The meeting between Ningguang and Columbia ended quickly, but Han Xiao's conversation with Kamisato Ayaka reached a deadlock.

The reason is also very simple.

After discussions, although Han Xiao agreed to sell cement, electric lights and other important supplies to Inazuma, a series of purchase methods proposed by Kamisato Ayaka were rejected by him.

In Han Xiao's words, Liyue is not short of Maura now. If the other party doesn't give him a condition that makes his heart beat, the deal probably won't go through.

After all, there is no shortage of buyers for things like cement lamps and Inazuma's family. Xumi, Nata and even Zhidong are all potential buyers.


Seeing Han Xiao's expression of the old god's presence, Kamisato Ayaka's frown never relaxed.

Liyue's wealth is not comparable to that of today's Dao Wife. If she can't even impress Maura, then she really won't be able to get anything else of value in her hands.

But Kamisato Ayaka really doesn't want to give up these things, especially cement.

She has personally experienced the benefits of concrete roads.

Even though Kamisato Ayaka didn't know that Han Xiao had a famous saying in her previous life, 'If you want to get rich, build roads first', the education she received at her level also made her understand how important building roads is to a country. benefit.

Mr. Hanxiao, please tell me how I can purchase these important supplies.

After thinking for a long time but unable to think of any good solution, Kamisato Ayaka could only raise her head and look at Han Xiao, and asked what the other party needed before he was willing to sell these things to Inazuma.

I only need two sides.

Seeing that Kamisato Ayaka left the choice to herself, Han Xiao slowly pointed out two fingers to the pen:

First of all, I need equivalent jade steel finished products, raw materials and forging techniques.

Secondly, I heard that General Raiden has many unique mechanisms and alchemy techniques. I hope to see them.


After listening to Han Xiao's request, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and almost said that this child is so terrifying.

But it’s actually not bad.

Because in her eyes, Han Xiao, who dared to make these two demands, was a bit brave.

One of the important items in Daozhi's foreign trade is the sale of weapons, and the quality is no less than the weapons produced in Liyue.

The reason lies in the selection of materials and forging techniques.

Han Xiao needs jade steel and forging methods as soon as he gets started. What's the difference between this and cutting off part of Dao's wife's foreign trade.

Not to mention that he actually wanted some of the secret techniques in the hands of the General later.

This is almost an impossible condition.

Thinking of this, Kamisato Ayaka was ready to refuse.

But before she could speak, Han Xiao spoke out as if she had expected it:

Miss Kamisato, don't be too busy refusing. Maybe you can go to the Eighth Palace Secretary for information first. Maybe you can get a surprise!

What does the other person mean by this?

Could it be that the Lord Palace Secretary would actually agree to such a request?

Looking at Han Xiao who had a smile on his face and couldn't tell the other person's true intentions, Kamisato Ayaka was silent for a moment before slowly speaking:

...Okay, I will convey your request, Mr. Hanxiao, to Mr. Palace Secretary.

In this way, Ayaka Kamisato, who was full of confusion, said goodbye to Hanxiao, and hurried back to the temporary residence with Hayou, who was feeling sleepy.

She wanted to report the contents of today's conversation with Han Xiao to Yae Shenzi as soon as possible to see what choice the other party would make.

After watching Kamisato Ayaka leave, Han Xiao stood up slowly and walked out of the living room and returned to his office.

In his office, Xingqiu had been waiting for a long time.

Are you done talking?

Seeing Han Xiao walking into the office, Xingqiu, who was sitting on the sofa, asked with a smile.

Well, we're done talking.

Are you still making those requests?


Tsk tsk!

Seeing Han Xiao nodding, Xingqiu immediately clicked his tongue and looked at him with admiration:

By the way, what do you think? You can buy finished products like cement with mola, right? Why do you have to put forward such harsh requirements?

I just wanted to verify my guess.

What guess?

We can't say yet.

Han Xiao walked to sit on the sofa opposite Xingqiu, explained casually and fell into deep thought.

According to Beidou, shortly after the Sumeru Moon Incident, Kamisato Ayaka set off from Inazuma to Sumeru, and then to Liyue.

Obviously, the other party's intention was not just to seek help from Liyue.

It is more likely that it is aimed at him.

Chapter 608 Lei Movie: Promise him, Linghua!

Han Xiao has no regrets about resurrecting the Great Merciful Tree King and triggering the Sumeru Moon Incident.

After all, Heart of the Grass God can bring Liyue to the next stage of development, and overall he still makes a profit.


If you don’t regret it, you won’t regret it. You will still have a headache if you should.

The scene caused by the resurrection of the Great Merciful Tree King was too eye-catching, causing the entire top level of Teyvat continent to focus on him.

This made Han Xiao very suspicious. Whether it was the godly Ayaka who only stayed in Xumi for a while and transferred to Liyue, or the girl Columbia who came to Liyue without any warning to replace the former diplomat, these people have a lot of potential. Most likely it was coming for him.

No...that's not quite accurate.

Han Xiao was not sure of Columbia's purpose of coming to Liyue. The other party might be coming for him, or he might have another mission. He needed to see the other party's next actions before he could make a judgment.

But Kamisato Ayaka basically didn’t run away.

Because according to the information provided by Beidou, Ayaka Kamisato set out from Inazuma under the assignment of Yae Kamiko.

The most important thing is that the other party's trip to Xumi was like a formality. He went straight to Liyue after only staying for two days. Apparently, he realized that Romani Solomon, who caused the moon incident, was just a puppet.

And Inazuma is the only one who can see through this.

This is one of the reasons why Han Xiao gave such harsh conditions when discussing with Kamisato Ayaka.

He wanted to see how the other party would respond to his somewhat excessive conditions.

If this matter is handled by Kamisato Ayaka, then 80% of them will reject their conditions. After all, doing so will harm Inazuma's interests.

But if it were a Thunder movie, the situation would be different.

The reason why Lei Qianqing has been autistic for five hundred years is because the death of her relatives and friends one by one has been a huge blow to her, so she chooses to hide in a pure land and not care about worldly affairs.

So here comes the problem.

Han Xiao now has the 'Resurrection Technology' in his hands, and successfully completed the resurrection of the Great Mercy Tree King in Xumi.

Do you think Lei's movie will be exciting?

That is absolutely possible!

She may even exchange it for this 'resurrection technology' from herself at any cost, even if it means sacrificing some rice wife's interests.

Therefore, if Kamisato Ayaka came to Liyue this time because she was assigned by Lei Film, Han Xiao felt that the other party would most likely choose to agree in order to be on good terms with her.

After all, he holds the only 'resurrection technology' in his hand.

In the entire continent of Teyvat, except for Zhongli, who is blind to everything, who else can resist the temptation to resurrect his friends?


Linghua, promise him!

Things did not go as Han Xiao expected. After listening to Kamisato Ayaka repeating the conditions proposed by Han Xiao through the secret transmission device, Yae Shenzi gave his answer without thinking.

Wait...what do I hear?

In an instant, Kamisato Ayaka's eyes couldn't help but widen, and her beautiful face was filled with astonishment.

Lord Palace Secretary!

The next moment, she quickly reminded loudly:

Cement and other products can certainly play a big role in the development of Daozhu, but jade steel is an important guarantee for our ability to export weapons!

Once this technology is handed over, our rice wife will have no advantage at all in the creation of weapons!

Ayaka...I know everything you said.

After listening to Kamisato Ayaka's persuasion, Yae Kamiko, who was far away from Inazuma, walked out of the shrine and came under the sacred tree with gorgeous cherry blossoms floating in the air.

Looking up at the branches blowing in the wind, she slowly said:

Trust me, Ayaka!

General, she will not blame you for accepting these conditions.

You're right, I really won't blame you.

Suddenly, a crack flashed beside Yae Shenzi, and then Raikage's figure stepped out of it.


Let's talk about it later!

Before Yae Shenzi could say hello, Raikage stretched out his hand and pulled the secret sound transmission device over, and then suppressed his inner excitement and said to Kamisato Ayaka:

Little girl from the Kamisato family, your name is Ayaka, right?


Seeing the image of General Thunderbolt suddenly change on the secret transmission device, Ayaka Kamisato's whole body tensed up involuntarily, and a nervous look flashed in her eyes.

No need to be nervous, can I call you Ayaka?

It's Ayaka's honor, General!

very good.

Thunder Movie nodded slightly, and then slowly opened his mouth and issued the order from Narukami:

Linghua, I heard what you said before.

My opinion is the same as that of the Son of God. You can agree to the other party's request.

But... General!

Seeing that even General Raiden was ready to agree to Han Xiao's request, Kamisato Ayaka became more and more confused.

Obviously, both the Palace Secretary and Narukami knew that agreeing to each other's conditions would cost Inazuma a lot of money, so why did they still agree without hesitation?

Is there something particularly important in cement or lamps that I haven't noticed?

I know you have your doubts, but this is my order and you should know what to do.

This...yes, General, Ayaka will do it.

Feeling the unquestionable tone in Raikage's mouth, Kamisato Ayaka had to nod and promised that she would do it.

Oh, Ying, look at how hard you forced this little girl.

At this moment, the figure of Yae Shenzi appeared on the image of the secret sound transmission device again.

Ayaka, believe in our God, losing some benefits may bring about earth-shaking changes to Inazuma!

Son of God!

And you are really, for a little girl, you behave too fiercely...


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