Although it's a little late, I still want to say Happy Lantern Festival!

Happy Hai Lantern Festival, Mr. Hanxiao.

Kamisato Ayaka returned the greeting first, then stretched out her hand to pull up a chair and sat in front of the desk, looking at Han Xiao across the table.

Mr. Hanxiao, I took the liberty to come to your door this time mainly because...

But before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Han Xiao raising her hand.

I know what you want to say, Miss Kamisato.

You know?

Yes I know.

Han Xiao nodded, then looked at Kamisato Ayaka with a solemn face, and said word by word:

Miss Kamisato, please go back and tell the Yae Palace Secretary and the General that now is not the time for us to make a deal.


Han Xiao and the General were planning to conduct a private transaction?

Hearing what Han Xiao asked him to bring, Kamisato Ayaka's heart moved, and she finally knew a little bit about the general's plan.

I just don’t know what the specific content of this so-called transaction is.

Thoughts in his heart flashed like lightning, but on the surface Ayaka Kamisato nodded calmly.

Then I would like to ask Mr. Hanxiao if he can give me a confirmation, such as how long it will take to carry out the transaction.

We'll talk about this after I've done my research.

Chapter 649: Speculations about the Eightfold Divine Son

In the end, Kamisato Ayaka, who couldn't get any more answers from Han Xiao, returned to her residence with the answers given by the other party.

Then she asked Haoyou to guard outside her door, while she took out another remote secret communication device and contacted Yae Shenzi.

After a while, the image of the pink-furred fox was projected from above the device.

Long time no see, Linghua! Isn't Liyue's Sea Lantern Festival exciting?

When she first appeared, Yae Kamiko did not directly ask about the outcome of the conversation between Kamisato Ayaka and Han Xiao, but instead asked her with a smile what she thought of the Sea Lantern Festival.

It's really lively, and the Sea Lantern Festival party is also very attractive.

After hearing Yae Kamiko's inquiry, Kamisato Ayaka gave a rather concise reply, and then reported the business to the other party:

Master Palace Secretary, I met Mr. Han Xiao again today and had a conversation with him.


When Yae Shenzi on the other side of the screen heard this, his face immediately became solemn:

So Ayaka...have you asked about the things I asked you to help ask?

Yeah, I asked.

How did he answer?

Mr. Han Xiao said that now is not the time to make a deal with you, Lord Palace Secretary. He needs to conduct some investigation first.

Without letting Yae Shenzi wait too long, Kamisato Ayaka quickly repeated the words Han Xiao asked her to relay word for word.


This meant that Han Xiao temporarily rejected their transaction request.

In Narukami Grand Shrine, looking at the image of Kamisato Ayaka on the communication device, Yae Kamiko immediately fell into silence.

She didn't quite understand Han Xiao's reason for refusing.

What's there to investigate? Morax was obviously in Canria at the time, so Han Xiao should be very clear about the cause of her real sister's death.

Could it be that there was another hidden reason behind the death of the real sister?

Yae Shenzi was suddenly startled, and a bad premonition could not help but arise in his heart.

Regarding the deeds of the first generation of Thor, Han Xiao must have learned about it from Morax.

The other party had not explicitly rejected the resurrection before, it was just that Inazuma was unable to pay the price at that time.

However, now Han Xiao has made it clear that he does not want to help Dao Wife resurrect his real sister in a short period of time, and even blocked the communication equipment in order to avoid contact.

It could only be that Morax told some details about the original Kanria that caused the other party's attitude to change.

Lord Palace Secretary?

Seeing that Yae Kamiko fell into deep thought for a long time after hearing Han Xiao's reply, and the expression on her face was still changing, Kamisato Ayaka once again confirmed that the content of the transaction that she didn't know was probably very important to Yae Gongji and the shogun. .

It was so important that the General was even willing to put Inazuma's affairs aside.

Oh...Sorry, I got distracted because I thought of something!

Yae Kamiko came back from his thoughts and smiled, pretending that nothing happened, and then got down to business:

Ayaka, you can follow the boat back to Inazuma in a few days.

Master Palace Secretary, don't you need me to continue delivering messages to you and the General in Liyue?

No need for now.

Yae Shenzi hummed slightly, indicating that the other party did not need to stay in Liyue any longer.

Since Han Xiao doesn't plan to trade for the time being, he will definitely not change his mind in a short time.

Moreover, during this period of time, that boy Ayato Kamisato would take a detour to Narukami Taisha Shrine every day. Even if the other party didn't say anything, Yae Kamiko knew exactly what he was thinking.

In addition, Daozhu couldn't pay the price to satisfy the other party, so instead of letting Kamisato Ayaka stay in Liyue, it would be better to let her return to Daozhu first.

On the one hand, they can calm down Ayato Kamisato's emotions, and on the other hand, they can also take advantage of this period of time to find a bargaining chip that Han Xiao can use to make a move.

Of course, there is one more important thing...

After hanging up the communication with Kamisato Ayaka, Yae Kamiko started contacting her best friend without any hesitation.


After a while, with a purple thunder light piercing the sky, the figure of Thunder Movie appeared in front of her.

Son of God, what do you want from me?

There is new news from Linghua. Han Xiao said that he will come back to talk to us after a careful investigation. The transaction is temporarily put on hold.


Hearing Yae Shenzi's narration, Lei Xingqing was stunned for a moment, and his heroic face couldn't help but reveal a look of confusion.

What is he investigating?

It sounds like it could be investigating the details of what happened to the real sister.

Really investigating?

Hearing this, Lei Qianqian frowned, as if he didn't understand why Han Xiao would do such a thing.


Seeing his best friend standing there deep in thought, Yae Kamiko pursed her lips and asked cautiously:

Did you notice anything wrong when you were in Kanria?

Son of God, what exactly do you want to say?

Based on what Ayaka sent back, I estimate that Han Xiao most likely changed his attitude after hearing Morax say something about what happened in Kanreia.

So I guess you were too grieving that you overlooked some details?

That's...I'm not sure.

Mentioning what happened to Kanriya, Lei Qianqian's whole person's momentum instantly dropped, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes.

When I rushed to Kanria, Kanria had become a sea of ​​fire. As for Zhen... Zhen had already fallen to the ground and was dying.

What about Morax and the others? They should have been in Canria at that time, right?

Although he knew that his best friend was unwilling to mention what happened back then, Yae Kamiko still gritted his teeth and asked his doubts.

Kanria had been completely destroyed at that time, and Morax and the others directly chose to evacuate.

After taking a few deep breaths, Lei Qiangang shook his head.

By that time, the goal of destroying Canria had been achieved, and places such as Liyue and Mondstadt had also been attacked. Morax and Barbatos were all eager to return to their own countries to help their people survive the disaster.

Moreover, the battlefield space of Kanreia was very large at that time, and they probably did not have the time to notice the truth on the other side of the battlefield.


Lei Qingyue was suddenly stunned when he thought of this, and his purple pupils shrank involuntarily.

What did Shenzi say just now?

Han Xiao changed her attitude after hearing Morax's story.

After coming to this conclusion, she quickly turned her gaze to Yae Shenzi, her tone full of excitement:

Son of God, did Morax discover something, so he warned Han Xiao!

If it's the Martial God with a delicate mind and a calm personality, the possibility is very high.

Just as Yae Kamiko nodded, she saw her best friend immediately turning around and preparing to leave. This made her quickly stand up and reach out to grab her sleeve:

Ying, don't worry, this is just my guess!

Chapter 650: Fa Lushan got permission

But your guess makes sense!

Raikage, who was pulled by his sleeve, turned around. His face did not have the impatience Yae Kamiko imagined, but instead showed a calm look in his purple pupils.

Son of God, Morax never does things without aim. Since he warned Han Xiao, he must have learned some real information, and it is probably the kind that I don't know.

When Raiden Zhen died in Kanrea, Raiden always thought it was because his sister was not good at using force.

But now it seems that this may be only part of the reason.

At least judging from Morax's attitude, in addition to the factor of his own force, there may be other factors involved that led to the death of his sister in Canrea.

Do you think Morax would answer if you asked him like this?

Seeing that his best friend planned to rush to Liyue to find Morax so recklessly, Yae Shenzi sighed helplessly:

The relationship between the first seven gods has always been very good. If you can tell me why he didn't tell you about this until now!

you mean...

After hearing Yae Shenzi's explanation, Raikage's eyes gradually widened, and then he looked towards the island in the sky hidden in the clouds.

The reason why Morax didn't say anything, could it be that my sister's matter has something to do with the one in heaven?

It's hard to say, but it's very likely.

Like his best friend, Yae Shenzi raised his head and looked at the sky, with thoughts flashing in his eyes.

Although she was not sure whether her guess was right or wrong, Morax himself was very powerful and the oldest of the Seven Gods. However, the other party was so secretive about his true sister. He even warned Han Xiao.

As for the reason why there is no Heavenly One in it, Yae Shenzi doesn’t believe it.


Seeing Yae Shenzi confirming his conjecture, Raiden walked back to the other party and sat down with a dejected look on his face, his whole body in a state of low pressure.

Shadow, can you tell me about the relationship between the real sister and the one in the sky?

I don't know what kind of relationship my sister has with the One in Heaven, but I know that my sister has a very good relationship with Istaru.

Upon hearing his best friend's question, Lei Qianqian said in a dull tone:

Part of the reason why my sister chose to found a country in Inazuma was because of Istaru's invitation.

Istaru, why haven't I heard this name before?

His name in Rice Wife is Cairos.

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