Mr. Abbey in front of him made a malicious joke, but Abedo's expression remained unchanged and he had no intention of changing his tone.

Because that's what he thinks.

Having lived with Reindot for a long time, Abedo naturally knew that the reason why his master created him and Abedo was for the so-called 'Original Man' plan.

Perhaps it was precisely because his birth met his master's expectations that he was recognized by him and got the opportunity to be imparted knowledge by him. This was also the turning point that changed the fate of him and his brothers.

Sometimes Abedo also thought that if he and Abedo exchanged positions, he would be the abandoned experiment, and maybe he would also want to replace his 'brother'.

I didn't expect you to see that I had the idea of ​​replacing you!

After being told what he was thinking, Mr. Abei's face turned ugly. He didn't quite understand how the other party could see what he was thinking.

Has it been sealed for five hundred years, or is it too young?

Han Xiao, who was leaning against the wall and watching the conversation between the two Abedo brothers, shook her head subconsciously. After all, Abedo had too little experience and could not hide his thoughts at all.

Isn't it normal for Abedo to see this?

My brother, do you have your own name?

Abedo did not directly answer Abedao's question, but suddenly asked him something that was not particularly related to the topic.

Humans are very realistic creatures and only like good things.

Once they learn to distinguish good from bad, they will always make comparisons in their hearts. Useless things should not be kept from the beginning. This is the view of the woman in Reindot.

Abedo was suddenly asked about himself. Abedo's words were filled with indifference and a trace of 'hatred' towards Reindot.

In that woman's eyes, I'm just a failed experiment. Do you think I'll be as lucky as you?

So do you want to replace me and become [Albedo], or do you want to be an independent person?


Abedo's question directly stopped Abed.

Without giving Abedo much time to think, Abedo turned his gaze directly to Han Xiao who was aside:

Hanxiao, there is an old saying in Liyue that the beholder is the judge of the world, so can you tell me your opinion?

My opinion?

Glancing at Mr. Abei, who pretended not to care but his ears were subconsciously raised, Han Xiao knew that this was a good opportunity, so he immediately expressed his thoughts:

I have not met Reindot, but based on your conversation, it seems that the other party may be extremely indifferent to matters that he does not care about.

Perhaps for her, a failed product with impurities will always be a failed product.

Looking at Mr. Abei, who was gradually getting angry at his words, Han Xiao changed the subject:

But I feel that the idea of ​​Reindot itself is unrealistic. There is no extremely perfect existence in the world, not even the devil.

In my opinion, as long as there is an independent consciousness, it can move closer to perfection through continuous transformation.

There is no ultimate perfection, and your views are quite extreme.

After Han Xiao said this, Mr. Abei gradually regained his composure, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his tone.

After hearing what Mr. Abei said, Han Xiao just stared at him lightly, but said quite directly:

You want to replace Albedo as the Son of Chalk. This proves that you still want to prove to Reindot that you are not a failure.

But you are you, and Albedo is Albedo. You have been two independent existences since you were born.

Instead of erasing the meaning of one's existence and becoming someone else, it is better to live in a different way.

Another way?

Young Master Abe frowned subconsciously and couldn't help but ask about Han Xiao.

He wanted to hear what the other party thought.

Naturally, he used his own way to prove that Reindot's idea was wrong.

Facing Mr. Abei's inquiry, Han Xiao slowly weaved his own words.

Chapter 663: Abducting the innocent boy Han Xiao

In order to get Mr. Abei to give up his plan to replace Mr. Abedo, Han Xiao tried his best to make him realize that this method was not advisable.

So after seeing that his words had some effect, he struck while the iron was hot and said:

Based on your chat, Reindot's ultimate goal is for the so-called 'original people', right?

Yes, it is precisely because I am not a pure creation of chalk that that woman abandoned me directly.

Although I don't know whether Reindot's idea is correct or not, I think that the only way to become a primitive person is through alchemy.

With that said, Han Xiao stretched out her right index finger and pointed at herself.

You know, more than two years ago, I was still an ordinary person who could be seen everywhere in the Teyvat continent.

Are you sure you're not seeing a joke?

Abe Shao couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his eyes were full of surprise.

This news is a bit too exciting.

Looking at Han Xiao who was standing in front of him, even though he didn't have the slightest intention to kill, he still gave him a sense of danger. Young Master Abei couldn't imagine that he was an ordinary person two years ago.

Whether I'm kidding or not, you can ask Albedo and he can prove it to me.

Seeing the distrustful expression on Mr. Abedo's face, Han Xiao immediately signaled to him that he could listen to Mr. Abedo's opinion.

The facts are indeed similar to what Han Xiao said.

Facing the gaze from Mr. Abei in front of him, Abedo nodded calmly to show that Han Xiao was not lying.

When he first met Han Xiao, he was indeed an ordinary person who didn't even have the eyes of God.

However, in just two years, Han Xiao completed the transformation of life level and realized the class leap from human to demon god.

This miracle is no less than the alchemical leap from the black soil leach layer to the chalky stage.

Although he didn't know how Han Xiao did it, the living example of the other party really made Albedo think that alchemy might not be the only way to become the so-called 'original man'.

The transformation of life levels...

After listening to Abedo's judgment on Han Xiao's qualitative change in more than two years, Abedo's heart was shaken.

If he had thought before that the other party was trying to make a fool of himself by opening his mouth, now the facts were completely different before his eyes.

Han Xiao can jump from an ordinary person to the level of a demon god in a short period of time, and he may not be unable to complete the transformation of his life level and filter out the 'impurities' in his body to enter the chalk stage.

Han Xiao, can you really ensure that I can complete my transformation?

After lowering his head and thinking for a long time, Master Abe slowly raised his head and stared at Han Xiao with hopeful eyes.

Emmm...I can only say there is hope.

Facing Mr. Abei with extremely burning eyes, Han Xiao did not immediately give an affirmative answer, but gave a rather vague answer.

After all, in his opinion, the fact that he was able to complete his transformation in a short period of time was entirely due to the Flower of Heart, a top meditation method from a certain multi-fantasy universe.

And even learning this meditation method was only completed thanks to the chat group.

Although the owner of the Eye of God Teyvat is called the Original God and can also complete transformation, Vanessa is the only one who has appeared in so many years.

It is possible that Mr. Abei wants to complete the transformation of life levels in the Teyvat continent, but the probability is really low.

Even if it was deception, Han Xiao didn't want to deceive the other party in such an obvious place where he could find a flaw.

It's good to have hope.

Hearing Han Xiao's unconfident answer, Mr. Abei showed a slight smile on his face.

The other party's hesitant attitude actually made him feel very real.

Although he was unhappy with the woman Reindot who abandoned him, Master Abbey had to admit that at least she was really strong in alchemy.

Even it took several hundred years for Reindot, the great alchemist known as gold, to create Albedo's most promising work.

If Han Xiao said that the chances on his side were high, that would be a sign of dishonesty.

So you agreed?

Seeing Mr. Abedo's relaxed posture as if he had removed a heavy burden, Han Xiao first glanced at Abedo, and then asked with surprise.

You are right. Instead of trying to give up my own consciousness to replace Albedo, I would rather become an independent individual.

Young Master Abei first responded to Han Xiao's questioning, then stared at Abedo with deep eyes and said word by word:

Perhaps one day in the future, I will be able to complete the transformation of my life level and prove that what that woman did was wrong!

Do you think it' brother Abedo!

To be honest, the odds are slim, but it's not hopeless.

Although the relationship between his 'brother' and 'mother' was visibly bad, Abedo still answered Abedo's question quite objectively.

Bang bang bang——

Seeing that Abedo and Abedo were about to have another 'brotherly argument', Han Xiao clapped quickly to attract their attention.

Now that you have decided to become an independent individual, give yourself a name.


Mr. Abei suddenly fell silent. If Han Xiao hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten that he never had a real name.

Now let him choose a name for himself. To be honest, Mr. Abe himself is a little confused.

After all, most of his current knowledge was instilled in advance by that woman from Reindot, and he had spent the past few hundred years in a sealed state, so he had no conditions to learn new knowledge.

When it came to choosing a name, Abedo couldn't think of a name for a while.

How about Angus?

At this time, Abedo stood up and directly expressed his suggestion:

In the ancient tribal language of Mondstadt, Angus means unique, which suits you very well. one of a kind, that's not bad.

After hearing the name and meaning given by Abedo, Abedo pondered for a moment and then nodded slowly:

My name will be Angus from now on.

Very well, Mr. Angus, now let's talk about something else.

Oh? What else are you going to say?

Mr. Abe... no, his name should be Angus now. He suddenly looked curious after hearing that Han Xiao was going to continue discussing other things with him.

I have said before that the main purpose of Albedo and I coming to the Snow Mountain this time is to find you. The reason is also very simple. Your alchemy talent is enough for us to take seriously.

As he spoke, Han Xiao pointed at the windy and snowy scene outside the cave, and blurted out seductive words:

If you want to prove the other party's fallacy to Reindot, alchemy is definitely something you need to learn.

It just so happens that Abedo has the inheritance of the other party's knowledge, and I also have some absolutely unique alchemy knowledge.

How about it? I wonder if Mr. Angus is interested?

Chapter 664 Successful Abduction

Are you interested in learning the alchemy skills in the hands of Abedo and Han Xiao?

Of course I am very interested!

Upon hearing Han Xiao's proposal, Angus (Master Abei) was immediately moved.

Although he has never been out of the snow-capped mountains since he was released from the seal, there are still many adventurers who come to the snow-capped mountains for adventure.

So Angus also overheard a lot about Liyue's return to the city.

Not to mention Albedo’s alchemy, he was taught by Reindot, and that woman’s alchemy attainments were among the best in the entire Teyvat continent.

In addition, he learned from adventurers that Han Xiao's alchemy level was not low.

When Han Xiao said just now that he had unique alchemy knowledge, Abedo showed no intention of refuting, which proved that the other party was not lying.

A piece of alchemy technology inheritance inherited from Reindot, plus a piece of unique alchemy knowledge.

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