After taking the score, Yun Jin lowered her head to read the melody on the score and made a casual remark.

She has been completely defeated by her bamboo horse who doesn't know whether it is really slow or fake, and she has no hope that the other party will be able to figure it out.

Really, even though they hadn't seen each other for so long, Yun Jin was still very happy that Han Xiao came to visit her, but it turned out that he came here for work.

If Yun Jin hadn't been good-tempered, she would have wanted to bite someone now.

How's it going? Are you sure?

Han Xiao didn't know how many complicated thoughts were running through Yun Jin's heart. All his attention was now on whether the other party could master the music score in a short time.

The melody is good...the difficulty of the music score is not too difficult, so there should be no problem.

Although she was dissatisfied with her sweetheart's insensitivity, considering that the other party was looking for her for business at the Hai Lantern Festival party, Yun Jin still suppressed her emotions and expressed her opinion.

In other words, Ah Jin, you agree to perform on stage at tonight's party?

“Me alone is not enough.”

Before Han Xiao could be happy for too long, Yun Jin shook her head.

Since she had sung a song of a similar style once before at a gala in Guili City, she was quite interested in this popular style.

Moreover, many people in Liyue also felt that listening to Mr. Yun sing was unique, so singing songs in this style would not cause much resistance.

It's just... if she was the only one singing on the party stage, the stage performance would be a bit weak.

Then do you have any suggestions?

After listening to the opinions given by Yun Jin, a professional, Han Xiao also quickly asked if the other party had any improvement measures.

Well...I need a band that plays the tunes live.

Can't Yunhanshe's band do it?

Please, Yunhanshe's band plays classical instruments. The melody in your score uses different instruments.

Yun Jin immediately gave her bamboo horse a hard look. Although the melody on the score sounded a bit ancient, the instruments used were not Liyue's traditional instruments.

In that case... Xin Yan should be able to help, right?

Thinking of the instruments used in the melody on the score, Han Xiao immediately thought of rock singer Xin Yan, who was good friends with Ah Jin.

The instrument in the other person's hand looks very similar to Ruan, but in fact, she personally copied the guitar from Fontaine and modified it.

As a guitar, there isn't much of a problem.

Xin Yan can help, but there is still a shortage of people.

Hearing Han Xiao mention the name of her friend Xin Yan, Yun Jin's eyebrows still didn't melt away and were still a little tight.

Xin Yan can indeed be the main melody of the band, but if a band can only have one person, then what else is it called a band?

This...let me think about it.

The question raised by Yun Jin was very practical, and Han Xiao could only stay with her for a while and fell into deep thought.

Miss, Master Hanxiao!

At this moment, the servant of Yun Jin's family suddenly appeared at the door of the living room and informed the two of them:

Master Hutao is here!

Invite her in.

When she learned that Hu Tao was at her door, Yun Jin immediately ordered her servants to invite him in.

No need to invite me, I'm already here!

As soon as Yun Jin finished speaking, Hu Tao's rather jumpy voice reached several people's ears from far to near, and then a fiery figure broke into the living room.

As soon as he entered the living room, Hutao was about to say hello to Yun Jin when he saw Han Xiao sitting beside her, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

Hey, isn't this Han Xiao? Are you here with Yun Jin?

Hu Xiaotao, you are so grown up now, can you be more steady?

Seeing Hu Tao rushing in, Han Xiao complained unceremoniously.

Hmph, you mind me!

Hu Tao rolled her eyes at Han Xiao, then rushed towards Yun Jin and pressed her entire body on the other person's back.


Yun Jin, who was suddenly hit by Hu Tao, subconsciously let out a short exclamation, and then she felt the other person's chin resting on her shoulder.

What are you looking at?

Hutao put his hands around Yun Jin's soft waist, and put his head close to the other person's neck. A pair of plum blossom pupils curiously looked at the music score in Yun Jin's hand.

New score?'s too close!

Yun Jin, who felt a little uncomfortable being pressed, took out her hand and pushed Hu Tao's little head angrily. After pushing it away a little distance, she explained:

It's the music score that Han Xiao is planning to use at tonight's Hai Lantern Festival party.

It's interesting, so what are you worried about?

Hu Tao's eyes suddenly brightened when he learned that what Yun Jin and Han Xiao were holding was the music score to be used at tonight's Hai Lantern Festival party.

We wanted to play live on stage, but the band only thought of Xin Yan.

That is to say, this band is still short of people. This hall leader can help!

Hearing that Hu Tao was willing to help, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown and look at him:

Hu Xiaotao, are you sure you can do it?

Hey! You look down on people, don't you!

Seeing Han Xiao looking at him with suspicion, Hu Tao loosened his hands around Yun Jin's thin waist and proudly raised her chest that could not be seen rising.

My hall master is proficient in all aspects of playing, playing and singing.


Hearing this, Han Xiao fell silent for a moment.

It wasn't that he suspected Hu Tao was lying.

It's just that her playing, playing and singing is not what she imagined, right?

Chapter 632: Perfect Cooperation

Since Hutao volunteered to help, Hanxiao didn't refuse.

Although the other party looked weird in the past, he could indeed be regarded as a little genius.

When she was three years old, she could stand on her head and recite books. She had read all kinds of books in the collection. She was naughty and skipped school when she was six years old. When she was eight years old, her personality had calmed down and she began to study necessary etiquette and etiquette such as funeral rituals.

Hu Tao said that she was proficient in playing, playing and singing, which was really not bragging.

After all... Shengshengtang does have this skill.

Just like that, when Yun Jin sent someone to call Xin Yan, the four of them arrived at a secluded conference room in the General Affairs Department.

So that's it, you can be a musician in the band, no problem!

It wasn't until she came to the conference room that Xin Yan learned the reason why Yun Jin invited her over.

Although the music to be played was not his favorite rock music, Xin Yan readily agreed to perform at the most important Hai Lantern Festival party in Liyue.

Thank you so much. This is the music score. You should familiarize yourself with it first!

Seeing that Xin Yan agreed to be a musician in the band, Han Xiao quickly thanked him and then handed him a copy of the music score.

It's a small matter, but if I go to Guili City to perform in the future, just don't send Qianyan Army to disrupt it.

After taking the music score, Xin Yan looked at Han Xiao with a smile and said some words with a hint of ridicule.

Don't worry about this. Guili City has a special theater with excellent sound effects. You can hold a concert there.

I won't be polite then.

After receiving Han Xiao's assurance, Xin Yan immediately smiled and gave him a thumbs up, then sat on a chair aside and began to familiarize himself with the music score.

After handling Xin Yan's problem, Han Xiao immediately turned to look at Hu Tao.

Hu Xiaotao, can you read music scores?

This is not nonsense!

What about drumming?

Of course it's no problem!

Hu Tao glared at Han Xiao dissatisfiedly, saying that she was proficient in playing, playing and singing, so by asking this, she was looking down on her.

In that case, try this!

Seeing Hu Tao's confident expression, Han Xiao reached out and took out a brand new set of drums from Yu Perry.


The drum set made a heavy sound when it hit the ground, and the cymbal, which was somewhat similar in shape to a gong, also made a crisp metallic sound.

Oh yo yo, this instrument is kind of interesting!

Reaching out and taking the two drumsticks from Han Xiao's hand, Hutao sat carelessly in front of the drum set and stretched his wrists, and then started knocking here and there with the drum sticks, having a great time.

Dong dong dong——dang——

The messy percussion sounds made Han Xiao just about to ask Hu Tao to stop. The next moment, a series of rhythmic drum beats sounded like a violent storm under the opponent's drumsticks.

After the song ended, Hutao, who was sitting in front of the drum set, closed her eyes and thought about it carefully, then opened her plum blossom pupils and looked at the people in the conference room, and asked with a smile on her face:

How about it?

This hall master did a good job!

Okay, very rock and roll!

Xin Yan, who was reading the music score, heard Hu Tao's question and gave him a thumbs up without hesitation.

I didn't see it, Hu Xiaotao, you got started pretty quickly!

Han Xiao on the side couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Although he knew that Hutao could play an instrument due to the nature of his job at Shengshengtang, the drum set was still a new thing in Liyue, so he was really surprised that the other party could get started so quickly.

Moreover, Hutao not only learned three ways of holding the stick without any teacher, but also mastered the playing techniques of rolling and multi-jump rolling.

This talent is quite amazing! feels no different from Liyue's drumming, it's simple!

Hearing Han Xiao's praise, Hu Tao raised her eyebrows proudly.

It seems that Hutao's plan of becoming a drummer is feasible.

Yun Jin glanced at Xin Yan first, and then at Hu Tao, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

But soon she felt that the two-person band seemed to be a little smaller in number.

I always feel like something is missing.


Just as Yun Jin was thinking about what was missing, a heavy muffled sound suddenly came from the conference room.

Everyone was attracted by the sudden sound and looked towards the source of the sound.

In the corner of the conference room, a large keyboard instrument was taken out by Han Xiao at some point.

This is?

The last piece of the band puzzle, the piano.

It's a new instrument again, Han Xiao, can you play it well?

Hu Tao looked up and down the instrument called the piano with great interest, and then asked her doubts.

Don't worry, I'm definitely more familiar with it than you!

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