If he hadn't discovered Mr. Zhongli's true identity later under Han Xiao's guidance, he would have wanted to say goodbye and go back to the snow-capped mountains.

As for Abedo, he no longer worried that he would go berserk and hurt Liyue.

Because at that time he discovered that not only was Zhongli secretly taking care of Guili City, but Wendy, the incarnation of his own wind god, would also come to the city from time to time to beg for drinks.

Even Han Xiao transformed into the demon god level without his knowledge.

There are two or three demon gods resident in a city...

Abedo said that no matter how violent he was, it would not be enough for the three of them to deal with.

After understanding this, he continued to stay in Liyue for research with peace of mind.

After all, there are people here who can solve the hidden dangers of his rampage at any time, and there are so many novel topics with sufficient experimental materials and funds.

Isn’t this much better than the Longji Snow Mountain environment?

I see!

After hearing Abedo express his original considerations, Han Xiao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't help but sigh.

He really didn't expect that Abedo had put so much thought into it when he agreed to his invitation to come to Liyue.

It was even thanks to Zhongli that the other party came.

Before, he always thought that it was the benefits and research topics he proposed that impressed Abedo.

After sighing for a moment in his heart that Albedo had really thought things through, Han Xiao turned the topic back to Longji Snow Mountain.

Albedo, you said before that there is still a possibility of Dulin's resurrection?

No... to be precise, it is not a resurrection but a resurrection. It has never really died.

Hearing Han Xiao talk about Du Lin's current situation, Abedo immediately corrected some mistakes in the other person's words.

Dulin's vitality is extremely strong, and it can even be said that it is a bit too strong.

The Dragon of the East Wind and the God of Wind did indeed shoot it down in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, and there were even keel remains in the Sleeping Dragon Valley on the snow mountain.

But this is just a body created by his master Reindot using bio-alchemy technology to combine elements and organic matter.

The real Dulin is a life that is not allowed to be born. It is just born into the world through the body built by its master.

Even if the body is destroyed, it cannot cause true death to Dulin.

So to be precise, the current Du Lin did not die in the original battle, but because his body was destroyed and he became unable to appear in the world again.

Once someone recasts the body, the dragon that almost destroyed Mondstadt will return to the world again.

Chapter 654: Changes in the Snowy Mountains in Recent Years

Demon Dragon Dulin actually has such an inside story?

After learning some secrets about the demon dragon Dulin from Abedo, Han Xiao couldn't help but be aroused.

As the most perfect piece of work by Kanria alchemist Reindot, Albedo may have a deeper understanding of Dulin than Wendy Zhongli and other demons.

Since he said that Dulin never died in the true sense, it must be true.

But problems also arise.

Dulin is a life that was not allowed to be born. How should we interpret this sentence?

Although Han Xiao didn't know what the original life form of the demon dragon Dulin looked like, considering that Teyvat had a large number of elemental life forms.

So he speculated whether Dulin might be an extremely powerful elemental life form.

Just like the Dragon King Ruotuo who was born underground but never had eyes. If he hadn't met Zhongli who put his eyes on him, who knows whether he would have been able to wake up from the dark underground.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but have a rather bold guess in her heart.

The continent of Teyvat once belonged to the era of seven dragon kings. Could Dulin be one of the strongest dragon kings?

In order to prevent the Seven Dragon Kings from coming back, Fanes and the Maintainers directly used special means to prevent Dulin from being born in the Teyvat continent.

So why did Reindot call Dulin a life that could not be allowed to be born?

Of course... these are just guesses made by Han Xiao based on insufficient information, and the accuracy is not yet known.

Perhaps we won't know whether his speculation is accurate until we get more information.

Albedo, isn't there some way to weaken Dulin's vital signs?

Suppressing the speculation in her heart, Han Xiao directly asked Albedo if Reindot had left any means that could be used to counter Dulin.

Perhaps Master Reindot has the method you mentioned in his hands, but I certainly don't have it in my hands at the moment.

Abedo shook his head helplessly.

If there was a way to weaken Dulin's vital signs, he wouldn't have been monitoring the opponent's situation before.

Even though from a certain point of view, he and Du Lin were brothers, for a 'brother' who was too destructive, Abedo felt that it was a good thing that the other party should not recover.

Is it really that bad?

As the electric car crossed the path of the stone gate, Hanxiao, who once again set foot on the land of Mondstadt, looked at the increasingly clear appearance of the snow-capped mountains and asked Albedo in a low voice.

It can only be said that it is not optimistic.

Regarding Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo thought about it for a while, and finally could only give a not-so-good answer.

In the few years before I came to Liyue, Dulin's vitality was gradually becoming stronger. Even an ancient silver-white tree on the snow mountain that had been dead for many years regained life under the water of his blood and mutated into a red tree. of trees.”

Although I have spent most of my time in Guili City in the past two years, the Qianyan Army you sent to Mingyun Town had the task of monitoring the snowy mountains for me, so I have always paid attention to the information they sent back. .”

Oh? Did you find something in this information?

Hearing what Abedo said, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In order to invite the other party to Liyue, he did send a Qianyan Army to station in Mingyun Town at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. Monitoring the movements of the snow-capped mountains was indeed one of his main tasks.

However, the situation they reported back in the past two years was basically the same, so Han Xiao didn't pay special attention to it.

Now it seems that Abedo has made an unusual discovery from this seemingly ordinary information?

I think so!

Abedo said with a solemn expression, and then revealed his findings.

In the past two years, I have found that the number of monsters on the snow-capped mountains has shown a very high upward trend, and even the time between appearances has been greatly shortened.

If you have paid attention to the situation of the Guili City Adventurers Association, you will find that often not long after the adventurers receive the task from the association to clean up the monsters, the association will issue another task to clean up the monsters.

There is such a thing, I really didn't notice it!

Suddenly hearing some of the things Abedo discovered, Han Xiao also frowned.

Although what the other party found was some indirect evidence, whether it was the silver-white ancient trees blooming with dead wood or the increase in monsters, these all happened in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

It is not impossible to say that it is related to the magic dragon Dulin.

After all, Abedo has personally admitted that Demon Dragon Dulin has extremely strong vitality and can completely achieve the above changes.

Until this moment, Han Xiao also understood why Albedo suddenly recommended his other 'brother' in Du Lin's body to him.

Because if you don't care about him, maybe under the stimulation of Dulin's strong vitality, the other party will most likely wake up on his own.

At that time, a being that is very similar to Albedo in terms of ability and appearance may start causing trouble in reality just like in the game.

If Abe is allowed to cause trouble, there will inevitably be another trouble.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask Albedo again:

Is there really no way to contain Dulin, Abedo?

With my current alchemy skills, I can't compare with Master Reindot. It's really difficult to contain Master's creations.

Han Xiao is worried about Du Lin, and so is Abedo.

But the problem is that his alchemy has never been able to find a way to break through to the [gold] level.

If alchemy cannot break through to [gold], he will not be able to crack Master Reindot's alchemy technique, and naturally he will not be able to contain the demon dragon Dulin.

After all, although Du Lin himself has not reached the [gold] level, standing behind him is his master Reindot, who is known as gold.


Just when Han Xiao felt a little disappointed, Abedo suddenly changed the topic and seemed to have thought of another opportunity.

Unless something, have you figured out a way?

Seeing this, Han Xiao quickly asked what the other party had in mind.

I don't know if my idea will succeed.

Looking at the increasingly clear Longji Snow Mountain through the car window, a glint flashed in Albedo's eyes.

Hanxiao, have you heard of the rumors about the ancient Snow Mountain Country?

...I have heard.

Hearing Abedo suddenly mention the rumors of the ancient country on the snowy mountains, Han Xiao was slightly surprised and then nodded.

The ancient snow-capped mountain country Shar Fendenir’s previous life in the game can be said to be the most foggy of the many snow-capped mountain mysteries.

Especially since the other party had always believed in the sky, but in the end the messenger from the sky dropped the Cold Sky Nail to completely destroy the entire country.


Nails of cold weather?

Han Xiao was suddenly stunned, as if she understood Abedo's plan.

Chapter 655: Diluc’s vigilance

It is rumored that the ancient Snow Mountain Country disappeared overnight. If you want to make a country disappear without warning, there must be a terrifying force in it.

Seeing that Han Xiao knew a little bit about the rumors about the ancient Snow Mountain Country, Abedo immediately expressed his thoughts.

Han Xiao, who was in the driver's seat, continued the topic smoothly:

So you want to investigate what this power is, and then use this power to suppress Dulin, right?


This is no small matter...

Knowing that Abedo indeed planned to use the power of Hantian Nail to suppress Du Lin, a flash of hesitation flashed across Han Xiao's face.

Can the Nail of Cold Sky suppress Du Lin?

Logically speaking, it should be possible.

After all, this is the power sent down by Sky Island specifically to deal with the problem of snowy mountains.

There are currently several ruins in Teyvat Continent that have the shadow of this power, such as the ruins at the bottom of the Strata Abyss, and the Tsuruguan Island on Inazuma's side that is always shrouded in mist.

No matter which one of the Cold Sky Nails, it caused the destruction of the local ancient country, and also brought abnormal climate and the dissipation of the earth's veins.

The level of this kind of power is higher than Dulin, so it shouldn't be difficult to suppress the opponent.


What Han Xiao really cares about is that according to the description in the game, the Nail of Hantian on the snow mountain has been broken into three pieces and has lost its former strength.

If they want to use the power of the Cold Sky Nail to suppress the demon dragon Dulin, they must repair the broken Cold Sky Nail.

This is where the problem lies.

With an intact Hantian Nail, even Hanxiao could not predict what changes would happen to Longji Snow Mountain.

Yes, this is indeed not a small matter.

Unlike Han Xiao, who was able to learn a lot about the secrets of Longji Snow Mountain through the plot in the previous game, Abedo had relatively less information.

Now he only knows that there was an ancient country on Longji Snow Mountain a long time ago that disappeared without a trace overnight.

As for what kind of power caused the sudden demise of the ancient country, Abedo still needs to conduct a thorough investigation.

This time he returned to the Snow Mountain, on the one hand, to unseal his 'brother' from Du Lin's body, and on the other hand, he also wanted to carefully explore the details of this power.

For a moment, the two people in the car fell into silence, leaving only the whirring sound of the electric car passing by the roadside echoing in their ears.


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