Wait a minute, I think I've heard this name before!

Suddenly hearing a slightly familiar name, Yae Kamiko instantly frowned and searched in his mind for a long time before finally finding the origin of the name in the corner of his memory.

Shadow, the Istaru you are talking about is the eternal great god recorded in the history and legends of Haiji Island?

It's Him. Why do you think my sister would accept the ancestors of Haiji Island? It's because before Orobas, the ancestors of Haiji Island believed in Istaru.

That Istaru is a very powerful demon?

Hearing Kage say Istaru, a name she had only a slight image of, Yaegamiko couldn't help but have a curious look on her face.

Why would my best friend suddenly mention Istaru when discussing the One in Heaven?

Could it be that this person has a close relationship with the one in heaven?

I can't say specifically. You just need to know that Istaru is very powerful. The planting of the sacred cherry tree must have really borrowed his ability.

Is that the time you told the traveler about a higher level?

Only at this moment did Yae Shenzi understand why Raikage told travelers that the sacred cherry tree was not a real power but another higher-level ability.

Co-author's power actually comes from the eternal god that Kaiji Island once believed in.

No wonder Yingying's temperament and temperament have allowed him to tolerate Haijidao for so many years. There are also emotional factors involved.

That is to say, you think the real sister's accident has something to do with Istaru?

...Who knows, maybe.

Lei Movie let out a long sigh:

Sister, she rarely talks to me about Istaru. Every time the other party comes, they close the door and talk. I don't know what they talked about.

After my sister's accident, I went to Haiji Island to investigate his information. Unfortunately, the history preserved on Haiji Island was too severely lost, and there were very few records about the other party.

Then what are you going to do next?

Hearing that his best friend had already investigated Istaru, Yae Kamiko couldn't help but ask about her next plan.

First try to find a bargaining chip that can be used to trade with Han Xiao. As for my sister's matter, I will personally interview the other party when the time comes.


At the same time that Yae Shenzi and Lei Xingqing were confused about the death of the first generation of Thunder God, Xumi's Fa Lushan received good news.

Little Lucky Grass King agreed to her request for an audience.

After receiving the answer, Fa Lushan immediately ran home to pack her clothes, and then took the token to the Jingshan Palace on the top of Xumi City.

After the guard confirmed the token, she took a deep breath this time and stretched out her hand to push open the door of Jingshan Palace.


The passage to the palace was very quiet, and Fa Lushan could even hear the dull echo of her heels on the bricks on the ground. Fortunately, the passage was not very long, and soon she saw an open space.

The little Lucky Grass King was standing under a huge emerald green building waiting for her arrival.

Fa Lushan from the Zhilun Sect has met Mr. Little Lucky Grass King!

Farushan quickly walked up to Nasida and bowed to her respectfully.

Fa Lushan, don't be nervous.

As if she could see Fa Lushan's slightly nervous mood, Nasida's immature face showed a trace of love? ’’s smile immediately soothed the other party’s nervousness.

I heard from Elhaysen that you want to ask me to clarify your doubts?

Yes, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

Looking at Naxida's obviously very young but motherly expression, Fa Lushan immediately told her all about the invitation she had received from Liyue, as well as her concerns about the current situation of the Order Academy.

So this is ah!

After listening quietly to Fa Lushan's struggles, Nasida understood that the other party had actually been interested for a long time, so she did not hide it and directly expressed her opinion.

The current atmosphere in the Order is troublesome to you.

Little Lucky Grass King, I don't have...

If you feel troubled, go to Liyue and have a look, just to change your mood.

Just when Farushan wanted to refute, Nasida raised her hand to stop her.

As for the Teaching Academy, Elhaysen and Seno are working hard. Maybe you can see a brand new Teaching Academy when you come back from Liyue?

Chapter 651 Nasida was poached

After receiving a reply from Little Lucky Grass King that was quite satisfactory to her, Fa Lushan left the Jingshan Palace with a look of emotion on her face.

Nasida, who kept a smile on her face, saw that Fa Lushan's figure had disappeared into the Jingshan Palace. Her little face fell instantly, and then she walked back to the back hall of the Jingshan Palace without saying a word.

Hey, why do you go out to meet someone and come back with a slumped face?

In the back hall, King Daci Shu, who was reading with gusto with a book that had just been published within five hundred years, raised his head when he heard the noise, and then saw Nasida with a dark face, and immediately couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth and teased.

It's not that Han Xiao!

Hearing the ridicule of the Great Ci Tree King, Nasida no longer maintained her dignified appearance as a grass god, and her little face suddenly bulged:

That guy poached people all the way to the Order Academy!

Oh? Who did he like? It couldn't be Alhaysen, right?

After learning that Han Xiao had wielded a 'hoe' against the Jiaoling Academy, King Daci Shu immediately became interested and quickly asked the other party which talent from the Jiaoling Academy he was interested in.

After being resurrected by Han Xiao before, and learning a series of measures taken by Naxida in Liyue during this period, she understood that Han Xiao was a rare talent, even if he was placed in Xumi, he could He became one of the six great sages by his own ability.

This is not a joke by King Daci Shu, but she really thinks so.

Perhaps Han Xiao's outstanding political vision and skill caused others to subconsciously ignore one thing.

That is to say, the opponent's mechanism skills and alchemy skills are equally good.

With Han Xiao's level, if he was really in the Order Academy, Bao Buqi would be a prominent figure in the Su Lun Sect or the Miao Lun Sect, and it was even more likely that he would become a sage at this time.

Therefore, such a man who can shine wherever he goes has taken a fancy to a certain talent in the Jiaolingyuan, and he has also taken the initiative to poach him. How could this not interest King Dacishu?

Of course, she was just joking when she said Elhaysen.

After all, this was the great sage chosen by her and Nasida, and no one would poach him away.

Han Xiao also knows that we will not let Erhaisen go. He is poaching Fa Lushan from the Zhilun Sect.

Nasida also knew that King Daci Shu was teasing her about Elhaysen, and she quickly named Han Xiao's candidate.

It's the little guy who was trapped in the ruins and a hundred years have passed since the results came out!

Upon hearing Fa Lushan's name, King Daci Shu immediately expressed that he had an impression of this person and that he was a capable little guy.

Even though it took Fa Lushan a hundred years to escape from the ruins, if another scholar had gone in, he might never have been able to get out again.


Seeing that King Daci Shu was also somewhat impressed by Fa Lushan, Naxida couldn't help but put on a bitter look on her face and said rather depressedly:

Originally, I wanted to wait for Elhaysen and the others to rectify the atmosphere of the Order Academy before selecting her as the sage of the Knowledge Sect.

I didn't expect Han Xiao to take action earlier than me.

In fact, Naxida was quite happy that Fa Lushan was not only valued by herself, but also by Han Xiao.

Because this proves that your vision is still online, and the person you are interested in is indeed excellent.

But when she thought that Fa Lushan had been moved by Han Xiao's letter and had the idea of ​​​​going to Liyue, she felt depressed again.

There is no shortage of learned scholars in the Imperial Academy, but there are really very few pure scholars with both ability and character.

Obviously, he was waiting for Elhaysen and Seno to change the atmosphere of the Order Academy, and then promoted Fa Lushan to the throne in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, the person was about to be lured away before the work was done.

Don't worry, you can't run away.

As if he could see why Nasida was feeling depressed, the Great Ci Tree King immediately smiled and comforted her:

“And when you think about it, that’s a good thing too.”

Good thing?

Hearing what the Great Ci Tree King said, Nasida raised her head and looked at him in surprise, as if she didn't understand why he thought so.

Buyer, how long do you think it will take for Elhaysen and Seno to completely reverse the atmosphere of the Order?

King Dacishu did not directly explain why he thought so, but instead talked about the current situation of the Imperial Academy.


When it came to changing the atmosphere of the Order, Nasida couldn't give an accurate answer for a while.

After all, there are indeed a lot of problems in the Ecclesiarchy today.

Look, you can't even give yourself an accurate answer.

Seeing Nasida's troubled look, King Daci Shu couldn't help but sigh deeply.

The current teaching council is really a thorny issue!

After realizing that she could not hold on for long, she had already predicted that the future of the Order might go astray.

Originally, King Daci Shu thought that the Teaching Order would slowly get back on the right track after experiencing a short period of pain. However, what she did not expect was that the Teaching Order not only failed to correct itself, but instead went further down the wrong path.

This lasted for five hundred years.

Five hundred years later, the current teaching council is full of problems.

If Elhaysen and Sano want to turn the trend around in a short period of time, I'm afraid it's just a good hope.

That's why I say it's not a bad thing for Fa Lushan to accept Han Xiao's invitation now.

After lamenting the current situation of the Imperial Academy, King Daci Shu quickly turned the topic back to Fa Lushan’s problem:

First of all, Liyue is developing rapidly. At the same time, the research on alchemy and mechanism arts is also making great strides. Fa Lushan can go to Liyue for academic research, which is very beneficial to her own intellectual growth.

Secondly, there are a lot of problems in the Teaching Council at present, and Fa Lushan's political skills are a bit poor. Going to Liyue can not only avoid this muddy water, but also learn some abilities in this area from Han Xiao's side, which will be helpful for her to return to Xu. Becoming a sage is also a great help.

Speaking of this, King Daci Shu highlighted Fa Lushan’s identity:

Buyer, don't forget that Fa Lushan is always a Xumi person. She will eventually return to the Order. Even Han Xiao knows this.

You're right, my vision is narrow-minded.

Nasida immediately came to her senses after being treated like this by the Great Ci Tree King.

Yes, Fa Lushan is a real Xumi person. Even if he goes to Liyue for academic research, he will always return to the Teaching Order.

And what will come back then is an enhanced version of 'Fa Lushan' who has been around Han Xiao for a long time.

Judging from the results, they Xumi still made a profit!

After thinking about this, Nasida's face suddenly looked much better.

There is no longer the depression of pretending to be generous because I found that the other person was already moved.

Chapter 652 Han Xiao: I want to go to the snow mountain!

After returning, Fa Lushan immediately locked herself in the study and wrote a reply.

It wasn't until she finished writing that she realized that there seemed to be no way for her to deliver the letter to Liyue Hanxiao.

Fortunately, Fa Lushan's mind was quick and she took the envelope containing the letter to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's store in Xumi.

Miss Falushan?

Knowing from the store clerk that someone came to ask someone to deliver a letter to Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, the head shopkeeper of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce branch quickly walked out of the office, and then saw Fa Lushan waiting in the store.

Hey, you know me?

When she heard the store manager of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce calling out her name as soon as she came out, Fa Lushan also had a slightly surprised look on her face.

Yes, Master Qiu specially told me before coming to Xumi this time.

Seeing Fa Lushan's expression of surprise, the store manager of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce quickly explained the reason to her.

Before coming to Xumi this time, Master Xingqiu specifically told him that Lord Tianshu Xing Hanxiao intended to invite Fa Lushan from the Xumi Zhilun sect to Liyue for academic research.

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