Seeing that Han Xiao was already shaken, Abedo added:

You also have to consider the students' family issues.

Fourteen-year-olds, in the eyes of their parents, can already come out to share the worries of the entire family, because that's what they did back then.

Let me think about it again.

After listening to Abedo's explanation, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh and chose to ignore the topic for the time being.

There is no way around it. Children reaching adulthood too early are mainly caused by many factors such as years of war and low productivity.

Today, even though there are no longer wars and productivity is gradually improving, this concept is still used today.

Even he couldn't change everyone's views in Liyue in a short period of time.

Perhaps only by waiting for Hanxiao to raise productivity to a higher level again, and by waiting for the promotion of the Internet to popularize medical knowledge, can this concept be reversed.

As for now...

Even he didn't know how to make the decision.

Okay, then think about it carefully.

Seeing that Han Xiao was still undecided about paying attention, Abedo did not continue to pursue the opponent and make up his mind.

In his opinion, Han Xiao's starting point is indeed very good, and it can be regarded as protecting Liyue's future, but the other party's ideas cannot yet change the views of most people in Liyue.

Even if Han Xiao issued a decree in the name of Qixing, the people of Liyue would probably find this decree inexplicable.


Just when Han Xiao and Abedo were worrying about the problem of population and labor force, in a tutor's office at Luo Po Dan Academy, the headquarters of the Xumi Order, Fa Lushan was holding a document in both hands, her face looking indescribably ugly.

My funding application has been rejected again! !

Looking at the bright red word Reject stamped on the document, veins popped out on Fa Lushan's forehead, and her eyes were filled with a 'ferocious' look.

She originally thought that with the fall of the former great sage Azar and the intellectual sage Khawaja and others, the atmosphere of the Order House would be improved, and her own funding application might become simpler.

She never expected that the current acting sage Elhaysen, that brat, would reject her funding application just like Azar! !

yes! Fa Lushan also admitted that after more than a hundred years, the status of the academic field she studied has declined a lot.

But it’s not like her funds will always be stuck.

Do I really have to accept the invitation from the Mystic Way sect in the future and change jobs to become a tutor at the Sahabara Academy?

Thinking of the Miaolun Sect who invited me over and over again, and even promised higher funding and more students.

Fa Lushan fell into deep tangle.

She was really unwilling to do so.

Even though her research has become less popular, there must always be someone responsible for delving into those areas that no one cares about and pushing the wisdom of all mankind a small step forward!


At present, among the six great sages, only the sages from the Cause Theory School and the Life Theory School have not fallen due to the previous events, and the remaining four sages have all been liquidated.

However, the atmosphere of the Teaching Council cannot be changed for a while, and even because of the vacant sage position, Fa Lushan always feels that the recent atmosphere of the Teaching Council is too treacherous.

Who knows how much sincerity the Miao Lun Sect’s invitation contains!

Anyway, Fa Lushan didn't want to get involved in these nonsense things within the Order.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the office door, and a student's voice came from outside the door:

Senior Fa Lushan, I have your letter!

Please come!

With a creaking sound, a student from Shiluo Podan College opened the door of the office and walked in, handing a letter to Fa Lushan:

Senior Fa Lushan, this is your letter, sent from Liyue.


Who in Liyue will send me a letter?

When she heard that the letter was sent from Liyue, Fa Lushan frowned, feeling a little strange.

However, she did not show it directly but accepted the letter silently:

Thank you very much.

After the students left the office, Fa Lushan tore open the seal of the envelope and took out the letter filled with handwriting.

Chapter 646: Fa Lushan is tempted

You actually invited me to do research in Liyue?

After reading the contents of the letter, a dazed look flashed across Fa Lushan's face.

Before she read the letter, she was curious about who wrote the letter to her from Liyue, but she didn't expect that the letter writer turned out to be the new generation Tianshu Xing Hanxiao who had just taken office in Liyue.

Moreover, the letter was signed with the name of Abedo, the son of Chalk, who was very famous in Xumi.

This really surprised Fa Lushan, because she was not very familiar with these two people!

The first was Han Xiao who wrote the letter. Fa Lushan knew that the other party had inherited the position of Tianshu Star, one of the Seven Stars in Liyue, two years ago, but she did not have a detailed understanding of what the other party had done.

As for the other son of Chalk, Albedo, who was signed on the letter, Fa Lushan knew relatively more.

The other party's reputation in Xumi was very great, and he was called a genius by the former sages of the Order Academy who had raised Mondstadt's alchemy level to the level of Xumi.

But to be honest, she didn't have a close relationship with the other person. At most, she only met him once or twice.

So Fa Lushan really didn't expect that it would be these two people who wrote to her, and the purpose of the letter was to invite her to do research in Liyue.

What makes Fa Lushan feel even more ashamed is that even though she could refuse the Miaolun Sect's invitation without hesitation, she actually had feelings for Han Xiao and Abedo's invitation.

Hmm...what should I do?

Looking at the contents of the letter, Fa Lushan was confused for a moment.

It wasn't that she had any objections to the Miaolun Sect, it was just that the conditions Han Xiao offered in the letter were too tempting.

First of all, the high salary package is definitely not lacking.

Secondly, Han Xiao and Abedo also explained in the letter that their main purpose of writing to invite her was to understand some of Kanriya's secret documents.

At the same time, they are also building a purely mechanical version of the 'Void System'.

These two topics, no matter which one they are, are extremely popular with Fa Lushan.

But these were not the main reasons for her temptation. After all, it was not like the Miaolun Sect had never offered these material conditions to her, and in the end, she rejected them.

The key point that really made Fa Lushan attracted was that Han Xiao believed in his heart and explained his views on Xumi's current situation.

In the letter, Han Xiao analyzed in detail the political chaos in Sumeru caused by the fall of the former great sage Azar and other sages of the school.

At the same time, the other party also stated in the letter that the scholars of the Teaching Council are not as pure as before, and unsettling things often happen.

If Fa Lushan chooses to stay in Xumi at this time, given her status as a famous figure in the Zhilun Sect, she will be involved in this turmoil sooner or later.

Therefore, Han Xiao suggested in the letter that she come to Liyue. Liyue can provide her with a good and stable research environment, and she will not be suddenly involved in some struggles and waste unnecessary energy.

Fa Lushan admired Han Xiao's ability to accurately analyze the current situation of Xumi even though he was far away in Liyue, and believed that his intelligence was definitely not low.

Conduct research on projects with such smart people, and at the same time meet Albedo, the son of Chalk, who has been praised by the Xumi Order for many years.

What should I do? The more I think about it, the more excited I become!

Looking at herself in the densely packed letters, Fa Lushan carefully folded the letters and put them into her God's Eye space.

Then she pushed open the door of her office and walked towards the Order House.

The current acting great sage Elhaysen should be working there, and Fa Lushan wanted to meet this talented junior who was said to have played a major role in Azar's downfall.'s not that she wants to get funds, but that she wants to try through the other party to see if she can meet the little Lucky Grass King.

Fa Lushan felt that perhaps only the God of Wisdom could give her a satisfactory answer to her current troubles.


On the other side, Liyue Port.

One day has passed since the last conversation with Abedo, and most people in Liyue are still immersed in the afterglow of the festive atmosphere.

However, some businessmen and official staff have returned to work.

Han Xiao is also one of them.

After finishing all the relatives he should visit in the New Year, he stayed behind closed doors and sat in his study to formulate this year's development plan for Guili City.

Of course, Han Xiao's main purpose is to see if he can try to free up some labor force from other industries.

Although what Abedo said before was in line with the current views of most people in Teyvat, he still wanted to try to change this not-so-benign idea.

After all, if you come out to work too early, it's okay for mental workers, but at most, it might be a little earlier for those who are bald.

If it is high-intensity physical labor, it will squeeze a person's life span.

Today's Liyue is not like the war-torn and unstable Demon God Era. With today's productivity, the living environment of the people of Liyue can be completely improved.

While Han Xiao was racking his brains to squeeze out part of the labor force from all walks of life, Xu Wan, his secretary who had been put on leave, suddenly came to see him.

Xu Wan, why are you here?

In the study, Han Xiao glanced at secretary Xu Wan who appeared in her home. She immediately put down the pen in her hand and looked at him with confusion.

Didn't I give you a ten-day holiday for the Sea Lantern Festival?

Facing Han Xiao's questions, secretary Xu Wan seemed very calm.

Before she became Han Xiao's administrative secretary, she worked for Lord Ganyu of Yuehai Pavilion for quite some time.

So it was completely normal for her to work overtime during the Hailantern Festival.

Lord Hanxiao, the staff on duty at the General Affairs Department reported a situation to me. They think this may need to be handled by you personally.

Xu Wan directly took out a document from her sleeve and placed it on the desk. Then she briefly introduced the reason why she came to the door in person.

A problem that I need to deal with personally?

Hearing Xu Wan's explanation, Han Xiao was slightly surprised and reached out to pick up the documents on the desk and read through them quickly.

After reading the contents of the document, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and his tone became a little weird:

The supplies for Inazuma are being loaded and ready to be sent to Inazuma?

Weren't these matters settled before the Lantern Festival? Why do you still need me to come and see them?

Master Hanxiao, it's not mainly about supplies.

Seeing Han Xiao's displeasure, Xu Wan quickly explained in a low voice:

It seems that the General Affairs Department is afraid to make a decision because of Miss Kamisato's problem.

Kamizato Ayaka?


Seeing Xu Wan nodding, Han Xiao frowned and fell into deep thought.

Liyue has given a lot of support materials to Inazuma. According to the wisdom of Kamisato Ayaka, she should not be too greedy in this regard.

So...she wanted to talk to me because she couldn't find me during the Lantern Festival?

Chapter 647: Individual Conversations

I will go to the General Affairs Department in the afternoon for the next two days. If Ayaka Kamisato comes to see you again, you can inform them of my itinerary.

Putting the document in his hand back on the desk, Han Xiao replied calmly, and then turned his attention back to the work of formulating Guilicheng's plan for this year.

Then Master Hanxiao, I won't disturb you for now.

Seeing that Han Xiao was reinvesting his energy into work, secretary Xu Wan immediately bent down and saluted, then left the study and walked towards the direction where the General Affairs Department was sitting.


The next day, the General Affairs Department.

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