about the ancient country Shar Fendenir.


After hearing Diluc's instructions, Kaia immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Abedo's number.


In the cave on the other side.

Han Xiao was making a study plan for Angus and listed the books he needed to read on a piece of paper.

At this moment, Abedo walked in from the entrance of the cave with his mobile phone in one hand:

Hanxiao, there's a call from Diluc.

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