So after arriving in Xumi, the store manager sent his subordinates to get general information about Fa Lushan. Naturally, such important information would not be missed.

That's why he recognized Fa Lushan as soon as they met.

Your Excellency Han Xiao and Mr. Xingqiu are really thoughtful.

Knowing that this was the reason, Fa Lushan suddenly nodded, and she couldn't help but feel very satisfied with the attention she received.

Fortunately, Fa Lushan could still hold her own in front of outsiders. After confirming that the other party knew her purpose, she handed over the written letter.

This is my reply. Please tell Your Excellency Han Xiao that I am willing to accept Liyue's invitation to conduct academic research.

That's great!

Hearing that Fa Lushan planned to go to Liyue to work, the store manager of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce suddenly smiled brightly.

He didn't know what kind of scholar Fa Lushan was, but he believed in Tianshu Xing Hanxiao!

My young master's vision has never been wrong so far, and the other party's inventions continue to bring new vitality to Liyue.

In addition, the previous person who was personally invited by Master Han Xiao was the alchemist Master Abedo. Since Fa Lushan can enjoy such an honor, she must also be an extraordinary scholar.

For such a genius-level scholar, the store manager of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce did not dare to neglect him. Maybe his research could help Liyue develop rapidly again.

If something goes wrong with him, the problem will be huge.

With this thought, he showed great respect in front of Fa Lushan:

Miss Fa Lushan, when do you plan to set off?

My young master and Master Han Xiao have given orders that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce can send a team to escort you to Liyue at any time if you need it.

Good guy...even the escort team is ready?

The invitation process was really thoughtful!

After listening to the words of the store manager of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, Fa Lushan was slightly surprised by Han Xiao and the others' careful arrangements, and at the same time she felt a sense of importance.

Well... I need to go through some formalities for temporary resignation. The departure time will be about half a month from now.

In half a month, no problem.

When the time comes, Miss Fa Lushan will just inform me.


Just when Fa Lushan made up her mind to accept Han Xiao's invitation to go to Liyue for academic research, Liyue also spent the Hai Lantern Festival holiday.

The afterglow of the festival still lingers on the streets of Liyue, but most people have broken away from the atmosphere of the Hailantern Festival and returned to work.

Kamisato Ayaka also plans to return to Inazuma on a material support ship.

Liyue Port Terminal.

Seeing Ayaka Kamisato who was about to leave, as the Seven Stars who had the most contact with him, Han Xiao naturally took over the task of seeing him off.

Mr. Han Xiao, Liyue will remember Liyue's aid to Dao Wife this time!

Looking at Han Xiao standing in front of him, Kamisato Ayaka bowed solemnly, and at the same time, he did not forget to thank Liyue again for his help.

Miss Shenli, there is no need to be polite. Liyue and Daoshu are friends, so it is appropriate to help.

Hearing Kamisato Ayaka's thanks again, Han Xiao responded politely.

It's a long journey, so I hope Miss Kamisato will take care of herself along the way.

Thank you.

Kamisato Ayaka accepted Han Xiao's blessing with a smile, and at the same time she did not forget to say a slightly meaningful invitation:

Your Excellency Hanxiao, if you have time, Inazuma also welcomes you to come. The Kamisato family will definitely sweep the bed to welcome you!

If Miss Kamisato is there, I will definitely go there when I have time!


People sent him away?

Just after returning to the General Affairs Department, Ke Qing, who had been waiting in the office for a long time, immediately asked Han Xiao.

Well, it can be considered as sending him off.

Han Xiao hummed as she walked into the office, and then threw her whole body onto the sofa aside, with a lazy look on her face.

Now that he's gone, let's talk about business.

After learning that Kamisato Ayaka had left by boat, Keqing immediately pulled out a stack of documents from her God's Eye space and it was still on the desktop of her desk with a bang.


Hearing the sudden noise, Han Xiao raised his head curiously, and found that the noise was actually a pile of documents that Ke Qing had taken out, which made him scream full of resentment.

I've just finished my reception work, please let me rest for a while!

The key is that there is already a lot of backlog of work due to the holidays. If it is not dealt with now, there will be even more backlog.

Ke Qing was unmoved by Han Xiao's request.


After the Hai Lantern Festival every year, there is a backlog of official business that needs to be dealt with, and now is not the time to take a rest.

Moreover, before the Hai Lantern Festival, Han Xiao commanded her to run back and forth several times throughout Liyue, and she had not forgotten this grudge.

Now is a good opportunity for 'revenge', how could Keqing let the other party go.

As a result, Han Xiao, who looked helpless, had no choice but to get up from the sofa, and then sat at the desk to handle official business with Ke Qing.


Early the next morning.

Han Xiao immediately found Abedo who was at home planning the sequence of future study courses:

Albedo, let's go to the snowy mountains!


Yes, your brother is still trapped in Du Lin's belly. Naturally, we have to save each other as soon as possible!

Seeing the confusion on Abedo's face, Han Xiao immediately patted her chest and said righteously.

...Okay, I'll prepare the tools I need to go to the snowy mountains.

Although he felt that Han Xiao was so eager to go to the snowy mountains for another reason, Abedo thought about it and agreed to the other party's suggestion.

Seeing that Abedo agreed to his proposal, Han Xiao felt relieved.

Working next to Keqing is really not a job that anyone can do. After just one day, it was already too much for him!

Chapter 653: The Life and Death of the Demonic Dragon Dulin

the next day.

Ke Qing came to the Office of the General Affairs Department with a lot of official business, only to find that the person in the office was not Han Xiao but his secretary Xu Wan.

Xu Wan, where is Hanxiao?

Lord Yu Hengxing, Lord Han Xiao left Liyue Port with Master Abedo last night.

Seeing Ke Qing walking in and asking about Han Xiao's whereabouts, Xu Wan, the secretary who was waiting here, directly repeated what her immediate boss had told her.

Have they returned to leave the city?

Ke Qing frowned slightly when she heard that Han Xiao had left Liyue Port overnight.

Once the other party left like this, the rest of the work could only be completed by her and Gan Yu.

That's not true.

Facing Ke Qing's questioning, secretary Xu Wan simply shook her head, and then informed the other party of Han Xiao and Abedo's destination.

Master Hanxiao and Master Abedo set out for Longji Snow Mountain.

Dragon's Back Snow Mountain?

Xu Wan didn't say it was okay, but when she did, Ke Qing's brows furrowed even more.

Why are they going to the snowy mountains when everything is fine?

Master Hanxiao didn't tell you the specific situation. He only said that he had important things to do in the snow mountain.

important things...

Is there anything more important than taking care of business?

Vaguely, Ke Qing always felt that something was wrong.

However, considering that Han Xiao never plays tricks on important matters, they must have really important things to do when they go to the snow mountain.



Han Xiao, who was driving Albedo, suddenly felt an itch in his nose, and then sneezed violently.

Hanxiao, don't you have a cold?

Abedo, who was sitting in the back seat of the electric car, couldn't help but raise his head and look at Han Xiao when he heard the movement in the front seat, and asked with concern.

Probably not, maybe someone is talking about me.

Han Xiao held the steering wheel with one hand, rubbed her itchy nose with the other hand, and explained casually.

As for who is talking about him, I guess it must be a certain Hesi Mao Maotou.

Looking at the snow-capped mountains gradually appearing in outline outside the car window, Han Xiao quickly changed the topic to business:

Abeido, before you came to Liyue, you were always active in the snow mountains, right?


Turning his head to look at the rapidly reversing scene outside the car window, Albedo hummed softly, and a ripple flashed in his calm eyes.

Hanxiao, you should know that I am an artificial human made by Master Reindot through alchemy, and my brother is...

The dragon Durin that once ravaged Mondstadt.

Before Abedo finished speaking, Han Xiao said the other person's unspoken name.

Yes...that's it.

Hearing Han Xiao mention Du Lin's name, Abedo looked away from the window, closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

Actually, just like Du Lin, I am also at risk of going berserk, so I choose to be stationed in Longji Snow Mountain all year round.

This is done on the one hand to monitor the possibility of Dulin's resurrection, and on the other hand it is also for the safety of Mondstadt.

Speaking of this, Abedo suddenly changed the subject and asked a question that surprised Han Xiao:

Do you know why I agreed to let you come to Liyue before?

I really haven't thought about this carefully. Isn't it the conditions and various research topics I have given you?

Han Xiao's curiosity was instantly aroused. He still wanted to know why Abedo chose to agree to his invitation even though he knew that he might run away.

Actually, the answer is very simple, because the Liyueyan King Emperor at that time had not yet abdicated.

You mean Mr. Zhongli?


Abedo nodded and admitted Han Xiao's guess.

The reason why he agreed to Han Xiao to come to Liyue to do alchemy work was that the conditions and topics proposed by the other party really attracted him.

In addition, there is another more important reason, that is, the Yanwang Emperor of Liyue was still on the divine throne at that time.

Even if he loses control and goes berserk, the Rock King Emperor can control him in an instant.

Having said this, Abedo's expressionless face suddenly showed a strange look.

Originally, his idea was good, but sometimes things developed completely beyond expectations.

Not long after arriving in Liyue, something that Abedo never expected happened happened in Liyue.

Liyue's Yanwang Emperor suddenly 'died' during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

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