In comparison, the problem of Abedo and Han Xiao unsealing another artificial human from Du Lin's body was completely trivial.

Han Xiao and I have thought of a way, but we just don't know if it will work.

Abedo glanced at Han Xiao first, and then hesitantly told Han Xiao the solution he and Han Xiao had discussed after seeing him nod.

Perhaps Snow Mountain itself has a solution to Doolin.

The snowy mountains themselves?

Hearing what Abedo said, Kaia and Diluc were in a daze for a moment.

But soon, the two people who knew the history of Mondstadt also thought of Han Xiao and Albedo's plan.

Are you talking about that ancient snow-capped mountain country that disappeared overnight a long time ago?

Yes, that's the country.

Abedo nodded slightly, and then explained to the two of them:

I found some clues about the ancient country of Snow Mountain when I was in Snow Mountain. According to my inference, that ancient country was probably destroyed by some extremely powerful force overnight.

In other words, if we can find the remnants of this power, maybe we can use it to fight Dulin?

After listening to Abedo's thoughts, Kaiya stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin constantly. Then he considered it carefully before slowly asking:

But how can you be so sure that this power can suppress Du Lin?

The problem is that we don't have a better way now, do we?

Facing Kaiya's question, Han Xiao immediately spread her hands and explained helplessly.

Although he knew from the game in his previous life that the power of the Cold Sky Nail should be able to lock the earth's veins and make Dulin lose part of the source of his power.

Unfortunately, Han Xiao couldn't express this answer, so she could only give a vague explanation.

Chapter 659 Mianlong Valley Cave

Now it seems that this is the only way it can be.

Faced with Han Xiao's unguaranteed solution, Kaia and Diluc, who couldn't think of a better solution, finally agreed to give this solution a try.

At any rate, this plan seems to have a slight possibility of success.

Hanxiao, people are waiting now, when will we enter the snow mountain?

Although he lost the bet, Abedo didn't care very much. After all, Du Lin's problem was the real issue at the moment.

Let's take a rest today. We will set off into the snow-capped mountains early tomorrow morning.

no problem.

Kaia and Diluc nodded in agreement with Han Xiao's suggestion.


A night of silence.

At dawn the next day, Han Xiao and the four of them got up from the warm tent.

After a brief wash, the group put on thick winter-proof cotton clothes and walked into the snow-capped mountains along the broken bridge not far from the camp.

Ahead is the resurrecting silver-white ancient tree.

Walking along the snow-covered road, Abedo soon pointed to the big tree emitting crimson light despite the wind and snow and introduced it to Han Xiao and the others.

That big tree that revived from the dead state!

Looking at the crimson tree exuding vitality in the wind and snow, Kaiya couldn't help but marvel.

Although he had read descriptions of this tree from Yula's investigation report before, he was still surprised to see it with his own eyes.

After all, in a harsh environment like Longji Snow Mountain, generally only extremely cold-resistant pine trees can survive, and most pine trees do not grow particularly strong.

But now this ancient tree with red light has not only come back to life from its dead state, but has even grown extremely strong.

This is in sharp contrast to the harsh environment of Longji Snow Mountain.

Albedo, do you know the specific reason why this tree has revived?

Diluc didn't have the sentimental thoughts of his adopted brother. He directly asked Albedo, who knew the snow-capped mountains the most among them.

Preliminary analysis shows that this tree should have been revived by being watered by Dulin's blood, which has extremely strong vitality.

“So does this tree need to be disposed of?”

That's not necessary.

Upon hearing Diluc's suggestion, Abedo shook his head and refused.

Although the ground veins are gradually becoming active due to this tree, it is also slowly sorting out the long-term disordered ground veins in the snow mountain. It is better to keep it.

That's it!

After learning that the resurrected ancient trees could have a beneficial effect on the snow-capped mountains, Diluc gave up the thought of burning the red-glowed ancient tree in front of him.

If the problem with the tree is not serious, where should we start checking next?

After hearing Abedo's explanation, Kaiya looked at the white snowy scene around him and asked his own question.

Let's check the situation at Dulin first.

Han Xiao immediately put forward his suggestions to several people.

He didn't forget that he came to Snow Mountain to free Young Master Abe from Du Lin's body.

Han Xiao's suggestion was also approved by Diluc and others.

So the four of them trekked all the way to Mianlong Valley, and under the guidance of Albedo, they found a cave emitting high temperature and red light in the middle of the huge rib in the valley.

The smell here is weird...

As soon as he entered the cave, Diluc felt the warm breath rushing towards him, which was in extreme opposition to the icy cold wind outside the cave.

Of course, what concerned him more was the red glowing sphere inside the cave that was wrapped in stones and looked like a heart.

Is this Dulin's heart?

It can only be said to be a core, not even a heart.

Abedo shook his head and denied Diluc's guess. Then he came to the side of the core, stretched out his hand and put it on the heated core to feel it.

I can feel that the vitality inside the core is gradually growing. The snow mountain monster must have received a surge due to the stimulation of this huge vitality.

Can this core be destroyed?

After learning that Albedo judged that the reason for the large-scale increase in monsters on the snow-capped mountains was because of this core, Kaiya reached out and rubbed his chin and asked in a tentative tone.

Destroying this core rashly will likely cause the life force to flow back into the earth's veins.

Han Xiao also imitated Abedo and put his hand on the core, and tried to invade it with his own power.

Then he discovered that it was not difficult to destroy the core, but once the core was destroyed, the huge vitality inside would not only not dissipate into the air, but would flow backwards into the earth's veins.

At that time, the stimulated ley lines will erupt into a wave of monsters that is even more serious than the current situation.

The only option now is to extract this vitality from the core. Only in this way can the concentration of vitality inside the core be reduced.

Drain the life force?

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Abedo seemed to have thought of something, and quickly opened his God's Eye space and started searching.

The eyes of the others were also attracted by his movements.

Under the watchful eyes of Han Xiao and others, Albedo quickly found what he was looking for and took them out of the Eye of God space.

Is this...teeth?

Diluc couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he watched Albedo take out a tooth-shaped stone that was as high as an adult's calf bone and placed it on the ground.

Judging from the size of the teeth, only huge creatures can have them, and the only huge creature in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain seems to be the Demon Dragon Dulin.

If you want to absorb life force, this should be able to do it.

After taking out four teeth of the same size in succession, Abedo explained to several people:

This was discovered by Urban, the weapon forger in the camp. This kind of tooth can absorb life force and form a special mineral, which is very suitable as a material for forging weapons.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's give it a try!


Hearing Kaia's urging, Albedo picked up a tooth and stabbed it hard into the core with its sharp tip.


As the fang penetrated the core, the red light in the cave suddenly trembled strangely, and a huge breath of life flowed out of the core, and then covered the entire gray-white tooth.

Under the influence of this rather weird breath of life, the originally gray-white tooth rapidly transformed in front of everyone's eyes, turning into a crimson lump in less than half a minute.

Abedo then repeated the same action three more times.

As the last tooth turned red, Han Xiao quickly put his hand on the surface of the core again, and then used his power to feel the changes inside the core.

The vitality inside the core has been reduced, but the effect is not very ideal. The total amount of vitality is still a lot.

Can you find more teeth like this?

Seeing that this method could weaken the vitality inside the core, Diluc immediately looked at Albedo, wanting to get an accurate answer.

Chapter 660 The Source of Vitality

I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you.

Upon hearing Diluc's inquiry, Albedo immediately shook his head and said with regret:

According to Urban, since many weapon blacksmiths have discovered that the material of dragon teeth is a good material for forging weapons, a large part of the collected dragon teeth are used to make weapons. Currently, the dragon teeth are Inventory is pretty sparse.”

What a pity!

Knowing that the number of these dragon teeth that could absorb life force was pitifully small, Kaiya also showed a look of regret on his face.

If there were more of these dragon teeth, wouldn't it be able to solve the problem of excessive vitality inside the core?

Nothing to be sorry for, Kaia.

Perhaps seeing what Kaiya was thinking, Han Xiao directly spoke out about the relatively bad reality.

Dragon Teeth can indeed absorb the vitality inside the core, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem. In just a while, the vitality previously lost inside the core has been replenished.

So fast?

Hearing Han Xiao say that the vitality inside the core was full again, Abedo dropped the red-glow dragon tooth lump in his hand, quickly came to the core, took out a lot of special equipment from the inner space of the Eye of God, and started to carry out detailed inspection.

After some serious and careful exploration, he slowly put down the instrument in his hand and sighed deeply.

Han Xiao is right. The vitality inside the core that was previously extracted by the dragon's teeth has been replenished.

Does it mean that this core is also connected to a large source that can continuously provide it with vitality?

Diluc squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the dark red caves everywhere, and said with a thoughtful look on his face.

Vitality is not a power that can be replenished at will.

The vitality in the core was quickly replenished after being drained. This can only mean that there is something somewhere that is constantly providing a large amount of vitality to Fei.

And now he can think of only one thing that meets this condition:

Could it be Dulin's heart?

The possibility is not low.

After hearing Diluc's speculation, Albedo held his right elbow with his left palm and put the fingers of his right hand on his chin to think for a moment, and then agreed with the other party's guess.

After all, if one compares the vitality alone in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, perhaps only the Demonic Dragon Dulin, who has extremely strong vitality, can do this.

In this case, how about directly cutting off the connection between the core and the demon dragon Dulin?

Seeing that Abedo agreed with Diluc's speculation, Kaia on the side wondered whether the problem of excessive vitality within the core could be solved by cutting off the connection between the two.

It's better not to cut it off.

Before Abedo could speak, Han Xiao rejected Kaiya's suggestion.

I saw him retracting his right hand that was attached to his core, and then holding his hands in front of his chest with a very solemn expression.

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