If the person coming was a pink-furred fox like Yae Shenzi, who had eight hundred tricks all over his body, he would probably be wary.

It's just a little turtle, and it's not easy to fool the other party.

Chapter 596: Ayaka Kamisato was clearly arranged

As for the targeted conversation between Han Xiao and Ning Guang, Kamisato Ayaka, the person involved, did not know anything about it, and naturally did not know that the two of them had basically figured out her main purpose of coming to Liyue this time.

Even if she didn't know it, Kamisato Ayaka's first night in Liyue was actually not stable.

Because as soon as she closes her eyes, she will unconsciously compare Dao Zhi and Liyue in her mind, and then draw a conclusion about the gap between the two.

It was precisely because he found that his rice wife was being outdone by Liyue in every aspect that Ayaka Kamisato found it increasingly difficult to fall asleep.

The time soon came to the next morning.

Kamisato Ayaka woke up early with a tired look on her face.

Although she fell asleep much later last night, her long-established biological clock still made her wake up on time at this time in the morning.

Kamisato Ayaka, who couldn't sleep as soon as she woke up, chose to get up from the bed. After a simple wash, she took out new clothes from her luggage and put on them. Then she walked out of the room and came to the other guest room where Hayou was. .

Dong dong dong——

Haoyou, are you awake?

Kamizato Ayaka reached out and knocked on the door, and shouted a few more times. When she found that there was no movement inside the door, Kamisato Ayaka gave up the idea of ​​waking up Hayao.

It seems that Zaoyou is still sleeping.

As the eldest lady of the Kamisato family, she certainly knows how virtuous Hayou is in the final episode.

Therefore, after discovering that he could not wake up the other party, Kamisato Ayaka didn't think much and walked out of the luxury hotel with the letters and gifts prepared by Yae Kamiko.

After leaving the hotel, she walked towards Yuehai Pavilion along the direction she had found.

Moon Sea Pavilion.

Relying on the guidance of pedestrians on the road, Kamisato Ayaka quickly arrived near the Tsukikai Pavilion. Just as she was about to enter the Tsukikai Pavilion, she was stopped by the soldiers guarding outside the door:

Stop, this is the center of Liyue Port, please leave quickly if necessary!

After stopping Kamisato Ayaka who was about to enter Tsukikai-tei, the guard soldiers of the Sengan Army explained to him very skillfully.

Please send me this letter to Miss Ganyu, and tell her that the deity of the house, Ayaka Rei, is requesting a meeting.

Faced with the obstruction of the soldiers, Kamisato Ayaka did not force her way in by relying on her status as a diplomatic envoy. Instead, she directly took out the letter written by Yae Kamiko to Gan Yu and handed it to the guarding soldiers, and asked the other party to send the letter to Gan Yu. hands.

OK, just a second.

A soldier guarding Tsukikai-tei nodded, took the letter from Kamisato Ayaka and turned to walk inside Tsukikai-tei.



About ten minutes later, Kamisato Ayaka heard a series of sounds of high heels stepping on the ground.

At the same time, a beautiful girl with blue hair and long horns appeared in front of her with small steps from the Moon Sea Pavilion.

Hello, my name is Gan Yu. You should be the Miss Kamisato Ayaka mentioned in the letter by Kamiko's sister, right?

It's really me.

Miss Kamisato, please come with me.

Seeing Kamisato Ayaka nodding and acknowledging her identity, Gan Yu turned around and whispered a few words to the guarding soldiers, and then invited them to follow her into Yuehai Pavilion.

Soon, led by Gan Yu, they walked into an empty office.

After asking Kamisato Ayaka to sit down, Ganyu poured tea for her and asked about Yae Kamiko's current situation:

Miss Kamisato, how is sister Kamiko doing lately?

Everything is going well, Miyaji-sama. Not only did he open a Yaedo shop in Inazuma Castle to sell light novels, but he also recently assisted travelers in holding a sacred cherry blossom ceremony.

When Gan Yu asked about the current situation of Yae Shenzi, Kamisato Ayaka did not hesitate and directly told everything she knew about the situation.

That's good. Because of the blockade, we lost contact before. Now that I know she is fine, I feel relieved.

After learning from Kamisato Ayaka that everything was fine with the Eightfold Divine Son, Gan Yu immediately got into work mode after sighing a little:

Miss Shenli, I already know the current situation of Ina Wife from sister Shenzi's letter. As an ally, Liyue is willing to provide part of the materials to support Dao Wife's reconstruction.

With that said, she walked to the desk nearby, pulled out a document from a thick pile of documents and handed it to Kamisato Ayaka.

This is the current list of supplies that Liyue can provide. Please take a look.

Reaching out to take the document, Kamisato Ayaka began to read it quite seriously.

There are many contents recorded in the documents, most of which are materials related to food, clothing, housing and transportation, such as grain and silk.

It can be said that with the support of these materials, it is enough for Inazuma to deal with internal problems and restore the previous productivity.

From this point of view alone, Liyue really helped Dao's wife sincerely.

Seeing that Ayaka Kamisato had finished reading the contents on the supply list, Gan Yu continued:

Regarding the rebuilding of the economic system, Qixing felt after discussion that it was inappropriate for Liyue officials to intervene in Daozhu affairs, so attracting the chamber of commerce to settle in Daozhu can only be done by the private sector.

I hope Miss Kamisato understands this.

If so, I would be very grateful to Liyue for providing such abundant resources to assist Dao Wife.

Kamisato Ayaka stood up and bowed to Gan Yu quite solemnly, and her words were also quite sincere.

To be honest, the amount of material assistance provided by Liyue completely exceeded her expectations.

It's just... Lord Gan Yu, I still have a little question, I don't know whether I should answer it or not?

After saluting Ganyu, Kamisato Ayaka opened his mouth and asked with some hesitation.

But it doesn't matter.

I see that Liyue's lighting system and transportation have undergone great changes. I wonder if these things can be provided?

Although Liyue has provided a lot of assistance, logically she should feel satisfied, but she thought of what she saw in Liyue Port yesterday and the novel equipment.

For the development of Inazuma, Kamisato Ayaka gritted her teeth and made more demands with shame.

Sorry Miss Kamisato, I can't make the decision in this regard.

Hearing Kamisato Ayaka's slightly 'greedy' request, Gan Yu seemed to have expected it, and the expression on his face did not change at all before he rejected her idea.

I'm really sorry for making such an unsatisfactory request.

Faced with Gan Yu's rejection, Kamisato Ayaka was disappointed but also did not forget to bow and apologize to him.

After all, her request was indeed a bit too much.

However, what Ayaka Kamisato didn't expect was that Gan Yu's next words gave her a glimmer of hope again.

These new equipment regarding electric lights and electric vehicles are all provided by Guili City. If Miss Shenli has any ideas about these equipment, you can go to Guili City to have a look.

Guili City is the new city built by Tianshu Star in Guiliyuan?


Chapter 597: Kamisato Ayaka’s worries

After getting the clues from Gan Yu's mouth, Kamisato Ayaka thanked her profusely and left Yuehai Pavilion feeling a little dizzy.

Behind her, Gan Yu was silently watching the other person's leaving figure.

It wasn't until she could no longer see Ayaka Kamisato that she took out a mobile phone from the space of the Eye of God and dialed Ningguang's number.


The communication ring was connected just after it rang, and Ningguang's voice reached Gan Yu's ears.

How is it going?

Kamizato Ayaka came to visit me today with a letter from Kamiko. According to your previous arrangement, I let her see the supply list.

What about Guili City? Have you talked about it?

Well, she should have become interested in Guili City.

Hearing Ningguang's question, Gan Yu hummed softly, but then she couldn't help but asked curiously:

Ningguang, can you tell me why you deliberately asked me to direct the sight of Kamisato Ayaka to Guili City, or to Han Xiao?

Even without my guidance, the eldest lady's eyes will fall on Guili City sooner or later,

In response to Gan Yu's question, Ningguang said that she was just following the trend.

After all, Kamisato Ayaka only needs to stay in Liyue for a few more days, and her attention will naturally be attracted to Guili City.

So she just moved the time forward a little.

I always feel that you and Han Xiao are plotting against Dao Wife...

Gan Yu sighed softly.

Who are Ning Guang and Han Xiao? They are the two legends among Liyue people. They are people who climbed to the Seven Stars position by relying on their own abilities.

With their minds and skills, they chose to deliberately attract Kamisato Ayaka's attention to Guili City as soon as possible.

Gan Yu would never believe it if there was no calculation involved.

Judging from her experience, these two people probably had some thoughts about Ina Wife.

After all, to put it bluntly, Kamisato Ayaka is just a beginner who has just stepped onto the stage, and is still very immature in all aspects.

At present, there is no capital to be set up by Han Xiao and Ningguang.

So the target of the two of them is probably Inazuma, the man behind Ayaka Kamisato.

Thinking of this, Gan Yu carefully put forward his suggestions into the phone microphone:

Although I don't know what you want to do specifically, please don't be too harsh, otherwise the friendship between sister Shenzi and I will really fall apart!

...Don't worry, things won't reach this level yet!

Listening to Yeyang's pitiful request from the phone, Ningguang couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

She and Han Xiao just made a casual plan and planned to take advantage of the initiative and use technologies such as electric lights to exchange some unique technical information from Dao Wife.

Why did Gan Yu think that she and Han Xiao were going to attack Dao's wife?


His eyes returned to Kamisato Ayaka.

After coming out of Tsukikaitei, Kamisato Ayaka returned to the hotel full of thoughts. As soon as she opened the door of the guest room, Hayao appeared in front of her.

Miss, you are back! Where have you been this early in the morning?

Seeing the safe and sound Ayaka Kamisato in front of him, Hayao almost cried.

The head of the family sent her here to protect the eldest lady, but she ended up letting her go out alone because she was sleeping in.

If something went wrong, Haoyu felt like he would become Hijuyu.

Don't worry. I just went to Yuehai Pavilion to visit Miss Gan Yu. How could I be in danger?

Seeing that the little tanuki in front of him was so frightened, Ayaka Kamisato smiled reluctantly and signaled that the other party did not need to blame himself so much.

Miss, are things not going smoothly?

Although she is not very reliable on weekdays, Hayao is still a capable ninja. She is very keen to notice that Ayaka Kamisato's mood is not very high.

This made her wonder whether her eldest daughter had hit a wall at Yuehai Pavilion.

No, quite the opposite.

The matter of Liyue assisting Dao Wife went more smoothly than I expected.

Kamisato Ayaka, who was told the central issue, shook her head, directly denied Zaoyu's guess, and took out the list of supplies that Ganyu gave her from her arms.

Isn't this a good thing, Miss?

He took the list with some surprise, and after just glancing at it, Zaoyu was stunned by the content recorded on it.

Really or not, so many supplies?

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