Han Xiao calmly sat down in front of the piano, lifted the cover of the keyboard and played an impromptu performance for the people present.

Although he is often criticized by his childhood sweetheart for not having artistic talent, he is actually good at playing musical instruments.

In addition, he has a strong learning talent in this life, so Han Xiao didn't feel too unfamiliar when he started, and his performance was perfect.

Now that everyone is here, let's start rehearsing!

Seeing that Han Xiao planned to be the last piece of the band's puzzle, Yun Jin didn't stop her and immediately clapped her hands to signal everyone to get ready to start rehearsing.


The time for serious work always passes quickly, and the time flies by and it is evening.

At this time, the red lanterns on the streets of Liyue were lit up early, and countless Liyue people took to the streets wearing new clothes to participate in the lively temple fair.

In the conference room, the rehearsal of several people was coming to an end.


When the last syllable fell, Han Xiao and others breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s done!

It's incredible.

Seeing the sweat on everyone's face in the conference room, Han Xiao couldn't help but shake her head and sigh.

It only took them half a day from the chaos at the beginning of the rehearsal to the perfect coordination at the end.

This is truly a miracle that was impossible to achieve in the previous life.

The main reason why they are able to achieve such an achievement is that Hu Tao and others are owners of the Eye of God. Not only are their physical fitness far superior to ordinary people, but they also have strong control over the muscles of the whole body due to years of martial arts practice. .

The last few people have been playing together since childhood and have a good understanding of each other, so they were able to achieve perfect coordination in just half a day after a brief acquaintance.

“Everyone did a great job!”

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Yun Jin also applauded several people with a smile in her eyes.

It's getting late, let's go to the stage quickly.

After taking a look at the scenery outside the window, Xin Yan quickly reminded everyone to act quickly so as not to miss the time.

As a result, Han Xiao and others hurriedly put the instruments back into the jade pendants, then pushed open the door of the conference room and hurried towards the stage.

Chapter 633 The eve of the party

As the last rays of the sun set, night came on the continent of Teyvat.

At this time, Liyue Port was already illuminated like daylight by fiery red lanterns.

After a lively dinner with relatives and friends, most Liyue people choose to walk out of their homes towards Yujing Terrace or the port.

Because they had received the news from the radio announcement on the flagpole on the street a long time ago that today Qixing will hold a new form of Hai Lantern Festival party.

The Yujing Terrace and the port in Liyue Port are the venues for this party. The only difference is that the Yujing Terrace is the main venue, while the port is the branch venue.

The reason for this difference is mainly that the population base of Liyue Port is too large, and one Yujing Terrace cannot accommodate the number of people watching the party.

Fortunately, the General Affairs Department had already announced on the radio that even at the sub-venue in the port, the stage performances at the main venue of Yujingtai could still be seen.

As for how Qixing and the General Affairs Department could achieve this goal, many Liyue people began to have heated discussions in private while walking towards their destination.

What new format do you think Qixing has prepared for this party?

I don't know, but the people from the General Affairs Department ensured that the Yujingtai performance can be seen at the port. They must have used some of Lord Hanxiao's new inventions.

You didn't expect this. Have you forgotten the last live broadcast of Salt Archeology in the venue?

Are you saying that this kind of technology was also used at this party?

There were many smart people in the discussion group, and they soon thought of the remote live archaeological event they had seen.

And this kind of thing doesn't just happen in Liyue Port, similar plots are playing out in every village in the entire Liyue area.



On a tall building, Albedo and Keli were gathered at a square table with Lisa and Qin.

Captain Qin, it's so lively down there, can't Keli really go down there and play?

Keli lay on the wooden railing and looked down, watching the dark crowd forming a black 'long dragon' slowly moving towards Yujing Terrace. She couldn't help but look back at Qin who was sitting with Lisa and the others. Be careful when making your requests.

No, Kelly.

Qin directly shook her head and rejected Keli's request, and at the same time expressed her worries:

It's not safe to go down now, it's easy to get separated,

Xiao Keli, there will be a party in Liyue later. You can enjoy the panoramic view of the stage here.

After Qin finished speaking, Lisa looked at Keli with a smile, and then said something that attracted Keli's attention.

Sister Lisa, is this true?

Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, you can ask your brother Abedo. He participated in the program design of this party.

It's true, Lisa didn't lie to you.

Hearing Lisa bring the topic to him, Abe nodded and acknowledged the other party's statement.

It turns out that Brother Abedo also participated in the design of the party. Then Keli should take a good look!

Knowing that her brother Abedo was also one of the designers of the party's program, Keli's interest was immediately aroused, and her big watery eyes stared intently at the still somewhat empty stage.

“The view here is really good.”

After dealing with Keli, Lisa stood up and walked to the railing. She pressed her entire upper body on the railing and glanced at the large stage in the center of Yujingtai Square.

These are some of the best viewing spots left for us by Ningguang. The views are indeed very good.

Hearing her best friend's emotion, Qin looked calm.

Although they came to Liyue for vacation this time, they were all senior members of the West Wind Knights.

With his identity there, it was normal for Ningguang to arrange a box with a good view.

By the way, Qin and Albedo, the box next to ours should be the box of the Shiro Palace Master from Inazuma, right?

The probability of it being her is very high.

Abedo tilted his head and thought for a moment before giving a relatively positive answer.

This building has been temporarily used as a viewing point to receive foreign guests to watch the Hailantern Festival party. Currently, the only people who can appear next to their boxes are diplomatic envoys from various countries stationed in Liyue.

Of course, since the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue has recently dropped to a freezing point, even if Liyue invites according to management, it is estimated that no one from Zhidong will come.

Envoys from the remaining countries may appear next to their boxes.

However, Inazuma's White Heron Princess Kamisato Ayaka's status is second only to Qin, the acting leader of the Knights.

Therefore, according to Liyue's arrangement of respecting etiquette and rules, the box next to Mond should be the box of Princess Egret.

Kamizato Ayaka, the priest of Inazuma Sanhoyo Ishasha, is a somewhat introverted eldest lady!

Lisa felt a little pity when she thought that she had rarely seen him out in Guili City before.

After all, she seemed to know the other person.


The box next door.

What happened was as Lisa expected. The people who appeared next to their Mondstadt box were Kamisato Ayaka and Hayao from Inazuma, as well as the shrine maiden sent to Liyue by Yae Kamiko before.

Miss, hasn't the party started yet?

In the private room, Zaoyu put his hand in front of his mouth and yawned several times. His eyes were full of sleepiness, and even his questioning voice seemed weak.

It's still some time before the party starts, Zaoyu, are you sleepy?


Then you can sleep aside now. I'll call you when the party starts.

Seeing that Hayao looked extremely sleepy, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but reached out and touched the other person's little head lovingly, and whispered softly to let the other person rest first.

No...I want to protect your safety, Miss!

Hearing that Kamisato Ayaka asked her to rest first, although Zayu wanted to listen to the other party's opinion, considering that her responsibility was to protect the other party, she still shook her head and rejected Kamisato Ayaka's suggestion.

Don't worry, this is the most tightly secured area in Liyue. I will be fine here.

That would be rude to me, young lady!

After saying that he was offered the job, Zaoyou did not continue to refuse but quickly went to the corner of the box and quickly fell asleep.

Miss Ayaka, is it really okay for you to let your guard rest?

Seeing the interaction between Kamisato Ayaka and Hayao, the miko on the side couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Besides Mond's box next to us, the other side seems to be Zhidong's box.

Don't worry, it'll be okay.

Hearing the worry in the miko's tone, Kamisato Ayaka put a warm smile on her face and calmly comforted her.

This is Liyue. Even in the solstice of winter, we would not choose to cause trouble at this time.

Chapter 634 Ruotuo’s warning

Before coming to Liyue, Kamisato Ayaka had an in-depth understanding of the situation in Liyue.

Through this understanding, she learned that the Fools' forces in Liyue had all been expelled by Qixing, leaving only Zhidong's diplomatic agency still functioning.

This made Kamisato Ayaka marvel at Nanahoshi's courage.

Even after losing the protection of Emperor Yan, Liyue was still so confident that she dared to directly expel the Fools.

The reason is that Qixing relied on its powerful firepower to seal the demon Osel back after breaking the seal of Guyun Pavilion.

On the other hand, what about Rice Wife?

Even though the lady and the skirmishers led the fools to make a lot of noise in Daoqi, they even hooked up with Tianling Zongxing and Zhuding Zongxing.

As a result, the Fools' power in Inazuma only suffered a few blows, and one executive officer died.

The forces of fools are still active in the rice wife's land.

It's not that the senior management of Inazuma don't want to drive these people out of Inazuma's territory, the key is that they lack confidence.

Due to the national lock-down order, Daozu's national power has been greatly reduced. If the fools are driven out of Daozu's territory at this time, it will be tantamount to turning against the Zhidong Kingdom.

Once the relationship between the two countries declines, Inazuma will immediately lose one maritime trade route.

This is not good news for today's rice wives.

Therefore, even if they are very dissatisfied with the behavior of the fools in Daozhu, Daozhu's senior management can only choose to tolerate it temporarily.

So comparing the two, Kamisato Ayaka certainly envied Liyue for being able to drive away the fools without any scruples.

This is the benefit of a strong country itself!

You can't help but be afraid of doing things.

Thinking that Inazuma had to make compromises with the fools due to practical reasons, Kamisato Ayaka secretly made up her mind that she must help her brother turn Inazuma's situation around as soon as possible.


Formerly the North Country Bank and now the Diplomatic and Consulate of Zhidong.

The girl Columbia sat on her knees on the soft stool of the chair, her hands folded on the wooden railings of the balcony, and her eyes staring at the people flowing below.

Behind her, adjutant Anna and Yekaterina, the original receptionist of Northland Bank, stood on both sides.


I don't know what came to mind, but the girl Columbia who was lying on the railing suddenly spoke and broke the silence on the second floor balcony.

My lady, do you have any orders?

When she heard Columbia calling her name, Ekaterina immediately responded.

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