As the nominal second-in-command and actual first-in-command in Guilicheng, Han Xiao would not shy away from him in many matters.

Therefore, he knew everything about Ina Wife's secrets.

Kamisato Ayaka came to Liyue this time just to seek Liyue's help in rebuilding Daowu, which is now in dire straits.

Which is the fastest growing city in Liyue today? Of course it is Guili City.

Whether it's the power system or the various products that benefit the people invented by Han Xiao and Abedo, or even some of Guilicheng's policies, these are the goals of Kamisato Ayaka.

After all, Dao's wife's current situation is no better than that of Guili City, which was just established before.

I know, I will meet him as soon as possible.

After listening to Xingqiu's words, Han Xiao quickly made the decision to meet with him.

All Ayaka Kamisato wants is for the reconstruction of Inazuma. As long as the other party can give a sufficient price, the business can still be done.

After all, Dao Wife still has a lot of good things, such as jade steel and other Dao Wife's unique minerals, some high-end knowledge in the hands of General Thunder and so on.

After making the decision, Han Xiao turned to Xingqiu and asked about the current situation of Captain Qin and his party:

Xingqiu, how have Captain Qin and Miss Lisa been doing in the past few days?

Since meeting Ningguang, Captain Qin and Miss Lisa should have started to enjoy their vacation.


Qin, didn't you agree to rest? Why do you still have work in hand?

In the luxurious reception room, Lisa's face was filled with helplessness as she watched Qin start correcting documents again at some point.

She had clearly agreed to go out and enjoy the vacation, but the other party actually put the government documents in her God's Eye space, which made her speechless.

I'm not sure about some important things. I have to take care of them myself.

Isn't there also Kaia?

It's not like you don't know Kaiya's temperament. Sometimes he handles things too informally.

Qin put down the quill in her hand and looked at Lisa with a serious face.

As the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind, she is very familiar with the behavior of her captains.

Although Kaia often shows a fishy attitude, under this lazy face, his behavior is actually a bit extreme.

Many times, in order to achieve his goals, Kaia will even walk within the boundaries of the law.

His temper has actually been tempered a lot now.

That's true, but sometimes it's a little out of line.

Forget it, let's talk about something else.

Lisa, who didn't want to continue discussing Kaia's issue, quickly cut off the topic and at the same time looked out the window at another two-story single-family guest house not far away that had the same regulations as the one they lived in.

Qin, did you know that the house opposite was occupied yesterday?

Oh? I really didn't pay attention to that.

Hearing Lisa say that someone was staying in the reception room opposite, Qin looked out the window in surprise.

If I remember correctly, the building opposite us should be specially set up for Inazuma.


Jean nodded to show that Lisa was right.

The area they live in is a special reception area specially set up by Han Xiao for senior officials or envoys from various countries. Basically, after each house is built, the user group is planned.

For example, the two-story building where they are currently staying is specially provided for Mondstadt.

So there are people from Dao Wife's side coming to Guili City.

Lisa walked slowly to the window and put her elbows on the window sill, holding her cheeks with her palms, looking at the two-story building not far away with her eyes.

It's normal.

While putting the corrected documents into his God's Eye, Qin then explained.

Inazuma's lockdown lasted for about two years. Not only did most of the foreign businessmen in the country disappear, but even the country's national strength dropped a lot.

Now that General Raiden has finally lifted the national lockdown order, the first thing he has to do is to restore domestic productivity and rebuild the economic system as soon as possible.

It's just that Daozhi's homeland is surrounded by the sea, and many resources are in urgent need of import. It's not surprising that she would seek help from Liyue.

In the past two years, Guilicheng has developed extremely rapidly, and many products that can open up new industries have been born.

It was absolutely normal for the envoys sent by Daozhu to notice Guili City.

Well, do you think we should get involved?

Thinking of the rice wife who was waiting for something to happen, Lisa's eyes instantly lit up and she quickly put forward her own ideas.

Mondstadt was also hit by a dragon disaster some time ago, and business was stagnant for a while. If the commercial routes between Mondstadt and Inazuma can be re-opened, it seems that a lot of economic pressure can be alleviated.

Being not.

Qin simply shook her head.

She has already discussed it with Ningguang. In the next few years, Mondstadt and Liyue will cooperate in depth, and Guili City will open up many new technologies to Mondstadt.

The attraction of re-exploring Inazuma's side is actually not very attractive to Qin. Anyway, the Knights do not intend to directly participate in it.

Of course, if a chamber of commerce wants to have a fight with Inazuma, the Knights will not stop it.


On the other side, Kamisato Ayaka, who was being discussed by Qin and Lisa, was feeling slightly nervous and expectant at this time.

Because just now, Xingqiu, the secretary-general of Guilicheng, conveyed to her the news that Han Xiao had returned to Guilicheng via his mobile phone, and made an appointment for a meeting at Kuixing Tower tomorrow.

Are we finally going to meet the rumored Tianshu Star?

In the past two days, from the rumors collected by Zaoyou, Kamisato Ayaka can tell that the people of Liyue have a very high opinion of Han Xiao, and many people have even regarded him as a legend.

Although it does sound a bit exaggerated, in her opinion, the other party is really capable of withstanding such evaluation.

Not to mention anything else, Han Xiao first rose to prominence in Liyue's political arena because of the Strata Rock Abyss incident.

As soon as it started, nearly a million people were mobilized. Not only did the other party not mess up, but they perfectly solved the people's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and used this to build a new city in Guiliyuan.

In the past two years, this new city named Guili has been developing at an unprecedented rate, and in some aspects it has even surpassed the prosperous Liyue Port.

Nowadays, Guili City is still known as the 'city that never sleeps' in Liyue, and the other party has successfully succeeded the new generation of Tianshu Star by virtue of this achievement.

When he thought that he was about to meet such a person, Kamisato Ayaka would naturally feel nervous and expectant.

Chapter 605: Han Xiao’s meeting with Kamisato Ayaka

The next day, early morning.

Kamisato Ayaka climbed out of the soft big bed early.

After washing up and eating breakfast, she opened the luggage she brought and took out a rather luxurious dress.

In terms of rank, it is almost second only to the twelve singles that are only worn during Inazuma ceremonies.

Miss, is it really necessary to dress so formally?

Zaoyu, who was woken up next to him, yawned and rubbed his eyes while asking the doubts in his heart.

Didn't you wear regular clothes when you went to see Miss Gan Yu last time?

The situation is different.

Hearing Hayao's question, Kamisato Ayaka smiled and explained:

I went to visit Miss Gan Yu before. It was entrusted by the Palace Secretary and it was a private visit.

This meeting with Tianshu Xinghanxiao is an official note between the two countries. The Kamisato family is responsible for cultural ceremonies and other matters. How can I be rude!

Although Kamisato Ayaka's explanation was very reasonable, Hayao always felt that her eldest daughter actually wanted to leave a good impression on the other party.

However, she didn't dare to say such words directly, which could easily lead to a beating, so she had to keep her mouth shut and serve Kamisato Ayaka to dress.

As the appointed time approached, Kamisato Ayaka went to Kuixing Tower accompanied by Zaoyou.

Fortunately, the distance between this residential area specially set up to receive distinguished guests and Kuixing Tower is very close.

The two of them walked for about ten minutes and arrived at the entrance of Kuixing Tower. Secretary Xu Wan had already been waiting here for a long time.

What a beauty!

When they first saw Kamisato Ayaka walking slowly accompanied by Zaoyu, even Xu Wan, who was a woman, couldn't help but be distracted for a moment.

But she quickly came back to her senses and hurriedly greeted him.

Miss Kamisato!

Excuse me for waiting, Secretary Xu Wan.

I don't dare, please come with me. Master Hanxiao has been waiting for you in the living room for a long time.

After a brief polite exchange, Xu Wan led Kamisato Ayaka through the hall of Kuixing Tower towards the reception room where Han Xiao was.

After a while, the group of people arrived outside the living room.

Dong dong dong——

Xu Wan stretched out her hand and knocked on the door of the living room rhythmically.

Master Hanxiao, Miss Kamisato has arrived.

Invite her in quickly.

Han Xiao's voice soon came from behind the door. After hearing the order, Xu Wan slowly opened the closed door, then turned around and bowed respectfully to Kamisato Ayaka:

Miss Kamisato, please!

Nodding slightly to express his gratitude, Kamisato Ayaka first asked Hayao to wait outside the door, and then slowly walked into the living room.

As soon as she entered the living room, she saw Han Xiao sitting on the sofa.

At the same time, Han Xiao also saw Kamisato Ayaka walking into the living room.

Oh, is this really a little turtle?

The ponytail she used to comb was scattered behind her like a waterfall, and the blue and white gradient dress was embroidered with exquisite patterns.

The decoration on the head has also been replaced with flowers and bows as the main body, and the sparkling gemstones are exquisite accessories as pendants.

Looking at Ayaka Kamisato, who was dressed in a fancy dress, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with surprise. She was much more beautiful than what she had seen in the game!

Is the person in front of me the new Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, who is very famous in Liyue?

It is said that boys like to look at beautiful women, but in fact girls also look twice at handsome guys.

Kamisato Ayaka is no exception.

Although she had known that Han Xiao was similar in age to her, she did not expect that his appearance was equally outstanding.

What amazed Kamisato Ayaka even more was Han Xiao's indescribable but extremely intoxicating temperament, which directly made the other person's appearance even more impressive.

Fortunately, both of them were not ordinary people, and they regained consciousness in almost a moment.

Welcome to Liyue, Miss Shenli!

After coming back to her senses, Han Xiao came to Kamisato Ayaka with a smile and performed the ancient Liyue ritual on her.

I am Han Xiao, Tianshu among the seven stars in Liyue.

Inazuma Shrine worships Sato Ayaka, the family god of the gods. I have met Mr. Hanxiao. Please give me some advice.

Seeing this, Kamisato Ayaka also bowed in a rather formal manner.

Miss Kamisato, please sit down.

After the two parties had seen each other, Han Xiao led Kamisato Ayaka to sit down in front of the sofa. He took the two of them to sit down. He did not choose to say some casual remarks, but directly started talking about business.

I won't say any more polite words. Miss Kamisato, how about we get down to business?

Please say.

Regarding Han Xiao's no-nonsense style of acting, Kamisato Ayaka straightened her back quickly and looked like she was listening.

“Although Dao’s wife Yu Liyue faces each other across the sea, the relationship between the two countries is still harmonious.”

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