Han Xiao's light of power directly carried part of the wear and tear back into his body.

You... are confused!

The sudden disappearance of part of the wear and tear brought an extremely comfortable feeling to the body, but at this moment Zhongli looked at Han Xiao with an ugly expression.

Chapter 591 The Arrival of Kamisato Ayaka

As a demon who has lived for more than 6,000 years, the wear and tear on Zhongli's body is quite serious. If any other demon were to bear the wear and tear on his body, he would probably go crazy.

However, seeing his own wear and tear being guided into his body by Han Xiao's power, Zhongli's face turned ugly.

You must know that this is wear and tear, and it is the existence that other demons avoid like snakes and scorpions.

But Han Xiao was lucky enough to be brave enough to actively absorb wear and tear. This was not seeking death!

Just as Zhongli was thinking of ways to remedy the situation, Han Xiao's whole body was emitting a faint blue light. Not only did the expression on his face not show any pain, but he was smiling very relaxedly:

Mr. Zhongli, please rest assured, I did this only with confidence.

As he said this, Han Xiao changed his mind, and the faint blue light suddenly changed in length like breathing.

As the halo puffed and puffed, streams of dark particles dialyzed out.


The next moment, a spatial crack appeared in the living room, and these dark particles were drawn in and disappeared almost instantly.

After finishing all this, Han Xiao closed the space rift and sat back on the chair again to look at Zhongli who looked shocked.

Mr. Zhongli, look, it's settled like this!

Is this absorption and... transformation?

As one of the longest existing demon gods, Zhongli's eyesight is naturally good, so he quickly guessed Han Xiao's new abilities.

As expected of Mr. Zhongli, his vision is precise!

Han Xiao nodded very simply.

Although this time it can be said that the observation of the manifestation of power in the mysterious world was completed at the cost of ‘sacrifice’ Ju Xiao’s Zhi Yin’er, the harvest is not small.

Not to mention the others, even Jixiao, who had been lying flat, was about to reach the point of metamorphosis in his life level because he passively observed the power manifestation phenomenon twice.

For people like him and Xi Xiao who had already completed their transformation, the gains were naturally not much.

What Han Xiao gained was the ability to further absorb and transform entropy.

Sure enough, what I guessed before was correct. Your power level is quite high. I'm afraid it's not fully displayed now, right?

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, a flash of realization flashed in Zhongli's eyes.

After all, he had judged that the power of the opponent was a very high-level power when he first became a spiritual demon.

Think about it too.

Wear and tear is the power exerted by the laws of nature on the demon gods. Han Xiao, who had just been promoted to the demon god at that time, was able to use the power of power to offset the wear and tear, which is enough to prove that the level of this power is probably no less than that of Fanes. .

Well, Mr. Zhongli is right.

Han Xiao looked down at her smooth and white palms, and there was a hint of excitement in her tone.

Through this second transformation, he also realized that his power had not yet completely transformed.

Simply put, there is still room for substantial improvement.

Perhaps if he observes the manifestation of power a few more times, Han Xiao will be able to develop all of his abilities.

It's a pity that there are not many worlds where power is manifested, even in all the worlds, and the frequency of their chat groups recruiting people is very low.

If you want to find another world with such explicit power as Mystery, you will probably have to wait for a while.

Is this the background of an outsider, who can actually give birth to such a person's power?

Seeing Han Xiao's admission, Zhongli couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

Although their demon gods are born with power, they really don't have such outrageous abilities as the other party, which can swallow up and transform even wear and tear.

Should I say he is worthy of being an outsider?

Well... I can only say that I have better luck.

In response to Zhongli's sigh, Han Xiao subconsciously reached out and scratched her hair, with an embarrassed look on her face.

The reason why his power status is so high is mainly due to the power of the Flower of Heart, and his identity as a time traveler also plays a big role in it.

As mentioned before, everyone's heart flower is different, and during transformation, abilities are derived based on the practitioner's own inner expectations.

It happened that Han Xiao was a time traveler herself and knew the existence of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum.

Therefore, when his heart flower transformed, it instinctively transformed into a third high-level power that could compete with the two.

If it were someone from the Teyvat continent who didn't know the power system of the universe, even a knowledgeable person like Zhongli wouldn't be able to break out of the barriers of thinking.

It is precisely because Han Xiao's power of power is at the third pole at the apex of the entire tree sea system that he can swallow it up and transform it into wear and tear so easily.

After all, whether it is wear and tear or the power of the devil, these are all laws derived from the Sea of ​​Trees system.

Facing the suppression of high-ranking people, these derived abilities are naturally unable to resist.

Forget it, there's nothing to talk about. Let's get down to business.

After sighing for a while about his luck, Han Xiao quickly changed the topic to business:

Mr. Zhongli, how do you feel physically now?

“Better than ever.”

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Zhongli closed his eyes and felt it carefully, then his eyes flashed with joy when he opened them again.

Nearly one-third of the wear and tear in his body has been 'swallowed' by Han Xiao's power. The reason why it has not been completely eliminated is mainly because the wear and tear in his body is too huge.

However, even if only one third of it was eliminated, the power Zhongli had lost gradually returned to his body, and even the memories blurred by wear and tear were slowly returning.

So it only takes two more times and all the wear and tear in your body will be gone?


This is really great!

After learning about the situation inside Zhongli's body, Han Xiao also showed a look of satisfaction on her face.

An unworn demon god, and the former god of war, has returned to the world. This is definitely the best news for Liyue.

After all, even if Zhongli retires as the God of Rock, he will never give up guarding Liyue.

In this way, Liyue was protected by two demon gods, namely him and Zhongli.

Oh no!

It should be said that there are three statues.

Thinking of Ruotuo Dragon King who was forced to proclaim himself under the Fulong tree due to wear and tear, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth turned up more and more.


Just as Han Xiao was removing the wear and tear from Zhongli.

Liyue Port Terminal.

After nearly a month of sailing, the Death Star finally completed Inazuma's voyage to Xumi and finally returned to Liyue.

At the pier, Beidou looked at Kamisato Ayaka and Hayao who had already packed up to salute, and said with a rather heroic smile:

Miss Shenli, I have something else to do later, so I won't accompany you to visit Liyue.

Anyway, welcome to Liyue.

Captain Beidou, you're welcome.

Kamisato Ayaka returned the gift very dignifiedly, and then left the dock with Hayao.

Chapter 592: Ruotuo Dragon King’s Treatment Plan

Miss, where should we go next?

Walking along the road to the pier into the city, Hayao held a large suitcase while looking sleepily at Ayaka Kamisato, who was also carrying luggage.

This trip was really hard on her.

If possible, Zaoyou actually doesn't want to take a boat to Liyue at all.

It's a pity that she is the only one who often fishes in the final episode, and she is a girl, so the task of accompanying Kamisato Ayaka to Liyue falls on her.

Well...find a place to live first.

Hearing Hayao's inquiry, Kamisato Ayaka stopped and thought about it carefully, and then decided to find a hotel to stay first.

As for Miss Gan Yu visiting Yuehai Pavilion, it is not too late to wait until she has rested.


At this moment, a huge whistle suddenly came from the sea, startling Kamisato Ayaka and Hayao, and they immediately followed the sound.

Then, they were shocked by the steel giant on the sea in the distance.

Looking at the huge ship that caught his sight, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but be stunned.

Haayu...is this a ship?

Miss...it seems so!

Like Kamisato Ayaka, Hayao on the side was also frightened by this steel behemoth, so much so that he even stuttered when answering.

Looking at the distant shadow of the steel ship, Kamisato Ayaka was in a trance.

It turned out that what Captain Beidou told her during the trip was true. Liyue's ship technology had been updated a long time ago.

Even in the eyes of Kamisato Ayaka, the Death Star, which was still considered advanced, was insignificant in front of these steel ships.

With the shock of the steel ship, Kamisato Ayaka and the two walked into Liyue Port in a daze.

Since the Hai Lantern Festival is still a month away, Liyue Port is as lively as Guili City at this time.

Take a look and taste it, fresh grilled tiger fish skewers!

Master Hanxiao's out-of-print clay doll, if you are interested, you must not miss it!

“Exquisite jade jewelry is sold at a cheap price!”

The streets are busy with traffic and the hawking sounds of roadside vendors are endless, exaggerating the prosperity of this city all the time. The pride radiating from the inside out on the faces of every Liyue person is even more difficult to take away.

Is this the Liyue Port that has lasted for more than 3,700 years? It is really bustling!

Although he was shocked by the steel ship at the port when he got off the boat, Kamisato Ayaka was still shocked by the bustling scene in front of him.

She has never seen such a lively scene in Daozuma City since she was a child.

This was the same even before the national lockdown order was promulgated, let alone the poor people's livelihood now.

When she went to Sumeru before, what Ayaka Kamisato saw was that most of the Imperial Academy was paralyzed, and everything was in ruins waiting to be revitalized.

This gave her a lot of comfort, and she felt that Ina Wife was not particularly crotch-stretching.

However, as soon as she arrived in Liyue, Kamisato Ayaka truly felt the huge gap in reality. At the same time, she also understood why Yaegongji was so eager to let her come to Liyue.

Because only by witnessing it with your own eyes can you understand the huge gap between Dao Wife and Liyue.

Thinking of this, Kamisato Ayaka felt that she needed to do something.

If we don't make changes as soon as possible, if things continue like this, Dao's wife will take jujube pills!


On the other side, Han Xiao didn't know that the protagonist who triggered the large-scale TV series Waiting for the Gods in his previous life had come to Liyue.

He is currently discussing with Zhongli how to treat Ruoduo Dragon King.

Hanxiao, is it difficult for you to use the power of absorption and transformation?

It's okay, not particularly strenuous.

Upon hearing Zhongli's inquiry, Han Xiao recalled how she felt after using her power just now, and then gave her own opinion.

Although it didn't take long to acquire the new power, after all, he already had experience in controlling entropy before, so he got started quickly.

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