Liyue behaved very generously this time, which is logically a good thing. After all, Dao Wife does need these supplies to stabilize the morale of the army and take away to appease Haiji Island.

Walking to the sofa in the living room and slowly sitting down, Kamisato Ayaka nodded slightly, confirming that the content recorded on the list was true.

After all, since Gan Yu dared to hand it over to her, it meant that the list was unanimously approved by Qixing, and there was no need to fool him with a fake list.

Then why do you look so worried, Miss?

Hearing that Kamisato Ayaka confirmed the authenticity of the list, Hayao was even more puzzled.

Since the content on the list is true, why is my eldest lady not happy?

Kamisato Ayaka, who was sitting on the sofa, did not answer, but fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Zaoyou stopped talking and stood quietly waiting for the other party to finish thinking.

After a long silence, Kamisato Ayaka came back from her thoughts and then slowly explained:

I thought about it carefully just now. Although Liyue and Daoji are friends, Liyue has given us too many supplies. The amount is beyond my expectation.

Even if Lord Palace Secretary and Miss Gan Yu from Yue Hai Pavilion are friends in private, the relationship between Li Yue and Dao Wife is not as good as this.

Uh... could it be that Liyue doesn't lack these things?

Hearing Kamisato Ayaka's thoughts, Hayao bit his finger subconsciously, and then gave his guess.

They felt that these materials were surprisingly abundant, and maybe they were nothing in the eyes of the Liyue people!

It would be even scarier if that's what you think. This means that Liyue's national power may be far beyond our imagination.

Hayao's guess not only did not make Kamisato Ayaka relax, but instead made the other party's face look even heavier.

There are nearly twenty types of large and small items on the supply list, and the quantity of each item is measured in hundreds of tons.

If so many supplies are not worthy of their attention in the eyes of Liyue Qixing, it can only mean that Liyue's national power has reached a very terrifying level at this time.

But Liyue's strength shouldn't have anything to do with our Dao wives, right?

Looking at the heavy and serious face of his eldest lady, Zaoyou couldn't help but reach out and scratch his little head.

They are not from Liyue. Does Liyue's strength have something to do with them?

It's not that simple, Hayao.

Kamisato Ayaka sighed slightly, sometimes the price for gifts that are too generous has already been set in secret.

Liyue behaved so generously, so what price would Dao's wife have to pay?

Chapter 598 Abedo: The plan for the coming year is shocking

Just when Kamisato Ayaka was thinking hard about the 'price' Inama would pay for Liyue's generous assistance.

Han Xiao, who was far away in Guili City, was in an unspeakably delicate situation at this time.

Alchemy workshop·reception area.

Han Xiao and Keli were sitting on the left and right sides of the sofa arranged in a Z-shaped arrangement. When they looked at each other, they found that the other's face was a little solemn.

Because there was a lot of weird alchemical materials, mysterious and suspicious powders and an empty shell placed on the coffee table in the middle area.

Sitting on the horizontal sofa, Albedo crossed his arms and glanced at Han Xiao and Keli on his left and right sides, and then asked in a calm voice:

Tell me, what's going on?

Well...Brother Abedo, Brother Hanxiao and I are just researching the explosive formula. We didn't do anything bad, right?

Although she didn't quite understand why Abedo's face was so serious, Keli still whispered what she and Han Xiao were doing before.

Since they hadn't seen each other for a long time, Keli got up early in the morning and ran to Han Xiao's house and knocked on the door to wake him up. Then the two of them went to the alchemy workshop to start the long-lost 'joint development mode'.

However, just after studying for a while, they were stopped by Abedo who came with a dark face.


Albedo, we are just studying the explosive formula, why are we so serious?

Han Xiao on the side also nodded.

Normally I don't see Abedo getting in the way when Keli is researching the explosive formula. Why did he suddenly make such a fuss today?


Seeing Han Xiao and Keli's disinterested expressions, Abedo couldn't help but sneered twice, then reached out and grabbed a handful of powder on the coffee table and spread it in front of Han Xiao:

Then tell me what explosive formula is used to prepare this powder?

...Just an ordinary formula!

Ordinary...not necessarily!

Throwing the powder in his hand back to the coffee table, Albedo couldn't help but gritted his teeth and told the model number of this formula powder:

I remember this is the explosive powder you specially prepared to deal with Osel!

What's the matter, are you planning to let Mond and Liyue enjoy the mushroom clouds together during the Sea Lantern Festival!

Ah this...

Facing the rising momentum of Albedo, Keli and Han Xiao looked at each other and fell silent.

In short, this formula is absolutely prohibited from being used again!

But... Keli really wants to see Brother Hanxiao's work that was praised by her mother!

I knew it had something to do with Aunt Alice!

Hearing Keli's low-pitched defense, Abedo suddenly felt tired. The days surrounded by three 'explosion enthusiasts' were really too difficult.

If he continues like this, he always feels that he will suffer from new symptoms after the 'red and blue phobia', and the only problem is that he is afraid of mushrooms.

Faced with his sister's pitiful expression, Abedo could only patiently comfort him:

Keli, if Captain Qin knows that you used such a dangerous formula, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow. Can we play again when you grow up?

Oh well.

Although she really wanted to see what the big mushroom cloud in her mother's mouth looked like, when she thought of the angry Captain Qin, Keli felt that it would be better for her to be honest.

And you, Han Xiao!

Seeing that Keli promised him, Abedo immediately turned his attention to Han Xiao, whose eyes were wandering:

Save this thing for now. Don't take it out to scare Liyue and Mond.


Han Xiao wanted to say that it was very non-standard to only talk about the power but not the yield of explosives, but when he saw Albedo with a serious face, he finally gave up the explanation.


After pulling the two together and giving a serious warning, Abedo took out part of the explosive formula Han Xiao had eliminated from the filing cabinet and handed it to Keli, asking her to study it on her own.

He and Han Xiao continued to sit in front of the sofa and talk about business.

How do you plan to arrange Captain Qin and Miss Lisa?

I don't have to worry about this matter, Ningguang will take over.

Hearing Abedo's question about how to entertain Qin and Lisa, Han Xiao quickly waved his hand and said that he had left this matter to Ning Guang.

After all, Qin and Ningguang had always exchanged letters, and the two of them got along relatively well, so it was appropriate for Ningguang to entertain them.

Well, what about the plans for the coming year? Do you have any plans?

...I told you to have a good rest during the Hai Lantern Festival. Why are you still thinking about research?

Seeing Abedo talking about last year's research even after a disagreement, Han Xiao was immediately speechless.

He's not a 996 boss, and the other party's attribute of 'beating workers' is a bit too strong.

That's because we have a lot of research topics for next year, too many to solve.

Abedo shrugged and stated the facts to Han Xiao calmly.

He is not kidding, there are indeed a lot of research topics for next year.

For example, transplant an electric power tree from the Xumi area to Liyue, and then use the power of the electric power tree to upgrade the entire Liyue power supply system.

Secondly, various types of electric vehicles also need to be updated.

The design of the second generation steel steamship cannot be left behind.

The rest, such as mobile phones and new weapons, need to be developed by them.

In addition to these, there is a larger and more important topic, which is the research and development and utilization of the network.

Among so many topics, most of them can only be developed by Han Xiao, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo due to knowledge threshold and confidentiality.

That's why he said there will be a lot of work next year.

Tsk...that's quite a lot!

When Abedo put the topics in front of him one by one, Han Xiao realized that there was so much work to do in their hands.

Especially the research and development of the Internet, software and hardware, cannot be completed within a year.

That's why I asked you if you had any plans.

Let me think about it carefully. How about I give you an answer in a few days?

I have a suggestion here. I wonder if you are willing to listen to it.

Oh, what advice?

Seeing that Abedo seemed to have a solution to the problem, Han Xiao suddenly became interested and quickly asked.

Increase research manpower.

What you said is simple, but it's not that easy to do.

Han Xiao waved his hands repeatedly. He thought Abedo had thought of some good idea, and that was it for co-authoring?

Han Xiao had considered this method a long time ago, but was ultimately rejected by him.

The reason is also very simple. Even if we exclude some core research where confidentiality is more important, the remaining part requires quite high knowledge literacy of researchers.

How high is it?

Counting him, there were only three people in Liyue.

Chapter 599: Candidate recommended by Abedo

After these two years of training, Liyue's alchemists have actually grown quite well.

For example, Han Xiao had already thoroughly understood the blueprints for electric kettles, induction cookers, refrigerators, etc., and even developed alchemy products such as dishwashers, heaters, and ovens based on these products.

However, in Han Xiao's eyes, the growth rate of these people is still too slow and they are simply unable to bear the heavy responsibility of core research.

emmm, this can only be said that his vision is a little high.

But after carefully thinking about the people Han Xiao came into contact with on weekdays, it seemed that he didn't blame him for having high standards.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, a master of mechanism skills, also has some research in alchemy.

Albedo is an alchemy wizard, the kind of person who can handle half of the industry by himself.

Fa Xiaoxing, Qiu Xiangling and others are either swordsman geniuses or top chefs with first-class cooking skills at a young age. In short, none of them are simple.

Even he himself became one of them after superimposing his learning talent, not to mention that there was Zhongli who knew a little bit about everything.

It would be strange if Han Xiao, surrounded by these people, didn't have high standards.

Most of Liyue's core research requires a strong knowledge reserve and excellent professional skills. Although the alchemists in Liyue have grown somewhat, they still cannot meet his standards.

Your standards are really high.

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, Abedo couldn't help but shook his head.

If you follow the other party's selection criteria, Keli and Sugar have enough potential, but their current abilities are not good enough. One is focused on the research of explosive formulas, and the other is

Apart from him, Lisa seemed to be the only one in Mondstadt who could meet this standard.

As for Aunt Alice, the other party's elusiveness doesn't count.

Do you think people who are not very skilled in what we are studying can participate?

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