Lisa clicked her tongue immediately, then stood up and walked to the desk. She casually picked up a document on the pile and scanned it.

Are these the requirements of major chambers of commerce?


Haha...these people are really greedy.

After learning that these documents came from major chambers of commerce, Lisa immediately sneered.

The close cooperation between the Knights of the West Wind and Guili City has brought about many new industries, allowing the major local chambers of commerce in Mondstadt to make a lot of money.

But the one that has benefited the most is Diluc's family, which holds the exclusive agency rights for electric vehicles and other products.

The other is the Knights of the West Wind, which holds highly confidential industries such as cement and communications.

These chambers of commerce can only be said to have drank a little bit of soup.

These people naturally want to get involved in more industries and earn more molas, so they continue to cause problems to the Knights.

It can be said that Qin has been a little exhausted from dealing with the major chambers of commerce in Mondstadt during this period.

You don't have to pay attention to them, Jean!

Just when Lisa was about to elaborate on how to deal with an interest group for her best friend, there was suddenly a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Then there was just a clang, and the door to the acting head's office was forcefully pushed open, and a short, fiery red figure rushed in quickly.

It is Mondstadt's little sun and the youngest knight of the Knights, Keli.

Kori, Knight of Mondstadt Spark, come and report!


Seeing Keli barging into her office, Qin couldn't help but put down the quill in her hand, frowning and looking at the other person with a bright smile on her face.

How many times have I told you not to run around in the corridor.

Chapter 586 The New Year is approaching

Well... I'm sorry, Captain Qin, but Keli won't do it next time!

Seeing Qin's serious face, Keli suddenly panicked and quickly apologized. would be nice if you really remembered.

Facing Xiao Keli who said, I know I was wrong, but I will still dare next time, Qin could only sigh helplessly.

The solitary room has almost become the other party's bedroom, what else can she do!

Keli, what do you want from me?

Captain Qin, Keli needs to take leave and go on a long trip!

Upon hearing Qin's inquiry, Keli quickly raised her right hand and stated her purpose.

Traveling far away?

Qin and Lisa couldn't help but look at each other, and then Lisa looked at Kelly with a smile and asked:

Xiao Keli, what happened when you suddenly asked for leave? Can you tell sister Lisa?

Because Brother Abedo called Keli, Keli is going to Guili City to celebrate the Lantern Festival!

I see!

Lisa and Qin suddenly realized that it was Abedo who wanted to take Keli to Liyue to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

In that case, I approve your application to go out.

Wow! That's great, thank you, Captain Qin!

Keli, who had successfully asked for leave, happily jumped back and forth a few times, and then she was ready to run out of the office. However, before she could take any action, Qin grabbed her by the collar of fate.

Keli, wait a minute!

What's wrong, Captain Qin?

Albedo didn't say he would pick you up?

Brother Abedo said he would come to pick up Keli, but Keli refused. Keli can go to Liyue alone!

This is not okay!

Seeing that Keli actually planned to run to Liyue alone, Qin's face immediately became serious.

It's too dangerous for you to be out there alone!

Qin, what do I think of this?

Lisa, who had been watching for a long time, folded her hands on her chest and suggested in a lazy tone:

How about the two of us accompany Xiao Keli to Liyue to celebrate the Lantern Festival. It just so happens that you can take this opportunity to have a good rest. If you continue to work like this, your body will be unable to bear it.


Hearing this, Qin's face showed a troubled look.

I still have so many official duties on my hands...

Those businessmen are too ambitious in their demands, Qin!

Before Qin could finish her words, she was interrupted by Lisa's 'impatient' wave.

You can't please everyone!

The Knights have already given them a lot of benefits, so you just need to treat these people as a whole group. How to distribute the benefits depends on their own abilities, rather than giving them more.

As she said that, Lisa looked out the window with a mocking smile on her face.

If they really feel that the benefits they have gained are too little, they can go talk to Liyue themselves!

He was jealous when he saw that Diluc had reaped too many benefits, but he forgot that he himself went to Liyue to negotiate this!

Lisa, why do you say it so sharply? I'll just go.

Seeing that Lisa was about to describe those people from the Chamber of Commerce as worms in the mud, Qin couldn't help but sigh, and then changed the topic from this:

But if you and I both go to Liyue, who will handle the official affairs of the Knights?

It's outrageous to let Kaiya come and do nothing all day long even though he has this ability!

Hearing that Qin was hesitating about who to choose to work as a substitute, Lisa called Kaia's name without hesitation.

You're not much better, Lisa!

I'm just a little librarian, I don't understand what you're saying!


The next day.

Guili City·Alchemy Workshop.

So Captain Qin and Miss Lisa will bring Keli to Liyue to celebrate the Lantern Festival?

As soon as she entered the workshop, Han Xiao learned from Abedo that besides Keli, Qin and Lisa were among the people coming this time.

According to Miss Lisa, she wanted to take this opportunity to let Qin have a good rest.

A trace of emotion also flashed in Abedo's eyes:

Captain Qin's official duties are indeed too heavy. Even I admire her for being able to persist for such a long time.

No problem, Ningguang and I will come to entertain them personally. it necessary to be so formal?

Of course it's necessary!

Han Xiao nodded without any hesitation.

Even though it can be seen from Albedo's words that Qin and Lisa are going to use private identities to travel this time, the other party is after all the acting leader of the Mondstadt Knights of the West Wind, and their identities are there.

When foreign high-level officials come to Liyue to participate in the New Year Festival, they, the Liyue Seven Stars, naturally cannot lose their etiquette.

Moreover, Han Xiao had a vague hunch that Qin's visit to Liyue to participate in the Sea Lantern Festival might not only be about relaxing, but the other party might also have the idea of ​​​​further discussing in-depth cooperation with Liyue.

Regarding the business cooperation with Mond, Ningguang should be very interested, but Han Xiao himself is not very interested in participating. He is more concerned about equipment issues now.

Abeido, the production of [Magpie Bridge 1.0] needs to be fast. We have to try our best to lay it all over Liyue before the Hailantern Festival.

Don't worry, I already contacted Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun yesterday and delivered the drawings of [Magpie Bridge 1.0] to her.

In less than half a month, Mingyun Town will be able to produce the quantity you need.


Half a month has passed by in a flash, and in one month Liyue’s annual Sea Lantern Festival will come.

As the Hai Lantern Festival approaches, Guili City gradually becomes infected with the New Year atmosphere.

Most businesses hang up festive red lanterns early and start their last big sales at the end of the year.

Some mobile vendors even gathered together spontaneously and held a food street similar to a temple fair.

Affected by this trend, residents working in Guilicheng also took to the streets and began to enjoy the lively atmosphere as the New Year is approaching.

Han Xiao is happy to see this happen.

Although there are very few people who choose to celebrate the Hailantern Festival in Guili City this year, he believes that when the next generation grows up, Guili City will become as prosperous as Liyue Port sooner or later.

Lord Hanxiao.

On this day, secretary Xu Wan suddenly found Han Xiao who was handling official business in Kuixing Tower.

What's wrong? Is something wrong?

Hearing secretary Xu Wan's voice, Han Xiao put down the pen in her hand, then raised her head to look at him.

Master Abedo sent a message asking you to come over. The goods have been delivered from Mingyun Town.

We've finally arrived!

Knowing that it was about [Magpie Bridge 1.0], Han Xiao also had a relaxed smile on her face.

Fortunately, Mingyun Town worked hard to complete the delivery before the specified date. If it were delayed, it would be difficult for Keqing to explain.

I understand, you go down first.


After sending Xu Wan away, Han Xiao finished handling the last bit of official business and then walked out of the office towards the alchemy workshop.

Chapter 587: Guixiao becomes a wholesaler of witch toys

After walking along the cement-paved avenue for more than ten minutes, Han Xiao arrived at the entrance of the alchemy workshop.

Be careful, don't touch the equipment!

“We’ve just finished the last few boxes, please keep working hard!”

At this time, wooden boxes as high as a hill were stacked outside the workshop, and workers were carrying these wooden boxes to electric trucks with dump trucks parked at the door.

Abedo and Keqing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, were standing aside and seemed to be chatting about something.

Yo, Albedo!

After saying hello to Abedo, Han Xiao walked over. After arriving in front of the two of them, he smiled and said hello to Ke Qing, who was looking at him expressionlessly:

Long time no see, Keqing!

Yeah, long time no see!

Seeing Han Xiao appear in front of her, Ke Qing gritted her teeth and stared at him, feeling like she wanted to bite someone.

...What are you talking about?

Faced with Keqing's rather 'aggressive' attitude, Han Xiao asked without changing her expression.

I am explaining to Yuhengxing the installation precautions of [Queqiao 1.0].

Albedo on the side briefly explained the topic that the two were discussing before.

Since receiving Han Xiao's call, although Ke Qing cursed Han Xiao and Ning Guang for their inappropriate behavior, she actually agreed with their idea of ​​broadcasting the Sea Lantern Festival simultaneously to the whole of Liyue.

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