Before Kamisato Ayaka could react, there was a sudden thunder from the other side of the sound transmission device, and then there was no sound at all.

Ah...why did it feel like the General was a little embarrassed at the end?

Looking at the sound transmission device that had stopped working, Kamisato Ayaka always felt that she had seen something that she shouldn't have seen.

However, for the sake of her own safety, she quickly put this thought out of her mind and turned to think about the last words of Yae Shenzi.

Kamisato Ayaka understands that whether it is Yae Kamiko or the Shogun, they all know that the conditions proposed by Han Xiao will cause a certain loss of interests for Inazuma.

But they were able to agree without hesitation. There must be something inside that they didn't know.

It is precisely because of these insider reasons that Narukami-sama and the others are willing to give up part of their interests to agree to Han Xiao's conditions.

But... what could these inside stories be?

Could it be related to the incident in Xumi?

Thinking of the two destinations of his trip this time, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but fall into deep thinking.

Chapter 609: Ruotuo: Morax, I heard that you have become a social waste?

In the next few days, while Kamisato Ayaka was waiting for Yae Shenzi to send Yugang and other materials to Liyue, she was also thinking about the real purpose behind this trip.

Although she is well protected under the wings of her brother Kamisato Ayato most of the time, she is still quite smart.

Combining some of his experiences in Sumeru, Kamisato Ayaka vaguely grasped some inspiration.

Unfortunately, due to insufficient evidence, she was never able to deduce the truth of the entire matter.

On the other side, Han Xiao has not been idle these days.

As soon as he regains his energy in the past few days, he will go to the inside of the seal under the Fulong tree to treat Ruotuo Dragon King.

After several stages of treatment, Ruotuo Dragon King is now gradually getting rid of the erosion of wear and tear, and his rationality is becoming clearer.

With one or two more treatments, the other person will be able to completely recover from the wear and tear.


One day, early morning.

Hanxiao packed up her clothes early and drove out of Guili City.

According to his plan, today is the final stage of treatment for Ruotuo Dragon King.

As long as this treatment is completed, the other party will be able to fully recover, and Liyue will soon welcome the return of the Dragon King.


As soon as he drove out of the city gate, Han Xiao discovered that Uncle Zhongli, who had never seen the dragon in the past, was standing on the roadside.

Mr. Zhongli?

After driving the car to a stop in front of Zhongli, Han Xiao stuck her head out the window and greeted him and asked:

Why are you here?

I’m waiting for you.

Zhongli didn't waste any time. He stretched out his hand to open the rear door and got into the car. After closing the door, he looked at Han Xiao:

You've worked hard these days running back and forth.

If anything, Mr. Zhongli is so complimentary!

Hearing Zhongli praising herself as soon as he came up, Han Xiao immediately modestly said that she was not very tired.

Not only is he not tired, but he is looking forward to the next development.

Because once Dragon King Ruotuo is cured, a demon-god-level combat power will appear on their bright face in Liyue.

It just so happens that there are many foreigners in Liyue during the Hai Lantern Festival, and the news of the Dragon King's return will soon spread throughout the Teyvat continent.

Although Morax's fake death is not a secret among high-level officials throughout the continent, ordinary people don't know about it.

When Liyue welcomes back a demon-god-level fighting force, it will be able to deter foreign forces that don't know much but are very courageous.

More importantly, there happens to be a girl named Columbia who is comparable to the devil in Liyue Port.

The appearance of Ruotuo Dragon King can also make the opponent restrain a bit.

So Ruda's situation is good?

Well, today should be the last treatment, and the wear and tear in the body of Lord Dragon King will be cleaned up.

Very well, I'll go with you.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, the corners of Zhongli's mouth couldn't help but turn up a bit, and Gu Jing Wubo's eyes also showed a bit of joy.

After thousands of years, the old friend he had been forced to seal with his own hands was finally coming back.


After driving for a period of time, the two finally arrived near Nantianmen when the sun reached its highest point.

After saying hello to the Qianyan Army stationed here as before, Han Xiao led Zhongli into the tunnel entrance under the Fulong Tree.

Huh? This seal...

As soon as he entered the Fulong Tree, Zhongli saw at the first glance that the sealing circle he had set up was now in disrepair and had long lost its effect.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at Han Xiao aside.

Did you destroy it?

Ahem... His Excellency the Dragon King and I teamed up to do this.


Zhongli nodded slightly, but did not blame Han Xiao.

Since the other party chose to work with Ruo Tuo to break his seal, it proved that he was very sure of Ruo Long's current mental state.

With a sense of regret that he did not lift the seal of his old friend with his own hands, Zhongli waved his right hand in the air, and the participating seals immediately turned into golden particles and dissipated in the air.

Let's go!

After doing all this, he stepped into the space within the seal.

As soon as he entered the huge underground space of Fulongshu, Zhongli heard the powerful voice of Dragon King Ruotuo.

Boy from the Han family, you are finally here today. I have been waiting for you for a long time...

Upon noticing that the remaining seal at the door had been erased, Ruotuo Dragon King knew that Han Xiao had arrived, and he also knew that today was his last treatment.

As long as he completes this treatment, he will be able to completely get rid of the erosion of wear and tear and return to Liyue, which he has not seen for thousands of years.

So as soon as he heard the movement, Ruotuo Dragon King opened his eyes and said his words of welcome. He couldn't wait any longer.

However, after seeing the figure of the visitor clearly, Ruotuo Dragon King's voice suddenly stopped, and his scarlet pupils trembled.

One person and one dragon just looked at each other and fell into silence.

Seeing this, Han Xiao walked into the sealed corridor quite wisely and quietly watched the two friends meet again after a thousand years.

I don’t know how long the silence lasted, but Dragon King Ruotuo took the lead in breaking the silence between the two with a slightly deep voice.


Long time no see, Ruotuo!

Hearing Ruotuo Dragon King calling his name, Zhongli's usually calm face became filled with melancholy and guilt.

After all, it was he who sealed it under the Fulong tree with his own hands. Even if the other party was voluntary, what he did was what he did, right?

Are you feeling guilty about me, Morax?

As if he noticed the emotional fluctuations that flashed across Zhongli's face, Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but have a touch of surprise in his eyes, and then he let out a sigh of deep emotion:

It's been a thousand years since I last saw you, and I didn't expect that you, who is so sensible and calm, would show such a sentimental expression. This is really an eye-opener for me!

Because the person standing in front of you is not the Rock King Morax of Liyue, but Zhongli, the guest of the Hall of Rebirth.

Regarding Dragon King Ruotuo's emotion, Zhongli also had a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

As an ordinary person, Zhongli will naturally be affected by ordinary people's emotions.

It seems you are really planning to let go. How about it? How does it feel to step down from your position as a god?

Drinking tea and shopping every day is quite relaxing and enjoyable.

Hahaha, it seems that you have changed a lot, Morax. I didn't believe it when Hanxiao said that you were about to become a social waste, but I didn't expect it to be true!

Uh... I just have some free time, so you don't need to talk to me like this, right?

When Zhongli heard the words social waste from Dragon King Ruotuo, his expression almost stopped, and he quickly explained his behavior.

At the same time, he did not forget to turn around and glare at Han Xiao who was looking up at the sky.

This unfortunate kid has been left alone for a while, and his mouth has become quite vicious!

Chapter 610 Ruotuo Dragon King breaks out of the seal

It's quite refreshing!

When Han Xiao put away the blue light of power and felt that there were no traces of wear and tear in his body, Ruotuo Dragon King finally couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar.

After thousands of years, he can finally see the light of day again!

Congratulations on breaking free, old friend!

Zhongli on the side looked at the Dragon King Ruotuo who was venting wantonly in front of him, and the smile in his eyes deepened a lot.

In this day and age, he could still witness the return of his old friend, and even he couldn't help but feel agitated by it.


With a burst of golden light surging in the space, the figure of Ruotuo Dragon King continued to shrink and gradually turned into a human form.

When the golden light dissipated, a burly man slowly walked towards Zhongli, letting out a heroic laugh:

All this is thanks to the help of the Han family boy, otherwise I would have to continue to stay in this seal!

As he said that, the big man transformed from the Dragon King looked at Han Xiao who was adjusting his breath aside, his scarlet pupils filled with gratitude:

Thank you, Hanxiao!

Your Excellency Dragon King, there is no need to be so polite. This is what we should do. You and Mr. Zhongli probably have something to say. I will go outside to rest first.

Han Xiao repeatedly signaled to the other party that there was no need to be so polite, and then walked towards the outside of the seal, leaving space for Zhongli and Ruotuo Dragon King.


Hey, Ning Guang!

As soon as he walked out of the sealed place under the Fulong tree, Han Xiao took out his mobile phone and dialed Ningguang's number.

Hanxiao, why did you call me?

Well... From now on, we won't need to garrison troops here at Nantianmen. Let's withdraw all the soldiers.


Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ning Guang on the other side of the phone couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and quickly asked why the other party made such a decision.

What happened at Nantianmen?

Your Majesty the Dragon King has fully awakened and regained his consciousness. The seal... is no longer needed.

you sure?

Very sure!

Ning Guang's eyes suddenly brightened up, and his breathing became a little rapid.

She knew very well what the recovery of Ruotuo Dragon King meant.

The return of the other party is not just as simple as the return of an old friend of the Emperor, but also means that they have another demon-god-level combat power on their bright side in Liyue.

Once the news of the return of Ruotuo Dragon King spreads, those organizations in various countries that were ready to make moves before will probably become more peaceful.

If you include the emperor who faked his death and escaped from the shadows, and Han Xiao, who Gan Yu said was comparable to the devil, their overall strength in Liyue is definitely among the best in the Seven Kingdoms.

By the way, Your Majesty the Dragon King should be visiting this Sea Lantern Festival.

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