Looking at the news that had just been urgently delivered, Ningguang frowned, obviously confused as to what Zhidong meant by this move.

You must know that they have clearly stated before that they will withdraw from Liyue.

But how long had it passed before the other party wanted to return to Liyue again?

By going back on their word like this, are the Fools challenging Qixing's bottom line?

Thinking of this, Ningguang called his secretary directly.

Baiwen, go find out who is coming back in Zhidong.

Yes, Lord Ningguang.

After giving instructions to his secretary, Ningguang walked to the window and took advantage of the height to look in the direction of Beiguo Bank.

This time she wanted to see how the fools had the courage to risk breaking the contract and return to Liyue.

In less than ten minutes, Ningguang's cell phone rang.

I am Ning Guang.

Lord Ningguang, the news has been confirmed. There is a new executive officer from Zhidong, who seems to be called a girl.

Near Beiguo Bank, Baiwen was holding his mobile phone in one hand and looking at the information just obtained from the informant with the other hand, picking out the key points and reporting to Ningguang.

Girl...I understand, please come back first.

After hanging up the communication with Baiwen, Ningguang's brows showed no intention of opening, and remained tightly knitted.

Executive Girl... If she remembers correctly, this seems to be the third seat of the Fools?

The last seat and the eighth seat had taken advantage of the chaos in Liyue to stir up trouble. If Han Xiao hadn't seen through their actions in advance, there's no telling how much trouble it would have caused.

Now there is a third seat, which is really not good news.

With a slightly worried expression, Ningguang picked up the phone again and dialed Han Xiao's number skillfully.

Hanxiao, I am Ningguang, are you busy now?

Han Xiao, who had just said goodbye to Dragon King Ruotuo, was driving towards Guili City. When he heard Ning Guang's slightly urgent question, he immediately asked in confusion:

You're not busy, what's wrong?

The Fools have sent a new executive.


After hearing what Ning Guang said, Han Xiao suddenly stepped on the brakes and parked the electric car on the side of the road, with an indescribable look of astonishment on his face.

You're not kidding?

I would joke about this kind of thing. According to the news from Baiwen, it is the third girl among the executive officers who is coming back.


Knowing that the executive sent by the Fools this time turned out to be one of the top three positions that Nasida said was comparable to the Demon God, Han Xiao immediately clicked her tongue, and a flash of displeasure flashed across her face.

The fools have made it clear that they want to tear up the contract he made with the lady!

The executive officers should know that Zhongli is fine. Aren't they afraid of being punished by eating rocks?


Han Xiao was suddenly startled, and then a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

It seems that the lady with whom he signed the contract died in Inazuma.

The main person responsible for this contract is gone, and it seems really difficult to deal with Zhidong's choice to default on the debt.

After all, Zhongli has now made it clear that he doesn't care about anything, and the girl from the third seat who is comparable to the devil is here, so there are too many variables to drive him away by force.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao quickly asked Ning Guang into the phone:

Ningguang, how long will it take for you to figure out the other party's purpose of coming to Liyue this time?

Chapter 603 The girl’s greeting

It's hard to say. The other party came too suddenly, and I basically didn't make any preparations to deal with it.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ningguang raised the other hand that was not holding the phone and pinched the tip of her nose lightly, with a somewhat troubled expression on her face.

This time Zhidong really caught her off guard.

No, you can't say that either.

If it were normal, Ningguang would definitely be on guard against the fools.

But this time it's a little different.

First of all, Ningguang knew that the emperor did not really die but faked his death and abdicated.

Secondly, she also knew that Han Xiao and the executive lady had signed a contract for the Fools to completely withdraw from Liyue.

The news that the emperor faked his death is basically no secret among the top leaders of various countries in the Teyvat continent. Fools will not be unaware of this.

Perhaps it was because of the news that the emperor had faked his death, and because the old man valued the contract, that Ningguang believed that the Fools would not be so stupid that he would voluntarily violate the contract.

However, this time she was a little careless.

The fools really dare to do this, and even show it so obviously.

It's mostly my problem.

Hearing that Ning Guang was also unprepared, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh and took the responsibility for this matter.

The reason why the Fools dared to return to Liyue Port so arrogantly was mainly because he left a loophole when he signed the contract, allowing the other party to take advantage of it.

After all, it was the lady who signed the contract with Han Xiao, and it was she who promised to evacuate all the Fools from Liyue.

Now that the lady Rosalin has died in Daozhu's land, and the contract has no subject, the fools can naturally regard the contract as invalid and return to Liyue Port in an open and honest manner.

Now is not the time to take responsibility.

Leaning against the window sill and looking in the direction of Beiguo Bank, Ningguang quickly put the matter over in a nutshell, and directly expressed his worries:

The question is what do we do next with that new executive.

Columbia, the girl who is the third executive officer of the Fools.

Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but remain silent.

To be honest, even he found it difficult to deal with the current situation.

Nasida and Zhongli both said that the top three seats of the executive officers all have strength no less than that of a demon god, so there is no need to think about force. If you want to force them out of Liyue Port, you can only rely on explicit means.

Although Han Xiao would not lose if he really wanted to fight with the opponent, and even had a high chance of winning.

But once two demon-god-level people start a fight, it will easily affect Liyue Port and cause huge casualties to Liyue Port.

This was something he, Ningguang and the other seven stars couldn't accept.

Let's find out her purpose of coming to Liyue first.

After thinking carefully in his mind, Han Xiao felt that he should first find out why the girl Columbia came to Liyue Port.

In other words, there is something else in Liyue that is worth sending the first three seats, or even taking advantage of the loopholes.

Vaguely, Han Xiao had a premonition.

He felt that the purpose of the girl Columbia's visit to Liyue this time might have something to do with him.

Leave this matter to me, I will let Ye Lan investigate the other party's purpose.


After hanging up the call with Ningguang, Han Xiao started the electric car again and drove towards Guili City, but at this time his mood changed drastically.

The good mood that was originally due to the fact that Ruoduo Dragon King was about to regain his sanity and return to Liyue quickly turned into a serious mood due to the sudden arrival of the girl Columbia.

Along the way, he was thinking about the purpose of the other party's trip.

In the end, after thinking about it, Han Xiao felt that if her hunch was correct and the girl Columbia was really here for her, then there was only one reason.

The other party came for the Sumeru Moon incident.

After all, the fools know more about the inside story of this matter than the top leaders of other countries.

Therefore, after losing the trace of Romani Solomon, it is not impossible for them to target themselves who are apparently related to each other.

Just as Han Xiao was thinking about how to deal with it next, Ning Guang, who hung up the phone on the other side, also took action.

She directly asked her secretary to find Ye Lan, and then introduced the general situation of the matter to him.

Does that mean my goal this time is the third seat among the fools?


“That’s really a bit challenging!”

Seeing Ning Guang nodding, Ye Lan held her hands in front of her chest to squeeze the slime, which was particularly eye-catching. The corner of Ye Lan's mouth slightly raised an excited smile, and her whole body began to exude a dangerous aura.

As Liyue's secret operations intelligence officer, she had naturally heard rumors about the top three executive positions of the Fools.

Comparable to the devil!

Although Yelan didn't know how credible the rumors were, it didn't stop her from considering the girl Columbia as a powerful prey.

When she thought that she was about to start a secret battle with such a terrifying existence, she almost became addicted to this dangerous excitement.

Dong dong dong——

Just when Ningguang was about to speak and give Ye Lan some more advice, a rapid knock on the door interrupted her words, and then the voice of secretary Bai Xiao came from outside the door:

Lord Ningguang, the envoy from Beiguo Bank sent a letter of greeting!

Come in and talk.

Upon hearing the summons, Bai Xiao reached out and pushed open the door of the living room and handed an exquisite greeting card directly to Ningguang:

Lord Ningguang, this is a greeting card sent by someone from Beiguo Bank.

This envoy is about to step down, and the new envoy would like to pay a visit to Qunyu Pavilion in the near future.

You go down first.

Reaching out to take the invitation, Ning Guang did not look at it immediately, but instead asked Bai Xiao to step back first.

After the other party left the living room and closed the door again, she slowly opened the invitation card and browsed it.

The content on the greeting card is simple.

Zhidong's envoy in Liyue is about to step down, and the new diplomatic ambassador in Zhidong in Liyue will be the executive officer Columbia.

In addition, the other party also expressed in the greeting message that he wanted to visit Qunyuge before taking office. The main purpose was to ease the rigidity of relations between the two countries caused by certain misunderstandings.

After reading the content on the greeting card, Ningguang frowned and forwarded the greeting card to Ye Lan who was standing aside.

Seeing this, Ye Lan reached out and took the invitation and read it carefully.

Tsk tsk... the person who came here is not a good person!

The content on the invitation led her to give her own evaluation immediately.


After hearing Ye Lan's evaluation of the girl Columbia's action, Ning Guang nodded in agreement.

The other party had just arrived at Liyue Port and had withdrawn from his previous envoy's position, and he even sent his greetings so openly and openly.

All this shows that the Fools have been prepared to deal with Liyue's attack a long time ago.

Then what are you going to do with this invitation?

Now that the other party is ready to officially visit, I naturally want to get to know this third seat.

Chapter 604: Qin’s attitude towards Dao’s wife

You said the eldest lady of the Shenli family has arrived in Guili City?

Han Xiao, who returned to Guili City with full of thoughts, had not yet settled down when Xingqiu came to tell Kamisato that Ayaka had arrived at Guili City with her guard Zaoyou.

Yes... I arrived yesterday. It seems that I came specifically for you.

Xingqiu nodded slightly.

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