In Alice's words, Han Xiao is full of spirituality in talent, and he is the kind of explosive genius who has successfully become a master after being taught.

The eight eggs she developed are no less powerful than the time she blasted them into the Wind Dragon Ruins.

So Jean lets an explosive enthusiast whose talent has been realized control another explosive enthusiast who is still growing?

Haha...what's the difference between this and letting rats into the granary!

Thinking of the many rare materials in Han Xiao's hands that could not be found in Tiwatt, Abedo only felt that the future was worrying, and he was afraid that he would have a headache in the coming days.

Han Xiao not only accepted the teachings of Aunt Alice, the previous generation of explosion enthusiasts, and successfully realized her talent, she even combined alchemy to find another way to explode.

It is conceivable that with Han Xiao, who has two sets of explosion systems, teaching explosion knowledge, Keli will probably receive a wave of epic enhancements.


The dinner didn't last long, and after it was over, Qin and Lisa checked into the luxurious guest room under Han Xiao's arrangement.

Keli followed Abedo back to her residence. The two siblings hadn't seen each other for a long time, so naturally they had to talk quietly.

Who would have thought that the young man who had just succeeded Tianshu Star would be so good at it. In just a few years, his business would be flourishing in Licheng.

Looking at Qin who sent Han Xiao away, closed the door and returned to the living room, Lisa, who was sitting on the luxurious sofa in the guest room, couldn't help but sigh:

This is really unpredictable!

Han Xiao is indeed very powerful, even senior Diluc admires him.

Hearing Lisa's emotion, Qin nodded in agreement.

She and Diluc had a private conversation before about business issues, and at that time the other party spoke highly of Han Xiao.

I think our Master Diluc may have taken this opportunity to belittle the Knights.

Seeing Qin mention Diluc, Lisa's eyes flashed with a smile, and then she teased her best friend.

This... I'm ashamed to say it, but it is true.

A wry smile appeared on Qin's face.

Lisa's guess was correct. While Diluc spoke highly of Han Xiao, he also took the opportunity to insult the Knights a few times.

Of course, the person he stabbed was not Qin, but other members of the Knights. Among them, he specifically named a certain dark-skinned ice miner leader who was also a high-ranking member of the Knights.

Emmm, I can only say that everyone understands the things here. Diluc has some personal grudges this time.

Don't talk about this when we go out to play.

Seeing Qin's face gradually becoming gloomy, Lisa quickly opened her mouth to change the topic from the serious matter:

By the way, Quan Xing Ningguang will come to receive us in person tomorrow?

Well, Ningguang and I have been exchanging letters. When I came to Liyue this time, the other party expressed welcome and was also prepared to discuss with me the next stage of in-depth cooperation between Mondstadt and Liyue.

You need to discuss business with Ning Guang. Xiao Keli has also been picked up by Abedo to stay for a while. It seems that I can only visit Licheng alone tomorrow.

You won't accompany me to see Ning Guang tomorrow?

Oh! Do I want to go there too?

Of course!

In the end, facing Qin who looked serious, Lisa could only give in and agreed to go see Ning Guang with her tomorrow.


the other side.

Han Xiao said goodbye to Qin and Lisa and walked towards her home while holding her cell phone and talking to Ning Guang on the phone.

Yes, here are Captain Qin and Miss Lisa.

I will not participate in this business negotiation with Mond. I will leave it all to you to make the decision.

Knowing that Han Xiao was blaming all business problems on herself, Ning Guang, who was holding her mobile phone in Qunyu Pavilion, subconsciously raised her eyebrows:

Leave it all to me to decide, are you sure?


Aren't you afraid that I'll mess around?

Heh... you are the top businessman in Liyue. I feel safe leaving it to you.

Han Xiao was very relieved to leave Mondstadt's visitors to Ning Guang, as he had more important things to do at the moment.

That is to complete Zhongli's commission and cure the wear and tear of Ruotuo Dragon King before the Sea Lantern Festival.

If everything goes well, the other party should be able to see the Sea of ​​Lantern Festival which is completely different from usual.

By the way, there's something I almost forgot to mention.

After taking over the matter of entertaining Qin and Lisa from Han Xiao, Ningguang seemed to have thought of something and quickly said to him:

There are people coming from Inazuma's side too.

Hearing Ningguang's words, Han Xiao couldn't help but stop her steps and asked in surprise:

Who's coming?

The eldest lady of the Kamisato family is honored by the society, Kamisato Ayaka.

Chapter 595: Kamisato Ayaka’s dual purpose of coming to Liyue

Kamisato Ayaka...that famous master Kamehide in the previous life?

Han Xiao was a little surprised when she heard this.

Why did this young lady come to Liyue from Daozu?

Although he has a good impression of Kamisato Ayaka due to the game in his previous life, this is all in the past.

Now that they belong to Liyue and Daozhu, and they are both high-level officials in the two countries, Han Xiao will not make any decisions from the top just because of a little favorability in his previous life.

So after briefly digesting the news, he asked Ningguang:

Ningguang, do you know the purpose of this eldest lady coming to Liyue?

It should be related to rebuilding Inazuma's economic system.

In Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang quickly gave his opinion on Han Xiao's question.

Now, Inazuma has just lifted the national lockdown order and the eye hunting order, and the peace negotiations with Kaiji Island have just come to an end.

The entire country is in a state of dire straits.

For example, there are samurai groups such as the wandering Kairangui that are waiting to be dealt with, and there is also the problem of the demon god Cannen that needs to be solved.

However, these are all internal problems. The most important thing before Inazuma is to find a way to pick up the economic system that was destroyed by the national lockdown order and the eye hunt order.

At this time, the only one who can support Daozuma's economic construction is Liyue.

Therefore, Ningguang felt that Daozuma sent the eldest lady of the company's followers to come in person, probably to express their attitude of importance.

Is this so...

As for Ningguang's speculation, Han Xiao also believed that the other party was right, and Daozuma probably came with this purpose.

As for the issue of financial assistance, they had also discussed it at the Seven Star Conference before, and finally unanimously decided that providing financial assistance to Daozhi could open up new business routes, which would be of great benefit to Liyue.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked:

How do you think the intensity of our assistance should be determined?

Are you asking me what I think?

Ning Guang on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, organized his words in his mind, and then slowly spoke:

I think the government should express its serious attitude, and then use Gan Yu's hand to give Daozhi some of the materials we have eliminated before, and let the private chambers of commerce take part in building the business system for the rest.

After all, today is different from the past. Ina Wife, who has ended the chaos, will not allow our Seven Stars to reach out again.


Hearing what Ningguang said, Han Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Back in Liyue, they had taken advantage of the domestic chaos caused by Dao's Wife's Lockdown Order and Eye Hunting Order to gain a lot of benefits from it.

Do you think Inazuma knows about this?

That must be known!

However, because the current situation was too chaotic, Yae Shenzi, who only had religious power in his hands, was powerless to face this situation, so he could only turn a blind eye and pretend not to know.

Now that the problematic Tianling Advocacy and Appointment Advocacy have been purged, if Liyue reaches out to Dao's wife again, I'm afraid that pink-furred fox will explode.

Just when Han Xiao assumed that Ayaka Kamisato came to Liyue for Ina's wife's financial problems, Ningguang suddenly spoke again to break the silence:

Actually, apart from this, I'm afraid there is another reason.

There are other reasons, tell me!

Hearing what the other party said, Han Xiao became interested. Is there anything more important than rebuilding Daozuma's economic system?

Ahem... Your friend named Romani Solomon seems to have committed something big in Xumi. Do you know about this?

Why did you ask about this?

I don't think any country wants to find out what happened in the moon incident caused by the other party in Xumi a few days ago, right?

Facing Han Xiao's rhetorical question, Ningguang calmly gave his explanation.

According to the information in her hand, all the countries in Teyvat continent witnessed the full moon that appeared strangely in the sky above Sumeru that day.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious.

Ningguang naturally also sent people to Xumi to conduct some investigations, but he got very little useful information.

All that can be found is the name of Romani Solomon, the 'chief messenger' behind the incident, and the great turmoil in the Xumi Order. The Great Sage Azar was overthrown and the Little Lucky Grass King officially Started to take charge of the Imperial Academy.

As for what exactly happened, no one knows.

In this way, Romani Solomon, who was wanted by Xumi after the incident, may be the only foreigner who knew about the moon incident.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Ning Guang and other high-level officials from various countries who want to find out the inside story of the matter will fix their eyes on Romani Solomon.

And although the origin of the other party is mysterious, some of his whereabouts can still be traced.

For example, Romani Solomon was once active in Liyue.

It seems that you have been holding back these words for a long time.

Holding the phone in hand, Han Xiao did not directly answer Ningguang's question, but took the lead in asking a question.


Ning Guang admitted it simply.

Unlike other high-level officials in other countries, she knew some additional information, that is, Han Xiao seemed to have a close relationship with Romani Solomon.

However, it was precisely for this reason that Ningguang never spoke, but was waiting for the right time.

Now that it happened that Ayaka Kamisato came to Liyue, she took the opportunity to ask her question.

Don't continue to inquire about Romani Solomon. In short, it will not cause any harm to Liyue.

After a moment of silence, Han Xiao finally did not give Ningguang an accurate answer.

After all, he has decided to discard the Romani Solomon vest, and there should be another name for the next time the doll comes out.

Is this your guarantee?

Yes, I promise!

Okay, then I won't investigate this matter anymore.

Since Han Xiao had promised in front of him that the other party's affairs would not harm Liyue, Ningguang gave him a face and gave up the investigation.

After ending the topic, she quickly shifted the matter back to Kamisato Ayaka.

As for the eldest lady of the Kamisato family, whether she is here to investigate the moon incident or for the development of Inazuma, I estimate that her final destination should be Guili City.

Have you figured out how to deal with it?

What's there to think about? Just let nature take its course.

Han Xiao raised her eyebrows subconsciously and spoke her thoughts without hesitation.

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