We in Liyue do know a thing or two about Dao Wife's current situation, so after discussions with Qixing, we have also decided on an assistance plan. I think Senior Sister Gan Yu has already delivered the supply list to you.


Kamisato Ayaka nodded solemnly and said words of thanks.

Miss Gan Yu has handed over the supply list to me. The supplies on it are very rich. I am very grateful to Liyue for helping Linghua.

You're welcome, Miss Kamisato.

Han Xiao first waved her hand to indicate that the other party did not need to do this, and then pretended to be confused and asked:

Since Miss Kamisato has received the supply list, why did you come to Guili City to look for me? Do you have any other needs?

There are indeed some aspects that need to be discussed with Mr. Han Xiao.

Seeing that the topic was being spoken, Kamisato Ayaka immediately cheered up and looked at Han Xiao, and slowly expressed her thoughts:

The development of Liyue has opened my eyes. I want to purchase a batch of cement, electric lights and other products. I wonder if Mr. Han Xiao can fulfill his wish?

That's no problem.

Hearing that Kamisato Ayaka was interested in cement and other products as he and Ningguang had inferred, Han Xiao nodded very simply at first, and then changed the subject:

I just don't know what price you are willing to pay, Miss Kamisato?

How's Maura?

Seeing that Han Xiao was willing to sell, Kamisato Ayaka suppressed her inner excitement and directly offered to buy it with mola.

However, after hearing her thoughts, Han Xiao shook her head:

I'm sorry Miss Kamisato, the unit price of things like cement lamps is indeed not expensive, but when you add the quantity, it's definitely not a small amount.

It's not that I underestimate Rice Wife, but that Rice Wife is still in a state of recovery, and I'm afraid there are a lot of things that need Maura.


Hearing this, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but fell silent.

Because she knew that what Han Xiao said was true, most of Dao's wife's funds were now used to rebuild Dao's wife's economic system.

Cement and electric lights are certainly beneficial to the development of the country, but if a large amount of money is withdrawn at once, the construction of the entire system will be greatly delayed, which is not conducive to Inazuma's recovery.

Just as Han Xiao was having a meeting with Kamisato Ayaka, another meeting was taking place at the Jade Pavilion in Liyue Port at the same time.

Chapter 606 Girl: Solstice is here to repair relationships

Miss Columbia.

I remember that Liyue signed a contract with the members of the executive officers of the Fools. The Fools will completely withdraw from Liyue. How long have you been fulfilling the contract? Are you ready to violate the contract?

Looking at the petite blindfolded girl in front of him, Ning Guang's face was full of fear.

Although this executive officer looked frail, he always gave her the feeling that he was in danger.

Obviously the other party is very dangerous, much more dangerous than the previous young master who had a very easy-to-control personality.

Your Excellency Ningguang...

Hearing Ning Guang's question, the blindfolded girl Columbia's red lips opened slightly, like two dewy petals, and there was a faint smile on the corners of her slightly concave mouth:

The further you go, the more you realize how terrifying the demon god is. Even we Zhidong people are not arrogant enough to ignore the contract rules set by the Liyue Rock God.

Really, then can you explain why you appear in front of me?

Regarding the girl in front of her who gave her a strong sense of crisis, Ningguang pursed her lips and showed disbelief in her eyes.

Although the other party said it nicely, the mere fact that she appeared in front of him was enough to prove that Zhidong did not respect the contract as much as she said.

I can explain.

Columbia's slightly ethereal voice sounded again.

The contract was signed between Rosalin and your country Tianshu Star. We also abide by the contract and exited Liyue, but...

As she said that, she paused for a moment and changed into a slightly sad voice:

Due to some accidents, Rosalin has died in a foreign land. The person responsible for signing the contract is no longer there. This contract has come to an end, right?

So you fools no longer recognize this contract?

After hearing the girl Columbia's explanation, the corners of Ningguang's mouth lowered involuntarily, and she also let out a laugh.

When Ms. Rosalin signed the contract, she signed it in the name of the Fools.

No matter how nice Columbia's words are, their attitude is obviously that they don't want to continue to admit their fault.

In this case, Ningguang did not intend to face the young executive in front of him with a good face.

Although the opponent has always given her a very dangerous feeling, Liyue has never been afraid of powerful enemies!

No, no, no... Lord Ningguang, you misunderstood me.

Seeing that Ningguang seemed to be prepared for the breakdown of relations between the two countries, Columbia repeatedly waved her hands to signal the other party to calm down and listen to her explanation.

You should have noticed that the fools who came with me are still on the ship in the port and have never disembarked.

What does this mean?

It shows that we fools are not as unreasonable as Lord Ningguang thinks. Although Rosalin has died, the behavior of the contract she signed before still binds us, doesn't it?

What about you, Miss Columbia?

After listening to the girl's explanation, Ningguang picked up his special cigarette rod, played with it in his hand, and said casually:

It's just a boatload of fools and soldiers. Liyue doesn't care, but you, the executive officer, are different!

After all, your two former colleagues left a bad impression on Liyue.

Miss Ningguang doesn't need to be so hostile to me.

Perhaps because she saw that Ning Guang was extremely wary of her, there was a hint of sadness in the ethereal voice of the young girl Columbia:

In the end, we will stand together.

What do you mean?

Ning Guang frowned, somewhat confused as to why the other party suddenly said a meaningless and puzzling statement.

No, it's just my sigh for a moment, please don't pay attention to your Excellency Ningguang.

Realizing that she was subconsciously leaking a hint of unnecessary emotion, Columbia quickly adjusted her state, and then turned the topic away somewhat abruptly:

I came to Liyue this time just to serve as the new Zhidong diplomat stationed in Liyue. Those fools will soon leave Liyue and return to Zhidong with the previous diplomat.

It is true that my two colleagues may have created a somewhat bad impression on you, Lord Ningguang, but these are all personal actions. I can guarantee that Zhidong has no ill intentions towards Liyue.

Regarding Columbia's explanation, Ningguang's face remained serious.

Now Liyue and Zhidong are not bad enough to drive away envoys, so it is in line with the rules for the other party to take office in the name of diplomats.

Just... the first three seats of the executive to serve as a little diplomat?

This sounds a bit ridiculous no matter how you hear it.

Thinking of this, Ningguang held the cigarette rod in her right hand and suddenly knocked a few times on the coffee table between the two of them, making a thumping sound:

Miss Columbia, the position of diplomat in your country is rotated very diligently!

Let me think about it... It has been less than two years, and around the time of winter, we have had four diplomats in Liyue, right?

It's precisely because the previous predecessors were messing around a lot, that's why you need me to clean up the mess, isn't it?

Faced with Ning Guang's implicit 'teasing', Columbia looked at him calmly, with a slight smile on her lips, making her look quite harmless.

Although Rosalin has died and Zhidong can no longer recognize the contract, we are still abiding by the contents of the contract, right?

After all, Her Majesty the Queen sent me here as a diplomat this time to ease the currently somewhat stiff diplomatic relations between Zhidong and Liyue.

Heh... I hope it's as you said.


After the conversation ended, the girl Columbia hummed an ancient and unfamiliar song and left the Jade Pavilion with her adjutant Anna, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Ning Guang didn't say a word for a long time.

After being silent for a long time, she turned to look behind her and slowly asked:

Ye Lan, how credible do you think the executive officer's words are?

As Ning Guang finished speaking, Ye Lan's figure walked out of the dark room behind the living room.

It may be true or false. I don't have enough information to make an accurate judgment.

But I can be certain that Columbia's coming to Liyue to serve as a diplomat is definitely not as simple as what the other party said. It is to ease the relationship between Zhidong and us.

She definitely has another purpose for coming here this time!

Do you think so too?

Ning Guang also nodded, which was similar to what she had guessed. Then she asked again:

How did that executive make you feel? Was it difficult to deal with him?

I can only say that it is very dangerous, very dangerous!

Hearing Ning Guang's inquiry, Ye Lan's face turned serious.

For some reason, she always felt that the other party should have discovered that she was hiding in the dark room of the living room, but he didn't reveal it.

Moreover, her experience of wandering underground for many years reminds her all the time that the girl in front of her is definitely a very scary person.

Chapter 607 Han Xiao’s request

Ye Lan, I'll leave it to you to investigate the follow-up matters.


After hearing Ning Guang's instructions, Ye Lan couldn't help but raise her brows and look at him in surprise.

So you don't intend to pursue the issue of the Zhidong contract?

No way, I don't have a suitable reason.

Ningguang sighed softly. If possible, she would not want the girl to serve as the diplomat stationed in Liyue during the winter, but the other party did not go out of her way.

Although the relationship between Liyue and Zhidong has fallen to a freezing point because of the young master and the lady, the two countries have not completely severed diplomatic relations.

Colombia's appointment as the new diplomat is an internal position transfer within Zhidong. If I interfere, it will be interference in other countries' internal affairs.

And don't forget, she only brought one adjutant with her when she took office this time. The rest didn't let them off the ship at all. They were just waiting to pick up the previous diplomat and return to Zhihuang.

After hearing Ningguang's explanation, Ye Lan was a little surprised:

In other words, the other party actually complied with the contents of the previous contract?


Then why did she emphasize that the contract was signed by a woman?

The reason is very simple. She was just stating a fact to me, that is, the person responsible for the contract is no longer alive. Zhidong can completely deny the legitimacy of this contract.

As he spoke, he stared in the direction of Beiguo Bank, with an indescribable luster in his eyes.

And the reason why she didn't do this and still chose to abide by the contents of the contract was to express her attitude to me.

What attitude?

She came to Liyue to serve as a diplomat this time. She did come to repair relations between the two countries and had no other purpose.

Haha...I don't believe it!

After learning the subtext in Columbia's words, Ye Lan crossed her arms over her chest and tugged a sneer from the corner of her mouth.

There is nothing wrong with Zhidong wanting to repair the relationship with Liyue, but the other party can just send a professional diplomat to take over. Why send an executive here?

Moreover, this executive is still ranked third among the top, so sending her here would be overkill and underutilized!

So you need to investigate what other purposes she has in private.

Well, leave it to me.


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