When Han Xiao said this, Abedo couldn't react.

The other party is waiting for Mondstadt to send someone to join them!

No wonder, no wonder he said why Han Xiao chose to drive through Mondstadt to the Longji Snow Mountain instead of choosing the more convenient route to Mingyun Town.

The co-authors are all waiting here.

Dragon's Back Snow Mountain is Mondstadt's territory after all. It's okay for you to go in and out of the snow mountain, but my status doesn't allow me to be so presumptuous.

Seeing Abedo's reaction, Han Xiao nodded slightly to show that the other party's guess was good.

Longji Snow Mountain has been mostly ignored all year round due to its harsh climate and environment, but as the Seven Stars of Liyue, it cannot be disrespectful.

After all, Longji Snow Mountain belongs to Mondstads no matter what.

Although judging from the thousand-year relationship between Mond and Liyue, Qin and Lisa may not care about this little thing, but as the saying goes, a thousand-mile dike is destroyed by an anthill.

Han Xiao was also unwilling to allow other countries that had thoughts about the two countries to find something to do with the trivial matter of entering the Longji Snow Mountain without authorization, thereby driving a wedge between Liyue and Mondstadt.

emmm, everyone should know which country they are talking about.

What you say makes sense.

Understanding Han Xiao's worries, Abedo nodded understandingly.

Entering the Longji Snow Mountain is actually just a small matter for the two countries, but since the other party can become one of the Seven Stars of Liyue at a young age, it is not a bad thing to be cautious.

Albedo, you and I might as well guess who Mondstadt will send here?

Han Xiao didn't talk much about this matter, but just smiled and made a bet with Abedo.

It should be Yura.

Since Han Xiao was so interested, Abedo didn't disappoint, and after a moment's thought, he gave his guess of the candidate.

Grand Commander Falga took away many squads of the Knights, and now there are only a few squads with small personnel left in Mondstadt.

Among them, only the guerrilla team led by Yura performs the task of eradicating monsters in Mondstadt all year round.

There has been a recent surge in monsters in Longji Snow Mountain, and there is a high possibility that Youla will bring people to the snow mountain to clear them out.


When he thought that every time Yura and Amber came to the snowy mountains, he could only escape and 'escape' back to Mondstadt for a few days to stay for a few days. Albedo subconsciously felt a dull pain in his stomach.

Not necessarily!

Han Xiao didn't notice the strange flash in Abedo's eyes, but smiled mysteriously.

Oh...if it's not Yura, then who is it?

There is a high probability that it will be Kaia, and maybe Diluc will come with him.

Hearing Abedo's somewhat surprised question, Han Xiao directly expressed his thoughts.

If the general situation is followed, Mondstadt should indeed send Yora as Albedo speculated.

But Han Xiao has not forgotten that there is a person like Kaia in Mondstadt with a secret life experience.

Descendants of Camria...

Han Xiao didn't believe that Kaiya wouldn't be curious after learning that he and Abedo were heading straight to the snow-capped mountains.

After all, there are traces of Kanrea on the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain!

In addition, if Kaia comes, Diluc, who knows his adopted brother's life experience and has been protecting Mondstadt in his own way, will most likely come with him.


Knowing that the people Han Xiao guessed were Kaiya and Diluc, Abedo couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He was rather curious as to why the other party would make such a guess.

However, because Kaia's life experience was kept secret very well, no matter how smart Abedo was, he would not have thought of the connection between him and the snow mountain.

It seems you don't quite believe my guess.

It's true. Although I don't know why you made this judgment, I still think that Youla is more likely.

That's just right. Let's have a small bet. How about whoever guesses correctly will give the other person a special alchemy creation?

Interesting, I really want the structural diagram of the Codex of All Things.

Han Xiao actually did not have the Eye of God. Abedo was one of the few people who knew about it, and he was also the first to know.

However, with the opponent's current demon-god-level strength, things like the Eye of God can't be of much help.

But Abedo himself was very interested in the Eye of All Things developed by Han Xiao, especially since the other party later created the All-Seeing Code that can use seven elements.

It's just that the Eye of All Things is very important, so he didn't have the nerve to borrow one to study it before.

Now that Han Xiao was interested in betting, Abedo naturally put forward his own idea.

No problem, I'm also very interested in certain taboo techniques in the Alchemy of Creation.

Seeing that Abedo had a desire to study the Eye of All Things, Han Xiao readily agreed, not caring at all about the importance of the Eye of All Things to the continent of Teyvat.

emmm...how to put it.

Although the Eye of All Things is the monkey version of the Eye of God, it has no side effects and is actually the best among the three items that can use elemental power.

Needless to say, the evil eye consumes the user's life, and the side effects are too strong.

The problem with the real Eye of God is not small. For example, Lisa, a genius witch who knows many secrets, has always been very afraid of the Eye of God.

So to sum it up, maybe the Eye of All Things is not as powerful as the Evil Eye and the Eye of God, but the fact that it has no side effects is enough to make people excited.

That is to say, Han Xiao's current strength is completely sufficient, otherwise Albedo would not have opened up and used the structural diagram of the Vientiane Code as a condition for a bet.


Soon, two days flew by.

On the morning of the third day, Han Xiao and Abedo were sitting in the camp eating breakfast when the shadow of an electric car loomed at the far end of the road.


Seeing the electric car driving in the distance, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth instantly curled up.

Albedo, it seems that I won the bet!

I didn't expect it was really the two of them who came.

Also seeing the electric car driving towards the snow-capped mountains, Albedo immediately let out a sigh.

Chapter 658 Four people meet

Oh, are you two waiting for us?

When the electric car stopped at the entrance of the camp, Kaiya greeted Han Xiao and Abedo with a smile as soon as he got off the car.

Of course you have to abide by Mondstadt's rules when you come to Mondstadt, don't you think so, Captain Kaia?

Hearing Kaiya's smiling words, Han Xiao replied with a smile on her face.

As expected of the Seven Stars of Liyue, it's a pity that some arrogant and unreasonable guys never understand this!

Diluc, who got off the driver's seat, heard Han Xiao's answer and immediately snorted in the direction of Mondstadt. It was clear that there was something behind his words.

After doing all this, he turned to look at Han Xiao and nodded slightly:

Long time no see, Your Excellency Hanxiao.

Long time no see, Master Diluc!

Oh, since we have known each other for so long, why are we still so polite? What do you think, Abedo?

Seeing Han Xiao and Diluc greeting each other very politely, Kaiya came to Abedo's side at some point. He put his arms around each other's shoulders and looked at them with a smile.

When Kaiya said this, Han Xiao and Diluc also looked at each other and smiled, and then they spontaneously stretched out their right hands and held them together:



This is right!

Seeing the changes in the names of Han Xiao and Diluc, Kaiya nodded with satisfaction, then walked among a few people and turned the topic to business:

Han Xiao, I won't be polite to you anymore. There are some things I want to ask you on behalf of Captain Qin.

Of course, no problem. You probably want to know why Abedo and I suddenly came to Longji Snow Mountain!

That's right.

Hearing Han Xiao take the initiative to raise the topic, the smile on Kaiya's face became even brighter.

He likes this kind of aboveboard style, it saves trouble!

Then... Abedo, do you say it or should I say it?

Let me explain.

Abedo spoke directly to draw the attention of Kaia and Diluc to him:

This time I came to Snow Mountain with Han Xiao for two main reasons...

Under the gazes of Diluc and Kaia, Albedo slowly stated the purpose of his and Han Xiao's visit to the snow-capped mountains:

Master Reindot had an unfinished artificial human before he made me. The purpose of Han Xiao and I's trip was to unseal it from Du Lin's body and bring it to Liyue to learn alchemy.

On the other hand, monsters have appeared frequently in Snow Mountain recently. The reason behind this is probably due to Dulin's activity. We came here this time to see if we can find a way to suppress the opponent.

Dulin...became active?

After listening to Abedo's explanation, Kaia and Diluc couldn't help but look at each other, with a flash of surprise in their eyes at the same time.

They also knew about the recent surge in monsters in Longji Snow Mountain. Youla's guerrilla team had sent back relevant information a long time ago, and Captain Qin even planned to organize people to come to the snow mountain to carry out a large-scale cleanup.

But what they didn't expect was that the reason behind the increase in monsters in the snow mountain was actually related to Du Lin's becoming more active.

This news is really surprising.

Wasn't the demon dragon Dulin killed by the wind god Barbatos and his subordinate Tevalin as early as five hundred years ago?

Albedo, are you sure you're not joking?

Kaia didn't smile this time, and immediately looked at Albedo with a serious face.

I wouldn't make such a nasty joke.

Facing Kaiya's question, Abedo's expression remained unchanged and his tone remained calm as he replied.

If that's the case, then things are in trouble.

Diluc, who remained silent on the side, couldn't help but interject this time, and his face became as solemn as Kaia's.

The Demon Dragon Dulin was an existence that once brought great disaster to Mondstadt.

Although he did not want to belittle the glory of his late father, Diluc knew very well that the demon dragon Dulin was much more terrifying than the original demon dragon named Ursa.

Even in front of Dulin, Usa was not worthy of using the title of Demon Dragon at all.

Because Dulin was the dragon that really wreaked havoc on Mondstadt.

Thinking of this, Diluc couldn't help but turn his gaze to Han Xiao, and asked eagerly:

Hanxiao, are you sure you can solve the problem of Du Lin's increasing activity in Snow Mountain this time?

To be honest, we don't really have much confidence.

Seeing Diluc turning the topic to herself, Han Xiao, who had remained silent, first sighed deeply and then shook his head.

Dulin is the creation of the gold alchemist Reindot. My alchemy skills and Albedo's are not enough to crack the [gold] level alchemy.

As soon as these words came out, Kaia and Diluc's expressions suddenly turned ugly.

For a time, the atmosphere among the few people also became depressed.

Is there really nothing you can do?

Kaia asked with a calm face and a low tone.

If things are really as Abedo and Han Xiao speculated, then the snow mountain will become a bomb that will explode at some point.

And it’s still extremely difficult to solve.

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