Brother Xiao, your relationship with Ah Jin has not changed at all?

Seeing that Han Xiao was a little embarrassed by her father's question, Han Yue also asked with a smile.

Uh...Sister Yue, I really have no intention of thinking about this for the time being!

The souls of Han Rui and his daughter were tortured in front of them, and Han Xiao's face was full of helplessness.

He is now more concerned about the development of Liyue, and is also preparing for the dangers that Teyvat may face in the future.

As for love, he really doesn't have much thought right now.

Now I'm going to talk about you, Han Xiao!

Hearing Han Xiao trying to avoid his personal problems, Han Rui straightened his face and said seriously:

We in Liyue have been focusing on starting a family since ancient times. Now that your career is developing very well, don't you plan to start a family?


After some tortured questions and answers from the elders during the Chinese New Year, Han Xiao returned home with a tired face until after dinner.

Yesterday he celebrated the Lantern Festival happily, but today he already wanted to go back to work in Licheng.

Chapter 644: Issues to study at the beginning of the new year

The next day, in order to prevent herself from being talked about again, Han Xiao left her house early in the morning and found Albedo.

I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed.

In the living room, while making a cup of hot tea for Han Xiao, Abedo couldn't help but make fun of her.

He really didn't expect that Han Xiao, who had always been calm and calm in the past, as if nothing could be difficult for him, would also be tortured by the soul of the elders in the family.

He even ran to him to hide in peace, which was a rare sight.

Sigh... maybe this is a common habit among the elders in Liyue.

Hearing Abedo's teasing, Han Xiao reached out to take the steaming tea cup and held it in her hands, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Stop talking about this, why didn't you see Keli and Captain Qin?

They returned to Mondstadt yesterday.

You left yesterday?


Why did you leave so early?

Han Xiao was a little surprised. Leader Qin and the others set off back to Mondstadt on the first day of the new year. This was probably too hasty.

Captain Qin and the others don't need to visit relatives in Liyue. They just came to watch the Hai Lantern Festival party.

Why don't you inform me so I can go and see you off.

There's no need, and you must have been busy walking to pay New Year's greetings yesterday, so I didn't notify you.

Abedo seemed very calm about Captain Qin and others leaving Liyue very early. After all, as he said, the people of Mondstadt didn't have much idea about the Sea of ​​Lantern Festival.

Seeing that Han Xiao wanted to continue asking, Abedo quickly changed the subject:

It's not like we won't see each other again. You can go to Mondstadt to visit Keli and the others during the badminton festival.

Now let's talk about business.


Since Abedo said this, Han Xiao did not continue to dwell on this issue, but followed the other party's words to discuss business matters.

What are you going to tell me?

Of course it's the researcher I recommended to you before.

Abedo raised his finger and pointed in the direction of Xumi, and then asked with curiosity:

You should have sent a letter to Xumi last time. How is it? Have you received any reply recently?

Unfortunately, not yet.

In response to Albedo's inquiry, Han Xiao shrugged, then spread his hands and said helplessly:

According to my estimation, the caravan should have arrived in Xumi not long ago. I'm afraid it will take a while to get a reply.

That's it.

The first research assistant is not yet certain to be captured. Abedo nodded first, and then asked:

Then when are you going to go to the snow-capped mountains with me?

Since we are still unable to get an accurate response from the first research assistant, it is better to consider the problem of the second research assistant.

You can go to the snow mountain at any time.

After hearing Abeidu mention going to Longji Snow Mountain, Han Xiao reached out and rubbed his chin to think.

Now that the busiest Hailantern Festival has passed, Xingqiu and the staff of Kuixing Tower can handle most of the problems in Guilicheng. Even the secret matters can be solved by Zhiyi.

So he only needed to grasp the general direction of Guilicheng, and overall he was very free.

In this case, the sooner the better.

After receiving Han Xiao's reply, Abedo immediately made the decision to leave as soon as possible.

After all, the snow mountain issue has always been a big issue weighing on his mind.

According to what Wendy revealed to him privately, Han Xiao's current power level is already at the level of a real demon.

If he had the help of the other party to solve the snow mountain problem as soon as possible, he would be less worried.

No problem. I'll make some arrangements when we get back to Guili City, and then we'll set off to the snowy mountains.

Han Xiao nodded and gave an accurate time period.

After discussing the snow mountain issue, Abedo continued to talk about the next topic:

In addition, we can also consider the issue of TV sets.

[Magpie Bridge 1.0] performed very well in the stage performance of the Hai Lantern Festival Gala, perfectly achieving one-to-many synchronized broadcast of images and sounds without delay.

The TV set that Han Xiao had imagined before had no technical difficulties.

Well... when we come back from the snow-capped mountains, let's start manufacturing the TV prototype.

Not put into production directly?

Abedo raised his head and looked at Han Xiao in surprise.

At present, all the technical difficulties in TV sets have been solved. It should be very simple to directly shape a TV set for production.

Why did he feel that the other party was not in a hurry to put the TV into production?

Xingqiu and I still need to discuss the issue of putting the TV into production.

As if aware of Abedo's doubts, Han Xiao immediately explained his thoughts to the other party.

Without technical difficulties, televisions can indeed be manufactured easily.

However, Han Xiao was already facing an old problem, which was the insufficient population base of Guili City that had been troubling him.

The emergence of television will promote the birth of a new industry and create more job gaps.

But now there are many jobs in Guili City itself that are short of staff.

Where did you ask Han Xiao to conjure up so many people?


After learning about the other party's difficulties from Han Xiao's mouth, Abedo also fell into silence for a while.

He also did not expect that what restricted their development was not technical problems, but practical conditions.

After thinking for a long time, Abedo put forward his suggestion to Han Xiao in a tentative tone:

Isn't there anyone left in Liyue Port?

It probably can't be drawn out. If it continues to be drawn out, there will be problems with the operation of Liyue Port itself.

Han Xiao shook her head and directly rejected Albedo's idea.

Today's Liyue Port has also undergone great changes due to the development of Guili City.

The rise of industries such as broadcasting, electric vehicles, and mobile phones has allowed Liyue Port to absorb a lot of its previous excess labor force.

Not to mention that with the gradual unblocking of the Strata Abyss, some miners will return to work in the mines.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for Liyue Port to support Guilicheng's labor force as generously as it did before.

Which means that even if the TV set is built, it will not be able to be mass-produced in a short time?



Seeing Han Xiao nodding, Abedo immediately clicked his tongue, and at the same time continued to think of strategies in his mind on how to deal with it.

Soon, he thought of a place:

Hanxiao, the earliest batch of students in the school must have been studying for more than two years. I remember that you recruited not only young children at that time, but also some eleven or twelve-year-old children.

After more than two years of study, they are almost thirteen or fourteen years old and are about to reach adulthood, right?

Chapter 645 Conceptual Issues

No... I said your idea is not good.

Seeing that Abedo was interested in the first batch of students enrolled in the school, Han Xiao didn't know what expression to use for a moment.

Although he has always known that the age at which a person reaches adulthood in Teyvat is actually much younger than in his previous life, he still lets them go out to work at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

Teacher Abedo, I beg you to be a human being!

Why do you say that?

Keeping his gaze fixed on Han Xiao, Abedo had a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Isn't it normal for people in Teyvat to start working at the age of thirteen or fourteen?

Why does Han Xiao think his proposal is not good?

Faced with Abedo's doubts, Han Xiao immediately gave him a detailed explanation.

First of all, thirteen or fourteen years old seems to me like a half-grown child. Can they do any physical work? They can't do it!

Secondly, the first batch of students in the school have only studied for two or three years. Except for a few extremely smart students who are valued by you and trained as assistants, most of the students have only just become literate. How can such people do technical work?

After finishing his thoughts, he gave his conclusion.

So I think the first batch of students will have to study for at least another two and a half years, and then they can learn a trade.

“This way they won’t be unable to find a job after they leave school.”

I think they can learn on the job.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo somewhat understood the other person's thoughts, but he still did not shake his mind.

I know that in your eyes, those children are still young. They need to study now and are not suitable for work.

But the reality is that you can't change the mindset of most people in Liyue. A fourteen-year-old child studying the Teyvat people is already considered an adult!


Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue, her expression unswerving.

Because what Abedo is talking about is indeed the current status of the Teyvat continent.

Even according to his concept, anyone under the age of eighteen is considered a minor, but in Liyue, or the continent of Teyvat, a fourteen-year-old child can already take charge of the family.

Even Han Xiao himself was able to become independent from the Han family when he was more than ten years old, wasn't it because his uncle Han Rui felt that he was old enough to make his own decisions.

There is also Hu Tao. Although there are some irresistible factors, she became the seventy-seventh generation leader of the Rebirth Hall at the age of thirteen, and managed everything by herself, but she was able to be meticulous about everything and order the ceremony. The shepherds were satisfied.

It can only be said that due to practical reasons, children in Teyvat continent are extremely precocious.

And there's one more thing I have to add.

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