Looking at the extremely terrifying scene in front of him, Han Xiao was not afraid, nor did he feel the crazy pollution. He just sighed and continued to observe deeper into the city.

The next moment... Countless distorted knowledge about the old days, outer gods, ways to become a god, the end of the world, source matter, etc. poured into his mind.

These souls, which contain crazy and twisted knowledge and instincts, want to infiltrate Han Xiao. However, before they can take effect, a higher power crashes onto these poisonous information and severely damages it. 'Crush'.

Eventually, this knowledge turned into pure information nutrients and flowed into the heart flower in his body.

At the moment when the flower of the heart absorbs nutrients, black and red flower bones grow from the branches of the flower of the heart in Han Xiao's body, and gradually bloom into a coquettish 'evil flower'.

At the same time, he also knew what he had gained from this mysterious world where his observation power was released.

[The Extinguisher of the Sacred Living Fire·The Division of Life and Death]

It's still an unsettling adjective.

Han Xiao said that he had been surprised once before, so he would not be surprised again this time.

Closing his eyes and carefully feeling the second power born after absorbing the information and nutrients of the mysterious world, Han Xiao quickly understood his new ability.

Similar to the previous abilities, the new abilities of this transformation are still related to entropy.

It's just that unlike the last time when entropy could only be barely touched, the new power behaves horribly.

Life is feeding on negative entropy, and destruction is replacing negative entropy with positive entropy.

To put it simply, it is absorption and transformation.

Ha...the division of birth and death.

The summary of Flower of Heart is really accurate!

After figuring out the specific effects of power, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

While he was expressing his feelings, the chat group was also extremely lively at the moment.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I have accumulated enough!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Well, it's time to find a time to retreat.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Friendly reminder, the movement of transformation is a bit loud. It is best to find a hidden area that can shield the energy fluctuations to avoid being noticed.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: I never thought that I, who had chosen to lie down, would also have the opportunity to complete my transformation.

During this observation of the mysterious world, everyone in the group gained great benefits from the observation.

But in general, those who benefit the most are members like Han Xiao who have completed the transformation of their life levels.

For example, Han Xiao, Gui Xiao, who had close contact with the Seven Supreme Treasures, and of course Xi Xiao, all of them basically completed the transformation of the second authority through this observation.

Well, it’s not that the other members don’t work hard.

Except for Jixiao, who was lying down long ago, and excluding Aoxiao, who came later, everyone else has their own problems in the world.

There is Mo Xiao, who is suspected of being a crazy matryoshka doll in the world, and there is Ye Xiao, who is mysterious and invisible in the world.

Since there is no way to personally observe the manifestation of power in this world, they have always stayed in the forming stage, unable to complete the transformation of life levels.

But now it's better. After continuously observing the manifestations of power in Teyvat and the Mysterious World, they finally accumulated enough 'nutrients' for the Flower of Heart.

I believe it won’t be long before everyone in the entire chat group can complete the transformation of their life levels.

Oh, there is one more person that I didn’t mention, and that is Wei Xiao, who is facing the [City of Disaster] observation. Her gains this time should be no less than Han Xiao and the others.

At the same time, everyone who calmed down from the brief excitement also remembered the main force of this observation.

It was only when they returned their attention to the live broadcast room that they discovered that the original live broadcast had been disconnected while everyone was observing and understanding.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Quiexiao, are you here?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: ...I am here.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: What happened? Why is the live broadcast no longer available?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: The movement was a bit loud just now, and it seemed to have attracted the attention of all the gods. The chat group informed me that the emergency blocking state was activated, so the live broadcast was stopped.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: So is it safe now?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yeah.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Even the gods are paying attention. It seems that your gains are not small!

[Gui Xiao·Han Xiao]: Alas...it's hard to explain in words!

[jojo·Hanxiao]: What's wrong? Yuanxiao and the others have completed the transformation of the second power through this observation. Is your harvest not as high as theirs?

[Gui Xiao·Han Xiao]: That's not true. The harvest is quite big, but...

Soon, Wei Xiao's vague answer attracted the attention of Han Xiao and others.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: First tell me, has your heart flower grown?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: According to Xixiao, the harvest from this direct observation of [City of Disaster] was so great that I completed my transformation on the spot, and even attracted the attention of the gods.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Oh! You have reached the sky in one step!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Haha...I would rather not reach the sky in one step!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Did something go wrong?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Because of the transformation of the Flower of Heart, not only has my status been elevated to the level of an angel, high-sequence pollution can no longer corrode my sanity.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Even if you are promoted across channels, you won't go crazy. The flower of the heart is worthy of its ability to transform according to its own inner needs. It is really powerful.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: And [City of Disaster] has also established a deep connection with me. I can perfectly accommodate it in the future.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Don't these sound like good things?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: A good thing? Haha... If I say that because my personality skipped the demigod level and reached the angel level, even if I turned into a hunter, I can't become a man again, you don't care about this. Meow is a good thing?

Ah this...

As soon as Wei Xiao said this, the entire chat group instantly fell into silence.

Even Han Xiao, who had previously proposed to observe the [City of Disaster], didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

Chapter 590: Treatment of Zhongli’s wear and tear

After a long time, Han Xiao asked carefully in the group.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Uh...there is really no chance to change back?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I'm afraid so.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It is true that the Flower of Heart can transform into power, but its transformation is also based on the cultivator's own inner need for power, and will not change the underlying logic of advancement in the world system.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: So Weixiao has transformed into an ability that can counteract madness, but cannot change the promotion of the potion system?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: That's not right. I remember that after Chico became the God, didn't he change the path of the witch in a mess?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: But he only made changes within the framework. It doesn't mean that he will no longer be in the potion system after the change, and even he himself can't change his gender back.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: ...Alas!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Sorry, if I hadn't urged you to observe, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this.

After hearing Xi Xiao's speculation, Han Xiao quickly apologized to Gui Xiao in the group.

After all, if he hadn't persuaded Qi Xiao to go to Banxi in order to observe the manifestation of power in [City of Disaster], he wouldn't have lost hope of changing back.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Forget it, my gains this time are not small. Compared with gender issues, at least my life safety is now greatly guaranteed.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Yes, yes, just be more open-minded. There are some inhumane guys here.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Weixiao, did your current sequence jump directly to Angel?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: No, my current ability is still sequence seven, but I have become an angel in terms of status.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: The Flower of Heart only improved your status but did not give you the corresponding abilities?

[Original God·Han Xiao]: It should be the result of the different directions of transformation, and the transformation ability of Han Xiao's Flower of Heart is already very powerful.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Just like Yuan Xiao said, although my actual combat effectiveness has not increased this time, it has indeed solved my worries.

[World of Jiji·Hanxiao]: You can be promoted across channels without worrying about the impact of madness. This ability is unique in the mysterious world!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yes, at least now I don't have to work hard to establish a relationship with the Witch Church to obtain the magic potion formula.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Then what are you going to do next?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Find a way to contact Huang Beibei and see if she has any other blasphemous cards.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: I remember that the card of destiny is in her hand. You can trade the news that Roselle is still alive with her for a chance to see it.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Although it is not written in the book, I think Huang Beibei should have more blasphemy cards in his hand. You can ask if you have the opportunity.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Let's do this for now. I'm a little tired now, so I'm going to rest first.


The observation of Weiye [City of Disaster] caused the person to jump to the angel level in one step, thereby losing the effect of changing paths.

Although Han Xiao felt a little sorry in her heart, it wasn't much.

Because he soon turned his mind to the new power he had gained.

After a simple experiment for a while, Han Xiao immediately dialed Zhongli's phone number to see if his newly acquired powers would work well on him.

About an hour later, after receiving the call, Zhongli walked into the living room of Han Xiao's house with the same steps as Shi Shiran.

As soon as he entered the living room, Zhongli walked to the table and sat down. Then he picked up the thermos bottle placed aside and made himself a cup of tea.

After doing all this, he looked at Han Xiao with the steaming teacup in his hand and asked:

Hanxiao, why did you call me here suddenly?

That's it, Mr. Zhongli.

After sitting down opposite Zhongli, Han Xiao raised his right hand, and a faint blue light appeared in his palm.

I've made a lot of progress in my power recently, so I want to see how it goes?

Has your power improved so quickly?

Hearing Han Xiao say that his power had improved, a look of surprise flashed through Zhongli's eyes.

The speed of improvement is quite fast!

You must know that after anyone reaches the level of the Demon God, it is very difficult to significantly increase their power in a short period of time.

This was also the reason why he didn't pay too much attention to it even though he knew that Han Xiao's removal could offset the wear and tear.

Because according to Zhongli's own experience, the time span for improving power is very long, at least a hundred years.

However, it has only been a year now, and Han Xiao said that his power has been greatly improved.

This was really beyond his expectation.

You came to me in such a hurry. It seems that you are quite confident in your power improvement this time?

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Zhongli asked with interest.

Although he had known for a long time that Han Xiao had some secrets, he had never asked in detail.

After all, Zhongli was not the type to pursue everything to the end, but he didn't expect that the secret behind Han Xiao could be of such great help to him in terms of power.

Well, I think the wear and tear problem might be solved this time.

In that case, let's try it.

Seeing Han Xiao's confident look, Zhong Li raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then placed his left hand on the table.

Don't blink, maybe it's time to witness a miracle next!

As he spoke, Han Xiao put his right hand on Zhongli's wrist, and all the blue light of power poured into Zhongli's body along the place where the two touched.


As soon as Han Xiao's power entered his body, Zhongli hummed subconsciously and frowned instantly.

Because he found that the wear and tear in his body seemed to be attracted by some huge gravity, and was directly wrapped up by Han Xiao's light of power and part of it returned to the other party's body.

Hanxiao, stop!

Realizing that Han Xiao wanted to absorb the wear and tear into his body, Zhongli's expression immediately changed and he quickly spoke to try to stop him.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

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