Han Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly and said meaningfully

Our Lord Ningguang will not miss this opportunity, right?

Don't worry, I will move some event venues to near Northland Bank when the time comes.

Hearing the hidden meaning in Han Xiao's words, Ningguang immediately understood it, and there was a hint of smile in his tone.

The return of His Excellency the Dragon King is a great joy for us in Liyue, and it is time for our friends in Zhidong to share the joy with us.

Soon, the two of them adjusted some of the arrangements for the Sea Lantern Festival, just to prepare a big surprise for a certain girl.

God helps Liyue!

After hanging up the phone, Ningguang could no longer hold back her inner excitement and stood up from the chair. She clenched her hand into a fist and waved it several times, looking extremely unladylike.

But this can't be blamed on her, it's mainly because she has been under too much pressure recently.

In the past few days, Ningguang has been worried about the arrival of the new diplomat of the Northland Bank, the girl Columbia.

The other party just stood there and did nothing. The aura he gave off made her and Yelan feel extremely dangerous.

One can imagine how oppressive Columbia, the third executive officer of the Fools, gave Ningguang and the others.

Well now, once Dragon King Ruotuo returns, there is no need for the other party to do anything, he just needs to show up once.

Presumably by then Columbia will understand that Liyue is not so easy to offend.


On the other side, as soon as Han Xiao put away her mobile phone, Zhongli and the man incarnated as Dragon King Ruotu came out from the passage under the Fulong tree.

Your Majesty the Dragon King, Mr. Zhongli, have you finished talking about old times?

Well, we just chatted for a few words. Anyway, there will be a long time in the future, so we are not in a hurry.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Zhongli nodded slightly.

He and Ruo Tuo are both immortals, and since he has stepped down from the position of the Seven Gods, the two of them will still have a lot of time in the future.

Don't listen to Morax's nonsense. I'm telling you, this guy just stood there and held it in for a long time before he could apologize. It made me laugh to death!

Ahem... Ruotuo, there's no need to say this.

Seeing that the image he had built up for Han Xiao was about to collapse due to Dragon King Ruotuo's words, Zhongli coughed a few times to interrupt the other person's words.

Also, it's better not to mention Morax's name again. From now on, only the mortal Zhongli will be the one.

Tsk... Zhongli!

Ruotuo Dragon King stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and nodded with some trouble;

Although I am still used to calling you Morax, now that you have stepped down from your position as a god, let it be as you wish.

By the way, I'm also going to change my name. I'll be called Zhongwu from now on.

Okay, Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Zhongwu.

Han Xiao nodded to express her understanding.

It's okay for Dragon King Ruotuo to change his name, after all, the meaning of the word Ruotuo is too conspicuous in Liyue.

But Zhongli and Zhong Wu...

The name given by the other party is quite interesting.

Although the two names look similar at first glance, they are actually two surnames. People who don't understand think they are brothers from the Zhong family.

Han Xiao, Zhong Wu and I are going to meet some old friends first, and we'll meet again during the Hai Lantern Festival.

Yes, boy from the Han family, I have heard everything from Zhongli. There is a diplomat coming from Zhidong that makes you Qixing feel a little troublesome, right?

After Zhongli finished speaking, Dragon King Ruotuo on the side also smiled and took up the topic:

During the Hai Lantern Festival, Zhongli and I will go to Liyue Port to celebrate the festival. Remember to point out the location of Beiguo Bank to me then.

No problem, Mr. Zhongwu, I will personally accompany you during the introduction!

Okay, okay, we'll see you at Liyue Port then!

As he spoke, Ruotuo Dragon King took a step and instantly ejected into the air, leaving only a string of extremely heroic laughter:

Old friend, we haven't competed for a long time. Do you want to compete to see who can reach Hulao Mountain first?

When will your temper calm down?

Looking at Ruotuo Dragon King flying into the air, Zhongli couldn't help but shook his head and sighed helplessly.

But the movements of his feet were not slow at all. He lifted his whole body up on the spot and chased after him.

Chapter 611 Yae Shenzi took over the transaction

After the wear and tear on Ruotuo Dragon King's body was resolved, Han Xiao relaxed a lot.

He was in a happy mood and even hummed a tune from time to time as he drove back to the city.

If the wear and tear problem of Dragon King Tuo is successfully solved, Zhongli will have to deal with the wear and tear in his body in a few days. In that time, he will be able to see the Emperor Rock King returning to his heyday.

At that time, there will be Ruotuo Dragon King standing on the bright surface of Liyue, and there will be Zhongli in his prime behind him, plus him.

Even Zhi Dong, the strongest force in the Seven Kingdoms, Han Xiao still has the confidence to go head-to-head.

After all, Mr. Zhongli was a champion player in the entire Liyue Division, and the absolute top demon in the Teyvat continent.

Ruotuo Dragon King is even more incredible. He is one of the Seven Dragon Kings, the Ancient Rock Dragon King, and his strength is not inferior to that of Zhongli in his heyday.

In addition, he is a demon-level god with high-level power.

Moreover, there are still immortals alive in Liyue. If they really want to fight, they may not lose even if there are four demon god-level beings in Zhidong.

With a happy mood, Han Xiao drove all the way back to Guili City.

But not long after he arrived home, his secretary Xu Wan came to his door.


Lord Hanxiao, Miss Kamisato sent a message to me, hoping to see you again before the Sea Lantern Festival.

Seeing Han Xiao, who had just arrived home and had not had time to change clothes, Xu Wan quickly explained the purpose of her visit.

Oh, she wants to see me?

After hearing Xu Wan's report, Han Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that after so many days of waiting, the other party has finally made up his mind?

Then he had to take a good look at what choice the eldest lady of the Kamisato family would make, and whether it was consistent with what he had guessed.

Xu Wan, go and reply to Miss Shenli. I will be waiting for her arrival in the reception room of Kuixing Tower tomorrow afternoon.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

After receiving the order, Xu Wan didn't waste any time and stood up to leave.

After sending Xu Wan away, Han Xiao went into the house and changed into clean clothes. Then she lay on the sofa and took out her mobile phone and dialed Ke Qing's number.


Hey, who is that?

After a few rings, Keqing's heroic voice reached Han Xiao's ears.

It's me, Han Xiao.

Don't tell me you have something to do with me again?

When she heard the call from Han Xiao, Keqing, who was driving to the next installation site with her team, her face froze, and then she asked with worry on her face.

She was a little scared now when she received Han Xiao's call.

It's not that I'm afraid of the other person, it's mainly because every time Han Xiao calls during this period, it temporarily increases the workload on herself, and it's also very important work.

No matter how much she loves her job, Ke Qing doesn't want to see her work plans disrupted again and again by Han Xiao.

That was too much torture.

It has to be said that Han Xiao is the only one in Liyue who can make the workaholic Ke Qing afraid of increasing her workload.

No, no, no new job this time!

Even Han Xiao, who had always been shameless, felt a little embarrassed when he heard that Ke Qing doubted her motives for making the call.


Who makes the other party's highly subjective worker really easy to use?

After sighing in his heart, Han Xiao explained the purpose of his call:

I'm calling to ask you how the progress is over there. Do you have enough time?

I'm on my way to Qingce Village. Qiaoying Village and other places have been completed, and only Qingce Village is left.

Okay, it's very efficient!


Hearing this, Keqing couldn't help but sneer while holding her phone:

Had it not been for the fact that cement roads were installed in all major villages and the speed of our electric cars had increased a lot, otherwise we would not have been able to complete it before the Hai Lantern Festival.

Please, please and Ningguang make a decision earlier next time!

Don't worry, it probably won't happen.

In response to Ke Qing's complaint, Han Xiao quickly assured her that there wouldn't be so many temporary things to do in the future.

After all, in more than a year, the other party has basically spread all kinds of facilities throughout Liyue.

There shouldn't be so much infrastructure to be laid in the future...right?

You'd better keep your word and let's stop talking now. See you at the Lantern Festival!

Well, see you at Liyue Port then.


Time ticked forward, and one night passed in the blink of an eye.

At noon the next day, Han Xiao, who was full of energy, set out from home to Kuixing Tower, waiting for the arrival of Kamisato Ayaka.

About an hour later, he saw each other in the living room.

Miss Kamisato, it seems from your expression that you have made your decision?

Since the two had formally met before, Kamisato Ayaka did not wear the luxurious dress this time, but changed back to regular clothes.

Han Xiao was a little disappointed about this, after all, who doesn't like to look at beautiful girls.

That's not to say that Ayaka Kamisato is not beautiful in her normal state.

The main reason is that he has been watching this regular server in the game for too long in his previous life, and he has long been tired of it.

Ayaka’s dress is so eye-catching!

Yes, Mr. Hanxiao, I have already reported the conditions you proposed before to Mr. Palace Secretary.

Kamisato Ayaka paused for a moment, a trace of struggle flashed in her eyes.

Although both the General and the Eighth Palace Secretary agreed to this transaction with Han Xiao, she still hesitated.

The reason why the General and the others chose to agree to Han Xiao's request clearly had another purpose behind them.

Just to achieve this goal, Inazuma will first have to lose a lot of profits.

After thinking for many days, Kamisato Ayaka was unable to deduce the final purpose of the Shogun and the others because of the lack of key evidence. She was very troubled in her heart.

Even though Yaeguji once said that Inazuma might undergo earth-shaking changes in the future, she really didn't dare to take the gamble without finding out any inside story.

After all, Yugang's business accounts for a large share of Daozhu's export trade.

If Liyue also mastered the original unique skills of Dao Wife, Dao Wife would definitely suffer a lot of losses in a short period of time.

I hope Inazuma will not regret this choice in the future!

Thinking of the order given to him personally by the General, Kamisato Ayaka sighed in his heart, and then revealed Inazuma's decision.

Mr. Hanxiao, the general has already agreed to your previous request.

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