Dawn Winery.

Just as Hanxiao was driving Albedo along the concrete road to the Longji Snow Mountain, Diluc, who was staying at his own winery, also received news that the two had entered the country.

Are you saying that Han Xiao and Abedo set out from Liyue Port and headed towards Longji Snow Mountain without stopping?

Yes, Master Diluc.

Butler Eze nodded solemnly, and then recounted the information he had received:

According to the news from the winery's staff in Liyue Port, Tianshu Xing Hanxiao and Mr. Abedo drove out of Liyue Port in an electric car a few days after the Hai Lantern Festival.

At first, they thought that the destination of these two people should be Guili City, but they did not expect that the news from our Guili City staff later confirmed that the two of them did not stop at Guili City but headed directly towards Mengmeng City. Travel virtuously.”

Just the day before yesterday, the staff of the winery accidentally saw Mr. Han Xiao and his electric car heading towards the snow-capped mountains.

...I understand the situation. You can go down first.

After listening to Butler Eze's report, Diluc nodded slightly and waved to him to go down first and let him think alone.

After Eze left, he walked to the window and looked towards the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, with many thoughts in his mind.

If the information sent back by Eze and the others is accurate, it means that Han Xiao and Abedo's destination this time is Longji Snow Mountain.

What secrets are there on the snowy mountains that make them both care so much?

Looking at the outline of the snow-capped mountains in the distance hidden under the clouds, Diluc couldn't draw an accurate conclusion for a while.

Although the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain has existed in the Mondstadt region for thousands of years, in fact, due to the extremely harsh environment on the snow mountain, the people of Mondstadt know very little about the conditions inside the snow mountain.

Even within the Knights and the families of the three nobles, there are not many records about the situation in the Snow Mountains. At most, there are some records about the ancient Snow Mountain Country.

Now Han Xiao and Abedo left Liyue without any warning and went straight to Longji Snow Mountain. Apparently, they had some information that even the people of Mondstadt didn't know.

How could this not make Diluc a little wary while being curious.

He himself did admire Han Xiao quite a bit and thought that Han Xiao had outstanding abilities and was a rare talent.

But in the final analysis, Han Xiao is from Liyue, not from Mondstadt.

The mystery of Dragon's Back Snow Mountain may contain some secrets. Even though Diluc admired Han Xiao, he was still wary of it.

Dong dong dong——

Just when Diluc was thinking about whether he should also set off for the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, the door to the room was suddenly knocked, and then the voice of the head maid Adeline came:

Master Diluc, Master Kaia is here.

Let him in!

The news of Kaia's sudden visit made Diluc stunned for a moment, and then he asked Adeline to lead him in.


Long time no see, Master Diluc!

As the door opened, a cynical Kaia walked into the room with a smile on her face, and at the same time she was quite frivolous enough to say hello to Diluc.

Tsk...why are you here?

Seeing Kaia who was still looking carefree, Diluc frowned reflexively and his tone became stiff.

Oh, you don't welcome me so much!

Seeing Diluc's familiar cold face, Kaiya walked to the wine cabinet aside and took out a bottle of wine. Then he took out two wine glasses from the wine cabinet and sat down in front of the sofa.

I saw him using a tool to pry open the cork of the wine while pouring dark red wine into two wine glasses.

After finishing all this, Kaiya took a wine glass and put it to his lips and took a sip, and then revealed the reason for his sudden visit:

I have an informant who suddenly sent me a message. It seems that the Tianshu star from Liyue is carrying Albedo towards the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain?

You got the news very quickly.

Hearing that Kaia's purpose was also to find out the whereabouts of Han Xiao and Abedo, Diluc walked to the sofa opposite and sat down, his dark red pupils filled with scrutiny.

He cooperated with the intelligence organization on Beidalu, so he was able to obtain information about Han Xiao and the others in a short period of time.

What about Kaia?

How did Kaia receive the information in such a short period of time?

Chapter 656: At the foot of the snow-capped mountains

I have been helping Commander Qin handle the political affairs of the Knights during this period. Naturally, I have a comprehensive understanding of the situation in Mondstadt.

Facing the scrutiny of his adopted brother, Kaia seemed quite calm. While speaking, he took out a black mobile phone from his God's Eye space.

Besides, this thing invented by that Tianshu star is really easy to use, isn't it?

Mobile phone...

Seeing Kaia take out her phone, a flash of realization flashed in Diluc's eyes.

In the past, the Teyvat continent did not lack props that allowed people to communicate remotely, but most of them were expensive treasures and were quite difficult to manufacture.

Therefore, even if these remote communication props can make the intelligence system operate more efficiently and smoothly, it is just a luxury to hope for widespread use.

However, the mobile phone jointly developed by Han Xiao and Abedo solved this problem.

Not only does the mobile phone work well, it is also quite cheap to make, and more importantly, it can be produced in large quantities.

It can be said that the emergence of mobile phones has greatly improved the timeliness of the intelligence system's transmission of information.

Kaia took out her cell phone to explain herself, and it made sense.

After all, one of his informants happened to see Han Xiao and Abedo driving toward Longji Snow Mountain, and then told the other party the news on his mobile phone. The possibility was still very high.

After understanding this, Diluc took the initiative to ignore the topic, and then asked Kaiya about his plans:

What do the Knights think of Han Xiao and Albedo's actions?

Hmm... The environment of Longji Snow Mountain is harsh and dangerous. For the sake of the friendly relations between Mondstadt and Liyue, the Knights will send people to protect Liyue Tianshu Star. What do you think of this?

Do you think Han Xiao will accept your words?

Hearing Kaia's thoughts, Diluc pursed his lips in the direction of the snow-capped mountains.

That Tianshu star had reached the position of the Seven Stars of Liyue by relying on his own ability and skill in the year of Dancing Elephant. How could such a shrewd person fail to see the Knights' plan?

I've heard for a long time that Tianshu Xing Hanxiao has an extraordinary temperament. I think he won't reject Mond's suggestion.

Kaiya didn't seem to care much about her adopted brother's worries.

Of course he knew that sending people to Han Xiao was nominally to protect him, but in reality it was to keep track of his movements.

Not only did the knights know it, but Han Xiao himself also understood what was going on.

Judging from some of the information Kaiya obtained from the Knights, the Tianshu Star probably wouldn't care about this. Even if the other party took Albedo to drive to the snow-capped mountains so openly, I'm afraid he had already done this. Prepare.

Otherwise, Han Xiao could have quietly entered the Longji Snow Mountain from the direction of Mingyun Town, and there would be no need to mess with Mondstadt at all.

Then who are you going to send?

After listening to Kaia's speculation, Diluc had to admit that his adopted brother's speculation about Han Xiao's thoughts was somewhat reasonable.

Indeed, if they did not want to attract the attention of Mondstadt, Han Xiao and Albedo could go directly from Mingyun Town to Longji Snow Mountain without taking a detour to reach Mondstadt.

The other party acted like this, probably because they chose to enter Mondstadt in an open and honest way so as not to damage the relationship between the two countries.

Originally, I was going to suggest Captain Qin to let Youra go there. After all, she has been leading the guerrilla team out on missions. Her reason for going to the snow-capped mountains is very legitimate.


Diluc continued calmly. Kaia's words meant that he had rejected his idea.

Now I want to go there in person.

Kaia didn't hide anything from her adopted brother's inquiry and directly told her latest plan.

It's really rare for you to go there in person.

Hearing that Kaia was preparing to personally take over the task of accompanying Han Xiao to explore the Longji Snow Mountain, Diluc subconsciously leaned back and folded his hands on his chest, with a strange smile on his stern face.

You were so lazy in the past that you would take the initiative to take on such a troublesome task?

Who let me care about anything on the snowy mountain?

Kaia rarely told the truth in front of her adopted brother.

Letting Youra take over this task was actually in line with the scope of work of the guerrilla team, but the reason why he rejected the idea was mainly because of the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

Dragon's Back Snow Mountain... Do you suspect that Han Xiao's trip to the Snow Mountain is related to that?

When Kaia, who likes to be a Riddler, rarely told the truth, Diluc did not tease him, but frowned.

Because the amount of information the other party said is really quite large.

Maybe other members of the Knights don't know much about Kaia's life experience, but as his adopted brother, he still knows a lot.

From a certain perspective, Kaia and Abedo are actually descendants of the country that was destroyed five hundred years ago.

However, Longji Snow Mountain is also the burial place of the demon dragon Dulin, so it is not unreasonable for the other party to suspect that Han Xiao and the others' purpose is related to that country.

There is too little information right now, and I can't be sure.

It was rare to be honest with Diluc, so Kaia relaxed her mind and shook her head quite frankly.

But the possibility of attracting Han Xiao, the Tianshu star, to Longji Snow Mountain is very high.

After all, whether it's Dulin or Albedo, they are in the same position as me from the heel to the foot.

Remember to call me when you set off.

Seeing that Kaia did not deny his speculation, Diluc lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and made a decision.

If Han Xiao's trip to the snow-capped mountains involves that area, he would have to go there too.

Why, Master Diluc doesn't trust me?

Hearing that Diluc also planned to go for a walk in the snow-capped mountains, Kaia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and put on her usual cynical smile again.

I'm just worried that if the Knights can't handle this matter well, it will cause a gap between the two countries.

Diluc crossed his arms and snorted, habitually dissing the Knights of the West Wind in his words.

The conversation between the two ended quickly, and Kaia also contacted Qin, who had recently returned to Mondstadt, via mobile phone, and obtained permission from the other party.

It was night, and an electric car slowly drove out from Chenxi Winery under the cover of darkness, heading towards the Longji Snow Mountain along the cement-paved road.


The next day.

After several days of non-stop travel, Han Xiao and Abedo finally drove to their destination, the camp at the foot of Longji Snow Mountain.

This is Longji Snow Mountain!

Standing at the broken bridge leading to the snow-capped mountains, Han Xiao looked up at the mountains in front of her and let out a sigh of unknown meaning.

It is normal for the top of a snow-capped mountain to be shrouded in clouds and fog, but the faint cyan light shining through the clouds clearly shows that this snow-capped mountain is unusual.

Chapter 657 The bet between Han Xiao and Abedo

Han Xiao's lament about Longji Snow Mountain did not resonate much with Abedo.

Thinking about it, the other party had stayed in the snowy mountains all year round before coming to Liyue, and was already used to the scenery here.

So after Han Xiao sighed at the Longji Snow Mountain, he brought the topic to the main topic:

Hanxiao, when do you plan to go up the mountain?

There's no rush now.

Hearing Abedo's question about going into the mountains, Han Xiao replied calmly.


Seeing that Han Xiao did not intend to enter Longji Snow Mountain immediately, Albedo was a little surprised.

He had told him about Du Lin's situation. Logically speaking, the other party's attitude would not be so leisurely.

Because I'm waiting for someone to go into the mountains with us.

You mean Mondstadt will send people to go into the mountains with us?

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