However, currently limited by his own strength, Han Xiao cannot absorb and transform all the wear and tear in Zhongli's body in one go.

If you want to achieve this, I'm afraid you still need to let the flower of heart complete the second transformation of the life level.

Judging from the current situation, the first transformation of his life level has allowed him to become a demon god and touch the power. Presumably, the second transformation of his life level will move towards a higher dimension.

But the opposite is that the difficulty will definitely become more difficult.

Anyway, Han Xiao estimated that with the current progress in observing various worlds, the time could not be shortened, and it was not impossible that it would even take a hundred and eighty years.

Isn't it very difficult?

Seeing Han Xiao's relaxed expression, Zhongli nodded slightly and then asked:

So, is there a time interval between when you use your power?

If it is used continuously to a small extent, there is no problem, but if it is to absorb and transform the wear and tear in Ruotuo Dragon King's body, then it needs to be used with full strength.

Speaking of this, Han Xiao also made a very simple and vivid metaphor:

It's like the owner of the God's Eye usually exerts elemental power effortlessly, but once the elements all over his body are exploded, it takes a certain amount of time to recover.

Zhongli naturally understood Han Xiao's simple and easy-to-understand metaphor very thoroughly, so he also asked the most critical question:

If Ruo Tuo is treated, how many stages do you think it will take? How long will it take?

I estimate that it will only take four or five times. The time interval is not too long. You can recover after using it with all your strength for two or three days.

Regarding Zhongli's question, Han Xiao made some calculations in her mind before giving a not particularly accurate answer.

Some people may find it strange that, logically speaking, this is power, so why does he have to rest for a few days before continuing to use it after using it with all his strength?

In fact, the answer is very simple. Zhongli is probably more than six thousand years old. Han Xiao can absorb and transform nearly two thousand years of wear and tear in him at once. This is already a quite terrifying performance.

The reason why it is estimated that it will take four or five times to heal Ruotuo Dragon King's wear and tear is mainly because his wear and tear is more serious than Zhongli's, and his specific age is difficult to calculate.

After all, Ruotuo Dragon King Guang accompanied Zhongli in the Demon War, which meant that it took at least close to four thousand years for him to gain eyes and come to the ground.

Not to mention that he had been living underground for who knows how long before Zhongli gave him eyes.

To be exaggerated, Ruotuo Dragon King Bao Buqi is older than Zhongli in terms of age.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that Han Xiao gave a relatively conservative expectation.

Hanxiao, if possible, please treat Ruotuo as soon as possible.

What about you, Mr. Zhongli?

You have eliminated nearly two thousand years of wear and tear on me. It doesn't matter if I am cured earlier or later.

As he spoke, Zhongli raised his head and looked in the direction of Nantianmen, with a bit more emotion in his tone:

Ruo Tuo hasn't celebrated the Sea Lantern Festival for a long time.

Chapter 593: Kamisato Ayaka’s curiosity about Han Xiao

As night falls, the mirror-like moon hangs high in the sky, pouring moonlight as thin as silver gauze onto the vast land.

Suddenly, rows of street lamps in Liyue Harbor were instantly lit up, filling the bustling streets like pearls at night.

The night is immersed in the ocean of light and loses its original silence, as if to prove that even darkness cannot dispel the lights of Liyue people.

In a luxurious hotel room, soft electric lights emitted warm orange light, and Kamisato Ayaka was hunched over the desk writing furiously.

She is writing a letter about what she saw and heard and her worries about Inazuma's future, intending to send it back to Narukami Taisha Shrine as soon as possible.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the guest room door, and Zaoyou's voice also sounded outside the door:

Miss, have you slept?

Not yet, come in first, Zaoyou.

With a creak, the door of the guest room was slowly pushed open, and Zaoyu walked into the guest room.

It's getting late, Miss. Why don't you take a rest?

Looking at Kamisato Ayaka, who was still sitting at the desk writing a letter, a sleepy-looking Hayao forced herself to ask.

Oh...can't sleep.

Upon hearing Hayao's inquiry, Kamisato Ayaka put down the pen in her hand and let out a slightly sad sigh.

As the eldest daughter of the Inazuma Sanbochusha family, even though she was not exposed to many official duties due to her brother's protection.

But the long-term family influence still made Kamisato Ayaka look at the problem from a deeper perspective than Maplehara Manyo.

Because of this, she gradually realized that the current embarrassing situation of Rice Wife was not entirely an economic problem.

The gap between Daozhi and Liyue Port is not only economic, but also due to institutional and talent issues.

That's not to say that Inazuma's system is not good. In the early days, Raiden was really a good hand in running the country. Nowadays, Inazuma's system basically comes from her.

General Raiden is in charge of the overall situation, Miho is in charge of national administration, Narukami Taisha is in charge of religious affairs, and there are also troops led by Yuri Sasa, Chiyo Tora and others.

It can be said that from the initial system construction, Leiden Zhen and Zhongli's plans were roughly the same, and the effects were very obvious.

In the early days, there was not much difference between Daozhu and Liyue in any aspect.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

Because of Kanrea's problem, Inazuma first lost Raiden Jin, the backbone of the ruling, and then the deaths of Yuri Sasa and Tora Chiyo caused turmoil in the army, and they were put in charge of Sangogo.

Even the Narukami Taisha Shrine, which is in charge of religious and legal affairs, suffered the death of the first-generation palace minister due to disaster.

Of course, the most critical thing is that at this time, Lei Movies did not stand up to take control of the overall situation, but directly managed AI until now.

These are the seeds of future weakness that have been planted by Rice Wife five hundred years ago.

The three generations of this generation pursue their own affairs and criticize each other.

Tianling's implementation and assessment implementation were even so crazy that they colluded with foreign forces to bring great turmoil to Daozuma's homeland.

Compared to Daozhu, whose system had problems five hundred years ago, the system in Liyue has always been very stable.

In addition, Emperor Yanwang appears once a year to control the development direction of the coming year, so Liyue has been making steady progress for so many years.

The gap accumulated over five hundred years is no longer something that can be easily caught up with.

Besides the system, the most important issue is talent.

Since Inazuma is often exposed to thunderstorms, problems such as ghosts in the wild sea and the resentment of demons and gods have never been resolved, and even Kaiji Island has never completely surrendered.

All these have resulted in a large number of foreign scholars not coming for their own safety.

So overall, the gap between Dao Zhi and Li Yue is not a matter of the national lockdown at all, but a variety of factors that led to the current situation.

Hmm...Haayu doesn't understand.

Regarding Ayaka Kamisato's sigh, Hayao, who was already feeling sleepy, became even more confused. She understood one thing from the beginning to the end.

That is, the eldest daughter of the family seems to be very worried about Inazuma's future.

Seeing Hayao's confused look, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but smile:

It's getting late, Zaoyou, go to bed first, you don't have to wait for me.

But before leaving, the master of the family gave instructions...

Brother, have you ever said that you listen to me outside?


That's it, go to sleep.

After sending away the dizzy Hayao, Kamisato Ayaka lost the intention to continue writing letters for a while.

She walked straight to the window, rested her elbows on the window sill, and looked towards the brightly lit street in the distance.

Noisy crowds, children running and playing on the streets, and strange moving vehicles passing by from time to time.

Everything came into Kamisato Ayaka's eyes like a beautiful picture. These were the bustling night scenes she had never seen in Inazuma.

And behind all these scenes, the efforts of Liyue Qixing are inseparable.

Among them, the appointment of the new Tianshu Xing has brought about the biggest change.

Tianshu Star Hanxiao...

Looking out the window and taking in the scenery, Kamisato Ayaka silently recited the name she got from Yae Kamiko.

Hanxiao, a branch of the Han family, a thousand-year-old family in Liyue.

At first, Liyue was famous for his clay doll making, but he did not show any political talents during this period.

However, it was this young man who was not yet 20 years old who relied on his strong skills to turn the tide during the great chaos in the Strata Rock Abyss a few years ago and perfectly solve the resettlement problem for millions of people.

Later, a large city was built in Guiliyuan to reach the top of the Seven Stars, and then injected new vitality into the ancient Liyue.

When she thought of the experience she had heard from Dr. Tea in Liyue during the day about Han Xiao's comet-like rise, she couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of her heart at his legend.

In addition, Kamisato Ayaka also felt some nervousness and curiosity.

She was curious because she wanted to see how gorgeous this young man, who was similar to her age but was already at the top of a country, was.

As for being nervous, it naturally comes to mind when Yae Kamiko entrusts her with the task before leaving Inazuma, which is to ask her to conduct business negotiations between the two countries.

Facing a legendary whose reputation spread across the ocean to Inazuma, it would be strange for Kamisato Ayaka not to feel nervous.


Just when Kamisato Ayaka was talking about Han Xiao, the protagonist in her mouth was currently entertaining visitors from another country in Guili City.

After half a month of travel, Qin and Lisa also left Mondstadt and came to Liyue with Keli.

In the private room of Wanmin Hall, Han Xiao held up the wine glass in her hand and looked at Qin and Lisa with a smile:

Captain Qin, Miss Lisa and Xiao Keli, welcome to Liyue!

Chapter 594 Visitors from Mondstadt

Thank you very much for taking care of Captain Qin when we were in Mondstadt before.

No, Mond and Liyue have been friends for thousands of years, as they should!

Seeing Han Xiao raising the wine glass to him, Qin also picked up the wine glass on the table and shouted back, then raised his head and drank the slightly spicy white wine.

After a glass of white wine, the atmosphere of the dinner gradually became lively.

Keli took advantage of Abedo's unpreparedness and ran to Han Xiao and pulled the corner of his clothes. Then she waited for the other person to bend down before whispering in his ear:

Brother Hanxiao, Keli can stay in Liyue for many days this time. You must come and play with Keli then!

No problem, I have a lot of good materials here recently that you haven't seen before!

Han Xiao winked at him with a smile, and said words that made Keli's eyes shine.


Qin, who was sitting at the most important seat at the dinner, happened to hear the two of them talking quietly, and quickly spoke to stop Keli from continuing.

It's still a dinner party now. Let's sit down next to Albedo and eat obediently. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Oh, great!

Hearing Qin's instructions, Keli nodded her little head cutely, and then ran back to Albedo on her short legs.

After watching Keli climb up on the chair and sit down obediently, Qin turned to look at Han Xiao, with a hint of helplessness in her tone:

Your Excellency Hanxiao, this child Keli's hobbies are different from most children. Please be sure not to provide too many dangerous materials.

Ahaha...I know, I know!

Facing Qin's mother in the form of a parent, even Han Xiao, who had become a demon, felt as if she was 'suppressed by blood' and could only laugh a few times in embarrassment.

Hearing the conversation between Han Xiao and Qin, Abedo, who was sitting on the other side, curled his lips subconsciously.

He didn't believe Han Xiao's guarantee at all.

This bastard had previously shown an explosive talent that was almost the same as Kelly's. Later, he accepted the teachings of Aunt Alice, and his talent was perfectly developed.

Not to mention anything else, the two cannons that originally hit Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, were the super explosive formula developed by this guy.

Later, when he talked to Aunt Alice on the phone, the other party expressed her opinion on this.

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