So what exactly is Ayaka Kamisato planning to do with you?

I learned from Han Xiao that Kamisato Ayaka's recent behavior was a bit strange. Keqing, who also returned to work after the holiday on the third day of the Lunar New Year, folded her hands on her chest, frowned tightly, and had a pretty face full of doubted.

Considering that the two countries are friendly neighbors and the good relationship between Gan Yu and Yae Shenzi, Liyue has been very generous in supporting Inazuma with materials.

Are they still not satisfied with this?

It's probably not what you think.

Seeing the hint of dissatisfaction with Dao's wife in Keqing's tone, Han Xiao immediately shook her head and denied the other party's speculation.

According to the information returned by Ningguang's informant, Kamisato Ayaka is a smart person. She will not make such a greedy and greedy choice.

Then what does she mean?

It's probably because you couldn't contact me during the Lantern Festival.

Looking for you? Is there anything else she needs your help with?

Hmm...who knows!

Han Xiao shrugged, gave Keqing a mysterious smile, and did not directly express his speculation.

Because I learned from Zhongli that Leiden Zhen seems to have a very good relationship with Istaru, the Time Consul, one of the four consuls above the Seven Gods, and there are many strange things about his own death.

So he decided to hold back on the idea of ​​resurrecting Raiden for the time being.

Han Xiao did not plan to continue discussing the resurrection of the first generation Thunder God with Inazuma until he understood the real situation of thunder and lightning, or made sufficient preparations.

At the same time, in order to avoid interference from Yae Kamiko and others, he directly placed the secret sound transmission device sent by the other party with the help of Kamisato Ayaka in the corner of the jade pendant, and applied some seals, which was equivalent to actively cutting off Contact with Inazuma's senior management.

Therefore, Han Xiao speculated that it might be because Yae Shenzi and Raikage found that they could not contact him, so they approached Kamisato Ayaka in the hope that the other party could get in touch with him.

It happened that this time was also the Liyue Sea Lantern Festival, and Han Xiao himself was on vacation.

In order to see him as soon as possible, Kamisato Ayaka, who couldn't contact anyone, naturally had no choice but to slow down the progress of the support supplies.

No, Xu Wan came to the door with a request for help from the General Affairs Department.

Kamizato Ayaka is so anxious. It seems that what the other party wants from you is no small matter. don't have to worry about it, I can deal with it myself.

Okay, then remember to pay attention to the scale. If Ayaka Kamisato makes any excessive demands, just refuse them directly.

Seeing Han Xiao's confident look, Ke Qing whispered a warning and stopped mentioning the topic.

She was quite relieved about Han Xiao, a child she had played with since childhood.

Although the other party likes to be lazy in the past, he is not ambiguous at all on important matters.


General Affairs Department, I understand, thank you Secretary Xu Wan for your help!

Han Xiao was chatting with Keqing about Kamisato Ayaka.

On the other side, Kamisato Ayaka also learned about Han Xiao’s itinerary from Xu Wan.

Miss, what did that terrible fox palace minister say to you?

After watching his eldest daughter send Tianshu Xing's secretary gift out the door, Zaoyou finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart and asked her doubts.

The eldest daughter of the family was obviously fine two days ago, but after receiving a communication from the fox palace minister, she took action and blocked the originally negotiated material support at the port.

And hopes to see Liyue's Tianshu Xing Hanxiao.

This is really puzzling to Zaoyou.

I can say that I actually don't know the reason very well, do you believe it, Hayao?

Hearing Zaoyou's inquiry, Kamisato Ayaka withdrew his eyes from Xu Wan who was walking away, then turned around and looked at him with a wry smile.

Miss, do you mean to say that blocking supplies and preventing them from leaving the port was an order given by that terrible Palace Secretary?


Kamisato Ayaka sighed lightly, with indescribable trouble on her face.

She found that she didn't understand the purpose of Yaeguji and the general in doing this.

If the materials supported by Liyue are transported back to the country one day tomorrow, Dao's wife will be able to get rid of the somewhat rotten situation one day early.

However, why is it that the Lord Palace Secretary has been almost crazy during this period, hoping that he can contact Tianshu Xing Hanxiao in Liyue, even at the expense of Dao's wife's national power to do this?

Could it be that in the eyes of the General and the others, the conversation with Han Xiao is more beneficial than Dao's wife?

Unfortunately, without understanding the logic of Raikage and Yaegomiya's actions, Kamisato Ayaka may never understand what they are doing.

Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore.

Seeing Hayao frowning and thinking because of her words, Kamisato Ayaka took the initiative to end this very depressing topic for her.

Anyway, Han Xiao's itinerary is known, and the next step is to meet him again.

Now Kamisato Ayaka completely understands her situation.

The real two parties in this conversation are actually the General and Han Xiao, and she is just a 'tool person' who delivers the message.

As for what the Eighth Palace Secretary and the General would talk to each other, she was not aware of it now.


Kamisato Ayaka was ready to see Han Xiao again, and Farushan, who was far away in Xumi, also found Elhaysen who was immersed in work.

Fa Lushan...senior?

As soon as Elhaysen noticed that there was someone around him, he looked up and saw Fa Lushan standing beside him. His cold face was immediately startled, and then he seemed to have thought of something and said quickly:

Senior, if you want to come here to discuss funding issues, my answer is simple. Although the previous sage Khawaja did many bad things, senior, your current research is really not popular.

Now that the Order is re-establishing order, it is true that there is currently not much research funding available to support a relatively niche research direction like yours, senior.

How about we discuss this after the situation improves?

I'm not here to ask for funds from you.

Fa Lushan's face suddenly darkened when she heard that Elhaysen had focused on the issue of funding as soon as he came up.

Chapter 648: Suspended Transaction

Aren't you here to ask for funds?

This is quite interesting!

Elhaysen put down the pen in his hand and turned around to look at himself, a famous figure in the Intellectual Sect.

Since you are not asking me about funding, then Senior Fa Lushan, what are you going to ask me about this time?

Elhaysen, were you involved in the downfall of the great sage Azar?

Ah...this is probably the decision I regret the most.

Hearing Fa Lushan mention Azar's downfall, Elhaysen's face suddenly stiffened, and then he put his hand to his forehead and sighed deeply.

Just because of Azar's downfall, he was directly captured by the Great Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King and became the acting Great Sage.

If only Little Lucky Grass King had the suggestion, Elhaysen felt that he could still shirk this responsibility.

However, even the Great Ci Tree King was very satisfied with his role as the acting great sage. The grass gods of the two generations before and after him chose him. This suddenly became difficult to handle.

In short, he now regrets very much how he got involved in this kind of thing in a hurry.

Afterwards, Erhaisen discovered through review that their actions had actually been planned by Little Lucky Grass King.

That Romani Solomon has never stood on the same front as the former great sage Azar. The other party has already reached cooperation with the little Lucky Grass King.

Although he didn't know what the little Lucky Grass King paid for the help of Romani Solomon, but judging from the results, Xumi currently has two Grass Gods in power, which is obviously a profit.

As for Elhaysen’s reason for such analysis?

Haha... I didn’t realize that the two grass gods didn’t care much about Romani Solomon’s arrest at all!

It seems that there were a lot of secrets behind that incident.

Seeing the expression of remorse on Alhaysen's usually cold and expressionless face, Fa Lushan raised her eyebrows and involuntarily made a probing statement:

Are you interested in telling me, senior?

That's no need, let's get down to business.

Hey...don't mention it.

Fa Lushan curled her lips. Since the other party was unwilling to say more about this matter, she did not continue to ask, but spoke out her purpose.

Having gone through that incident, you should have the ability to meet Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

Senior Fa want to see Mr. Little Lucky Grass King?

Hearing Fa Lushan tell her the reason for her visit, it was Elhaysen's turn to be surprised.

You don't want to go directly to Mr. Little Lucky Grass King to approve funds for you, do you?

I told you I'm not here to ask for funds!

Fa Lushan was so angry that she was trembling all over after being choked by Alhaysen, and her intellectual and delicate face was almost twisted into a ball.

Funding, she is in such urgent need of funds!


After thinking about the fact that she was not only short of funds, but also seemed to be short of students, Fa Lushan's face froze, and her whole body lost energy like a deflated rubber ball. She waved her hand to Elhaysen feebly and said:

Just tell me if you can do it!

It's okay, but...

Looking at his famous senior who was like an eggplant after being beaten by frost, Alhaysen nodded at first, but then the conversation changed.

But what?

Senior, please explain to me why you want to see Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

This is my private matter. I am requesting to see Mr. Little Ji Xiangcao King just to seek answers. In short, it is definitely not a matter of funding!

After thinking for a moment, Fa Lushan finally did not inform Elhaysen about the invitation she received from Liyue.

There are too many troubles in the Jiaolingyuan now. Except for the sages of the Life Theory School and the Cause Theory School, scholars from the other four schools are secretly running around for the position of sages.

She and Elhaysen were both members of the Intellectual Sect, so it was difficult to guarantee whether the other party would let her go into the muddy waters of the Intellectual Sect.

Fa Lushan did not want to become the kind of impure scholar who needed to use political means.

Okay, I will present your request to Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, senior.

Since Fa Lushan was not going to say anything, Elhaysen did not embarrass himself, a famous senior of the Intellectual Sect, and agreed to her request after thinking for a while.

How long will it take for me to see Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, Elhaysen?

Well...if Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is willing to see you, I will send someone to give you a reply within three days, senior.

Three days, thank you very much!

Senior, you're welcome.

After receiving the accurate answer, Fa Lushan chose to leave with satisfaction, leaving Elhaysen with a thoughtful look on his face as he watched the other party's leaving figure.

It seems that he, a senior of the Chiron Sect, has already made plans to leave the Order Academy temporarily.

But it’s better to leave now!

Today's teaching academy is full of good and bad, and problems such as academic cliques and academic fraud are emerging one after another. In addition, there are also matters in the desert that need to be resolved urgently.

It is estimated that the entire Xumiru will not be too stable for some time to come.

It would be nice for a relatively pure scholar like Fa Lushan to find a place to conduct research where he would not be disturbed by disputes.


On the other side, the General Affairs Department.

After learning about Han Xiao's recent itinerary, Kamisato Ayaka chose to visit her the next day, and soon met Han Xiao himself in the office of the General Affairs Department.

I haven't seen you for a while, Miss Kamisato!

Seeing Kamisato Ayaka coming to the door, Han Xiao, who was sitting at her desk, smiled and greeted him:

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