However, what is different from the original version is that most of the pictures in the original video are group portraits made by highlighting the characters, which is not suitable for Liyue in reality.

Therefore, other people in the Hanxiao chat group deleted the large group portraits of the game characters and replaced them with heroes from Liyue's ancient history. They also made some minor modifications to the lyrics.

Judging from the feedback from Ningguang and the others, their performance was pretty good.


Just as Ke Qing was about to ask Ning Guang to take down a video tape for everyone to watch, out of the corner of her eye she saw Gan Yu, who was still sitting on the chair and had not yet recovered.

Why hasn't the other party come to his senses yet?

Is it because the content triggered her memories?

With some doubts, Ke Qing raised her hand and patted Gan Yu's shoulder a few times, calling the other person's name in a low voice.

Come back to your senses, Gan Yu!


Gan Yu, who was suddenly awakened, screamed like a deer, then realized what he was doing and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

Sorry, did I scare you?

No... I was distracted.

Seeing Keqing looking at him with concern, Gan Yu quickly shook her head and told everyone not to worry, she was just a little distracted.

Senior Sister Gan Yu, is it because there is something wrong with the content of Yingying?

No, the film is very well made, but...

Hearing that Han Xiao also asked about his situation, Gan Yu immediately gave Yingying a very good evaluation, but later he seemed hesitant to speak.

If you have any opinions, Senior Sister Gan Yu, you can feel free to speak out boldly.

Seeing Gan Yu's expression that he wanted to say something but was afraid that he would say the wrong thing, Han Xiao slowed down his voice and tried to get the other person to open up.

And his actions obviously had an effect. Soon, Gan Yu slowly spoke out what he cared about under the gaze of everyone.

The editing in the movie is really good. I'm just a little concerned. The image in the movie that looks like Yixiao Dao Tianzhenjun is drawn by hand, but the emperor and Liuyun Zhenjun seem to be real people?

Chapter 630 Arrangements on the stage

So you're paying attention to this?

Han Xiao didn't expect that what Gan Yu cared about was actually some real-life characters in the movie. But since the other party wanted to know, he didn't hide it and simply nodded.

Except for the scenes hand-painted by Abedo, Master Liuyun and the others did have real people playing their roles.

The image of the emperor...

Seeing that Han Xiao admitted this, Gan Yu quickly asked about the actor who played the role of Emperor Yan in the film.

She couldn't help it, she always felt that the other person was very similar to the real Emperor Rock King, and even gave her the illusion that the Emperor was not dead.

Oh, that's Mr. Zhongli, the guest from the Hall of Rebirth, who I invited to play the role of Prince Yan and his old man. What do you think? Does the other person's performance look very similar?

It does look a lot like...

Gan Yu felt a little disappointed when he heard that Prince Yan was played by the knowledgeable and calm Mr. Zhongli from the Hall of Life.

Maybe it was a matter of temperament. The emperor played by the other party was indeed very similar. She almost thought Mr. Zhongli was the real emperor.

Couldn't it be was actually Prince Yan himself.

Yingmei and Paimon glanced at each other subconsciously, with an inexplicable look flashing in their eyes.

Why does it feel like Gan Yu doesn't know about Emperor Yanwang's fake death?

Fortunately, they also knew that Zhongli was the King of Rocks and needed to be kept secret, so they both chose to remain silent.

emmm, congratulations to Gan Yu and Ke Qing for once again missing the opportunity to get the truth.

Okay, let me take a look at the next reflection.

Seeing that Gan Yu's mood gradually calmed down, Ning Guang coughed slightly to turn everyone's attention back to business, and then she picked up another video tape to replace the previous one.


When the last video tape was shown, everyone in the office was still sitting on their chairs recalling the scene they had just watched.

Those exciting or touching video clips really gave them an unprecedented audio-visual experience.

Because time is limited, Abedo and I can only go so far. How do you feel?

very good.

very nice.

Ke Qing and Gan Yu nodded one after another. They both felt that the video clip edited by Han Xiao and the others was very contagious.

After reading this, I feel like I have a deeper impression of Liyue, Ying!


Not only Keqing and the others had a good viewing experience, but Paimeng and Ying, who are foreigners, also gained a new understanding of Liyue after watching it.

Before, they only knew that Liyue was the oldest of the seven kingdoms in the Teyvat continent, but that was still just a concept.

Now after watching the movie, I finally have a lot of feelings about this oldest country.

So Ning Guang, how do you feel?

Seeing that everyone praised the video they edited, Han Xiao turned her attention to Ning Guang.

After all, she is the decision-maker of this Lantern Festival party. Whether these reflections can be used at the party depends on the other party's decision.

You did a good job, Han Xiao.

I'm very satisfied.

Hearing Han Xiao ask for his opinion, Ningguang gave his evaluation without hesitation.

Although I had heard that many people were deeply impressed by Yun Jin's singing at the Guilicheng Gala and the video editing behind it, she also specially asked Han Xiao to come and see it, and it was indeed good.

But Ningguang didn't expect that the answers Han Xiao and the others handed over this time were beyond her expectations.

The film editing this time was even more exciting than what appeared at the Guilicheng party.

As long as you're satisfied, so you're ready to adopt it?


Ning Guang nodded directly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly to outline a faint smile.

I believe the people of Liyue will also like this ‘gift’ they have carefully prepared.

You guys wait a minute.

At this moment, Keqing suddenly raised her right hand and interrupted the conversation between the two.

I don't have any problem with you using these shadow edits, but...

But what?

But what about the vocal parts in the shadow?

After everyone focused their attention on her, Keqing expressed her thoughts:

Although I don't know how you added the beautiful female voice to the movie clip, what about the scene?

We can't just show a video clip on the party stage, it will feel too empty!

I also agree with Keqing's view.

Gan Yu couldn't help but nodded.

The video editing produced by Han Xiao and Abedo was indeed very good, but the stage of the party was really empty with just one video editing.

That's a problem...

After hearing the opinions of Ke Qing and Gan Yu, Ning Guang Xiu frowned slightly and turned to look at Han Xiao:

Han Xiao, can you please invite the female voice in the video clip to sing live on stage?

Uh...I'm afraid it's a little difficult.

Difficulty, why is this?

Ning Guang was a little puzzled. Wasn't he just inviting people to perform on stage? Why was Han Xiao looking so embarrassed?

Not only was Ning Guang surprised, but the faces of the others also showed doubts.

They were also curious about why Han Xiao was embarrassed about inviting people to perform on stage.

...I can say that because the singer is not from Teyvat continent at all!

Seeing everyone looking at her with doubts in their eyes, Han Xiao didn't know how to answer for a moment.

After all, there was not much time left for them in reality. In order to reflect the female voice in the video clip, he deliberately found himself in the mysterious world in the chat group and used a lot of good things to trade before the other party agreed to sing.

Now Ningguang said that he would invite someone to perform on stage to sing, hahaha...

Where can he find people?

The chat group currently does not provide the function of member travel.

Even if there were, Han Xiao would not choose to bring herself from the mysterious world to the continent of Teyvat.

Who knows whether the mysterious world will pollute the trees and the sea.

If you are accidentally contaminated by the madness of the mysterious world, the already troubled world of the Sea of ​​Trees will be even more unlucky.

Anyway, I'm afraid the singer won't be able to come to Liyue.

After thinking for a long time, Han Xiao could only choose to refuse with a rather blunt reason.

In this case, it will be a bit difficult to handle!

Seeing that the female voice in the film clip could not sing live on stage, Ning Guang suddenly fell into deep thought.

Soon, she thought of an alternative.

Hanxiao, how about letting Yun Jin sing?

Let Ah Jin come?

Hearing Ning Guang's suggestion, Han Xiao was a little surprised at first, but then realized that it was indeed a good idea.

After all, in the entire Liyue Port, the only person who can master the singing of a song and perform it perfectly in a short period of time, Yun Jin, who has profound skills, seems to have this ability.

Chapter 631: The missing band

So you followed Ning Guang's suggestion and came to me?

In the living room of the Yun family, Yun Jin looked helpless as she looked at her bamboo horse who suddenly came to visit her.

Well, after all, Ah Jin is the only one in Liyue who has the ability to master the music score and sing it in a short time.

Hearing Yun Jin's question, Han Xiao nodded without hesitation.

Under the premise that the original female voice in the film clip, that is, the self in the mysterious world, could not be found to sing, it seemed that only my childhood sweetheart could take over this important task.


Seeing Han Xiao nodding, a hint of depression flashed under Yun Jin's burgundy eyes, and then she raised her white and tender little hand and slapped her bamboo horse's forehead hard, making a crisp sound.


Han Xiao, who had been slapped by Leng Buding, subconsciously tilted her head back and covered her slapped forehead with both hands. They both looked at Yun Jin in confusion;

Ajin, why did you suddenly hit someone?

I'm the one who beat you, you idiot!

Yun Jin rolled her eyes at Han Xiao angrily, and then spread her white and tender palms:

There's the music score, bring it here!

So A Jin, you agreed?

Seeing Yun Jin asking for the music score, Han Xiao didn't care why the other party suddenly slapped her on the forehead, and quickly took out the music score from Yu Perry and handed it over.

Of course I am willing to contribute to the Hailantern Festival party.

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