Therefore, Keqing has been paying close attention to the development of [Queqiao 1.0].

No, the goods from Mingyun Town had just been delivered to Guili City, and Keqing and others came to receive them.

Well... the main reason why she is so eager is that the time left for her is not very abundant.

After all, there is only one month left before the Hai Lantern Festival. If you want to visit all the villages in Liyue within a month, it will be difficult if you don't seize the time.

Master Keqing, the goods are all loaded!

I know, let everyone go quickly!

Just when Ke Qing was about to have a good relationship with Han Xiao, the worker's voice made her give up the idea.

I'll discuss it with you after the Lantern Festival is over!

After giving Han Xiao a fierce look, Ke Qing trotted all the way to an electric truck, and the entire convoy drove slowly out of the city under her command.

This is really...

Regarding Keqing's 'threat', Han Xiao couldn't help but shook her head, and then looked at Albedo beside her:

Albedo, is Keli there yet?

It's almost time. Captain Qin has been delayed for some time because he needs to hand over the affairs to Kaiya. It is estimated that he will arrive at Guili City in a few days.

The matter of [Magpie Bridge 1.0] has been settled. During this time, you can have a good rest at home. We will discuss the TV issue after the Hai Lantern Festival.

no problem.

Although Abedo wanted to say that compared to celebrating the Lantern Festival, it was the new subject that attracted him more, but considering that this was Han Xiao's wish, he didn't say much and just agreed.


After dealing with the problem of [Magpie Bridge 1.0], Han Xiao went straight back home, planning to prepare New Year gifts for her relatives and friends.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that someone in the chat group was crazy about him.

Opening the chat group, Han Xiao was slightly surprised to find that Aite's person turned out to be himself from the mysterious world.

Hey, it's only been half a month, why is the other party moving so fast?

With some confusion, Han Xiao posted her question on the public screen of the chat group:

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Quiexiao, what can I do for you, Aite?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: What else can happen? I'm already in Banxi!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Good guy, it's only been half a month, how fast is it?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Indeed, even a steamship has to talk about the basics, right? The terrain of the mysterious world is the same as the earth. Even if the plate has drifted, it won't take such a short time, right?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: So how did you get to Banxi in half a month?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: With some connections, I boarded Tracy's Black Death after going to sea, so I arrived much faster than the expected date.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Are you affiliated with the Witch Church? Did the desperate witch Panatia hide in Backlund just let you go?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I am not Triss whom they focus on. Although these people have somewhat twisted personalities, the church still takes good care of them.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Sure enough, there is no shortage of young men in your world.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: By the way, what kind of relationship did you use? Can you tell me in detail?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Well, this Youxiao knows.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: What do you mean, I almost died because of the batch of electric toys you ordered from me.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Electric have a lot of fun playing with them!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Ahem... let's get down to business first!

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: We will discuss the issue of toys later. Did you find a place after you arrived in Banxi, Weixiao?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I found him and beat him up, but I feel like I was tricked by you.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Huh? What's going on?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Oh...I'll start a live broadcast first, and you will know after watching it.

As soon as Wei Xiao finished speaking, the live broadcast room of the chat group prompted the other party to start a live broadcast.

When everyone saw this, they quickly clicked in.

emmm, believe me, they are definitely not rushing to see themselves become young ladies!

In the live broadcast room, in a neat guest room, a beautiful black-haired girl was sitting on a chair.

She was wearing a blue and white medieval tower skirt decorated with lace. The fluffy and white layers, wide bell cuffs and slim waist made her look like someone from a movie or TV show Han Xiao had watched. Those noble ladies are like that.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Although I was mentally prepared for the Witch Sequence, when I saw myself becoming so beautiful, I didn't know what to say.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I really agree with what I said!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Stop discussing me, just take a look at this!

As she spoke, the girl in the live broadcast room slowly raised her right hand, and her fingers gradually closed together, leaving only her slender index finger.

Before anyone else could react, a black mist suddenly appeared on her fingertips.

The moment they saw the fog, everyone in the chat group subconsciously frowned.

Because even across the chat group, they were aware of the ominous entanglement in the fog.

Chapter 588: Observing the City of Disaster

[Original God·Hanxiao]: What is going on?

Seeing the ominous black mist on the tip of Wei Xiao's index finger in the live broadcast footage, Han Xiao, who was watching the live broadcast at home, immediately frowned. This didn't look like a good thing.

The other party came to Bansi because of his request.

If Wei Xiao got into something bad because of herself, Han Xiao would also feel guilty.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I don't know. As soon as I arrived in Banxi, I found this strange fog clinging to me.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Is it something like a curse?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I don't know yet, but the results of my self-examination are normal.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Does anyone else have this situation?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I am the only one who has it, and there is no reaction on Tracey's body.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I have a guess. Could this slightly ominous black mist be the aura leaked from [City of Disaster]?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: This is a bit of a fantasy, right? Banxi Port has a large floating population. There must be a lot of witches who have come to Banxi, and the descendants of Medici live here. Why are there so many? You didn’t choose either the hunter or the witch, but you chose Wei Xiao?”

[jojo·Hanxiao]: If the black mist is really the aura of [City of Disaster] as Xixiao guessed, it means that the other party has chosen Weixiao.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: But I am a Sequence Seven now. Why didn't Tracy, a Sequence Five, choose the other party when she sent me to Banxi?

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: The speculation of setting up Xixiao is established, then there is only one explanation. You are the special one, Weixiao.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: To put it more bluntly, you who became special because of the chat group have a connection with the sealed [City of Disaster].

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Master this Source Castle like Ke Meow?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: That's interesting, Hanxiao, did you get the ticket to the old days?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: It can be pulled down. [City of Disaster] involves the fourth pillar. If you have contact with it, you will have to confront the goddess of the night.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: There's no use just guessing here, Wei Xiao, maybe you have to go see for yourself the weird city behind the door of Bansi Port.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yes, then I'll go now.

Hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, Wei Xiao nodded slightly, then walked out of the hotel room under everyone's gaze, turned on her invisibility and came outside the door.

And following her perspective, everyone in the group saw the legendary Port of Bansi.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: This group of Westport...steampunk is mixed with a bit of fantasy style. It is really a bit like the style in those fantasy movies and TV series we have seen in previous lives.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Normally, the mysterious world itself is similar to the Middle Ages. It's not surprising that it feels familiar.

[Ingenious World·Han Xiao]: Quie Xiao, how do you feel now?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I think you may have guessed it right.

Looking at the inquiries from other people in the group, Guixiao Xiuxiu, who had changed her name to Leticia, frowned.

Because as soon as she came out, she felt that the black mist in her body was vaguely guiding her to go somewhere.

After learning about this situation, the eyes of other people in the group showed surprise.

[Ultra: Han Xiao]: It seems that Xi Xiao's guess is correct. The black mist surrounding Wei Xiao is indeed the aura leaked from [City of Disaster].

[jojo·Hanxiao]: In other words, Weixiao, you did get the ticket to the old days.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Actually, this is quite good. The high sequence and uniqueness of the hunter are both on the table. I can turn into a hunter and then become a god during the battle between gods and stand aside to defeat Meow in the dark night. Then a wave of evil will follow. Damn it, you are the most handsome kid in the whole secret!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Then I really want to thank you for thinking of me!

Qi Xiao said angrily, what a bad idea this is!

She finally figured it out. She in the group just wanted to see her lively and didn't think it was a big deal at all.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Don't worry, they are just talking about it. As long as you complete the observation of [City of Disaster], this kind of observation that directly faces the manifestation of power will definitely make the flower of your heart absorb enough nutrients. Transformed.”

Han Xiao is very confident about this.

The main reason why he completed the transformation of his life level earlier than anyone else in the group except Xi Xiao was because he more intuitively observed the phenomenon of the manifestation of power.

Yes, it was the Heart of the Rock God that Zhongli gave to Han Xiao.

In any case, this thing is also a manifestation of some of Teyvat's authority, which fully meets the meaning of manifest power.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I understand, please wait a moment!

After hearing Han Xiao's appearance and speaking in person, Gui Xiao seemed to gain a lot of confidence. She immediately closed her eyes and felt the vague sense of guidance given to her by the black mist.

Soon, under the gaze of Han Xiao and others in the group, Wei Xiao's figure suddenly began to move strangely.

The surrounding space also became unnaturally distorted and formed a black vortex, which gradually swallowed up Wei Xiao's figure.

The next moment, the screen in the live broadcast room went black, and then a city that was both familiar and unfamiliar appeared in front of them.

Old trams, shirtless rickshaw pullers, ladies in exquisite long skirts holding round fans painted with flowers and birds, and pedestrians walking on the roadside holding newspapers...

Their clothes, yellow skin and black hair all gave Han Xiao and his companions a complicated look in their eyes.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Is this the city transformed from [City of Disaster]?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Tsk...the dead memories are really coming out to attack us again. It feels so familiar.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: It really looks like the Magic City of the last century.

The people who spoke continuously were all those who were not familiar with their hometown in a real sense. After all, others could still find a place that was quite similar to their hometown.

Therefore, the sighs of the three of them were deeper than those of the others.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It's similar to what's described in the book, it should be right here!

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Quie Xiao, find the most critical place and prepare to observe!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Okay.

Now that things have reached this point, Qi Xiao no longer hesitates and directly follows the guidance of the black mist into the depths of the city.

Then, she followed Xi Xiao's instructions and began to observe with the Flower of Heart.

At the same time, Han Xiao and others in the live broadcast room also turned on the observation state.

Chapter 589: The tricked Wei Xiao

As everyone turned on the Flower of Heart for observation, the city in their eyes suddenly changed horribly.

The face of the man who was bending over to pull the cart was rotten to the bone, with yellowish pus flowing out.

The woman's skin was swollen to the point of being shiny and studded with numerous blue and black patches in the areas that were not covered by flowers, birds, fans, clothing or jewelry.

A blue train with only two carriages whizzed past Han Xiao and the others, and everyone saw the passengers inside through the train's glass windows.

Those people all faced the street, but only their heads were left, and each head was dragging a bloody spine.

This is the real mysterious world!

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