Regardless of whether the thing connected to the core is related to the demon dragon Dulin, if we cut off the connection between the core and the other party, it is estimated that another core will be spawned somewhere in the snow mountain by the huge vitality soon.

It will probably take some time to find the location of the new core, so instead of doing this, it is better not to cut off the connection between the two now.

After hearing what Han Xiao said, Diluc and Abedo also felt that what the other party said was reasonable.

However, Kaia did not think much about this aspect, but focused on the unknown existence with huge vitality behind the core:

Albedo and Han Xiao, if it is confirmed that the unknown existence behind the core that provides huge vitality is related to the demon dragon Dulin, can we find its location now?

It should be possible, but I need a little time.

Abedo nodded without thinking. He already had the instrument to check vitality, and it only took him a little time to find the abnormal area.

In that case, it's up to you to find the source of this life force, Abedo.

After receiving Abedo's affirmative reply, Diluc decisively left the matter to the other party to handle. At the same time, he also looked at Han Xiao:

Kaia and I don't know as much about the snow mountain issues as you do. Now let's see if we can solve it according to your previous plan.

As for some tasks that require searching or cleaning, leave it to us!

Then I won't be polite.

Seeing that Diluc took the initiative to take over the troublesome tasks of running errands and cleaning up, Han Xiao immediately took out a snow mountain map hand-drawn by Albedo from his jade pendant. Then he took out a red marker and drew a few circles on the map. circle as a mark.

After doing all this, Han Xiao handed the map to Diluc, and while the other person reached out to take the map, he said what he wanted the two of them to do:

There seems to be a secret room under the Seven Heavens Statue. Abedo and I hope that you can open it and use a projector to completely record the situation inside the secret room.

As for the method of opening, we speculate that it should be related to the stone tablet circled on the map, but this is just a guess, so you need to go and confirm it.

I know the secret room under the Seven Heavens Statue!

Suddenly learning that there was a secret room under the Seven Heavens Statue in the Snow Mountain, Diluc first raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then nodded solemnly.

He and Kaia themselves didn't know much about the snow-capped mountains. Now the source of the surge in monsters inside the snow-capped mountains seemed to be the core in front of them, so their first task was to solve it.

In the absence of a clear means to deal with this strange vitality, the idea proposed by Han Xiao and Abedo has become the only plan that can be tried at present.

After looking at the map carefully, Diluc carefully placed the map into his God's Eye space, and then invited Kaia to walk out of the cave together and embark on the road to deciphering the secret.

Albedo, now that they are gone, it's time to talk about some things.

Seeing the figures of Diluc and Kaia gradually disappearing into the white snow, Han Xiao retracted her gaze and turned to Albedo who was aside.

You have actually discovered the source of this vitality a long time ago, right?

I knew I couldn't hide it from you.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo hummed slightly, then looked at the purple wall behind the core, and said meaningfully:

The source of that vitality is behind this wall. Am I right? My brother...

Hmph, who is your brother?

As Albedo finished speaking, a third person's cold snort suddenly came from the red cave.

Chapter 661 The Appearance of Mr. Abei

As the sound resounded in the cave, Han Xiao and Abedo simultaneously turned their sights to the direction of the sound as if they had expected it.

I saw strange ripples suddenly appearing on the dark red wall behind the spherical core glowing scarlet.

Immediately afterwards, a blond boy with an almost identical face to Albedo walked out of the wall in an extremely weird way.

It was none other than Mr. Abei who appeared in the Snow Mountain plot in the game in Han Xiao's previous life.

You recognize that woman as your master and mother, but I don't!

As soon as Mr. Abei came out, he retorted to Mr. Abed in a very aggressive tone, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

Obviously, both Albedo and Reindot are the targets of his hatred.

Sure enough, as we expected, you have escaped from Dulin's body on your own a long time ago.

Facing Mr. Abe's somewhat ferocious gaze, Mr. Abe's expression remained unchanged and his tone was quite calm.


Looking at Abedo's face that looked exactly like his own, the 'malice' in Abedo's eyes was quite obvious, and he couldn't help but sneer:

That woman threw me away like trash and trapped me in Dulin's body, but she probably never dreamed that I would see the light of day again!

Is it because of Du Lin?

Originally, Han Xiao did not intend to get involved in the dispute between the two 'brothers' Abedo and Abedao, but when he heard the other party mention Du Lin, he couldn't help but ask.

After all, although Abedo and Abedo are artificial humans created by Reindot to explore the original man, they are not as good as Dulin in terms of strength.

So Abei Shao escaped from Du Lin's body, and Han Xiao didn't really believe that the other party could do it by himself.

Tianshu Xing Hanxiao of Liyue, you have a great reputation. I have occasionally heard of your name from adventurers in the snow mountains!

Han Xiao's sudden opening did not make Mr. Abei feel much angry. On the contrary, there was a hint of curiosity in his words.

He seemed to be very interested in Han Xiao.

That's really an honor for me.

Realizing that Young Master Abei didn't seem to have much hostility toward him, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

It's good if you don't hate him. If you don't hate him, you will have a chance to convince the other party.

Young Master Abei didn't know that Han Xiao had already planned to abduct him in his heart. At this time, he simply answered the question about how he could escape:

You guessed it right. My escape is indeed related to Dulin.

As he spoke, Mr. Abei touched his core with one hand, and his originally sharp face softened a lot:

I have to say that Du Lin is indeed very powerful, and that woman is indeed very considerate. I really cannot take the initiative to unblock him from her body.

So Du Lin helped you?

When it came to business, Albedo couldn't help but look at the red core next to them.

That's right... Doolin is a good boy.

Perhaps after hearing Abedo's words, Abedo's face suddenly returned to its previous malicious look.

However, that woman made a mistake. Du Lin did not choose to completely trap me, but took the initiative to let me out, just because I have a relationship with that woman!

But such a good boy was deceived by that woman named Leindot so miserably that he even lost his life in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

As he said this, Mr. Abei couldn't help but let out a somewhat shrill roar:

How can there be such a cold-hearted woman in the world when she abandons her own creation and deceives the creation that loves her deeply?

Perhaps due to being sealed inside Dulin's body by Reindot, Master Abei watched the other party's memories from a third-party perspective during the period of being sealed.

So he saw the whole process of Du Lin, who was obviously a good boy, but was maliciously deceived by Reindot and finally died in Longji Snow Mountain.

Combined with the fact that he was abandoned by the other party as soon as he was 'born', Abbey no longer felt the same way about Reindot as his mother, and only had the idea of ​​revenge against the other party.


Seeing the murderous expression on Mr. Abei's face that looked exactly like his own, Abedo couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Although the other party was slandering his teacher and mother, he found that he could not refute it at all.

After all, what Mr. Abe said was true.

At that time, Kanria was under siege by the Seven Gods and the Heavenly Principles. Seeing that the motherland was about to perish, his teacher and mother, the golden Reindot, did indeed do many cruel things.

For example, he deliberately deceived Dulin and allowed him to bring disaster to Mondstadt, which ultimately led to his death in Longji Snow Mountain.

Another example is the creation of beast-land hounds that can erode the boundaries of the world.

All of these have brought extremely terrible disasters to the continent of Teyvat.

It can be said that during that period, Reindot lowered his bottom line again and again for his motherland, Canria.

Abbey was absolutely right when he said that Reindot was a bad woman with a heart as hard as iron.

Teacher, she has woken up later.

Thinking of this, Abedo weakly defended his teacher in a dry tone.

If Reindot was an out-and-out bad woman before, then with the demise of Kanrea and her own birth, her character also changed greatly.

Otherwise, the teacher would not have become a good friend with Aunt Alice, who is like the guardian of Teyvat.

After all, one is the 'real culprit' who destroyed the continent of Teyvat, and the other is a witch who traveled around to protect the continent of Teyvat.

If Reindot's personality hadn't changed, these two people would definitely not have let it go without knocking each other out of their wits.

I can only say that you are luckier than Du Lin and I.

Hearing Abedo's slightly pale explanation, Abedu sneered without buying it at all:

To be honest, you are luckier than Du Lin and I. You have met the woman who is no longer mad.

Otherwise, as long as you fail to achieve that woman's goal, I guess your fate may be no different from ours, Abedo!

Seeing Abei being silent as Abei Shao spoke, Han Xiao on the side had no choice but to stand up and speak in an attempt to divert the topic away from this aspect.

Reindot's problem is indeed too fatal, and discussing this with him is really not conducive to his plan to abduct him back to Liyue.

You just said that Du Lin took the initiative to release you from the seal. Is he still conscious now?

Unfortunately, I'm not very clear on this issue either.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Mr. Abei retracted his fierce look at Albedo, and then slowly shook his head.

Chapter 662: Hanxiao starts cheating Dafa

Mr. Abei did not lie to Han Xiao.

As for whether Dulin is still conscious, he thinks that there should be. After all, the former demon dragon Dulin did not have an entity. Reindot only created a body for it to come to the world.

Now that the body is damaged in the battle, it is not incomprehensible that his consciousness returns to its original state.

But Mr. Abei really didn't dare to judge whether Du Lin's consciousness remained awake.

Even though he himself was unblocked by Du Lin on his own initiative, it was more like the opponent's residual instinct rather than initiative.

Otherwise, Dulin's temperament, which he never blamed Reindot until his death, might not allow him to leave the seal, let alone take the initiative to break it.

That's it...

After hearing Mr. Abedo's judgment, Han Xiao nodded unequivocally, then walked to the red core of the cave and slowly stated the main goal of his and Abedo's visit this time.

What would you think if I said that Abedo and I came to the Snow Mountain mainly for you, and secondly to seal Dulin and make him inactive?

Come for me?

Hearing this, Young Master Abe couldn't help but be stunned, and his eyes towards Han Xiao became a little strange.

He didn't quite understand the meaning of the other person's words.

Mr. Abei, who had watched Du Lin's short life, was not surprised that Du Lin was sealed and inactive.

Whoever makes Du Lin alive in the world is a threat to the Teyvat continent. It is normal for Han Xiao and Abedo to want to completely seal it.

What puzzled him was why Han Xiao and Abedo would target a self who didn't understand anything.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Abedo also knew in his heart that he had been trapped in Dulin's body since he was born and had only recently been able to escape, so in terms of ability, he was far weaker than Abedo.

Let me tell you next.

As if he saw Mr. Abedo's doubts, Abedo suddenly stood up and took over the topic:

As a creature, I cannot judge what Master Reindot has done.

But I don't particularly agree with Master Reindot treating you as a defective product, because there is no difference between you and me in terms of ability.


Hearing Abedo express his opinion, Abedo immediately sneered, then crossed his arms over his chest, with a strange smile on his face:

That woman treats me as a defective product, but you, her proudest work, give you a different opinion?

I can't tell you are quite courageous, Abedo!

This is my opinion, even if Master Reindot is here, I still think so.

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