Han Xiao couldn't help curling his lips. Although his vision was indeed a bit high, their research itself was not easy.

Even if you lower your standards and let people come in, they may not only be unable to help, but may even hinder you.

Instead of doing this, it is better to set strict criteria for finding people from the beginning.

That's true.

Abedo did not refute the reasons given by Han Xiao. After all, their research was indeed quite difficult.

To give a simple example, in addition to mastering alchemy and mechanics, their research and development also involves new knowledge in many aspects such as optics, electricity, and the important branch of electromagnetism.

So! Increasing research manpower is not an option.

Seeing that Abedo also expressed his agreement, Han Xiao sighed helplessly.

That's not necessarily true. There are a few candidates in my image.

Suddenly, Abedo seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

I have been to Xumi before with my master when we were traveling in Teyvat Continent. There is a candidate there who is very suitable.


Han Xiao was a little surprised to hear that there was such a person in Xumi. Why hadn't he heard of it when he went to Xumi some time ago?

Fa Lushan, one of the founders of Xumi's classical mechanism art, is also a genius rune research expert. She has extremely high attainments in document interpretation and deciphering. She can play a great role in our interpretation of the runes in the Kanreia mechanism. s help.

Good guy, there are still such top talents hidden in Emotional Sumeru!

After listening to Abedo's introduction, Han Xiao's eyes immediately lit up. This person's configuration is really attractive.

Especially in terms of document interpretation and deciphering, with the help of Fa Lushan, Albedo's progress in deciphering the runes in the Canria mechanism will be greatly improved.

But soon, there was some hesitation on his face.

Abedo, how could Xumi let such a talented person go?

Because the other party is in trouble now!

Abedo directly described Fa Lushan's situation in Xumi in detail.

For example, the other party was trapped in the ruins of the Red King for a hundred years. After escaping, he could not apply for funds or recruit students when he returned to the Order Academy.

And the Internet we are studying has many similarities with the void system. Fa Lushan has many years of experience in using the void system, which is also very helpful to our development.

Fa Lushan is... OK, I'll note this person down.

Han Xiao nodded. If the other party was still in the predicament mentioned by Abedo, then he might be able to take this opportunity to poach him.

Immediately, he looked at Albedo with expectant eyes. After all, the configuration of the first candidate recommended by the other party was so good. Maybe there would be even bigger surprises next!

Facing Han Xiao's expectant gaze, Abedo fell silent, and his words were a little more hesitant.

As for the second choice...it might be a little troublesome.

Tell me, what's the trouble?

In the body of the demon dragon Dulin, there is actually an artificial person who belongs to the master's original plan like me.

After hesitating for a while, Abedo finally told what he knew.

Although the master said that he was a failure before me, in terms of certain abilities, he is no less than me.

If you can free him from Dulin's body, after a period of study, the other party will be able to meet your recruitment standards.

It turns out to be Master Abe!

After listening to Abedo's account, Han Xiao immediately remembered who the other party was talking about.

The snow mountain activity in the previous game was about Abe Shao, and the opponent's talent was indeed very high.

In the game, Mr. Abedo can create an anthropomorphic version of the cheating flower just by relying on Abedo's alchemy notes. If the other party can study systematically, it will be Abedo X2!

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but look happy.

What do you think? After the Hai Lantern Festival, I will accompany you to the snow to deal with Du Lin's problem, and at the same time, I will bring him back to Liyue for him to study systematically.


Abedo nodded seriously. The reason why he chose to tell the story about Abedo after much hesitation was because he planned to handle the matter with Han Xiao.

Are there any other candidates?

No more at the moment.

Yeah, that's such a pity!

Although Han Xiao was a little disappointed that Abedo did not continue to recommend talents, he soon had a smile on his face.

Both Abei Shao and Fa Lushan met his selection criteria.

If everything goes well, their core research team will suddenly have two more people.

This is a huge improvement.


After bidding farewell to Albedo, Han Xiao hurriedly returned home, took out paper and pen, and began to write a letter to Dolly, planning to spend money to hire her to get in touch with Fa Lushan.

The reason why the Dudu communicator is not used is also very simple. The signal of the Dudu communicator is easily intercepted by the Big Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King.

In order to prevent the other party from letting him go, Han Xiao chose the stupidest but safest way.

Chapter 600: Two people who missed meeting

Early the next morning.

Han Xiao, who came to work in Kuixing Building, quickly called her secretary Xu Wan into her office.

Xu Wan, have you visited Xumi's caravan recently when you returned to Licheng?

There seem to be a few.

Naturally, Xu Wan did not dare to neglect the request made by her superior. She quickly searched in her mind for any caravans in Guili City that wanted Xu Xumi recently. Fortunately, she actually thought of it.

The Feiyun Chamber of Commerce from the home of Secretary-General Xingqiu will have a caravan going to Xumi the day after tomorrow. It seems to be to express condolences to those branch members who cannot return to Liyue to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

In addition, there are two caravans in Xumiru. They have also recently applied for exit documents from Kuixing Tower.

Xumi Caravan...tell me in detail!

Yes, behind one of the caravans are the famous nobles of Sumeru, and the other is a caravan under the famous businessman Sange Mahabhai of Sumeru.

This is the one of Sange Mahabhai!

Hearing the familiar name, Han Xiao's eyes lit up slightly.

This was a bit of an unexpected surprise. He didn't expect to see Dolly's caravan even in Guili City.

As expected of a big Xumi businessman who has connections with Alice, he is really capable.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao took out the letter she had written and handed it to Xu Wan, and ordered:

You give this letter to the person in charge of the caravan and ask him to forward it to Dolly Sango Mahabhai. Just say it is my wish, and the other party will know what to do.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao!

Unexpectedly, his immediate boss actually knew a big businessman from Xumi?

Although he didn't quite understand how Han Xiao and Dolly Sange Mahabhai met, Xu Wan didn't ask any more questions, took the envelope handed over by the other party and turned around to leave the office.


After seeing Xu Wan off, Han Xiao handled official business in Kuixing Tower for a while. It wasn't until almost noon that he walked out of the office and walked straight out of Guili City.

After more than a day of rest, Han Xiao had recovered most of her energy. It was time to go to Nantianmen to complete Zhongli's commission and treat Ruotuo Dragon King.

Shortly after he left the city, an electric car departing from the direction of Liyue Port came to a slow stop at the gate of Guili City after a long journey.

Immediately afterwards, the front and rear doors of the electric car were pushed open from the inside, and several figures came out of the car.

It was Kamisato Ayaka, Hayao and his party, as well as Ganyu, the guide who was hosting Inazuma's envoy this time.

This is Guili City. Let's go through the formalities for entering the city first, and then I will take you two to see Han Xiao.

That's a big problem for Mr. Gan Yu.

After hearing Gan Yu's plans for the next itinerary, Kamisato Ayaka nodded first, and then bowed politely.

You don't have to be so polite. Miss Kamisato just call me Ganyu.

Gan Yu waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that the other party didn't need to be so polite at all. His delicate face was slightly flushed, and his eyes were a little wandering.

It's not that she is shy, it's that such a polite child like Kamisato Ayaka was clearly tricked by Ning Guang and Han Xiao, and even she became a member of the 'digger'.

So our coconut sheep is just a little cautious.

Soon, accompanied by Gan Yu, Kamisato Ayaka and Zaoyou obtained the documents proving their entry and exit from the city and entered the city.


This is really unfortunate, Miss Kamisato.

In front of Kuixing Tower, Xingqiu, who came to receive the news after receiving the news from Gan Yu, looked at Kamisato Ayaka apologetically.

Hanxiao just left the city to do some business.

Out of the city? Did he say where he was going?

Hearing Xingqiu say that Han Xiao happened to be out, before Kamisato Ayaka could speak, Gan Yu frowned and asked the questions in her heart.

The Sea Lantern Festival is approaching, and it is the busiest time in a city. Why does Han Xiao, one of the seven stars, Tianshu Star, run out at this time?

It seems that I have to go to Nantianmen for something important.


Gan Yu's eyes suddenly condensed. They had just returned from there not long ago. Could it be that there was something wrong with Ruotuo Dragon King's seal?

But now was not a good time to ask about this matter. Gan Yu had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart and continue to ask:

Then Han Xiao said when he would be back?

That said, I should be back early the day after tomorrow.

Xingqiu first answered Gan Yu's question, then turned to look at Kamisato Ayaka:

Miss Kamisato, please wait a moment.

With that said, Xingqiu waved his hand and called a secretary to give him some instructions in his ear.

After receiving the order, the secretary walked away quickly and came back after a while holding a beautiful wooden box.

Taking the wooden box from the secretary's hand, Xingqiu handed it to Kamisato Ayaka, who was a little confused, and said:

Miss Kamisato, this is a mobile phone. If you have something important to do with Han Xiao, you can contact him through the mobile phone first.

If you are not particularly in a hurry, you can stay in Guili City for a day or two. I will send someone to invite you over when Han Xiao comes back.

What do you think?

Excuse me, Secretary-General Xingqiu, for worrying about it. I'll just wait for Mr. Hanxiao to come back in Guilicheng.

Although he didn't quite understand what a mobile phone was, since the other party solemnly gave it as a gift, it would be rude. Kamisato Ayaka couldn't refuse, so she took the wooden box with both hands and thanked Xingqiu at the same time.


Since they did not see Han Xiao, Kamisato Ayaka and Zaoyu were led by Gan Yu to the guest room in Guili City to stay temporarily.

After settling everyone down, Gan Yu just chose to say goodbye. She still had some questions to ask Xingqiu.

After all, the Nantianmen matter is not a trivial matter in her opinion.

After sending Gan Yu away, Zaoyou lay down in front of the window sill and observed the scenery outside. Then he saw someone moving around in the guest room opposite.

Miss, there seems to be someone living across the street from us!

Liyue's Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon. There should be many foreigners coming to Liyue. It's not surprising that there are people staying there.

Hearing Zaoyu say that there were people living across from their guest room, Kamisato Ayaka, who was sitting on the sofa, responded casually, and then set his eyes on the wooden box given by Xingqiu.

A mobile phone... what could Xingqiu give as a gift?

With some doubts, Kamisato Ayaka reached out to unpack the wooden box and slowly opened the lid of the wooden box.

Soon, an alchemy item with a glass mirror, buttons engraved with text, and a metallic luster appeared in front of her.

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